UPDATE (June 9, 2021) - Reiner Fuellmich Interview - Worldwide legal cases & what's coming this Fall & Winter
Reiner Fuellmich, who is part of a class action suit against the corona panic, is interviewed by Jeremy of Jerm Warfare.
The fight has to be fought on three different levels:
Courts of Law
Exposing The Other Side
[The Interview Transcript (Slight edits)]:
Fullmeich - Many have been compromised by the rich and powerful people who are managing this agenda through Blackrock and other huge funds which then invest into Amazon and other huge corporations, which then take over the market share of those small and medium-sized businesses that are being destroyed through this plannedemic.
We know that they have done their best to stack some of the courts, at least in the Western countries, but I'm pretty sure it's not much different in the African countries – so as to make sure these cases will not really be tried; in particular, that the evidence on the foundation of this plannedemic, the PCR test, that this evidence is never heard; that none of the expert witnesses are ever heard.
This is wishful thinking because it's not going to happen, because we've already gotten some of our experts into the courts of law. I mean, at a high price for a particular judge, but he did listen to our experts, both on the mask mandates and what this does to children, and on the PCR test.
The PCR test is the foundation for this plannedemic.
I was interviewed by Steve Bannon and even in American people are beginning to understand the PCR test is what this is all about. We have to be careful as to not fall into the trap of the new narrative, which we think is false. Of course everyone in the US is excited that finally Fauci is being thrown under the bus; and that Gates also has some serious problems as well.
The Fauci story comes across as a Trojan Horse.
One side of the story which is being used as a vehicle for the other story. Finally, he is being exposed. Now, we know he's LIED to the American people; that he's been using American taxpayers money behind their backs; and against the president's orders because he was spending this money on what they call gain of function experiments which were conducted of all places at the Wuhan Lab.
That's only one side of the story.
The other side of the story – the DANGEROUS one is – he didn't tell you that a dangerous virus escaped from that lab – Now that story is false. They need this "escape" story; and they are using it in preparation to what's probably going to happen.
I hope it's not going to happen. But all the experts are telling us it's going to happen.
They need this story for the fall, winter and spring when those who got jabbed will run into what they call the wild virus, either a flu-virus or a cold-virus, because that's when all the really terrible adverse reactions are expected.
Again, I hope this is not going to happen, but this would imply that all of the experts that we spoke with, one of them is Prof. Luc Montagnier, he is a Nobel prize winner in connection with the HIV-virus. And yesterday, we had a very important interview with Dr. Dr. Roger Hodkinson, who is a very important figure in this; including Mike Yeadon, formerly of Pfizer.
They are all warning us we've got to do something to stop these "vaccinations" because they are not vaccinations, and they are not tested. You, the people out there, are the guinea pigs for the on-going study right now. If [adverse reactions spike come fall] that's precisely why they need the false story [of the escaped virus].
Because in the Fall, hopefully not, but when people will fall ill and many people may die – that's when they are going to come up with this story – the dangerous virus from the Wuhan Lab – that is what is causing these deaths. That is what's causing all these illnesses. We need more vaccinations, etc.
But in reality the accident which did happen has nothing to do with the plannedemic we are dealing with.
This is what really happened. There was an accident. Yes. This was in late 2019. And the Chinese government was really worried about maybe something serious that's happened. That's why they ordered the person, a woman, who runs that lab to immediately return to Wuhan; and even why she was still on a train they took down the website so as to cover their tracks. So that's evidence enough to show us that they were really worried something serious has happened. But two or three weeks later, they realized there was nothing to really worry about because one or two people died; that's bad enough but it not a serious outbreak of anything, because that was the end of the story.
But it wasn't for those people who had been planning for this plannedemic and their concrete plans have been in the making for at least 10 years [Think LOCKSTEP]. They started in 2010 or so - The Rockefellers, the Gates and the others. They took this opportunity and used it as a springboard to roll out their plan and go forward with their agenda.
And that's when they told Drosten to start his PCR test thing. I think the first couple of days after the rumours were out that there was something going on at the Wuhan Lab, they told him to go forward with his PCR test; and then in January (22-23rd) the WHO had a first emergency meeting because the people in the background were using the pharmaceutical industry to apply pressure, so that the WHO would announce this public health emergency of international concern – Fake PHEIC.
Why? Well, they need this in order to... right from the start, nobody cared about mask mandates, lockdowns or social distancing; those were only the steps to be taken in order to make people obedient and to make them believe that the only way out was vaccination. So, that's what they were geared up to do – Go for the vaccinations. But in order to be able to use vaccines. Well, we know they are not vaccines. But, in order to be able to use an untested drug, in this case, vaccines; there's no study for these vaccines. The studies are on-going right now. All of us are the guinea pigs. In order to be able to use untested drugs, you first need a declaration of a PHEIC. If you have an emergency of that nature, then you get the emergency use authorization, even for untested drugs by the CDC in the American government and here in Europe the conditional use approval by the EU Commission. That's why they pushed so hard for the PHEIC.
But the first try went no where because there were no cases. They only thing they could agree on was they were going to meet again in two weeks. They had a second emergency meeting two weeks later; and that when they declared the PHEIC.
What had changed? Only one thing. Drostan had given his test to the WHO; and they had recommended it for the entire world to be used as a gold standard of detecting infections. And they had used them as we now know to produce lots of cases [think CASEDEMIC]; which weren't cases but only false positives; because the Drostan test – apart from the fact that these PCR tests can't tell you anything about infections – the way that he set it up at 45 cycles of magnifications, they only thing that results from this is false positives.
Remember the Frankfurt Public Health Agency disregards anything beyond 24 cycles of magnification and totally unscientific.
And Mike Yeadon tells us that at 35 cycles, you'd end up with at least 97% false positives.
Jeremy - Fauci once said anything above 25 cycles was junk science.
Fullmeich - Yeah, that's what he said and then forgot about it.
They just wanted this PHEIC and the only way they could get it was by creating cases, with the help of the Drostan test, which we now know created only false positives.
Catherine Austin Fitts - in a book she wrote, called "The End of Currencies" she explains how this plandemic is being used to introduce, not crypto-currency, but a digital money of sorts. I haven't finished the book yet. What she tells us is absolutely plausible. It makes sense. I think this is what this plannedemic is being used for ultimately to have a world government. Even the pope announced, maybe in October 2020, called for the Catholics to agree to a NWO, under a world government, under the UN.
Now, in the mean time, we know who the UN. We know who the UN are. We know who the WHO are. We even know what the WWF is. Behind all these institutions – some of them charitable, some of them just NGOs – are the same people who's behind what's going on right here. The people who are using their money to make money on as many fronts as possible.
I have just spoken to a group of South Africans, lawyers and pastors among them, they feel the same way – there is something scary going on.
We didn't just speak with epidemiologists, virologists, psychologists, economists, attorneys. We spoke with people like a woman in Spain who wrote a dissertation on the "Bilderbergers" [Part of the Hidden Hand]. Bilderbergers is a group of very powerful people who tried to keep their meeting secret, but by 2000, they couldn't hide it anymore. These are very powerful people who are deciding who's going to be in what position when, including the head of the EU.
This has nothing to do with democracy. Democracy means rule of the people. It's bottom up, not top down. [Please read The Truth About Democracy]. They are trying to install an international world government which is going to do what they are telling them to do. And this world government will have one-sized fits all rules and legislation which has nothing to do with the people.
For example, look at the world health regulations. It's an invention by the WHO, a supranational organization, which was set up by private people, just like the WEF. It's a private invention where the rich and powerful meet. And they are imposing on us rules and regulations; and in this case in the shape of this international health regulations which are apparently for the good of the people. They are using global health sort of like a crowbar in order to force things upon us which we otherwise wouldn't even go along with. These world health regulations are only good for the pharmaceutical companies, but not for the people.
Jeremy - If the judges and courts are bought, then what?
Fullmeich - Not all of them are bought. It is probably true in most countries, in particular here in Germany, the courts are not independent. But as a rule, there's always a few who don't play along. One of them being that particular judge. I mean he did sort of suffer the consequences of but he knew ahead of time what he was getting himself into. We still did it, because he believes in the rule of law and many people have applauded him. Some of them behind the scenes, but he's gotten a lot of support and I know there a lot of other judges out there who are not corrupt, but only afraid.
And, the more cases we get in our favor that decide the PCR test cannot tell you anything about infection, that are decided by other judges, then this is sort of like an empowerment. It is empowerment for all those judges who are still seating sort of cowering beneath their desks, who are afraid, but who feel terrible because they know the rule of law really requires them to do the same as their colleagues are doing. So this is what we are aiming for. That's why we are bringing as many cases as possible into the courts of law.
All the cases that have been filed will have to go to trial. There's no other way; at least, not here in Germany. One of the first cases we filed, the first class action case in Canada, and this is not possible in Germany, but was in Canada, was dismissed. There was no hearing. It was simply dismissed, but our colleague worth an excellent appellate brief, so we're optimistic about the case winning on appeal or getting us forward on appeal.
Other cases have been filed in the US. More cases will be filed in the US. We've done some of these cases here in Germany. Unfortunately, it is quite obvious, as I said earlier that most of the courts are not independent, at least not here in Germany. And that's why even the courts are under pressure.
I think I told you about the case I filed against Wheeler. He's the equivalent of Fauci; and equivalent of the guy who runs the health organization in Germany. I filed a complaint for damages against him. And the amount of controversy; meaning the amount of I'm asking of him in damages, I set in at 50,000 euros in order to keep the expenses as low as possible because even though I am representing a business client. On the same day I filed it electronically, someone from the court called The Chancellor's office. This is totally unheard of. This tells me they are worried about these cases. Why else would an obscure court call the Chancellors office simply because I filed a complaint there. I know this for a fact, because of the people who learned of this at the Chancellor's office is in touch with me and he called me a couple of minutes later and told me these people are in panic mode, because they are trying to talk this thing down by claiming that this case is going to be dismissed, but that's not possible – not in Germany. It's possible in some of the Anglo-American countries but not in Germany.
The next thing that happened was the three-judge panel decided that would arbitrarily raise the amount in controversy from 50,000 euros to 31 million; thereby forcing my client to pay 350,000 euros in court expenses just to get this case served on the other party. Three days later, the equiv of America's OSHA raided my client's production facilities and harassed him. So that's what you get when you do this. That's the message they are trying to signal to the rest of the world. However, this client is not going to back down. None of the other clients are backing down. I'm just telling you this in order to make clear how much pressure is applied on the judiciary and how we cannot expect the judiciary to be independent. Some are independent and some will not back down but most are not independent.
The group of lawyers that are internationally connected; and all of us are on the same page. We all know the PCR test is the foundation of the whole thing. So, we do know how to attack.
We also know about the vaccinations. That's another good argument for the court cases because that is a red line that should have never been crossed. It's a red line because of all the accidents, adverse reactions, making people angry, particularly now that they are going after the children. They've crossed to many red lines.
Those cases are filed everywhere with the intention of getting as many decisions in our favor as possible, but ultimately, the plan is to set up an international tribunal – and International Corona Court, if you will [Think Nuremberg 2.0]. We are currently looking for an extraterritorial place where to set it up.
That is what we ultimately think is going to be needed in order to cope with what we call Crimes Against Humanity, because after everything we've seen over the past 14 months or so, these are certainly the worst crimes against humanity ever committed. Even what happened in WW2 pales in comparison to what's happening right now.
A caller asked - Do the Fauci emails help at all?
Fullmeich - Absolutely, because Fauci is one of the main protagonist of the plannedemic, at least in the US. Over here in Germany it's Drostan and Wheeler. But Fauci is a figure head for the other side so it's important to see how these emails tell you in great detail that one of the most important puppets they've been using has been lying to them, has been lying to the American public. And I think it's more important to see how the other side is ready and willing to throw one of their own under the bus, because this is no coincidence.
That's why all of us at the Corona Committee that this is just a side-show; because what they really want to tell us that there's a dangerous that escaped from that Wuhan and he didn't tell you about it. As I said, they need this story in the Fall.
This is a push for more vaccinations; and more vaccinations. People will probably have to get vaccinated every six months of so; or maybe every 10 seconds if they have their way
Jeremy - Some people are happy to take this vaccine and they have no idea why they are taking it and no idea what's in it.
Fullmeich - It's easy to call this insanity, but we're talking about mostly intelligent people. As it happens this morning I spoke with my ex-wife and she and her children and her ex-husband (who is a doctor). They are all fully vaccinated. I don't understand, because they are smart, intelligent people.
But the thing is what people don't realize is the WHO, which is the platform which the other side is using to use global health as a crowbar to make us do things we wouldn't normally do. They have a program called "Infodemic". This is their propaganda side. That's what they are using to influence the MSM and the social media. And that's why you find when your videos are taken down by YouTube/Google that they are being taken down because they are not in accordance with the guidelines of the WHO. Since when is the WHO the arbiter of free speech? That's how this works. You have to take this into account. They are using the INFODEMIC TOOL in order to make the MSM and social media to do what they tell them to do. And that influences a lot of people, unless these people are able, as one of the professors of psychology explains this to us, are able to ask questions, rather than to blindly follow orders. But only 20-30 percent has this capacity. Most people are happy to be told what to do.
These huge organizations are more powerful than countries. They have more money than entire countries. And keep this in mind, there is pretty concrete evidence that the intelligence community invested in these social media.
We spoke to a woman in Finland, the former chief legal advisor of Nokia. She told us that she and the reps of the other cell phone makers were called to speak with the NSA. They had to disclose their encryption algorithms. And since then, all cell phone conversations are being recorded. If you take that into consideration and look at Facebook, Twitter and all the others, don't you think that the security agencies have an interest in knowing what they are doing?
It's a fight between good and evil.
What is happening is so terrible and evil. It's a fight between those who have empathy and people who don't care that we are all going to be digitalized.
There's always hope. [God's Law]
Most of us understand that our governments are not our governments anymore. Most of us understand that there's so much corruption going on out there, it is hard to overlook.
I wish we could have seen them 30 years earlier, maybe they could have been dealt with [Here are three examples: Through the Second Coming of Christ, Through the British Monarchy and Elizabeth 2's abdication, and through the Little Book of Revelation], maybe not, maybe this is meant to happen at this time because we have the right people in the right places. That's a positive thing, because you can only clean things up if you see them. That's what's happening now. [It's happening].
We have to take back our sovereignty from those global corps, NGOs and charities which are trying to dominate us. They only tools for the very rich and powerful who are truly evil people because they are the ones pushing this agenda. The way to do this is to focus on our regions, our communities, our families, and make our own rules tailor made for our own individual communities and regions. Disconnect from those corps and NGOs.
Globalization is what got us here.
The thing about these vaccines, if a real study had been conducted, it would have checked for two things:
- Efficacy
- Adverse Effects.
If you have an effective vaccine against flu, but gives you a heart attack, it's not going on the market. The first question you have to ask, apart from these trials, which were never conducted, "Are these vaccines necessary?"
No, they are not for two reasons:
- We have herd immunity already
- There are alternative treatments.
[end] - Thank you Dr. Fuellmich and Jeremy (Jerm Warfare) for the information.
See Also:
Crimes against Humanity – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, his bombshell video, and the legal-suits