Government urges caution as pandemic evolves - Fair cancelled

Yeadon: Governments are Lying About The Variants – Yes, this means you too, Gibraltar.

Dr. Mike Yeadon (former Pfizer VP) 7-minute segment on The Highwire with Del Bigtree.

Variants are not different from the original "so-called" virus. The stories they are telling are lies.

"It's very frustrating for me as a scientist to hear, advisors and government ministers discussing with the media, and they're all hammering about the variants. I just feel like shouting at the screen – YOU'RE LYING, because I understand how this works. Theoretically and empirically it is not possible – There is no difference."

So what are you hammering on about Gibraltar?The advice to the Government is to act now or to face a continuing increase in the number of positive cases which, it has been estimated, could hit 70 active cases per week shortly. It is also important not to be oblivious to the impact of new variants like the Delta B which was originally identified in Nepal.

What people might be more oblivious about is GoG's involvement in something so sinister that you can't believe it's happening.

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Der Fuehrer Picardo's Mein Kampo
Der Fuehrer Picardo - Mein Kampo de Gibraltar

YEADON: Be Terrified of Your Government

BOMBSHELL! Former Pfizer VP: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’