YEADON: Be Terrified of Your Government

Del Bigtree, The Highwire, interviews Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer VP

Former Pfizer VP and Virologist, Dr. Michael Yeadon, is one of the most credentialed medical professionals speaking out about the dangers of the Covid19 vaccines, yet it has fallen on deaf ears. With great honor, The HighWire gives Dr. Yeadon the floor to break down his “list of lies” that keeps him up at night, when it comes to lockdowns, masks, PCR testing, natural immunity, and why he thinks our health leaders have abandoned science and reason.

Dr. Yeadon clearly explains:

  • Covid-19 mortality is no worse than that of a bad flu season
  • Why the variants pose no conceivable threat
  • Lockdowns do NOT work and should never have been attempted
  • PCR tests are NOT effective in diagnosing infectious disease
  • Face masks do NOT offer any significant protection, and in fact cause harm
  • How the vaccines are causing blood clots
  • Why Covid-19 vaccines are “the most dangerous vaccines ever”
  • We all have a duty to reject vaccine passports
  • And SO much more.

BOMBSHELL! Former Pfizer VP: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’

Halt Vaccine Passports! It’s illegal, medical apartheid

Depopulation: Pure, Unalloyed Evil

When people fear their government there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is liberty


Dr. Michael Yeadon (the former Vice President of Pfizer) is on fire

This video is 2.5 mins.

"I have spent the whole of my life the last year trying to warn people... The only reward I get from sharing my scientific insights is lots of insults... I'm angry because people are really, really being badly taken advantage of... also, the people doing it, you people there, I hope you are going to enjoy the sewer you've created for yourself, your family, your friends, and your community. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for what you're doing..."

Warnings from Yeadon -

BOMBSHELL! Former Pfizer VP: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’

Depopulation: Pure, Unalloyed Evil

Halt Vaccine Passports! It’s illegal, medical apartheid


Thank-You, @GibMessenger FINAL WARNING FROM EX Pfizer Vice President Michael Yeadon

In this video Dr. Michael Yeadon's warning burns with desire to help others see the TRUTH about the planned Pandemic.

Michael Yeadon⁣ joined Pfizer in 1995; the company had a large operation then in Sandwich in southern England. He rose to become a vice president and head of allergy and respiratory research.

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Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon Answers Reuters ‘Fact Checker’: ‘A Pack of Lies’

Former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Michael Yeadon today told America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) that a Reuters“fact checker” article calling his statements “misinformation” is “a mixture of straw men and sheer invention,” saying the Reutersarticle was “well worth rebutting”.

Summarizing, Yeadon concluded:

“Of course this is wholly fraud. Imagine that the number of people in U.K. who’d actually been killed by the virus, instead of dying with it, was just a couple of thousand; you’d been on the streets with torches and pitchforks.

“You should be. Governments everywhere have lied and lied and lied about every one of the central narrative points about this virus.

“The effect of compliance with their ludicrous policy responses has been to hollow out and arguably to have destroyed economically several G20 counties, and actually increased the number of avoidable deaths, not least by deprivation of healthcare.

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Please Listen To The Latest Message From Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP. First published at 18:48 UTC on August 16th, 2021.

Dr. Mike Yeadon Archives: Search Results for “Dr. Mike Yeadon” – – All The Honest News Fit To Publish

The Awakening Interviews Dr. Mike Yeadon (47:27)

**Former Pfizer VP Latest Message On Covid Vaccines - Everyone Must Listen!

Exposing The DarknessDr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written

Please repost EVERYWHERE

Aug 31

Exposing The Darkness is a reader-supported publication. To support my work, please consider becoming a paid subscriber.

It was prompted by this superb expose of malfeasance in the UK government.
Please repost EVERYWHERE.
Thank you,

What is the government of the United Kingdom hiding?
Please listen to the audio below… Download the PDF below… HELP THE CAUSE BY SUBMITTING YOUR OWN FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST Everyone in the United

Dear everyone, who is nervously looking around and is asking “What the hell is going on?”

I hope this isn’t too controversial. It’s certainly frightening, but I believe we are still on the right side of disaster & if enough of us become aware of what is happening here & everywhere in the democratic world, we can recover the situation. We really don’t have long. I believe it’s likely things will change irretrievably over this coming winter. Hence this urgent and unusual request.

Everything that’s happened and is happening becomes much simpler and it all makes sense, only when you force yourself to think the impossible.


Even if your immediate response is that this is absurd, please try it for a day or so.

I ask you further to adopt the experimental position that the media, controlled by just six global corporations, all allied to a single global organization you’ve all heard of, is relentlessly lying to you and has been doing so for over 2.5 years. Same for the internet, controlled by fewer global corporations, also all allied to that same global organization.

Because I am certain it’s true. I am certain because this all started with a scientific fraud relating to a virus, augmented it with a relentless campaign of fear, imposed measures known to be useless, which wrecked the economy and smashed civil society, then coerced most to accept useless, unnecessary, ineffective and deliberately dangerous injections. Obviously, this is an odious crime. Nothing like it has ever happened.

I’ve been 41 years in life sciences from training to successful biotech CEO and was worldwide research head and Vice President of Pfizer’s respiratory unit (1995-2011).

I have absolutely no incentive to say any of this if I wasn’t certain.

I am certain. This all took place “in my wheelhouse”, my domain of expertise.

Please consider what I’ve said.

’’I’ve given over 70 interviews, all censored. I’ve been foully smeared. It’s propaganda. It tells you what they’re capable of.

Here’s what Pfizer’s former board member wrote about my accomplishments:

Turning Pfizer Discards Into Novartis Gold: The Story Of Ziarco

Do I sound like a fool?

Many have asked why people didn’t resist tyrants in the past. Partly it is fear. But it’s more than that. It’s that normal people, like you and me, simply cannot imagine being so evil. We trust in humanity. And so we should. Most people are good. Few are truly terrifyingly horrible. But some are. It’s the inability to believe it’s happening that really stopped people objecting when they should, when the evidence was unmistakable but had not yet quite reached their door, their family.

They are coming for you and your children. It is happening again. There’s ample evidence emerging of long-term, patient planning. I’m so sorry.

It’s now up to you. I genuinely don’t see what else I can do.

Best wishes & sincere thanks,
Dr. Michael Yeadon

Totalitarian Control Was Always the Goal: Here's What We Can Do to Thwart Their Agenda

"If not stopped, we will sleepwalk through the gates of hell, a one-way trip to digital dystopia."

I ran into a gem on one of my Substack posts, discussing CBDC and the Digital Transaction Control Grid. When scrolling through the comments, you notice a lengthy message, which was lengthy for a good reason, as it comes from no one other than Dr. Mike Yeadon.

The effort is was well beyond any “normal comment,” and the message was too important to just leave it there. So, you know what? Let’s give Dr. Yeadon the megaphone. Here’s what what he had to say about the emerging control grid:

1. The global COVID fraud has as its goals totalitarian control.

2. Part of that control is mediated by forcing everyone to have & to present mandatory digital ID. Mass vaccination has been very successful in contrasting part of that control grid.

3. The balance can be forced to accept mandatory digital ID by specifying it’s required to gain access to a restricted but essential resource, such as food or gasoline. I believe that’s why both are under threat so that such rationing could be introduced & we’d have no easy way to argue against it.

4. Once we’re all using such digital ID, the crooks could declare another pandemic virus & mandate vaccination as a condition of continuing validity of this ID (no jab, no gas / food).

5. The other element of the control grid is cashless digital currency. At the drop of a hat, I believe we’ll be told that all confidence in existing sovereign currencies has been lost, secondary to excessive money printing to support people & business during “the pandemic”. I don’t know how this will pan out, but I suspect those who are driving this are already funding their new e-dollar accounts, placing some old money in a place of safety. The rest of us will be wiped out, burned down to the ground. We’ll get a wholly inadequate UBI & there’ll be no mechanism for appeal.

What to do?

A. STOP pretending everything is OK, that it’s just a virus, government has got this & soon everything will return to normal. Not going to happen. We’re under attack by the 0.0001% everywhere. If not stopped, we will sleepwalk through the gates of hell, a one-way trip to digital dystopia.

Image Credit:

B. WAKE everybody up who is not already awake. Help those just stirring uneasily to see that we face the first truly existential threat to Free Humanity.

Image Credit:

C. REJECT any c19 vaccines. Whatever you’ve already done, is done, but don’t yield to more.

D. REFUSE to respect any rules that can be physically ignored which relate to the faked pandemic (masks, lockdown, showing your pass for any reason except border crossings, and then use your passport).

Image Credit:

E. INSIST on retaining cash. There is absolutely no reason to delete cash. Its existence limits the power of the executive to know everything about you forever. If cash is withdrawn, it’s the end of freedom, political campaigning, privacy.

F. Just to raise the stakes, I’m as convinced as it’s possible to be that the elites plan to murder most of us, using the totalitarian tyranny this system will give them if we remain passive.

DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN! Thanks, Dr. Yeadon, for all that you’re doing and for taking the time to assemble this extraordinary memo.

If you want to hear more from Mike, follow his Telegram channel or read about why he recommends to always cast doubt on the government’s narrative.

The situation will change irreversibly in the coming winter

The situation will change irreversibly in the coming winter

admin September 3, 2022

Dear everyone, who is nervously looking around and is asking “What the hell is going on?”

I hope this isn’t too controversial. It’s certainly frightening, but I believe we are still on the right side of disaster & if enough of us become aware of what is happening here & everywhere in the democratic world, we can recover the situation. We really don’t have long. I believe it’s likely things will change irretrievably over this coming winter. Hence this urgent and unusual request.

Everything that’s happened and is happening becomes much simpler and it all makes sense, only when you force yourself to think the impossible.


Even if your immediate response is that this is absurd, please try it for a day or so.

I ask you further to adopt the experimental position that the media, controlled by just six global corporations, all allied to a single global organization you’ve all heard of, is relentlessly lying to you and has been doing so for over 2.5 years. Same for the internet, controlled by fewer global corporations, also all allied to that same global organization.

Because I am certain it’s true. I am certain because this all started with a scientific fraud relating to a virus, augmented it with a relentless campaign of fear, imposed measures known to be useless, which wrecked the economy and smashed civil society, then coerced most to accept useless, unnecessary, ineffective and deliberately dangerous injections. Obviously, this is an odious crime. Nothing like it has ever happened.

I’ve been 41 years in life sciences from training to successful biotech CEO and was worldwide research head and Vice President of Pfizer’s respiratory unit (1995-2011).

I have absolutely no incentive to say any of this if I wasn’t certain.

I am certain. This all took place “in my wheelhouse”, my domain of expertise.

Please consider what I’ve said.

’’I’ve given over 70 interviews, all censored. I’ve been foully smeared. It’s propaganda. It tells you what they’re capable of.

Here’s what Pfizer’s former board member wrote about my accomplishments:

Do I sound like a fool?

Many have asked why people didn’t resist tyrants in the past. Partly it is fear. But it’s more than that. It’s that normal people, like you and me, simply cannot imagine being so evil. We trust in humanity. And so we should. Most people are good. Few are truly terrifyingly horrible. But some are. It’s the inability to believe it’s happening that really stopped people objecting when they should, when the evidence was unmistakable but had not yet quite reached their door, their family.

They are coming for you and your children. It is happening again. There’s ample evidence emerging of long-term, patient planning. I’m so sorry.

It’s now up to you. I genuinely don’t see what else I can do.

Dr Mike Yeadon. Former VP Pfizer 'There was No Virus' May 9 2023


May 9, 2023 – Dr Mike Yeadon: "I've spent a long time early in 2020 as a recently or semi-retired research scientist looking at what was going on things like PCR tests, the absurdity of lockdown, great worries about the so-called vaccine sparring towards us, but rest assured, the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, I think the evidence is very strong from independent researchers. So this is not me saying as I'm looking at their work, that there never was a viral pandemic of a novel pathogen and that the deaths that we saw I'm afraid were medical malpractice at best and murder at worst. So that basically we were lied to from the beginning. I don't believe there's been a novel cause of illness and death, significant illness and death other than our government's responses to the fake pandemic.

Now I know that's quite shocking, it's quite uncommon for kind of full on research scientists like me to say things like that because they sound like conspiracy theory, but I'm telling you, I've been nothing all my career except saying things as I see them. So I don't sugar-coat things because they're unpopular and I won't bore you with it, but people can go and look up a research called Dennis Rancourt, R-A-N-C-O-U-R-T. He had a recent interview on Jerm warfare, very popular podcast, and at the end of it, if you've listened carefully, you will be in no doubt, you will be where I am now, and why shouldn't it be a lie?

Well, if it was murder, and I believe it was, then those involved in administering the shots and those who pimped it, along with the companies that formulated it and marketed it as “safe and effective” should be arrested, charged, tried immediately and if proven guilty, face swift justice and a dirt nap so that we never have to worry about them engaging in these crimes again, which is a mercy to the people they sought to harm and a teaching of the fear of the LORD, as well as a putting away of the evil from our midst.

Denis Rancourt on there being no viral outbreak

Denis Rancourt is a scientist and social theorist.

For example, he co-authored a massive paper in which they concluded that, in the United States, there is no evidence of a pandemic. What’s even more interesting is that, because of the size and diversity of the United States, the data can be exported internationally with a strong degree of accuracy.

An important paper

Available at the link.


In our conversation, Denis discusses

  • the conclusions of the paper;
  • why the data shows no evidence of a pandemic;
  • how the lockdowns (and other government interventions) are the cause of excess deaths;
  • and the dangers of the “vaccines“.

Do watch our followup conversation in which he discusses another paper showing that no pandemic occurred.

Dr. 'Michael Yeadon' "The 'UN' & Their Evil 'Agenda 2030'. Scientist...

Dr. Mike Yeadon Part I: “Here Are Three Mechanisms by Which This Gene Therapy Will Kill People”

Part 2: Medozolam and Morphine Are Two of the Ingredients Used for the Death Penalty

Part 3: When Someone Died They Would Deliver Them in a Coffin With No Autopsy

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “Pandemics are Not a Thing.”

By Patricia Harrity on February 2, 2024

“Pandemics are not a thing. Think back through your life. How many pandemics have there been? Covid wasn’t one…I don’t believe there has ever been even one” argues Dr. Mike Yeadon.

A Reminder From Dr Mike Yeadon.

By Dr. Michael Yeadon January 30, 2024

It is surely obvious to any dispassionate observer that this coalition of the powerful intends to spring some health crisis upon the people of the world.

When have the rich and powerful given care about the health of poor people? That’ll be never.

Continued at link...

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‘Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth’…’ViroLIEgy is Wholly Fraudulent’ – says Dr Yeadon.

By Patricia Harrity on April 27, 2024

I’m formally confident that acute respiratory illnesses that we call colds and flu are not caused by submicroscopic infectious particles called viruses & are not contagious. I have learned enough to say I think viroLIEgy is wholly fraudulent…I’m also securely of the opinion that global pandemics of severe illnesses are impossible. “There haven’t been any pandemics – ‘ I’ve read of the failures ever to meet reasonable isolation expectations for any virus.’ (source).

The above quote is from Dr Mike Yeadon, and is a reply to a question on his Telegram channel that became so long’ that he decided to place it in a post it ‘where it’s more likely to be read’ he said, I think we can try and help in that respect by featuring his post here too.

Due to his experience and knowledge Dr Yeadon has proven himself to be a valuable member of the ‘truth movement’ for the last few years and has shown an authenticity that has remained throughout. An example of this can be seen in the aforementioned post, he says: ‘Speaking as a man on the Clapham omnibus, I have learned enough to say I think viroLIEgy is wholly fraudulent. Speaking as Dr Mike Yeadon, PhD, I haven’t done enough personal, detailed research to be sure that viruses don’t exist, though I suspect that it’s true.

He explains that he makes this distinction as people have the right to know whether he is speaking as an experienced scientist or as a’ thoughtful but inexpert person’, but he does have ‘the evidence’ and has read ‘primary literature on respiratory illnesses and others.’ Nevertheless, when he has shown ‘clever people the evidence’ underwriting his current position on acute respiratory illnesses’ he often finds them unmoved by it.

‘Interestingly’ he says, one person, years ago, confessed to him that they didn’t want to believe what he was telling them, ‘because it was simply too frightening.’

It’s possible that psychological protection mechanisms prevents some of us from accepting new information.I think we are much more subconsciously active beings than we realise. Dr Yeadon opines and continues:

We then rationalise consciously those things our subconscious has processed (or not).’ ‘This may be why many of us have found it impossible to persuade others, even those we love & have known for many years, that we’re being lied to & are under extraordinary attack. I’m not a psychologist either, so I’m unsure what’s really going on when I failed to convince my older sister, who has a PhD in a biological field, that the pandemic is a long planned fraud.’

This may also be why we have even seen people seemingly convince themselves that it wasn’t even Dr Yeadon who was denying the existence of viruses, but some ‘imposter.’ (A whole other article was even dedicated to pointing out that it was a “fake” Telegram link had been used in a piece that was citing a view they could not accept Dr Yeadon would share.

Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?

Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?

With that as context, why am I showing you these two speeches together?

The first speaker warns that various agreements are being forced upon all countries in the world…

…aimed at concentrating power into the hands of one globalist institution, the WHO, total power to announce a “public health emergency of international concern” or PHEIK, pronounced “fake”. It certainly is fakery, but terrifyingly, it means that the head of the WHO can tell each of our governments to lock us down, to restrict our ability to travel, to mandate testing and even injections and to restrain those who refuse to comply.

I point out simply this: if there truly was a PHEIK, it’ll be because of claims of some new health threat. Under such circumstances, WHO could not possibly know what is the best course of action for the people of Berlin, Bogata and Birmingham. Whatever WHO instructs, it cannot know that it’s appropriate. It’s a novel situation. Nobody knows what is best. Humans are very good at dealing with such novel circumstances. They do what they think is best, locally, and communicate outcomes efficiently. Very quickly, we learn what works and what does not. Do not let that corrupt institution steal your sovereignty. If they take it, if our traitorous governments effectively give away our rights, they will never give them back and we would be on track for imposition of a One World Government, a New World Order. It’s hard to envisage anything more dangerous, more so even than a war.

The second speaker describes what he has discovered (via Freedom of Information requests, bolstered by a judicial decision) about claims for a pandemic and the authoritarian government actinides that flowed from it. The shock for many is learning that the dire warnings of threats to our health came not from the public health function of government, but directly from the politicians. I’m not surprised. The entire event, the show, as it were, was put on by politicians. Here, we see some of the communications between politicians and medical/technical staff at the Robert Koch Institution (RKI).

This and other deliberately frightening events have been many years in the planning. It has long been my contention that every institution has been captured and is either complicit in the deception or has been silenced, leaving only alert citizens to defend themselves and others from tyrants.

Continued at link...


Dr. Mike Yeadon: The covid “vaccines” were intentionally designed to injure, kill and cause infertility

By Rhoda Wilson on November 11, 2024

“The purported vaccines against this alleged illness covid-19 were, in my view, deliberately designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility,” Dr. Mike Yeadon told a recent conference in Austria.

Bombshell Dr Mike Yeadon Address, 10 November 2024 (16 mins)

Nov 10, 2024

Dr Mike Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer addresses the Impfopfer Victim Summit in Vienna Austria (09/11/24), introduced by Fiona Rose Diamond of Covileaks.

Bombshell: Dr Mike Yeadon address

If the video above is removed from YouTube you can watch it on Rumble HERE and Odysee HERE.

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Ex-Pfizer VP Testifies: Covid 'Vaccines' Were 'Deliberately Designed' to 'Kill & Reduce Fertili

(Ex-Pfizer VP Testifies: Covid 'Vaccines' Were 'Deliberately Designed' to 'Kill & Reduce Fertility')
The former vice president of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has given an explosive testimony and blown the whistle on the true motivations behind the company's Covid mRNA "vaccines."

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FULL Q & A: Dr Mike Yeadon Blows The Lid at Summit in Vienna, Austria

Dr Mike Yeadon takes part in a Q & A following his pre-prepared video for the Impfopfer Victim Summit on 9th November 2024. This Q & A video is followed by his original full 15-minute pre-prepared speech for the Summit.

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Licence to Kill: Drugs with Consequence - with Dr. Mike Yeadon

Following a career in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Mike Yeadon tells Charles Malet how and why the mRNA COVID jabs were designed to injure, kill and cause infertility. Read the write-up here: Licence to Kill: Drugs with Consequences—with Dr Mike Yeadon | UKColumn