Mega-Drought & Mega Food Shortages

Biden declaring a CLIMATE EMERGENCY will seize all energy, food and...

1:45 RFK Jr. and Donald Trump

12:54 Climate Emergency

53:21 Interview with Brian Festa

Russian Generals Have Started Using New Tactics of Warfare┃NATO is Preparing...

Globalists’ war on the world’s food supply

By Rhoda Wilson on August 20, 2023 • ( 6 Comments )

We live in perplexing times. It’s almost inconceivable to think that there’s a war being waged against food, an absolute and undeniable necessity of life. Yet, here we stand, on the precipice of what looks like a catastrophic agenda against global sustenance.

Global Elites’ Secret Plot Against Food: Why You Might Be Forced to Eat Lab Meat Soon!

By Milan Adams, republished from Prepp Group

So, what’s this newfound hostility against the thing that keeps us alive?

Take a deep breath. Farming uses nitrogen, and suddenly, nitrogen is the new antagonist in the tale of global warming. The narrative is simple: eliminate nitrogen, and save the world. Yet, in the name of “preservation,” entire segments of our food production are under siege.

Consider rice – a staple for half the world’s population. Renowned agencies claim, “Rice accounts for roughly 10% of global methane emissions***,***” emphasising the urgent need to curtail its production. But the ramifications? Starvation for billions.

Look to the Netherlands for further evidence. Dutch farmers, the backbone of a nation that is a leading exporter of meat and agricultural products, are being chased off their lands. A staggering number, 3,000 farms, are forecasted to be confiscated in the coming years. The tragic fallout is evident, with a reported 20 to 30 farmers tragically ending their lives annually.

Our friends in Europe are no strangers to these baffling decisions either. The European Commission greenlit a strategy to compensate livestock farmers for halting their operations in certain areas – with a stipulation that they never resume their animal breeding activities. The implications are clear: a drop in global food availability and an inevitable spike in prices.

Remember Sri Lanka’s ill-fated venture into 100% organic farming? The island nation faced a humanitarian nightmare with a staggering 90% of its population on the brink of starvation.

And the Western leaders’ stance on agriculture? Eric Utter encapsulates it perfectly in American Thinker, “The attack on farming by Western leaders is shockingly negligent. It’s criminal***.***” Especially when such views ignore the glaring fact that while agriculture may account for 33% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, it simultaneously sustains every single human being on this planet.

Organisations like the World Economic Forum tout visions of a “farm-free future**,**” dreaming of a world where food is crafted in sterile labs and humans are herded into congested urban centres. Toss digital currency into this dystopian mix, and you have the ultimate formula for absolute dominance.

In our modern era, the recipe is simple:

  • Concoct a crisis, even if none existed.
  • Incite racial tension among children.
  • Reverse the progress women achieved over decades.
  • Worsen shortages and tamper with the money supply.
  • Tackle borders haphazardly.
  • Condemn specific foods, close farms, or incite wars to create famine.
  • Muzzle voices of dissent by labelling truth as “misinformation.”

A tactic reminiscent of Cloward and Piven: create a crisis, then implement severe measures to address that very crisis.

Our global food supply is now in peril, thanks to overblown reactions to this so-called “nitrogen issue.” But why this apathy? Sri Lanka, for instance, is an alarming testament to this flawed approach.

The truth remains that nitrogen is pivotal for plant metabolism. Without commercial nitrogen fertilizers, hunger was a dire reality in many corners of the world. If we shun these fertilizers, we voluntarily invite famine back into our lives. The idea of bug diets, “rewilding**,**” and organic farming might sound avant-garde, but they certainly won’t satisfy global hunger.

It’s glaringly evident that this isn’t just about combating climate change. At its core, it’s an insidious bid for control.

The world stands at a critical juncture.

It’s time to confront these disguised agendas and defend our plates.

After all, when the stakes are survival, there’s no room for compromise.

An Engineered Food and Poverty Crisis to Secure Continued U.S. Dominance

In March 2022, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned of a “hurricane of hunger and a meltdown of the global food system” in the wake of the crisis in Ukraine.

Guterres said food, fuel and fertiliser prices were skyrocketing with supply chains being disrupted and added this is hitting the poorest the hardest and planting the seeds for political instability and unrest around the globe.

According to the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems, there is currently sufficient food and no risk of global food supply shortages.

We see an abundance of food but skyrocketing prices. The issue is not food shortage but speculation on food commodities and the manipulation of an inherently flawed global food system that serves the interests of corporate agribusiness traders and suppliers of inputs at the expense of people’s needs and genuine food security.

The war in Ukraine is a geopolitical trade and energy conflict. It is largely about the US engaging in a proxy war against Russia and Europe by attempting to separate Europe from Russia and imposing sanctions on Russia to harm Europe and make it further dependent on the US.

Economist Professor Michael Hudson recently stated that ultimately the war is against Europe and Germany. The purpose of the sanctions is to prevent Europe and other allies from increasing their trade and investment with Russia and China.

Neoliberal policies since the 1980s have hollowed out the US economy. With its productive base severely weakened, the only way for the US to maintain hegemony is to undermine China and Russia and weaken Europe.

Hudson says that, beginning a year ago, Biden and the US neocons attempted to block Nord Stream 2 and all (energy) trade with Russia so that the US could monopolise it itself.

Despite the ‘green agenda’ currently being pushed, the US still relies on fossil fuel-based energy to project its power abroad. Even as Russia and China move away from the dollar, the control and pricing of oil and gas (and resulting debt) in dollars remains key to US attempts to retain hegemony.

The US knew beforehand how sanctions on Russia would play out. They would serve to divide the world into two blocks and fuel a new cold war with the US and Europe on one side with China and Russia being the two main countries on the other.

US policy makers knew Europe would be devastated by higher energy and food prices and food importing countries in the Global South would suffer due to rising costs.

It is not the first time the US has engineered a major crisis to maintain global hegemony and a spike in key commodity prices that effectively trap countries into dependency and debt.

In 2009, Andrew Gavin Marshall described how in 1973 – not long after coming off the gold standard – Henry Kissinger was integral to manipulating events in the Middle East (the Arab-Israeli war and the ‘energy crisis’). This served to continue global hegemony for the US, which had virtually bankrupted itself due to its war in Vietnam and had been threatened by the economic rise of Germany and Japan.

Kissinger helped secure huge OPEC oil price rises and thus sufficient profits for Anglo-American oil companies that had over-leveraged themselves in North Sea oil. He also cemented the petrodollar system with the Saudis and subsequently placed African nations, which had embarked on a path of (oil-based) industrialisation, on a treadmill of dependency and debt due to the spike in oil prices.

It is widely believed that the high-priced oil policy was aimed at hurting Europe, Japan and the developing world.

Today, the US is again waging a war on vast swathes of humanity, whose impoverishment is intended to ensure they remain dependent on the US and the financial institutions it uses to create dependency and indebtedness – the World Bank and IMF.

Hundreds of millions will experience (are experiencing) poverty and hunger due to US policy. These people (the ones that the US and Pfizer et al supposedly cared so much about and wanted to get a jab into each of their arms) are regarded with contempt and collateral damage in the great geopolitical game.

Contrary to what many believe, the US has not miscalculated the outcome of the sanctions placed on Russia. Michael Hudson notes energy prices are increasing, benefiting US oil companies and US balance of payments as an energy exporter. Moreover, by sanctioning Russia, the aim is to curtail Russian exports (of wheat and gas used for fertiliser production) and for agricultural commodity prices to therefore increase. This too will also benefit the US as an agricultural exporter.

This is how the US seeks to maintain dominance over other countries.

Current policies are designed to create a food and debt crisis for poorer nations especially. The US can use this debt crisis to force countries to continue privatising and selling off their public assets in order to service the debts to pay for the higher oil and food imports.

This imperialist strategy comes on the back of ‘COVID relief’ loans which have served a similar purpose. In 2021, an Oxfam review of IMF COVID-19 loans showed that 33 African countries were encouraged to pursue austerity policies. The world’s poorest countries are due to pay $43 billion in debt repayments in 2022, which could otherwise cover the costs of their food imports.

Oxfam and Development Finance International have also revealed that 43 out of 55 African Union member states face public expenditure cuts totalling $183 billion over the next five years.

The closure of the world economy in March 2020 (‘lockdown’) served to trigger an unprecedented process of global indebtedness. Conditionalities mean national governments will have to capitulate to the demands of Western financial institutions. These debts are largely dollar-denominated, helping to strengthen the US dollar and US leverage over countries.

The US is creating a new world order and needs to ensure much of the Global South remains in its orbit of influence rather than ending up in the Russian and especially Chinese camp and its belt road initiative for economic prosperity.

Post-COVID, this is what the war in Ukraine, sanctions on Russia and the engineered food and energy crisis are really about.

Back in 2014, Michael Hudson stated that the US has been able to dominate most of the Global South through agriculture and control of the food supply. The World Bank’s geopolitical lending strategy has transformed countries into food deficit areas by convincing them to grow cash crops – plantation export crops – not to feed themselves with their own food crops.

The oil sector and agribusiness have been joined at the hip as part of US geopolitical strategy.

The dominant notion of ‘food security’ promoted by global agribusiness players like Cargill, Archer Daniel Midland, Bunge and Louis Dreyfus and supported by the World Bank is based on the ability of people and nations to purchase food. It has nothing to do with self-sufficiency and everything to do with global markets and supply chains controlled by giant agribusiness players.

Along with oil, the control of global agriculture has been a linchpin of US geopolitical strategy for many decades. The Green Revolution was exported courtesy of oil-rich interests and poorer nations adopted agri-capital’s chemical- and oil-dependent model of agriculture that required loans for inputs and related infrastructure development.

It entailed trapping nations into a globalised food system that relies on export commodity mono-cropping to earn foreign exchange linked to sovereign dollar-denominated debt repayment and World Bank/IMF ‘structural adjustment’ directives. What we have seen has been the transformation of many countries from food self-sufficiency into food deficit areas.

And what we have also seen is countries being placed on commodity crop production treadmills. The need for foreign currency (US dollars) to buy oil and food entrenches the need to increase cash crop production for exports.

The World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) set out the trade regime necessary for this type of corporate dependency that masquerades as ‘global food security’.

This is explained in a July 2022 report by Navdanya International – Sowing Hunger, Reaping Profits – A Food Crisis by Design – which notes international trade laws and trade liberalisation has benefited large agribusiness and continue to piggyback off the implementation of the Green Revolution.

The report states that US lobby and trade negotiations were headed by former Cargill Investors Service CEO and Goldman Sachs executive – Dan Amstutz – who in 1988 was appointed chief negotiator for the Uruguay round of GATT by Ronald Reagan. This helped to enshrine the interests of US agribusiness into the new rules that would govern the global trade of commodities and subsequent waves of industrial agriculture expansion.

The AoA removed protection of farmers from global market prices and fluctuations. At the same time, exceptions were made for the US and the EU to continue subsidising their agriculture to the advantage of large agribusiness.

Navdanya notes:

“With the removal of state tariff protections and subsidies, small farmers were left destitute. The result has been a disparity in what farmers earn for what they produce, versus what consumers pay, with farmers earning less and consumers paying more as agribusiness middlemen take the biggest cut.”

‘Food security’ has led to the dismantling of food sovereignty and food self-sufficiency for the sake of global market integration and corporate power.

We need look no further than India to see this in action. The now repealed recent farm legislation in India was aimed at giving the country the ‘shock therapy’ of neoliberalism that other countries have experienced.

The ‘liberalising’ legislation was in part aimed at benefiting US agribusiness interests and trapping India into food insecurity by compelling the country to eradicate its food buffer stocks – so vital to the nation’s food security – and then bid for food on a volatile global market from agribusiness traders with its foreign reserves.

The Indian government was only prevented from following this route by the massive, year-long farmer protest that occurred.

The current crisis is also being fuelled by speculation. Navdanya cites an investigation by Lighthouse Reports and The Wire to show how speculation by investment firms, banks and hedge funds on agricultural commodities are profiting off rising food prices. Commodity future prices are no longer linked to actual supply and demand in the market but are based purely on speculation.

Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus and investment funds like Black Rock and Vanguard continue to make huge financial killings, resulting in the price of bread almost doubling in some poorer countries.

The cynical ‘solution’ promoted by global agribusiness to the current food crisis is to urge farmers to produce more and seek better yields as if the crisis is that of underproduction. It means more chemical inputs, more genetic engineering techniques and suchlike, placing more farmers in debt and trapped in dependency.

It is the same old industry lie that the world will starve without its products and requires more of them. The reality is that the world is facing hunger and rising food prices because of the system big agribusiness has instituted.

And it is the same old story – pushing out new technologies in search of a problem and then using crises as justification for their rollout while ignoring the underlying reasons for such crises.

Navdanya sets out possible solutions to the current situation based on principles of agroecology, short supply lines, food sovereignty and economic democracy – policies that have been described at length in many articles and official reports over the years.

As for fighting back against the onslaught on ordinary people’s living standards, support is gathering among the labour movement in places like the UK. Rail union leader Mick Lynch is calling for a working class movement based on solidarity and class consciousness to fight back against a billionaire class that is acutely aware of its own class interests.

For too long, ‘class’ has been absent from mainstream political discourse. It is only through organised, united protest that ordinary people will have any chance of meaningful impact against the new world order of tyrannical authoritarianism and the devastating attacks on ordinary people’s rights, livelihoods and standards of living that we are witnessing.

Note to readers: Please click the share buttons above or below. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.

Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) in Montreal.

The author receives no payment from any media outlet or organization for his work. If you appreciated this article, consider sending a few coins his way: [email protected]

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Read Colin Todhunter’s e-Book entitled

Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.

Click here to read.

Humans Being Blamed for Dwindling Food Supply

Western countries are orchestrating a global food crisis while blaming Russia for it

Governments Start Calling For Price Controls – Rationing And CBDCs Come Next

TOPICS:Brandon SmithCBDCprice controlsSupply Chain

September 21, 2023

By Brandon Smith

Last month in the middle of the surreal “Bidenomics” hype I published an article titled ‘Nothing Is Over: Inflation Is About To Come Back With A Vengeance.’ I outlined the misconceptions surrounding CPI and how it is not an accurate model for the effects of inflation. I also noted that the index had been manipulated downwards by Joe Biden as he flooded the market with oil from the strategic reserves. Because so many elements of the CPI are connected to energy, Biden had created an artificial drop in CPI using this strategy.

I argued that as the strategic reserves ran out and Biden lost his leverage, CPI would rise again and prices on a number of necessities would climb. This is happening now, with the biggest jump in CPI in 14 months and gas prices clawing back towards all-time highs.

Inflation is not going away anytime soon, but the bigger issue at hand is who benefits most from inflation and rising prices? The answer might be obvious to some but many people are oblivious to the root cause of inflationary dysfunction and often see it as a consequence of random economic chaos rather than a product of clever engineering. The truth is, banking oligarchs and political authorities revel in the inflationary tidal wave because it is a perfect opportunity to institute far-reaching socialist controls over resources.

In most cases central bankers are the primary culprits behind the creation of an inflationary event, and the word “creation” best applies because it is nearly impossible for overt inflation to occur without them. While money supply is not the only factor when dealing with inflation (sorry purists, but there are indeed other causes), it is the most important. More money chasing less resources triggers supply-side instability and prices go up. Central banks have a number of excuses as to why they “need” to conjure up more dollars or pesos or pounds or marks, but there is no doubt that they know what the ultimate end result will be.

It’s happened too many times for them not to know…

These inflation events trigger a predictable set of dominoes in society as well as in economy and finance. Price spikes, diminished savings, rising poverty, rising crime, and rising interest rates – This is then followed in most cases by failed rate hikes, more inflation, then more hikes, diminishing foreign investment in debt, foreign currency dumps (causing more inflation), plunging consumer spending and job losses.

This same pattern has been witnessed from 1920s Weimar Germany to 1970s America to 1990s Yugoslavia to 2000s Argentina and Venezuela and beyond. But what happens next? In each case the trend leads first to price controls on producers and distributors, which ultimately fail. Then comes government rationing and the complete takeover of necessities including the food supply.

Think it can’t happen in the US? It already has. In 1971 Richard Nixon issued Executive Order 11615, (under the Economic Stabilization Act which was established in 1970); the order demanded a 90 day freeze on wages and prices in order to counter inflation. It was an exceedingly rare action outside of a world war and conveniently took place during the election cycle. Keep in mind, the real inflationary crisis had not happened yet, but the price controls gave markets a short term boost and gave Nixon an election win.

In 1973, controls returned during the Arab Oil Embargo. They failed and resulted in long term gas price inflation. Gerald Ford then called for American businesses to institute price controls under his “Whip Inflation Now” campaign; it was the subject of ridicule and was even made fun of by a young Joe Biden (who now falsely claims to have solved his own inflation problem with his useless Inflation Reduction Act).

Finally, Jimmy Carter introduced price and wage “guidelines” (controls) which rewarded businesses that raised prices below a set percentage. Any businesses that raised prices above the percentage and made a pre-tax profit above the previous two years would be penalized. In no case could a firm increase its dollar profit by more than 6.5 percent unless the excess was attributable to increased unit sales volume. This plan, of course, also failed to stop inflation.

Ultimately, the Fed had to jack rates up to around 20% in 1980-1981 to stop exponential inflation, which led to considerable business losses and high unemployment.

The problem is simple: price controls lead to lost profit incentive which leads to less production. Less production leads to less supply and less supply leads to rising prices. This is on top of the root cancer that is fiat money creation. Politicians will rarely if ever address the actual cause of an inflationary crisis: The government and the central banks. Instead, they try to blame free markets, “greedy” businesses and profit taking in times of distress.

Sadly, the pattern is repeating again today as it is now becoming clear to the public that central bank interest rate hikes are not having a significant effect and the public is still paying between 25%-50% more on the majority of goods they purchase compared to three years ago. As inflation grinds forward, multiple leftist governments are now openly discussing price controls.

Recently, Canada’s Justin Trudeau ordered top grocery chains in the country to cut prices while admonishing them for making higher profits, insinuating that they are the cause of inflation. In Canada, profit margins among grocers are actually flat due to rising costs. If one looks only at raw profits without taking into account inflation in producer costs as well as transportation, distribution and wages, then it might look like these companies are pulling in the cash. There is zero evidence to support this claim.

PM Trudeau announces affordability measures as caucus retreat concludes – September 14, 2023

at 18:02 Food pricing issues are skirted around supposedly placing measures to stabilize and lower grocery prices.
PM Trudeau announces affordability measures as caucus retreat concludes – September 14, 2023

PM Trudeau announces affordability measures as caucus retreat concludes –...

What Trudeau is doing is pretending to be stupid while engaging in a very clever strategy of scapegoating. It’s the government and the central bankers that are the foundational cause of inflation, but by blaming individual business sectors he sets the stage for government enforced price controls. When these fail and create a crisis in supply he will then introduce rationing, and once the government has conditioned the public to accept rationing the elites then control the entire population’s access to food and necessities.

Continued at link...

OPPOSING CBDCs – Actions To Take

Doctors Warn Of The ‘Hidden Harms’ Of Bioengineered Foods

September 26, 2023

Dr. Haider said, adding that the ‘Hidden Harms’ of bioengineered foods include the potential for the food itself to be toxic, cause allergic reactions, or promote antibiotic resistance.
Doctors are alerting customers to potential “hidden harms” in the meals they buy as the number of bioengineered foods and substances on the market increases.

Bioengineered food is defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a consumable good that “contains detectable genetic material that has been modified through certain lab techniques that cannot be created through conventional breeding or found in nature.”

Manufacturers must now label food items with the phrases “bioengineered” or “derived from bioengineering” so that customers will know what they are purchasing, thanks to a new disclosure requirement for bioengineered food that the USDA introduced on Jan. 1, 2022.

Public education is a fantastic place to begin. Dr. Syed Haider is quite concerned about the fact that these bioengineered foods have not been fully vetted.

October 5, 2023

Mexico Takes a Stand Against U.S. Big Ag and GMO Corn to Protect Their Native Varieties of Mexican Corn


Total Views : 199

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Back in 2014 when my online food store, Healthy Traditions, started testing all of our USDA certified organic grains for the presence of the herbicide glyphosate, which is used in RoundUp and is the world’s most-used herbicide, we were shocked to find out that even our USDA certified organic grains were almost all contaminated with glyphosate, even though they were “certified organic.” See:

ALERT: Certified Organic Food Grown in U.S. Found Contaminated with Glyphosate Herbicide

We found out that the NOP (National Organics Program) allowed for small amounts of pesticides and herbicides in certified organic products, and so we stopped buying grains based on organic status, and also stopped “certifying” our own products as “organic,” since it now has almost no meaning anymore. Big Food wanted in on the booming organic grocery business, and they have successfully watered down U.S. organic standards over the past decade or so.

Instead, we started testing all of the products we wanted to purchase for the presence of glyphosate, and if we carried a product that had a GMO equivalent in the marketplace, we also tested for the presence of GMO DNA.

It started a very long process for us to find grains that were not contaminated, and in most cases, we had to look outside the U.S. to find such grains that tested clean.

Corn was, by far, the hardest product to source that tested clean of GMO DNA, and we even purchased certified organic corn products off the shelves of stores like Whole Foods, that were also GMO “verified,” and all the samples we tested came back positive for genetically modified DNA.

We were unable to find a single supplier of organic corn in the U.S. who had corn that tested clean.

We finally found a supplier down in Central Mexico, in a Province that at that time had banned the planting of U.S. GMO corn, that finally tested clean of GMO DNA, and we have been selling corn from that region ever since, for almost 10 years now.

Now, Mexico has decided to ban U.S. GMO corn nationwide, as well as ban the use of glyphosate, and the U.S. and Canada are trying to bully Mexico into continuing to import GMO corn.

Aljazeera recently published an excellent analysis of this “corn war” between the U.S. and Mexico.

Why is Mexico standing up to bigger neighbours US, Canada on corn?

Mexico has barred the import of GMO corn for human consumption, raising the ire of exporter US where most corn is GMO.

Continued at link...

Catherine Austin Fitts O Problema Não É A Covid E Sim A Vacina CBDC O Fim Da Humanidade / Catherine Austin Fitts The Problem Is Not Covid But The CBDC Vaccine The End Of Humanity

Catherine Austin Fitts O Problema Não É A Covid E Sim A Vacina CBDC O Fim Da...

Genetically Altered Food – Beware!

By Rhoda Wilson on November 21, 2023

Science has, during the last few decades, presented us with a steadily increasing and apparently endless variety of moral dilemmas and practical threats. The subject of genetic engineering is a perfect example of how politicians have betrayed us all and are, through their refusal to take on big industry, threatening our very future.

In just a few decades genetic engineering has evolved so rapidly as a branch of science (if science is the right word for a form of alchemy which seems to pay little or no attention to logic or research) that the future of our species is now threatened. Genetic engineering enables scientists to transfer genes between species in an entirely unnatural way. Human genes can be transferred to pigs, sheep, fish or bacteria. And genes from bacteria, slugs, elephants, fish, tomatoes and anything else can be put into human beings.

Genetic engineering started in the 1970s. The technique involves putting genes from one species into another species. In order to do this the genetic engineers put the genes they want to move into viruses. They then put the virus into the animal or plant which is to be the recipient. Genetic engineering is nothing at all like conventional breeding techniques (such as are used by dog breeders who want dogs with very floppy ears or by people who want to grow black tulips).

Listen to the boastful, extraordinarily arrogant claims of genetic scientists and you might believe that they had all the answers to hunger and disease. They talk grandly about eradicating starvation by creating new high-yield, pest-resistant versions of existing foods and manipulating genes to banish physical ailments, aggression and depression. They will, they say, be able to eradicate homosexuality, control the overpopulation problem, purify water supplies, remove crime from our streets and deal with deforestation. Genetic engineers have even talked of modified strains of bacteria able to eat up plastics, heavy metals and other toxic wastes.

Vast amounts of money have been poured into identifying the human genome (the genetic blueprint for human life). There has even been talk that we will be able to clone ourselves so that we need never die.

Genetically Altered Food – Beware!

Salmon Are Vanishing — And So Is a Way of Life
As waters warm, Alaska Native families confront a world without the fish that fed them for generations.

Max Graham / Grist

Serena Fitka sat in the cabin of a flat-bottomed aluminum boat as it sped down the Yukon River in western Alaska, recalling how the river once ran thick with salmon. Each summer, in the Yup’ik village of St. Mary’s where Fitka grew up, she and her family fished for days on end. They’d catch enough salmon to last through winter, enough to share with cousins, aunts, uncles, and elders who couldn’t fish for themselves.

“We’d get what we need, and be done,” Fitka said, raising her voice above the whir of the outboard motor and the waves beating against the hull. “But now there’s nothing.”

The boat skirted the river bank as Fitka glanced out the window, her face shielded from the mid-July sun. Gray water, thick with glacial silt, lapped against the land’s muddy edge below a summer palette of green: dark spruce needles, light birch leaves, and willows a shade in between. A bald eagle soared 10 feet above the river, scanning the water.

“I thought this wouldn’t happen in my lifetime,” Fitka said. “I thought there would always be fish in the river.”

“We’d get what we need, and be done,” Fitka said, raising her voice above the whir of the outboard motor and the waves beating against the hull. “But now there’s nothing.” 

There have been salmon in the Yukon, the fourth-longest river in North America, for as long as there have been people on its banks. The river’s abundance helped Alaska earn its reputation as one of the last refuges for wild salmon, a place where they once came every year by the millions to spawn in pristine rivers and lakes after migrating thousands of miles. But as temperatures in western Alaska and the Bering Sea creep higher, the Yukon’s salmon populations have plunged.

State and federal fishery managers have resorted to drastic measures to save them. In 2021, for the first time in Fitka’s life, regulators prohibited all fishing for the river’s two main salmon species — king and chum — even for subsistence. For the better part of three fishing seasons, thousands of Yup’ik and Athabascan fishers have been banned from catching the fish that once kept their families fed.

“We grew up with fishing, cutting fish, smoking fish all our lives,” Fitka said. “And to have it taken away just like that — without warning, without mentally preparing yourself — is traumatizing.”

Continued at link...

Bayer Hit With $857 Million Verdict on Toxic Monsanto Chemicals

Nationwide German farmers protest as government declares war on food, farms, and populations

German farmers are shutting down the country in protest against the government's war on food and farms.

The government is sharply escalating the effective cost of fuel for farmers by ending diesel subsidies, and this will make German farmers unable to compete with food producers in other European countries.

The end result will be the rapid collapse of German farms, leading to centralization of the food supply (and the weaponization of food scarcity to achieve depopulation).

Dr. William Makis: Targeting Food Supply with mRNA Vaccines?

by Veronika Kyrylenko January 8, 2024

Emerging trend of inoculating food animals with mRNA vaccines, fueled by significant investments from major corporations and governments, could have dire consequences for both animal and human health, as well as the food supply, warns physician and medical researcher Dr. William Makis.

In this interview with The New American, Dr. Makis discusses the mechanisms and risks associated with both conventional and newer self-amplifying mRNA vaccines. He highlights the possibility of animals experiencing similar adverse effects as humans, such as cancers, blood clots, myocarditis, reproductive issues, and neurodegenerative diseases. Dr. Makis points out the potential threat of the prion, or protein misfolding, disorders, like Mad cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which could infect humans through consumption of contaminated meat or milk. He also expresses concern about the risk of DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines, which could integrate into the genomes of animals and humans and criticizes the lack of open discussion in medical circles about these and many other pressing issues, as mRNA vaccines have become a nearly sacred subject not to be questioned.

Dr. Makis questions the justification for such risks, pointing to the financial motives of pharmaceutical companies and propagation of narratives on unexplained emergent biological threats to livestock. It may be argued that the covert biowarfare projects might result in the mass infection and vaccination of cattle, followed by widespread slaughter due to mRNA vaccines’ side effects. This scenario logically links to global agendas aimed at reducing meat consumption and promoting alternatives like insects and cultivated meat. The importance of supporting local farmers and opposing these agendas cannot be overstated, said the researcher.

Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with extensive expertise in radiology, oncology, and immunology, the author of over 100 peer-reviewed medical publications, and a best-selling author on Substack.

Dr. Makis is on X (Twitter).

Dr. William Makis: Targeting Food Supply with mRNA Vaccines?

The Crisis In The Red Sea Threatens To Disrupt Global Supply Chains Even More Than The Pandemic Did

January 22, 2024 by Michael


Do you remember the supply chain problems that we experienced during the darkest days of the COVID pandemic? Well, now we are being warned that the crisis in the Red Sea could actually disrupt global supply chains to an even greater degree. Needless to say, this comes at a really bad time because the U.S. economy has really been struggling lately. The U.S. and the U.K. are desperate to resolve this crisis, and so they have been bombing the living daylights out of the Houthis in Yemen. We haven’t seen anything quite like this from the U.S. military since the early days of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. On Monday, there was yet another round of air and missile strikes…


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Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 31, 2024 - Twelve states sound the alarm: Globalist banks are conspiring with the UN to WIPE OUT U.S. farms and food production
US empire decline and CIA struggles with Chinese recruitment. (0:03)

  • Language learning and diversity in the workplace. (3:30)

  • FAA priorities, Boeing quality control, and Israel-Palestine conflict. (9:06)

  • Israeli war crimes and economic concerns. (15:01)

  • Potential US-Iran war and its consequences. (20:10)

  • US-Iran conflict and potential nuclear war. (25:07)

  • Food supply and debt spiral. (39:30)

  • US debt, unfunded liabilities, and potential economic collapse. (50:09)

  • Agricultural impact of net-zero emissions goals. (55:19)

  • Secession and the importance of food security. (1:00:35)

  • Post-collapse recovery efforts in Texas. (1:19:20)

  • Geopolitics, military interventions, and technology. (1:24:11)

  • Military technology and geopolitics. (1:29:23)

  • US military spending and geopolitical tensions. (1:40:09)

  • Geopolitics and energy security. (1:45:14)

  • Restarting an economy after collapse with a focus on Texas. (1:56:45)

Fire Engulfs Massive Chicken Plant In Texas

At the same time, rogue elites, part of the World Economic Forum cult - pushed sinister narratives of how the working poor class must abandon "animal protein" for "insects" because the current food supply chain was contributing to climate change. Yet these elites, flying across the world in private jets and sailing on diesel-powered megayachts, is kosher?

The question many have for 2024: Will a series of mysterious fires erupt at food plants across the US while radical WEF elites continue their info campaign to 'reset' the food supply chain?

According to BBC News, the first big fire of the year was reported at a large chicken farm in a rural part of Northeast Brazos County in Texas.

Footage shared by photographer James Nowak with KBTX shows that the fire at Feather Crest Farms is burning on the south end near Democrat Road. Still no word on what started it.

:red_circle:DETAILS -->

:rotating_light: Rusty Surette :rotating_light: (@KBTXRusty) January 30, 2024

The blaze at Feather Crest Farms, located near Fickey Road east of Kurten, was reported shortly after 5 p.m. local time. Authorities stated on Monday night that it might take several days to extinguish the fire completely.

Ground footage shared by Jim Suydam with KBTX shows that the fire at Feather Crest Farms continues to burn into the night. Firefighters have come from other counties nearby to help out.

Last year, Tucker Carlson interviewed Dutch political activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek, who said, "I think that the push for insect eating is just a compliance test because our politicians know that when they control the food, they control the people."

It's odd that WEF routinely advocates the urgent need to reset the food supply chain while commercial farms mysteriously ignite.

Drought dries profits, farmers seek aid

By Catherine McGeer • Published: 03 Feb 2024 • 19:00

Malaga's Greenhouse Meltdown. Image: Shutterstock/ BearFotos

Malaga and the Axarquia area are dealing with a dire agricultural crisis as the extended drought slashes greenhouse cultivation by 50 per cent. The Axarquía region is particularly affected, with the Andalucian government’s Agricultural and Fisheries Information Service declaring a ‘critical situation.’

Water Scarcity Strikes, Leaving Half of Greenhouse Area Unplanted

Water scarcity has left half of the greenhouse area unplanted, posing a threat to the livelihoods of around 1,000 families dependent on the sector’s annual income of €70 million.

Globalists Will Use Carbon Controls To Stop You From Growing Your Own Food

by Brandon Smith |

February 2nd 2024

In early 2020 in the midst of the covid lockdowns, blue states run by leftist governors pursued mandates with extreme prejudice. In red states like Montana, after the first month or two most of us simply ignored the restrictions and went on with life as usual. It was clear that covid was not the threat federal authorities made it out to be. However, in states like Michigan the vice was squeezed tighter and tighter under the direction of shady leaders like Gretchen Whitmer.

Whitmer used covid as an opportunity to institute some bizarre limitations on the public, including a mandate barring larger stores from selling seeds and garden supplies to customers. “If you’re not buying food or medicine or other essential items, you should not be going to the store,” Whitmer said when announcing her order. The leftist governor was fine with purchases of lottery tickets and liquor, but not gardening tools and seeds.

She never gave a logical reason why she targeted garden supplies, but most people in the preparedness community understood very well what this was all about: This was a beta-test for wider restrictions on food independence. There was widespread rhetoric in the media throughout 2020 attacking anyone stockpiling necessities as “hoarders,” and now they were going after people planning ahead and trying to grow their own food. The establishment did NOT want people to store or produce a personal food supply.

Another prospect that was being openly discussed among globalists was the idea that lockdowns were “helpful” in ways beyond stopping the spread of covid (the lockdowns were actually useless in stopping the spread of covid). They suggested that the these measures could be effective in preventing global carbon emissions and saving the world from “climate change.” The idea of climate lockdowns began to spread.

Food Prices To Skyrocket In 2024 - From Cattle Shortages To Recalls To Another Meat Farm On Fire, Multiple Food Categories Will See Massive Price Hikes In The Coming Months

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

A multi-day fire in Texas where multiple buildings at Feather Crest Farms was finally extinguished, making this just the latest in more than 100 accidents, plane crashes, explosions and fires, at food processing/manufacturing facilities since 2021.

Add that to the US cattle herd shrinking to the lowest level in more than seven decades, Amish farmers still under siege by the Biden regime, war affecting food prices in multiple categories, and unprecedented amounts of food recalls, food costs 20% higher than when Biden started occupying the White House, and we have the perfect storm of events making it difficult for parents to feed themselves and their children.

Food insecurity has steadily risen since the Biden regime took over.

In March 2023, reports showed that almost 25% of Americans were considered food insecure, which was a jump of 5 percentage points from the previous year.

Almost 25% of American adults are food insecure, a jump of about five percentage points from a year earlier as the double whammy of high inflation and the end of pandemic benefits squeezes more household budgets, according to a new study.

Food insecurity indicates that someone isn't able to secure enough food for a nutritious diet, which can lead to skipping meals or cutting back on food. Those strategies, though, can have implications for a person's health and well-being, experts say.

The assertion that skipping meals or not getting enough to eat affects the health, while common sense, has also been confirmed by a recent study that found "estimated life expectancy at age 50 was 32.5 years among individuals with full food security, compared with 29.9 years among adults with marginal food security, 30 years among those with low food security and 28 years among individuals with very low food security."

Despite inflation being lower now than it was last in 2021, the cost of food has not gone down, so the prices we are paying now, are not going down, if anything they are going to start rising again.

In the first video at the bottom of this piece, we'll see 20 food items that will see their prices skyrocket in 2024.

Regular core inflation, which was far lower than food inflation since the Biden regime took over, has been higher under Biden than it was under Trump.

Biden is trying to blame grocery stores, demanding they cut prices, despite the fact that supermarkets have one of the lowest profit margins.

Supermarkets are often cited as among the types of businesses with the lowest profit margins. It's true. Grocery store profit margins typically range from 1 percent to 3 percent, depending on the items. Grocery stores make their money on volume. They may not make much on any one item, but it's the rare shopper who only buys one item. That's why the store kindly provides big shopping carts for their customers. With not much additional effort, the grocery store sells you 20 items or more, making much more profit than they would have if you had bought only one item.

What Biden is doing is looking for a scapegoat, because he won't admit his policies are responsible for much of the inflation.

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Pacific storms have been crashing into the west coast, and another his drenching them this evening (February 4, 2024.)

"Radicalized" Tucker Carlson Went Grocery Shopping in Russia
