Three More Experts Denounce the “Climate Change” Disinformation Blitz

Three more experts denounce the “climate change” disinformation blitz

August 20, 2023 Steve Cook
More and more scientists are braving the vicious attacks to which anyone challenging the “global warming” propaganda blitz is subject to speak out about the scaremongering and bare-faced lying that currently masquerades as “climate science”.

The scurrilous falsehoods that bombard the citizenry in an evident attempt to terrorise them are many but fortunately very easily shown to be false, as the response of the three experts featured in this excellent article shows.

We’ve also included a very informative comment left in answer to the original article on Electroverse. You can view this comment and others at source.

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The King of kings’ Bible is rational TRUTH that is a perfect, incorruptible source of wisdom that is NOT from this world.

The earth is being destroyed by man because of his insane ways of NOT obeying God's Law. The irrefutable evidence speaks for it's self.

Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the Time of the "Dead" (Matt. 8:22), that they should be Judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy Servants the Prophets, and to the holy people, and them that fear Thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the Earth.

Instead of hurting others with dangerous train derails shouldn't everyone be practicing Loving they neighbor as thyself. Do unto others what you would like done to you. Love One Another

Instead of creating more pollution obey The Law ( Numbers 35:33).

Reject pharmacy and any chemicals It is against God’s Law to take part in witchcraft/pharmacy.

Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch/pharmacist to live.

Deuteronomy 18:10 There shall not be found among you [any one] that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, [or] that useth divination, [or] an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch/ pharmacist,
18:11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer (medium).
18:12 For all that do these things [are] an abomination unto the “I AM”: and because of these abominations the “I AM” thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
5:20 Idolatry, PHARMACY*, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall NOT inherit The Kingdom of God.

*(Correctly interpreted from the original Greek Φαρμακεια = pharmakeia in the King of kings’ Bible )

Derailing trains on purpose carrying dangerous chemicals thereby hurting others, animals and all the environment is against God's Law (Levitcus 19:14 ).

Promoting 5G as safe producing killing microwaves all for faster internet, pretending this is helpful is actually destroying the earth with all its pollution.

God's Law is clear; Deuteronomy 5:17 Thou shalt NOT murder (kill un-Lawfully).

Deforestation causing climate change all for material gain is against God's Law (Deut. 20:19-20 , Matt 5:17-20 )

Man is destroying the Earth. The Lord has written the truth here.
Genesis 6:5 And "I AM" saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually.
6:6 And it repented the "I AM" that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart.

Life or Death: Pharmaceutical “Plandemic” Poisonous Vaccines, or the Healing of the Holy Spirit – Your choice

How long must we suffer O Lord? – Until you return to keeping and enforcing The Law

Trees were protected by Law in Medieval Ireland

2023 Ohio train derailment / environmental disaster

5G and Small Cell Environmental Effects: Birds, Bees Trees and Climate

War & Warmongers Are NOT concerned about Climate Change

Prince Charles is calling for a Martial Law Plan for climate change

Italy’s ‘Smart Bay’ seeks to tackle Mediterranean climate change

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The Club of Rome came up with "global warming" as the new pretext to wage

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Corrupt and incompetent UK Climate Change Committee should be disbanded

By Rhoda Wilson on June 4, 2024

The Climate Change Committee has become the arbiter of emissions targets and has been put beyond the control of the UK Parliament.

It is unaccountable, riddled with conflicts of interest, incompetent, opaque, defensive and hypocritical. The cost of the Committee’s catastrophic modelling “errors” and misleading advice could run into trillions of pounds.

It is time for the Climate Change Committee to be disbanded.

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'Climate Change' worse in 1975 (rained all year) & 1976 (no rain) Jack Hargreaves Out Of Town (1988)

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The net zero “cure” is worse than the supposed climate change disease

By Rhoda Wilson on [July 2, 2024]

(The net zero “cure” is worse than the supposed climate change disease – The Expose) Even though David Turver is a “lukewarmer” and acknowledges that anthropogenic CO2 emissions make some contribution to global warming, he says that “the net zero cure is worse than the supposed climate change disease.”

There are two strategies to tackle climate change. The first is the “mitigation strategy”; reducing greenhouse emissions to “net zero” as touted by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”). The second is the adaptation strategy which means taking measures to adjust to climate change.

Since time began, adaptation has always been successful – there’s no reason why we can’t continue to adapt. In contrast, net zero has significant drawbacks. The drawbacks are not only that it is prohibitively expensive but net zero policies will have, and are already having, a devastating impact in the UK on both an individual and national level.

“Net zero is driving us to penury,” Turver says.

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William Happer , professor emeritus in physics at Princeton University, and Richard Lindzen , professor emeritus of atmospheric science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) argue, quoting extensive data, that the EPA’s justification of the new regulations are not based on scientific facts but rather political opinions and speculative models that have consistently been proven wrong. Calling Out The Climate Scam: A Princeton Professor, An MIT Scientist, And A Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist… – Electroverse

After MIT’s climate researchers and faculty found out, they wrote their own open letter to the president, setting the record straight.

“As [Lindzen’s] colleagues at MIT in the Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate, all of whom are actively involved in understanding climate, we write to make it clear that this is not a view shared by us, or by the overwhelming majority of other scientists who have devoted their professional lives to careful study of climate science,” said the March 2 letter, signed by 22 current and retired MIT professors.

The MIT staff addressed specific inaccuracies in Lindzen’s letter, including his assertion that “carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.”

“The risks to the Earth system associated with increasing levels of carbon dioxide are almost universally agreed by climate scientists to be real ones,” they wrote. “These include, but are not limited to, sea level rise, ocean acidification, and increases in extreme flooding and droughts, all with serious consequences for mankind.” Climate Contrarian Gets Fact-Checked by MIT Colleagues in Open Letter to Trump - Inside Climate News

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Governments are adapting to climate change, which is wrong; we should be adapting to our climate instead

By Rhoda Wilson on July 18, 2024

In February, the UK government published a policy paper about the action the government is taking to adapt the UK to climate change. And last month the UK government was offering a total of £12 million in grants for research projects to maximise the UK’s adaptation to climate change.

It is not only the UK government giving climate change adaptation attention. In May, Relief Web published a report ‘ Climate Adaptation Costing in a Changing World’ for European countries. And increasingly, attention to it is also being given in the USA. Last month, NASA joined 20 US federal agencies in releasing its updated ‘ Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience Plan’.

So, what’s this all about?

In the following, Patrick Brown explains the difference between “climate change adaption” and “climate adaption,” and how the two concepts are conflated by governments and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”).

He explains why the assumptions underlying the climate change adaptation approach are flawed and argues the case for climate adaptation policies to be adopted instead.

Climate adaption, he says, is a continuation of humanity’s inexorable impetus to reduce our vulnerability to our environment – it has a proven track record.

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The climate scaremongers: Miliband’s mania will cost us a trillion By Paul Homewood

July 19, 2024

ED MILIBAND must be the most expensive politician this country has ever known.

It was of course Miliband who gave us the 2008 Climate Change Act, which has already cost the country a fortune. Without this Act of National Suicide there would have been none of the Net Zero nonsense which has followed.

Subsidies for renewable energy mandated by the Act have already added more than £100billion to our energy bills. Thanks to Miliband’s obsession with wind and solar power, the annual subsidy bill will have risen to £30billion in five years if Labour’s plans are carried out.

These subsidies are just the tip of the iceberg. The National Grid has committed to spending another £100billion expanding the transmission network over the next decade so that it can transmit all the renewable electricity generated hundreds of miles from where it is actually used. And as more intermittent renewable capacity is added, the greater the grid’s balancing costs become. They already stand at £3billion a year, and could easily double in just a few years.

All in all, renewable power could end up costing us £400billion extra over the next decade in subsidies and other costs.

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Enoch 7:15 Then the Earth reproved the unrighteous (by the climate and diseases).

The climate change agenda and Rockefellers’ frontmen

By Rhoda Wilson on July 21, 2024

Every time you hear a “climate change” scare story, that person is PAID. He is a Rockefeller stooge. He may not know it, but his profession has been entirely corrupted.

The Rockefellers Created 990 “Climate Change” Institutions, Foundations and Activist Groups

By Elizabeth Nickson, 7 July 2024

This is the most public of their estates, but trust me on this, Rockefeller houses, mansions, lodges, city palaces, beachfront estates and dozens upon dozens of holiday houses litter America.

In the climate change arena, the Rockefellers call the shots. The whole thing was their idea, they took a silly but interesting theory and amped it up with hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. They founded institutions and linked the survival of those institutions to promoting climate change and population reduction. They adopted one likely politician after another.

The Rockefellers have created 990 climate change activist organisations. They give them directions, financing and launch them on the world. The “Green Movement” was started, financed, organised and militarised by the Rockefellers. By the late 1940s, the family was all in, on the same page. In the 1950s they began to stand up countless institutions, committees, university departments, university institutes, foundations and policy shops gathered around this one idea, as below:

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Geoengineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault ( )
