Crimes against humanity: Over 2.1 million vaccine injuries reported to WHO over just the last nine months


by LJ Devon – A Final Warning Nov 10, 2021

In the past nine months, over 2.1 million covid-19 vaccine injuries have been reported to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) VigiAccess database. This database was created in 2015 to allow the public to monitor medical error and various types of vaccine injury. A simple search for “covid-19 vaccines” in VigiAccess reveals a long list of medical horrors, from blindness to death. The most coercive, far-reaching medical experiment in the history of the world has wrought turmoil to millions of lives, bringing about a scourge of new health problems, infections and deaths. While tens of thousands of dead people cannot talk about their post-vaccine experience, millions more are speaking up on their behalf, reporting serious vaccine injuries from the covid jabs.

Hundreds of thousands of needless injuries occurring in young, healthy people

A shocking 39 percent of injuries (866,558 reports) are occurring in the 18- to 44-year-old age group. This is the same age group that isn’t statistically at risk to a simple covid infection. Hundreds of thousands of people seeking medical care for vaccine injuries could have been living their lives normally, unhindered, unharmed. But the physician’s creed -- first do no harm -- has been completely abandoned during the covid-19 hysteria. The database contains an Adverse Drug Reactions tab that allows the public to understand the type of medical issues associated with a specific vaccine. The covid-19 vaccines are causing blood and lymphatic system disorders, vaginal hemorrhaging, endometrial cancers, myocarditis, blood clots, stillbirth, renal failure and cardiac disorders. There are over 10,000 anaphylactic reactions, over 75,000 cases of chest pain and discomfort. Cases of arrhythmia (5774), atrial fibrillation (5450), myocardial infarction (4035) , angina pectoris (3098), and cardiac arrest (2719) are just beginning of the cardiac disorders observed post vaccination. The shots are not stopping infections, either. In many cases, the jabs are creating the conditions for infections to take hold. COVID-19, influenza, pneumonia and over 100 other conditions are associated with this new gene interference, vaccine technology.

Over 48,000 vaccine deaths recorded in U.S. Medicare Tracking System

This holocaust of medical issues coincides with the European Union’s drug database, which contains over 2 million adverse reactions to the covid jab. Even though one million of these medical issues are serious and 21,000 deaths have been reported, the WHO won’t take any of it seriously. The destructive experiment continues, crimes against humanity that cannot be unseen or undone. In the United States, an attorney named Thomas Renz is leading a lawsuit that seeks to end covid vaccine tyranny. Sworn testimony from a person working in the healthcare data analytics industry, alleges that vaccine injuries are “under-reported by a conservative factor of at least 5.” According to hard data revealed by the Medicare Tracking System, the total number of American citizens who died within 14 days of receiving the covid-19 vaccine is 48,465. These deaths are covered up by the CDC. The CDC allows hospitals to code the deaths as “unvaccinated deaths” because a person isn’t considered “fully vaccinated” until 14 days have passed since their second injection. The WHO, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the Davos Group are under fire for perpetrating crimes against humanity and coercing people to accept vaccine injury and death as a normal occurrence. A historic lawsuit led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is calling for a “second Nuremberg tribunal.” It is now backed by thousands of lawyers and over 10,000 doctors seeking justice for global science fraud and violations of the Nuremberg Code.


Crimes Against Humanity Committed in Gibraltar – Christ demands that the RGP Commissioner and Governor Arrest and Prosecute the Perpetrators

CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, his bombshell videos, and the legal-suits

UK Team File Complaint of Crimes Against Humanity With The International Criminal Court

Retired Police Constable Reports Crimes Against Humanity

NUREMBERG 2.0: Legal team wants ‘second Nuremberg tribunal’ to try global lockdown promoters for crimes against humanity


Kyles vaccine injury update


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The US, Canadian & UK & Australian etc. governments lied to us on everything COVID! medical doctors lied also & denied early treatment; they lied for money: catastrophically, together, they harmed us.
GOVERNMENT & the medical profession worked together; the medical profession backed up the govn falsehoods; even if you did not believe government, you believed your doctor; A BIG MISTAKE
Dr. Paul Alexander
The Cover UP

In the Air Tonight

Your Government Wants You Dead

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

I first wrote about the coronavirus crime back in February, and on the 28th February I suggested that there were hidden reasons for the way the coronavirus was being exaggerated.

I suggested that the scare might have been orchestrated to persuade us to travel less and use up less of the world’s disappearing oil supplies. I also suggested that the plan might have been to prepare us for a compulsory inoculation programme.

There will doubtless be stuff in a syringe available within a few months,’ I wrote, and if the scare is big enough the authorities will be able to introduce laws forcing us all to be inoculated. And once one type of inoculation becomes compulsory then the same will happen with other stuff from syringes.’

That was back in February of 2020.

Am I being paranoid?’ I asked myself. No,’ I replied. `I don’t think so.’

And then in my first video for YouTube, which was published on 18th March and entitled `Coronavirus scare: The hoax of the century’, I predicted that the hoax had been designed primarily to do two things: to prepare us for a mandatory jabbing programme and also to demonise and marginalise the elderly population.

As the outrageous piece of criminal enterprise known as the coronavirus hoax got going in earnest, governments everywhere pretended that the lockdowns and social distancing they were introducing were designed to protect the elderly – and health services which would soon be overwhelmed.

It was one of the biggest lies in history...

The Restrict Act Is Worse Than China

Dr. Tess Lawrie calls for doctors to hold the GMC to account

By Rhoda Wilson on October 11, 2023 Who watches the watchdogs? Well, we all must of course, says Dr. Tess Lawrie.

“It is time now for those running the GMC to explain why this organisation has let doctors and the public down so profoundly, what they intend to do by way of reparations for the harm that they have caused, and how they will ensure that the covid-19 human rights violations committed in the name of ‘the science’ never happen again,” she said.

The General Medical Council (“GMC”) is a public body that maintains the official register of medical practitioners within the United Kingdom. Its chief responsibility is to “protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public” by controlling entry to the register, and suspending or removing members when necessary. It also sets the standards for medical schools in the UK. The GMC is supported by fees paid by its members, it became a registered charity in 2001.

Last week Dr. Lawrie sent a letter to the GMC’s CEO, Charlie Massey, informing him that she is withholding her GMC subscription until the GMC has rectified its breaches in its contract with doctors, patients and the public. She encourages other doctors to do the same:

“I suggest doctors in the UK and other countries do the same until the GMC (or the respective country equivalent) is willing to reaffirm its commitment to, and respect for, the fundamental rights of doctors. It is only by protecting and ensuring that such rights are respected that patients’ interests too can be protected.”

Dr. Tess Lawrie is the founder of the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development International (BIRD International), Director of EbMCsquared CiC and a member of the steering group of the World Council for Health.

Below is the letter she wrote to the GMC on 2 October 2022.

Source: A Better Way to Health with Dr. Tess Lawrie

In a Substack article, Dr. Lawrie summarised some guarantees that doctors electing to withhold their GMC subscriptions should be seeking:

  1. The GMC must refrain from supporting any political decisions that attempt to interfere with or manipulate the appropriate response to any declared pandemic.
  2. The GMC must also abide by doctors’ constitutional right to petition the king (enshrined in the Bill of Rights of 1688). This right is unqualified and gives doctors the legal right and, arguably, an obligation to dissent publicly regarding political health measures brought in by HM Government.
  3. The GMC must recognise doctors’ human and legal rights and obligations to protect patients. In particular, it should agree: not to intrude on doctors’ professional judgment; not to interfere with the doctor/patient relationship; and, to uphold the right to free; informed consent; to respect and uphold patient confidentiality; and, to speak out if public health measures from government seek to interfere with any of the aforementioned.

By aligning with the failed government and World Health Organisation covid-19 strategy, Dr. Lawrie wrote, the GMC has not acted either in the doctors’ interests or in accordance with the needs of the public. “Instead of being supportive, it has opened investigations into doctors who have upheld their Hippocratic Oath in direct breach of the above principles,” she added.

“As such the GMC and those working in this organisation may be complicit in the unprecedented harms inflicted upon the public through unscientific, inappropriate and dangerous interventions and covid-19 policies dictated by the supranational entity that is the World Health Organisation.

“Instead of doing their duty as the watchdog that doctors and the public needed and expected amidst the regulatory and political chaos of covid-19, GMC enabled the repeated violation of free and informed consent.

“Ethical doctors should no longer stand by to be ‘investigated’ by the GMC for acting in the best interests of their patients and the public, and for sharing their professional opinion and experience, or for upholding informed consent.”

Read Dr. Lawrie’s full article with her letter attached HERE.

Dr. Tess Lawrie calls for doctors to hold the GMC to account


Dr. Peter McCullough: Who Is Guilty Of Mass Negligent Homicide For Promoting Covid Vaccines

"Any time a biopharmaceutical product remains on the market, despite excess mortality, and mounting and mounting evidence suggesting greater and greater deaths are accumulating with each and every day that the COVID-19 vaccines are left on the market, that does qualify as mass negligent homicide for all of those who are responsible for manufacturing the vaccines, distributing them, administering them, and then promoting them; each and every person that ever encouraged, pressured, coerced, or threatened reprisal for one of these COVID-19 vaccines is complicit in a crime against humanity. And that crime is mass negligent homicide!"

-- Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. Peter McCullough: Who Is Guilty Of Mass Negligent Homicide For Promoting...

Why Ethical Cardiologists Cannot Support COVID-19 Vaccination
Products Cause Heart Damage, Go Against Principles of Good Medical Practice

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
December 15, 2023


I was given this exclusive footage of a major upcoming film where I was able to outline why as an ethical and concerned cardiologist, I cannot support COVID-19 vaccination. The chain of logic is solid. From October, 22, 2020 forward, The US government agencies said the mRNA vaccines would cause myocarditis or heart damage. They have been correct and the problem has greatly increased the burden of heart disease worldwide, particularly among young persons.

Cardiovascular death was elevated in the original Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine randomized trials. No product should be FDA EUA authorized let alone supported by the American College of Cardiology when it is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular death as shown by Michels et al.

COVID-19 vaccine myocarditis is leading to autopsy proven fatal cardiac arrests. Based on the analysis of Hulscher et al, the next cardiac arrest that occurs in a young person and the COVID-19 vaccine is not ruled out, the public should consider subclinical myocarditis as the likely cause of the death.

Employer Liable for Vaccine Injury Acquired Due to Vaccine Mandate, Court Rules

by Rebekah Barnett

31 January 2024

Australia’s Department of Child Protection (DCP) must pay compensation and medical expenses to a youth worker who developed pericarditis after getting a Covid booster under a workplace vaccination directive, the South Australian Employment Tribunal has ruled.

In a decision handed down on January 15th 2024, the tribunal determined that Daniel Shepherd’s employment was “a significant contributing cause” to his injury, which has since rendered him incapable of performing his role at work.

Shepherd got a Covid booster in February 2022 as a requirement for his ongoing employment with the DCP. The DCP admitted that Shepherd’s pericarditis had been caused by the booster, but denied responsibility for the injury, arguing that it did not arise from Shepherd’s employment, but from a lawful State Government Public Health Order (PHO), issued under the Emergency Management Act 2004 (EMA).

However, the tribunal rejected the DCP’s argument, deciding that because the injury arose as a result of both the state-directed vaccination mandate and his employment, Mr. Shepherd was entitled to workers compensation.

“This is a good decision” says human rights lawyer Peter Fam of Sydney law firm Maat’s Method, noting that it sets an important precedent for holding employers accountable for injuries incurred as a result of vaccination directives enforced in the workplace.

“The most significant aspect of this case, in my opinion, is that even though there was a Public Health Order in place, the tribunal found the employer responsible anyway,” says Fam.

Many Australian employers have sought to deflect responsibility for injuries incurred under workplace Covid vaccine directives on the basis that they were simply following state Government orders.

However, under workers compensation law, the workplace is liable if employment is “a significant contributing cause of the injury”, regardless of whether other factors also contributed, explains Fam.

Therefore, despite the PHO stipulating that the worker must be vaccinated as a part of his employment, “the tribunal still found that the injury he suffered as a result of the vaccine was sufficiently related to his work and his employment for him to be compensated by the employer”.

Dr. Rado Faletic, a vaccine-injured scientist and Co-Founder and Director of Covid vaccine injury support charity COVERSE, says that the tribunal decision sends “a clear signal to employers that they have a duty of care to their employees regardless of what governments impose upon them”.

Yet, many Covid vaccine injured Australians are still falling through the cracks, says Dr. Faletic.

Based on the testimonies of injured Australians who have registered their details with COVERSE, Dr. Faletic says that in cases where the injuries are acknowledged by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), such as myo- or pericarditis, they are more likely to win workers compensation.

However, “when it comes to people with unacknowledged diagnoses or unclear diagnoses, this is where people are struggling to get compensated”, says Dr. Faletic.

Continued at link..

Dr. McCullough Names Four Key Conspirators in the Greatest Crime in Human History


Israel’s Fake “Ceasefire” Against Palestine

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Drago Bosnic

January 26, 2025

This video with subtitles in 8 languages, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Turkish and Russian, focusses on the unspoken truth regarding the Israel’s so-called “ceasefire” against Palestine. In solidarity with the people of Palestine. The Truth is a powerful “weapon.”


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