Depopulation: Pure, Unalloyed Evil

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” William Shakespeare, The Tempest

Mike Yeadon is a soft-spoken microbiologist and a former Vice President of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer. He spent 32 years working for large pharmaceutical companies and is a leading expert on viral respiratory infections. He is also a man on a mission, and his mission is to inform as many people as possible about the elite powerbrokers that are using the pandemic as a smokescreen to conceal their real objectives. Here’s Yeadon in a recent interview:

“If you wanted to depopulate a significant portion of the world, and to do it in a way that wouldn’t require destruction of the environment with nuclear weapons, or poisoning everyone with anthrax or something, And you wanted plausible deniability, whilst you had a multi-year infectious disease crisis; I don’t think you could come up with a better plan of work than what seems to be in from of me. I can’t say that’s what they’re going to do, but I cannot think of a benign explanation for why they are doing it.” (“Interview with Dr Mike Yeadon“, The Delingpole Podcast; Minute 44: 25)

“Depopulation”? Who said anything about depopulation? Isn’t it a bit of a stretch to go from a mass vaccination campaign to allegations of a conspiracy to “depopulate a significant portion of the world”?

Indeed, it is, but Yeadon has done extensive research on the matter and provides compelling evidence that such a diabolical objective may, in fact, be the goal. Moreover, it is not for lack of proof that people are not persuaded that Yeadon is right, but something more fundamental; the inability to grasp that men are capable of almost-unimaginable viciousness and cruelty. Here’s Yeadon again:

“It’s become absolutely clear to me, even when I talk to intelligent people, friends, acquaintances … and they can tell I’m telling them something important, but they get to the point [where I say] ‘your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death and that of your children,’ and they can’t begin to engage with it. And I think maybe 10% of them understand what I said, and 90% of those blank their understanding of it because it is too difficult. And my concern is, we are going to lose this, because people will not deal with the possibility that anyone is so evil…

The rest is at the link.

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American (Western nations) mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent." — J. Edgar Hoover ~The Elks Magazine, August 1956



Mike Yeadon - Cabalists "Plan to Kill off the Majority of the Human Race"

The population of the planet of being taken through the gates of hell over a probably partly-invented virus, which is not unusual in its lethality.

I agree these 'vaccines' were never appropriate & there was ample evidence of global fraud by fear long before that vaccine was prematurely considered for emergency use authorization.

I beg of you: if you've not been vaccinated, do not capitulate now. If you've been vaccinated, reject the bribe of some of your freedoms bank (aka vaccine passport). Giving in to tyranny always leads to more tyranny.

Continued at link.


Excess Deaths Point to Depopulation Agenda

Question– Why is mortality in Scotland higher in 2021 than 2020?

Answer– Because more people are dying. And the reason more people are dying is because more people have been vaccinated. In other words, there’s a link between rising mortality and the Covid-19 vaccine.


Bison  and cattle

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Naomi Wolf Talks About "Dark Metaphysical Forces" & The Need To Reconnect With God

Naomi Wolf, author of "The Bodies of Others," talks about her speech at Yale and the horrors surrounding mandatory Covid vaccinations; plus, what do "principalities and powers" have to do with current events

Naomi Wolf comments "I finally discuss openly the dark metaphysical forces I feel have entered our world post 2020."

Naomi Wolf Talks About "Dark Metaphysical Forces" & The Need To Reconnect...

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36 Million Vaccine Deaths! - The Genocide Has Just Begun! (Video)

Josh Sigurdson reports on the mass die-off of the injected as numbers continue to pile up, worse each year despite less people getting the injections.

It would make sense to say the injections are ticking time bombs and as we see 36 million vaccine deaths worldwide (the population of Canada), most of the vaccine related deaths are not being labeled as such or are not being counted by independent reviewers. The actual death toll is unthinkable.

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Bullet Points: Global Depopulation Leaders Meet

Bullet Points: mRNA Vaccine to Reduce UK Population by 77 Percent by 2025

Freudian slip?

Global Alarm: Governments now believe there’s a link between COVID-19 Vaccines, Antibody-Dependent Enhancement & Immune System Degradation


Harvard & Yale Scientists investigate “new” condition linked to Covid-19 Injections

Official Government released evidence proves that COVID-19 vaccines have harmed millions of people and killed countless others.

But despite this, the world is now gearing up for yet another new round of “boosters”. And like all vaccines, those targeting the alleged Covid-19 virus can cause deadly and debilitating side effects in many people.

According to the establishment and scientists at Harvard and Yale, these include cases of abnormal blood clotting and heart inflammation. Both of these have been known about since early 2021, with a huge rise in myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) being recorded among younger males.

Continued at link.

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"Eugenist's Are Depopulating Humanity 1000 Ways! Dr. 'Lorraine Day'...

Across the West, people are dying in greater numbers. Nobody wants to learn why

By Jonathan Cook

July 20, 2023: Information Clearing House

Our world has been carefully constructed to ensure we do not get to peek behind the curtain, to see the con-men at work.

There has been a spate of “excess deaths” over the past two years across the West – well above what would normally be expected – and yet this sustained trend is being universally ignored by governments, establishment media and medical bodies. No one is protesting. The cult of compliance is still in the ascendant.

There’s only one plausible explanation for continuing silence on excess deaths: governments, media and regulators are frightened of what the research may uncover.

Such deaths have been significantly raised since late 2020 or mid-2021. That is all the more surprising because, after early waves of Covid killed off those who were already sick and vulnerable, the expectation was that excess deaths would fall, not rise. That anomaly needs explaining – scientifically.

Excess deaths, the silence

Continued at link.

Three Phases Of The Covid BioWeapon Mortality What Most Of The Injected Have For A Future

Leaked Government & Pfizer Documents reveal Bill Gates & Schwab’s Depopulation Agenda: Covid Vaccines are being used for Genocidal Population Control


Therefore, you are witnessing mass depopulation unfold before your very eyes.

The push for mass Covid-19 vaccination isn’t about combating a virus, but about reducing the global population.

This goal aligns with the interests of certain powerful corporations and individuals who stand to benefit from a smaller, more manageable population.


The Covid-19 Crisis and the “Lethal Jab”: Is It Ignorance and Corporate Greed? Or Is It the Globalists’ “Depopulation” Agenda? The Emerging“Hindsight Narrative”…

Yes, there was — there is — a conspiracy, not just organic goosestepping and Sierpinski triangles. It was a bunch of high-placed people who set about controlling and literally destroying a large swath of the world’s population, deliberately, and relentlessly.

They are still going at it and with more than just the lethal Jab.

The ‘reset’ they planned includes widespread censorship, the destruction of foundational principles of medicine, digital identification, social credit permissions, total surveillance, a fraudulent climate ‘emergency’ leading to further restrictions upon human autonomy, and, naturally, more and more inoculations. The scale of their operation is immense and its fruits should be visible by now to anyone who dares to think.

Ignorance and corporate greed are not the prime movers. Not to finger the Globalist Cabal for the murderers they are is to let them off the hook and to dissipate the energies of our resistance. Not to connect the dots is to be left with a picture so incomplete that responsibilities are diffused and the most significant guilty parties are at leisure to continue their machinations unscathed.

Continued at link.

If you are still waiting for a sign that you need to act against the corrupt government agenda, then the newly passed into law, Online Safety Bill surely has to be it. The UK has progressively become tyrannical and we will no longer have the ability to voice our opposition to the globalist agenda that is being supported by our government. “The warm-up is over. The conditioning Corona camp closed, the “global governance” of “public-private partnerships” was established in everyday life.” - This is the Sign You Have Been Waiting For – This is Now Tyranny

Genocide: Government Reports & Pfizer Documents reveal a Sinister Agenda exists to Depopulate the Planet through COVID Vaccination


If such a vaccine were to be developed and distributed, it could potentially lead to depopulation due to increased mortality and decreased fertility.

Unfortunately, the world has found itself in a situation where powerful institutions and Governments have coerced millions of people into getting an experimental Covid-19 vaccine that causes all of the ill-fated things mentioned above.

Official Government reports and confidential Pfizer documents prove it.

Continued at link.


Expert Doctor swears 100 million+ Americans may have seriously damaged their Heart due to COVID-19 Vaccination