‘Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth’…’ViroLIEgy is Wholly Fraudulent’ – says Dr Yeadon.
By Patricia Harrity on April 27, 2024 •
I’m formally confident that acute respiratory illnesses that we call colds and flu are not caused by submicroscopic infectious particles called viruses & are not contagious. I have learned enough to say I think viroLIEgy is wholly fraudulent…I’m also securely of the opinion that global pandemics of severe illnesses are impossible. “There haven’t been any pandemics – ‘ I’ve read of the failures ever to meet reasonable isolation expectations for any virus.’ (
The above quote is from Dr Mike Yeadon, and is a reply to a question on his Telegram channel that became so long’ that he decided to place it in a post it ‘where it’s more likely to be read’ he said, I think we can try and help in that respect by featuring his post here too.
Due to his experience and knowledge Dr Yeadon has proven himself to be a valuable member of the ‘truth movement’ for the last few years and has shown an authenticity that has remained throughout. An example of this can be seen in the aforementioned post, he says: ‘Speaking as a man on the Clapham omnibus, I have learned enough to say I think viroLIEgy is wholly fraudulent. Speaking as Dr Mike Yeadon, PhD, I haven’t done enough personal, detailed research to be sure that viruses don’t exist, though I suspect that it’s true.‘
He explains that he makes this distinction as people have the right to know whether he is speaking as an experienced scientist or as a’ thoughtful but inexpert person’, but he does have ‘the evidence’ and has read ‘primary literature on respiratory illnesses and others.’ Nevertheless, when he has shown ‘clever people the evidence’ underwriting his current position on acute respiratory illnesses’ he often finds them unmoved by it.
‘Interestingly’ he says, one person, years ago, confessed to him that they didn’t want to believe what he was telling them, ‘because it was simply too frightening.’
‘It’s possible that psychological protection mechanisms prevents some of us from accepting new information. ‘I think we are much more subconsciously active beings than we realise. Dr Yeadon opines and continues:
‘We then rationalise consciously those things our subconscious has processed (or not).’ ‘This may be why many of us have found it impossible to persuade others, even those we love & have known for many years, that we’re being lied to & are under extraordinary attack. I’m not a psychologist either, so I’m unsure what’s really going on when I failed to convince my older sister, who has a PhD in a biological field, that the pandemic is a long planned fraud.’

This may also be why we have even seen people seemingly convince themselves that it wasn’t even Dr Yeadon who was denying the existence of viruses, but some ‘imposter.’ (A whole other article was even dedicated to pointing out that it was a “fake” Telegram link had been used in a piece that was citing a view they could not accept Dr Yeadon would share.
Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?

With that as context, why am I showing you these two speeches together?
The first speaker warns that various agreements are being forced upon all countries in the world…
…aimed at concentrating power into the hands of one globalist institution, the WHO, total power to announce a “public health emergency of international concern” or PHEIK, pronounced “fake”. It certainly is fakery, but terrifyingly, it means that the head of the WHO can tell each of our governments to lock us down, to restrict our ability to travel, to mandate testing and even injections and to restrain those who refuse to comply.
I point out simply this: if there truly was a PHEIK, it’ll be because of claims of some new health threat. Under such circumstances, WHO could not possibly know what is the best course of action for the people of Berlin, Bogata and Birmingham. Whatever WHO instructs, it cannot know that it’s appropriate. It’s a novel situation. Nobody knows what is best. Humans are very good at dealing with such novel circumstances. They do what they think is best, locally, and communicate outcomes efficiently. Very quickly, we learn what works and what does not. Do not let that corrupt institution steal your sovereignty. If they take it, if our traitorous governments effectively give away our rights, they will never give them back and we would be on track for imposition of a One World Government, a New World Order. It’s hard to envisage anything more dangerous, more so even than a war.
The second speaker describes what he has discovered (via Freedom of Information requests, bolstered by a judicial decision) about claims for a pandemic and the authoritarian government actinides that flowed from it. The shock for many is learning that the dire warnings of threats to our health came not from the public health function of government, but directly from the politicians. I’m not surprised. The entire event, the show, as it were, was put on by politicians. Here, we see some of the communications between politicians and medical/technical staff at the Robert Koch Institution (RKI).
This and other deliberately frightening events have been many years in the planning. It has long been my contention that every institution has been captured and is either complicit in the deception or has been silenced, leaving only alert citizens to defend themselves and others from tyrants.
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