MASKS DON’T WORK. Despite the real evidence, the Royal Gibraltar Police (RGP) officers continue to fine people with fixed penalty notices. Why?
The short answer is they don’t want to be snitched-on, and lose their jobs. The same goes for those employees at GHA who KNOW the Covid 1984 is a hoax/scam.
The government cannot prove masks or lockdowns work; because the evidence proves that they don’t work, but, even so, they fraudulently legislate mask/lockdown mandates; deface the landscape with obnoxious totalitarian OBEY US signs; force officers to write fixed-penalty notices to steal money from people who are exercising their God-given right to breathe fresh-air, and demean those opposed to their manipulated false and fake science, pushed by MSM’s fake-news (GBC and Chronicle).
Truth: Lockdowns and Face Masks Can Kill
Is it the job of the RGP to protect the citizens, and doesn’t this also mean protecting them from draconian dictatorial officials taking away everyone’s God-given rights? How did Hitler, Mao, Stalin take over? Who were their initial foot-solders? Have RPG officers gone past the point of no return? Is it too late for them to redeem themselves in the eyes of the public they are supposed to serve and protect?
They may take a look at what some NSW police-officers did in Australia, who started COPS FOR COVID TRUTH . Do your research. Look at the mounting evidence than runs contrary to what you’re told to believe and enforce. If you didn’t support the crazy government officials, they couldn’t impose this draconian-regime. They do it through policy-enforcers, i.e. police, enforcing government dictated policy, instead of God’s Perfect Law of Liberty. Just like drug kingpins have their paid bodyguards, tyrannical officials use police-officers at their whim.
Things are getting pretty grim. If you didn’t sign up to throw Gibraltarians off the beach, and hunt down face-mask violators, then stand up for what you did sign up for – protect Gibraltarians, even if that means protecting them from traitors within government. A real God-fearing patriot is someone who defends his country from its Godless government.
If you don’t do it for yourselves, do it for the children of Gibraltar. Masks and Lockdowns are causing more harm than good. Do your research. It’s your job to investigate things and arrest criminals.
Then ask yourself, who are the real criminals.
A Cathartic Monkey did and wrote an open letter to Sohail Bhatti:
Must Read: from Children's Health Defense
The Risks vs. Benefits of Face Masks- Is There an Agenda?
Wearing a face-mask can cause headaches and reduce oxygen levels - A recent study involving 159 healthcare workers aged 21 to 35 years of age found that 81% developed headaches from wearing a face mask… That is, a reduction in blood oxygenation (hypoxia) or an elevation in blood CO2 (hypercapnia). It is known that the N95 mask, if worn for hours, can reduce blood oxygenation as much as 20%. And proper oxygenation of the blood is essential for energy, mental clarity, focus and emotional well-being.
There is no doubt that wearing a mask reinforces the worry and fear about COVID-19. Fear, worry and anxiety are powerful immune-system suppressing emotions.
Note: The headache is caused by CO2 poisoning, from wearing a mask, and it is a God-given warning-sign that you are poisoning yourself with a build-up of CO2 in your body, and to immediately stop doing it, or it will kill you.
What do all those ugly signs the traitors in government have put up really say: FEAR, WORRY, OBEY, OBEY, OBEY US.
The article even addresses some important questions on why officials would really want to enforce mask-wearing.
So, what’s the motivation behind the mask?
Given all of that information, that masks don’t work as it says on the boxes, except to harm the wearer, it’s time to ask the obvious question. What would be the possible motivation for pushing the narrative about face-mask wearing, and in some cases even mandatory face-mask rules?
What would pro-vax evil globalists, or the local officials pushing their population-reduction plans, really want? Hypothesis from the article:
Weigh the evidence. Read: Isn’t it time to unmask this criminal conspiracy?
This thread stands as evidence against the tyrants.
Take these into consideration:
1. Three Children Died in Germany from wearing a Face-mask, according to Dr. Schiffman
While BigMedia (aligned with BigPharma) got busy debunking this claim, by writing there were no police-reports; the truth is they are doing damage-control, because Dr. Schiffman is a credible witness.
MUST READ: Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence.
This article also highlighted the case above: In Germany, two 13-year-old children died suddenly while wearing a mask for a prolonged period of time; autopsies could not exclude CO2 intoxication/poisoning or a sudden cardiac arrest.
Importantly it says:
So far, most studies found little to no evidence for the effectiveness of cloth face-masks in the general population, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control.
The WHO admitted to the BBC that its June 2020 mask policy update was due not to new evidence but “political lobbying” .
So, are RGP officers really following the orders of those who did the political lobbying? And who might those be? Who is making lots of money from the masks?
2. Face Masks Harm Children and Some Have Even Died – But California Governor Dictates Everyone to Wear Them
Apparently people in California are just supposed to trust the Governor and Health Department’s word on this, as it is simply an appeal to authority, authority that some argue they don’t possess.
3. Two Chinese boys dropped dead within a week of one another while wearing face-masks during gym class, according to a report.
They went on to BAN them in gym class.
4. Four-Year-Old Almost Dies due to Lung Infection Caused by Prolonged Mask Wearing – “How Many Children Must Die?” – Doctor RANTS
5. Mask experts debunk propaganda that masks work
Government trained OSHA mask experts Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan join Del Bigtree in-studio to break down vital info on masks, PPE, and their role in Covid19 prevention. Every adult on this planet wearing a mask needs to hear this riveting discussion.
6. Mandating masks for school children has no benefits and huge risks.
In the US state of Kansas, the 90 counties without mask mandates had lower coronavirus infection rates than the 15 counties with mask mandates. To hide this fact, the Kansas health department tried to manipulate the official statistics and data presentation.
7. Children Have 0.00% Chance of Dying from COVID, but are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, Which has its Roots in CIA Torture Techniques
8. Testing CO2 levels in different face-masks (not rocket science)