We have the evidence
Politicians, health officials and attorneys in GIBRALTAR need to pay attention to what's going on concerning legal-suits and a second Nuremberg trial. How does what Dr. Robert Fuellmich said apply to GIBRALTAR?
Reiner Fuellmich is one of the most powerful lawyers in Europe, and is currently preparing the largest class action lawsuit in history, otherwise known as “Nuremberg 2.0”.
Summary of Reiner Fuellmich interview:
There can not be any doubt whatsoever that, at least for me, after having interviewed so many experts from all different fields of science – doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, economists, lawyers, psychologists, psychotherapists – what’s happening here is for a year now is the worst crimes against humanity ever committed.
This has never been about the virus; this has never been about health; this has always been about taking everything away from us so that we would be dependent on THEM, plus population reduction; plus gaining complete control over those who are left. I wouldn’t have said this a year ago, but this is what all the evidence; all of the people we interviewed on the Corona committee, what this points to – this conclusion is inevitable.
The Drosten Protocol is completely unscientific – it looks like it was done is such a sloppy way on purpose for the sole purpose of producing as many false positives as possible all over the world so that their agenda which ends with the so-called vaccinations which are really genetic experiments. In the end, the cleanup will take years.
We are about to reach the tipping point
There are so many mistakes they are making. I don’t think all these adverse reactions to the vaccines are part of the plan. And that’s because they are trying to rush this thing through. We have a whistle-blower; and she told us the original plan was to roll this out in 2050; but then those who are involved in this got greedy; and pulled things forward to 2030; and then to 2020. That’s why we think so many mistakes are happening.
They didn’t expect or intend these adverse effects to happen and warn people who are still sort of inline with the government.
Fuellmich laughs at being called a conspiracy theorist and says “We have the evidence. I know there are some people out there who may not quite work with actual evidence. It’s different with us, because we have been speaking with all these scientists and other people. It may turn out we are going to have to have a special court, because maybe and there is a lot pointing in that direction, the national courts will not be really be able to deal with this, because this is so big, that it is very possible we will need to have something like NUREMBERG 2.
Fuellmich identifies the culprits as one-percent of the population trying to gain control over the rest of the world. This is not about money, because this group of people maybe 3,000, they are the super rich. They have in terms of financial assistance much more than they need. They don’t need to buy a 10th yacht. It’s about money in the fact that they are using money in order to bribe people at the hospitals, the doctors, politicians. They are also using all kinds of psychological techniques in order to manipulate people; or they threaten people – many politicians, some of them may be threatened, some of them may be getting bribed – but it’s not really about money. They are using money as a tool. [THINK CRONYISM or read MP’s Heavily Invested in Pharmaceutical Industry]
What they are really up to, the very same people we what we now call the Davos Clique – the self-appointed political elite and the self-appointed corporate elite – that is part of the people we are dealing with.
And those are the ones responsible for the financial crisis some 10 or 12 years ago. Had we known to look some 30 years ago, we would have known they’ve been stealing the tax-payers money all over the world. The first financial crisis would have been the perfect chance to catch on to what’s going on. They managed to tell us they have everything under control. You cannot print money to restore everything they have stolen.
This time around in late 2019, when things coming to a head and again when things were about to implode, they came up with Corona as a diversionary tactic. Even in their groups, there’s lots of in-fighting; there’s contradicting interests and that’s another one of our chances we have.
We spoke to an investment banker and she said why EUROPE IS AT THE CENTER OF ALL THIS – this is probably the most important battleground in this whole war – is because Europe is completely, definitely, totally broke. The ECB is totally broke because they bought all these bonds and papers that are totally and completely worthless. [
How broke is Gibraltar?]
And what’s more important is the pension funds – they are completely broke – meaning if people find out about this, that despite that they are spending so much money on their pensions, there’s nothing left. It’s all stolen. That’s one of the reason that they are trying to get Europe under control – before people find out what’s really going on. [
Is Gibraltar's Pension fund broke? Maybe that's why the elderly became the first target in the grand scheme of things - to save money - which newly appointed Minister with responsibility for Financial Stability Joe Bossano would know a thing or two about. Are they covering their empty coffers with Brexit and Covid woes?]
I think this is all about moral and ethics. It doesn’t have much to do with the law. Someone said once this is all over, in a better world, we want need laws anymore, because people will understand because they all have a genetic built in sensor for what is right and what is wrong. [Read The Bible - Christ will establish God's Kingdom on Earth]
These globalized laws are made by people who are so far removed from the reality of people’s lives in their different regions that these laws are practically useless. They are using them in order to keep us under control. In a better, future we probably won’t need any of this because people are educated enough and we’re talking about moral competence again. [Actually this will be for people who learn the New Song].
There will be a move toward sovereignty again. It’s globalism that got us here. What do you call them, what do you call the WHO, the WEF – these are private global organizations which has taken control over the entire world; private organizations, run by the super rich. Once people understand this it’s not going to be too hard for people to turn the tables. Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are not to be trusted.
The most important thing is to spread the Truth. Spread the facts to as many people as possible. And don’t waste your time on those people who are aggressively on the other side; who really want to get vaccinated. It’s tragic, but we will not be able to save everyone. At lot of people will not only lose their livelihoods but also their lives. Our hand is extended to them so if they change their minds, they are always welcome to come aboard; but those 10-12 percent of the population (maybe more), we’re the ones who will turn the tables. And we focus on how can we do this best; and that’s why we have to connect with each other. If we lose, that will be the end of humanity; we lose to digitalism and to completely stark-raving mad people – that’s why we won’t lose. We cannot lose, because we must win. [We will win when we get on God's side and do and keep His Commandments, Statutes, and Judgements; and demand the Return to His Law.]
It almost seems like an impossible battle ahead, but that’s what they want us to believe, that’s why they’ve invested so much money into the mainstream media. But if I look at Germany, reality is completely different from what they are trying to make us believe. He gave an example, almost all cab drivers know this is stupid, masks aren't doing anything, many of them are actually well-informed, because they aren’t watching mainstream public television; and getting information from alternative media. [
Cab drivers in Gibraltar also know the score].
Just like with every flu season, people get sick, people get seriously sick and some people die, but what happened in Italy for example, it is a result of what doctors we spoke with said is probably a result of MALPRACTICE than it is a result of the flu or the corona virus, if you want to call it that. As it turns out the fatality rate is no more than the common flu. [
The fatality rate in Gibraltar only spiked after the vaccine euthanasia program began.]
It’s tragic, the people who line up to get vaccinated only play a role of cannon-fodder or guinea pigs.
Most of the things we become used to, our way of life, is very destructive, both on a personal level and on a global level. There’s too much injustice; and there’s too many people trying to take advantage of others – that will change – That’s the light of the end of the tunnel. The light at the end of the tunnel is what we end in order change things for the better. [Christ is the Light of the World].
It’s been working already. There has been progress. You have to look at the bright-side because more and more are beginning to wonder. We are winning some of the court battles. We will win many more.
See also – Legal team wants ‘second Nuremberg tribunal’ to try global lockdown promoters for crimes against humanity with a link to the full interview.
How long much Gibraltar suffer at the hands of SiegHeil “Dr. Death” Bhatti, Dr. Krishna Rawal, Dr. John Cortes, Samantha Sacramento, Der Fuehrer Fabian Picardo and ALL those people involved in promoting, by fear-mongering lies, and administering all these deadly vaccines, for their crimes against humanity, and genocide? Read How long must we suffer O Lord? – Until you return to keeping and enforcing The Law