Isn't it time to unmask this criminal conspiracy?

UPDATE September 5:

One of the sources from “10 Reasons Not To Wear a Face Mask” outlined in this thread has been removed.

Oral Health’s notice:

Fortunately, others have republished it, in order to save the integrity of past research:

There is increasing pressure being put upon doctors and medical organizations to entirely remove such research and papers from the internet. In some cases, extremely well-researched and meticulously sourced papers and reviews by medical doctors are in fact being taken down, while some of those hosting such dissenting information are not bowing to this pressure.

Due to increasingly widespread and ongoing censorship and disinformation campaign being waged by the establishment against doctors, researchers and any scientific evidence and medical research which challenges the official ‘Covid19’ narrative in any way, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the pertinent information being actively suppressed, ridiculed and deemed ‘irrelevant’ and ‘outdated’ by the corporate establishment which is most necessary to combat their propaganda campaign.

It has been republished at highlighted above [link :arrow_left:].

It has also been republished on other sites under its proper title:

On Evidence of Fear's website -

Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review – John Hardie, PhD, Oral Health Group (2016) :arrow_left:

This article, published on 16 October 2016, originally appeared in the Oral Health website. It was removed sometime after the end of June 2020 with no explanation other than, it being ‘no longer relevant in our current climate.’

On Renegade Tribune's website:

Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review :arrow_left:

Oral Health decided to ditch it as it obviously run counter to the tyrannical Covid’s fake narrative that we are being subjected to at present time.

{Additional images included and a video link to “COVID Numbers Are Wrong, The Mask Science Is VERY Clear & Whitney Webb On The Recent Salas Shooting”}