Mega-Drought & Mega Food Shortages

Dr Vernon Coleman - Hungry Broke DeadDr Vernon Coleman - Hungry Broke Dead

Gardening is the terrorism!!!

They wish to bankrupt us, starve us, and destroy us.

Dr Vernon Coleman - Hungry Broke Dead

It’s March 2023 and this is video 323.

There are gullible people around who think the human race is going through a bad patch. The truth, of course, is that there have been no accidents and no coincidences.

The reality is that some very, very bad people have manufactured a crisis to create a world government and anyone who doesn’t believe that must be an unbelievably ignorant and thick coincidence theorist. In this video I’m going to explore and explain precisely what is going on in the world. If some of it seems far-fetched remember that my predictions have been absolutely accurate since the beginning – and you can still view my old videos and read the transcripts of the ones which were banned, censored or hacked into oblivion. The cowardly and obedient editors at YouTube banned everything of mine because they knew I was right and they were told by the CIA and GCHQ to remove everything.

It is now time to imprison the globalists, the conspirators, the EU supporters, the left wing pseudo-intellectual extremists and the insane armies of the woke. They’ve done far too much damage already. They want you broke, hungry and dead and it’s time to take back control of our lives and our world.

Look, to start with, at what they’re doing to our food.

It’s been known since people started eating that whoever controls the food controls the people and, ultimately, the world.

Mao, the crazy megalomaniac who ran China understood this; and so that people understood who was in charge of China he put soldiers, who knew nothing about farming, in charge of the farms. He ordered that farm tools be melted down and turned into steel to make weapons. This left farmers attempting to manage their farms with nothing more than copies of the Little Red Book to use as makeshift spades. The result was the Great Chinese Famine in which thirty million people died.

What happened in China is now happening globally – on a much, much bigger scale. They are deliberately creating food shortages because they want to see billions starving. They want poverty and rationing and death.

I warned it was coming back in May and June 2020 in two videos which I described as The Coming Global Food Shortage. I think only one of them is still there but the transcript is in my book entitled The Greatest Hoax in History.

And I also mentioned the horrible `r’ word. Rationing.

The excuse for the lack of food and the high prices is, of course, that modern favourite: the myth of global warming. Governments everywhere, under the control of the conspirators and egged on by insane collaborators and the noisy woke demonstrators , are introducing legislation which is ostensibly designed to save the planet from whatever dreadful end the cultists have come up with this week. Some weeks they say we are all going to drown and some weeks they say we are all going to fry. Predictions have been going on for over a decade and they have, of course, all been absurd and wrong. In 2013, a professor said we had until 2015 before all the Arctic ice disappeared. In 2009, Gordon Brown warned that we had just 50 days to save the planet. In 2004, the Observer newspaper announced that by 2020 Britons would be living in a Siberian climate. Fourteen years ago, Charles of the British royal family told everyone that we had eight years left.

And all around the world serious food shortages are developing. Every foodstuff is, or will soon be, in short supply. It’s not difficult to see why.

In 2021, Sri Lanka banned chemical fertilisers. This reduced home-grown production of food so much, that the country had to import food which they couldn’t afford. End result: trouble. In Holland, the Government is closing down farms as if they were illegal gambling casinos.

In Canada, the Government has blocked the use of nitrogen based fertiliser. All round the world nutters are promoting biofuels in the knowledge that in so doing they are turning food into fuel and causing millions more deaths.

In the USA, they have the Inflation Reduction Act which doesn’t seem to have anything much to do with inflation but which means that farmers are paid not to farm. Biden started paying farmers not to farm in 2021, and California is paying out $3 billion so that farmers don’t do any farming. I’m surprised there will be any money left in the US since Biden has also promised that American taxpayers will pay the pensions of Ukraine citizens. When is he going to make Ukraine the 51st state? It might be cheaper.

Just the same thing was introduced by the EU years ago. They call it setaside. Fertiliser use was dramatically reduced long before the shortage of fertilisers meant that farmers couldn’t use it anyway. Piles of bizarre new laws have been introduced world-wide to make farming inefficient and commercially impossible. The ghost of Mao seems to be in charge. Farmers haven’t twigged and many seem confused by what is happening. They shouldn’t be. It’s all deliberate.

New rules are being introduced to ban the import of foods which aren’t transported by train or on ships which operate without using any fuel. Surprisingly, this causes some problems when trying to move food from one continent to another. Islands will have insurmountable problems though technically, I suppose bananas could be brought over to Britain in yachts like the one Little Greta used to cross the Atlantic. Or maybe in rowing boats. Or a flotilla of seaside pedalos could be used. Maybe those ones that look like swans.

Then there are all the strange explosions and fires. Farms, food factories and processing plants all over the world are spontaneously combusting. In the US, since Biden took over as president, 96 food processing venues have been completely or partially destroyed by fire or explosions. And then they aren’t rebuilt, of course.

In America and Europe there has been an epidemic of rail derailments and countless fires involving toxic chemicals.

Oddly, the damage to food processing plants has coincided with demands that sheep and cow farms be closed to reduce methane emissions and to meet absurd and unnecessary net-zero emissions. Home owners who plant their own crops or, heaven forbid, keep a few hens, are likely to be arrested. Gardening is the new terrorism.

It is claimed that eggs are scarce and expensive because avian influenza has killed all the hens. But the truth is that supermarkets have increased the price at which they sell eggs but not increased the price they pay farmers. And with the cost of everything (food, energy) soaring, farmers can’t afford to keep hens. All of which is unfortunate since there is some evidence that eating eggs provides some protection against infectious diseases such as the flu. What a sick joke that is.

The same thing is happening with dairy cows, and that’s why milk and cheese are going to be rationed and in short supply. Animals are given fake tests – tests seem popular on farms as well as in hospitals, even though they are less accurate than tossing a coin – and then if there’s one positive test, whole farms have to be closed down and animals slaughtered.

The conspirators are destroying our food supplies and the compliant collaborators and the insane woke people are cheering them on. Right from the start I warned that the biggest threat to humanity would come from the collaborators: the people who accept the lies, do what they are told and cheer on evil people who make Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun look positively benevolent. Only a BBC employee or someone with the IQ of a chair, possibly the same thing, of course, could possibly not believe that our enemies want to bankrupt us, starve us and destroy us.

The result of all this is that food prices are higher than they have ever been before – according to the Food and Agricultural Organisation. There will doubtless be cheering and much drinking of champagne at the next Bilderberger meeting. The men and women manufacturing this crisis are evil and quite insane.

Rationing is now being talked about seriously all around the world. And it will come. And not just food. Rationing of fuel – both for vehicles and for homes and factories – is not far away. Rationing for clothes and travel soon too. And before long there will be confiscations of wealth and natural resources and property. They want you poor and dependent.

In America and Europe, people complain about the prices but not many are starving just yet. In Africa and Asia however, hundreds of millions are going to starve to death. I have repeatedly warned about that for nearly three years and have pleaded, without success, with organisations such as Black Lives Matter, and those virtue signalling footballers and other sports people to speak out about it.

The answer, we are constantly being told, is that we must all eat sustainable foods such as insects. And we must eat the laboratory made food being prepared for us by global super chef Bill Gates. This is the same Gates who promoted a pseudo vaccine that doesn’t work but does kill people, who helped promote genetically modified mosquitoes, who wants to fill the sky with powder to block the sun getting through in the guise of fighting non- existent climate change. Could it really be to mess up the growing seasons and cause more starvation and deaths? Gates is using his billions to promote some of the most dangerous and crazy notions in history – projects that even a James Bond baddie would back away from.

And, lest you forget, this is the same Gates who had financial links with the BBC and the Guardian. And it is the same Gates, in case you are wondering, who had links with Jeffrey Epstein. Shades of Jimmy Savile at the biased and untrustworthy BBC. Remember: the BBC won’t allow anyone questioning vaccines on their programmes – whether they’re right or wrong.

But the deliberate destruction of our food supplies is only part of it, of course.

Doctors are still injecting people with the covid-19 jab – the most deadly pharmaceutical product in history. It doesn’t do what they said it would do but it does do what I said it would do – it kills people.

Doctors knew, before they started to give the jabs, that the pseudo vaccine would cause heart problems, strokes, blood clots and so on and so on. They knew, or should have known, because I knew long before they started jabbing.

They knew, and yet they deliberately went ahead with jabbing their patients. It was their professional and legal responsibility to know that these jabs would cause numerous serious problems. And if doctors and nurses didn’t warn the poor folks they were jabbing of the serious side effects then they were in breach of every ethical and legal code in existence including the Hippocratic Oath which famously includes the line First do no Harm. Sadly, but not surprisingly, of course, the General Medical Council in the UK got rid of the Hippocratic Oath because they said it was too old-fashioned.

Every day they seem to dream up more reasons for people to have the jab. The latest ploy is to say that those who aren’t jabbed are more likely to get type 2 diabetes.

If it’s true, do you know why that is? There are two reasons. First, the jabs screw up your blood sugar, and if you get jabbed you’re probably going to get type 1 diabetes which is much more deadly. And then there’s the fact that the jab has killed so many. It reminds me of some daft researcher who claimed that smokers are less likely to get Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers got terribly excited. There was talk of everyone being encouraged to smoke because it was true. Statistically speaking smokers were less likely to get Alzheimers. The snag, which I spotted and the researchers didn’t, is that smokers are mostly dead before they reach the sort of age when Alzheimer’s usually develops.

Doctors and mad scientists who produced and promoted pseudo vaccines have a whole menu of new and terrifying products they’re desperate to try out. They want to implant electrodes into your brain so that they can control your thoughts and your actions. I first wrote about that in a book called Paper Doctors in 1977 but now they want to turn crazy theory into practical applications. And they will.

After all, governments have for years now been using brainwashing specialists to control and terrify their own citizens. Fear has always been the most potent force with which to control people. It is much easier to control through fear than through love and respect. For centuries, kings, popes and political leaders have used fear as a weapon. Today, the conspirators want to create the maximum amount of fear, uncertainty and confusion so that they can do what they like with us.

I really object to the Government I help pay for, using my taxes to pay the British Army to create fear, to attack me and suppress what I write and to smear me.

Also in Paper Doctors, in 1977, I warned about the dangers of messing around with human genes. In July 2020 I made a video entitled ‘They want to kill six billion of us – here’s how they’ll do it’ and in August 2020, two and a half years ago, I made a video entitled ‘How many billion could the covid-19 vaccine kill or damage’. You can watch the videos on and the transcripts are published separately in the articles section on my website. No one ever, ever found anything inaccurate in any of my videos. But they took them down BECAUSE they were accurate.

Doctors and advisors knew in advance the harm they were going to do. If I knew two and a half years ago you can be damned sure the drug companies, the vaccine shills, the medical establishment and the Government advisors must have known how dangerous their new vaccine was likely to be. If they didn’t then they didn’t do their homework. Pfizer has been one of the dirtiest companies in the world for decades.

But there’s more, of course.

In May 2022, I warned that they wanted World War III and now they have it. Naturally, my warning was received with the usual sneers of derision but now it’s difficult to think of a country which isn’t involved. It is patently clear that the US, the EU and the UK became involved in the Ukraine war as a proxy for a designer war with Russia. The EU and the UK were forced into the war by Biden and the US. The sanctions against Russia were unauthorised and illegal and designed to put up the price of oil and gas in Europe, Africa and Asia – to cause economic chaos and kill countless millions through starvation. The sanctions against Russia have had virtually no effect on the target (which is selling oil to countries such as China and India, which can’t believe their good fortune). But the sanctions have, of course, caused inflation, high interest rates, price increase and recessions in the US, the UK and the EU. The Russian economy is doing much better than the economies in those three zones. Since all this was predictable it is fair to assume that the conspirators behind the sanctions knew exactly what they were doing.

And if you’ve seen my video entitled ‘Urgent Warning to Everyone’ you’ll know that the American Government deliberately blew up the Nord Stream pipeline bringing gas from Russia because Biden’s administration was worried that the Germans might reopen it. The Americans wanted to force the EU to support Ukraine by providing military support. Incidentally, Pulitzer Prize winning Seymour Hersh, who exposed the way the Americans had destroyed the Nord Stream pipeline, has now been widely labelled ‘discredited’ – exactly the same abusive word with which they labelled me three years ago. The odd thing is that we’ve both been involved in exposing crimes of different kinds for many years but this is the first time that governments have resorted to personal abuse. It is clear that this time it really is different.

None of the politicians now cheering for more war was ever interested in getting involved in Ukraine’s previous conflicts or, indeed, with the much longer and deadlier conflict in Yemen. But now they’re all screaming for more bombs, more war, more deaths.

The only question now is when will the world’s first nuclear war start?

Politicians all around the world are clamouring to give Ukraine more arms and fighter jets. American politicians openly talk about destroying Russia. Ukraine has passed a law which makes peace negotiations illegal. `We will not participate in peace talks’ they said. It is not difficult to see NATO troops on the ground in Ukraine within a few months. NATO, the US, the UK and the EU are deliberately creating anger and hatred and the prospect of revenge. There is no prospect of peace.

The utterly awful bullet happy Zelenski, who struts around the world, still masquerading as a leader but looking more and more like an extra in a Marx Brothers movie, seems to imagine that he is the new Che, though without the beret, the big cigar , the genuine compassion and the personality and wants a military solution not a negotiated solution. Zelenski is an actor, not a terribly good one – his only discernible talent appears to be the ability to play the piano with his penis – now playing the part of a wartime leader, safe from the front line, pampered and spoilt by Western leaders using him as a puppet. He seems to be enjoying every moment of his new fame and glory. Maybe his royal hypocrite will bring Zelensky over to use his penis to play God save the King at the Coronation – that should make it memorable. One prick for another.

I have explained before how NATO manipulated Russia into an impossible position with regard to Ukraine because Putin, like China, wouldn’t agree to become part of the New World Order and a world government organised on American terms. But the Americans are in danger of losing the psychological war. It was, for example, a crass error for Biden to stroll with Zelenski through Kiev while fake air raid sirens rounded. The Russians agreed to allow this quiet lovers’ stroll because it demonstrated the involvement of the US in the war, so that the Russian people would appreciate that they weren’t fighting Ukraine but were at war with America and NATO. It was a smart move.

It has become apparent that Ukraine used the Minsk agreement to enable them to build up an army ready for a war they wanted. A Ukraine general talked about taking his tanks into Red Square – too arrogant and too stupid to realise that the Russians would nuke Kiev if that looked like happening. Warmongering ignorant left wing fruitcakes fly Ukraine flags in their gardens, paint their faces in the Ukraine colours and try to find clothing in Ukraine colours. They seem to have no understanding of the extent to which they are supporting neo Nazis and seem to me to be war mongering bastards who need locking up in somewhere with a moat packed with crocodiles.

The world is dividing into two camps with Russia and China and a variety of other countries on one side – and America, the EU and the UK on the other side. Israel sits on the fence holding everyone’s coats, cheering on both sides, threatening a full scale war against Iran and hoping to pick up some cheap oil and new armaments from America.

The bizarre result of all this is that Russia is now the world centre of Christianity and the West is despised around much of the world. America and Britain and the EU are unbelievably corrupt countries and Christianity has been long forgotten and suppressed. Christians have been fined for wearing crosses and arrested for praying silently. Charles, allegedly the head of the Church of England but also a climate change nutter and a frequent flyer, and the most embarrassing hypocrite in the country, will declare in his coronation that he is the defender of all faiths. Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury won’t mind: he is a disgrace.

England has a Hindu leader. London has a Muslim mayor and when there was talk of a Christian becoming the new leader of Scotland the result was outrage. I saw one headline which said: ‘Would a Christian be permitted to lead Scotland?’

Schools teach lies and propaganda and sex material that even adults find shocking. Millions of children, mentally damaged by masks, lockdowns and involuntary vaccinations, leave school unable to write or do simple sums.

Many now advocate allowing children to change sex at will without their parents being consulted.

There is no sense of morality, no sense of right and wrong and since there is no freedom of speech in the mainstream press these issues are never openly debated.

And all the time the drive towards a digital economy, with everyone possessing a digital identity, continues apace. Banga, America’s new nominee for the World Bank, wants to get rid of cash and will, of course, campaign enthusiastically against climate change and for digital ID – as though the two were or could be in any way connected other than that they are linked by the fact that the former is an excuse, nothing more, for driving us towards the planned global reset of which the latter is an integral part.

At a meeting of the World Government Summit recently Klaus Schwab, who is effectively the UK’s Prime Minister, said that whoever mastered the new technologies will be the masters of the world.

The US, the UK and most of the EU countries are technically bankrupt and yet they are competing to give most arms to defend one of the most corrupt countries in the world, a country headed by a man who never stopped being a poor comedian but who is now a poor comedian with a begging bowl constantly demanding more weapons, more bombs, more bullets, more jets, more bombers and soon, some nice nukes of his own. And the way we’re going he’ll get them.

The world is controlled by woke, left wing, communist extremists masquerading as liberal greens and telling endless lies about non-existent climate change. And, incidentally, it’s not true that scientists believe that climate change is real or that they think it’s man-made or that they think it threatens our way of life. Those are lies used to terrify and control. And there is no debate. The truth is that the climate change nutters are science deniers. They don’t like facts which they regard as an inconvenience to be ignored. Like the BBC, which employs 22,000 professional purveyors of propaganda, they are devoted to misinformation. If the BBC broadcast a fact they’d feel so bad they’d broadcast a grovelling apology. Together with Google, YouTube and Wikipedia the BBC is one of the world’s Big Four enemies of truth – packed with sanctimonious, pretentious, arrogant and ignorant fools. They’d hire Dr Mengele as their resident health expert if they could find the body to dig up. In Britain the mainstream media vie to be as bad as the BBC.

The bottom line is that there are more commies in power in the UK and the USA than in Russia. They want to get rid of every country’s culture and history and all they talk about is diversity. Well, I’ve had enough diversity. I’m full up with diversity. I didn’t ask for what we’ve got and I don’t want any more. Leave our statues alone. The humourless woke minority should stop whingeing about sexism and racism every time they don’t get exactly what they want the minute they want it. The biggest crime in the world today is ageism. The most common victims of racism are white people. And the most common victims of sexism are men.

Anyone who mentions any of this is instantly demonised as a conspiracy theorist. And denounced as discredited.

Both those terms were, incidentally, applied to me in March 2020 after I exposed the covid scare as a hoax and yet no one at Google – which spreads the abuse – offered the slightest evidence of their validity. They just said and repeated it. The only source for these libels was an editor at Wikipedia – believed by a co-founder of Wikipedia to be a fake name for a series of CIA operatives. Larry Sanger, the co-founder, has described Wikipedia, the website written too often by prejudiced and bigoted amateurs, as corrupt and I find it difficult to disagree with that. Wikipedia is largely powerful because of its close, symbiotic relationship with Google.

No one could point to anything I got wrong. It was the mainstream media which got everything wrong and which told lie after lie. And yet I’m so banned it’s amazing that I can still make occasional videos and put up website articles. The last but one time I was interviewed for internet radio, the final interview lost 17 minutes. The time before that, the interviewer lost his Spotify podcast and his PayPal as a direct result of interviewing me. I am banned from every social media outlet I know about. When I tried to join Facebook in spring 2020 they told me I was too dangerous for their community.

There’s rightly been a lot of fuss recently about the appallingly heavy handed, woke changes to Roald Dahl’s books. ‘Leave the books alone,’ say many authors and commentators. But no one cares about the fact that those of us struggling to share the truth about what is happening in the real world are banned from all mainstream media and from most of the internet.

Mainstream media journalists, who are universally stupid or corrupt or both, are firmly convinced that we are living in the Time of the Coincidence. The fake pandemic. The fake vaccine that doesn’t work but does kill, and the mandatory vaccination programmes that came in its wake. The masks that don’t work. The lockdowns that did far more harm than good. Endless scares about new infectious diseases – most of them, they say, linked to farm animals. An epidemic of sudden death affecting previously healthy individuals. The climate change myth. A world war, deliberately engineered by NATO and now constantly fuelled by ignorant idiots demanding ever more involvement. The suppression of all truths. The demonization of all truth-tellers. One coincidence after another. And all of them all happening at the same time in every country in the world. Meanwhile, we are told that Boris Johnson, no less, wants to be the Secretary General of NATO. This is the same Johnson who wants Ukraine to have NATO membership and who wants the UK to give British jets to Ukraine – a nation with surprisingly strong and conveniently overlooked Nazi overtones.

The aim is to promote the policies of radical left wing liberals who want to destroy the world and bring in the Great Reset. They believe in wealth equalisation, which means that they want what you’ve got, but they don’t believe in private investors, freedom of speech or biological gender. They believe that the middle classes must be destroyed, that capitalism is bad and that the world would be a much better place if they had all the money, and you and I simply shut up and did what we were told. They are science deniers who believe in woke governance and they constantly introduce new laws to push their absurd political agendas. They love the EU, which is every fascist’s dream and every freedom lover’s nightmare, they love diversity and sustainability and will make you crawl through broken glass if they can have more of both. They’ll vote for a nuclear war if they think it will bring them what they want. (They are too stupid to realise that in a nuclear war there will be no winners and anyone left alive will wish they were dead.)

What the self-righteous, self-deluded radical left wing liberals don’t realise is that they are working on behalf of their sponsors – the billionaire conspirators who just know that the world will be a much better place if THEY have all the money and you and I and the radical left wing liberals, who want to destroy the world, just shut up and did what we were all told. However bad you fear things could soon be they will, I fear, be considerably worse.

The gofers, the executives if you like, behind the Great Reset are people like Schwab, Blair, Obama, Charles the Hypocrite, Soros, Musk and Gates. But the string pullers are Fink of Black Rock, Bloomberg of Bloomberg, Paulson, formerly of Goldman Sachs, Solomon of Goldman Sachs, which bank I regard as the bastard child of an uncomfortable alliance between Shylock and Fagin, Rockefeller and Rothschild, the one who poked a finger in Charlie’s chest. A huge chunk of the world’s so-called leaders are alumni of Goldman Sachs, by the way. Sunak, currently Britain’s Prime Minister is one.

The corrupt conspirators and the corrupted and compliant collaborators will do everything they can to win their war. They aren’t interested in consensus politics. They are totally committed to control and power and to ending the game with all the money in their pockets. They have deliberately, meticulously destroyed every tradition we have. They know that our culture is built on our history and they are determined to remove everything of which we are proud.

It is time to defend ourselves against the Godless tyranny which threatens our humanity and our very lives.

The conspirators and the collaborators should all be arrested. All Bilderbergers should be arrested for having meetings at our expense and then not telling us what they were plotting. Supporters of Ukraine should be arrested for naivety and stupidity and not understanding what is going on. Journalists working for the mainstream media should be arrested. All EU staff and supporters should be arrested. All supporters of and promoters of the fake vaccine should be arrested. The staff of the WHO should be arrested. The staff of Facebook, Google, YouTube and Wikipedia should be arrested for the suppression of truths and for contributing to genocide. Graduates of the Common Purpose programme should be arrested. Anyone involved with the WEF should be arrested. And the left woke climate change nutters should be sent way to be reprogrammed to understand the meaning of truth and science.

We need bigger prisons.

That’ll do for now.

We need to stay alert.

The latest danger is that they are planning to make it a crime to tell the truth about vaccines, of all kinds, or about global warming. Telling the truth is going to be a crime – branded as terrorism and a crime against humanity.

Please watch my good chum Colin Barron’s wonderful videos and please look at my websites and – where there is new material most days – and share what you find with everyone on social media. Remember, I’m banned from everywhere except my own websites and those kind people who carry my material. Any social media sites which you see in my name are fraudulent. Even Linked-In expelled me.

And remember: when you see something bad happening you have to stand up for what you believe to be right. If you don’t then you might as well be dead. Sadly, most people have turned their faces to the wall and given up. There is no free speech anywhere in the world. In the UK, Christians are an ethnic minority and in many parts of the country white English folk are an oppressed ethnic minority.

But you are definitely not alone. More and more people are waking up. And once awake they don’t go back to sleep.

May God be with you and remember: they want compliance, let’s give them defiance. The longer this war has gone on, the more grateful I have felt that we have God on our side in our battles with the Godless hordes.

Distrust the government, avoid mass media and fight the lies. That’s as true now as it was when I first said it nearly three years ago. And if you want to save yourself, your family and your friends please share this and my other videos with everyone you know and many people you don’t know. I can’t share anything because I’m banned everywhere for the modern sin of telling the truth. But I’ll be here on and for as long as I can.

Thank you for watching an old man in a chair.

Sura 2:152. Remember Me; then I will remember you. Be grateful to Me, and reject not Faith.
2:153. O ye who believe! seek help with patient Perseverance and Prayer: for God is with those who patiently persevere.
2:154. And say not of those who are slain in The Way of God: "They are dead." Nay, they are living, though ye perceive (it) not (re-incarnation).
2:155. Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but [We] give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere,-
2:156. Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To God we belong, and to Him is our return":-
2:157. They are those on whom (descend) blessings from God, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive Guidance.
2:158. Behold! Safa (being born again [as your spirit-Being] - John 3:3-7) and Marwa (the Water of Life - John 4:10) are among the Symbols of God. So for those who visit The House in the Season, it is no sin in them, if their mind should compass them round (understand) at other times. And if any one obeyeth his own impulse to good,- be sure that God is He Who recogniseth and knoweth.
2:159. Those who conceal the Clear (Signs) We have sent down, and the Guidance, after We have made it clear for the people in The Book,- on them shall be God's curse, and the curse of those entitled to curse,-
2:160. Except those who repent and make amends and openly declare (the Truth): to them I turn; for I am Oft-returning, Most Merciful.
2:161. Those who reject Faith, and die rejecting,- on them is God's curse, and the curse of angels, and of all mankind;
2:162. They will abide therein: their penalty will not be lightened, nor will respite be their (lot).
2:163. And your God is One God. There is no god but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Researchers warn Net Zero Zealots’ policies will cause half the world’s population to starve

Net Zero initiatives of governments and private organisations are scientifically invalid and will lead to worldwide impoverishment and starvation if implemented, according to a paper published by CO2 Coalition.

The paper’s authors, Professor William Happer from Princeton University, Professor Richard Lindzen of MIT and Gregory Wrightstone, have long specialised in climate research and strongly refute the “climate emergency” cult narrative while warning of the devastating consequences of increasingly radical climate policies.

The 46-page paper published in the last week of February details how the objectives of Net Zero to eliminate the use of fossil fuels and the emissions of greenhouse gases are based on analytical methods that violate fundamental tenets of the scientific method which originated more than 300 years ago.

“Reliable scientific knowledge is determined by the scientific method, where theoretical predictions are validated by observations or rejected by failing to do so,” the paper’s authors said.

The paper predicts global starvation if fossil fuels are eliminated. At risk in coming decades would be half of the world’s 8.5 billion to 10 billion people who are fed by crops grown with fertilizers derived from fossil fuels. Listed as an example of Net Zero’s potential consequences is the economic and social calamity of Sri Lanka which had banned the use of fertilizers and pesticides made from fossil fuels.

“The recent experience in Sri Lanka provides a red alert. The world has just witnessed the collapse of the once bountiful agricultural sector of Sri Lanka as a result of government restrictions on mineral fertilizer,” the paper said.

The widespread use of nitrogen fertilizers since 1950 has led to a sharp increase in crop yields. Abandoning this fertilizer is therefore likely to lead to a significant drop in crop yields again – an effect unlikely to be offset by people in Western civilizations adding insects to their diet.

“It is critical to repeat: Eliminating fossil fuel-derived nitrogen fertilizer and pesticides will create worldwide starvation. And scientifically there is no risk of catastrophic global warming caused by fossil fuels and CO2,” the paper reiterated.

The authors noted that 600 million years of geological evidence shows carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are near a record low and that atmospheric increases of the gas follow warming periods rather than precede them.

These data “are good enough to demolish the argument that atmospheric CO2 concentrations control Earth’s climate and the theory that fossil fuels and CO2 will cause catastrophic global warming. They will not.”

The researchers pointed out that CO2, which is demonised by climate emergency cultists, leads to plants producing more food for humans and animals:

We owe our existence to green plants that, through photosynthesis, convert CO2 and water, H2O, to carbohydrates with the aid of sunlight and release oxygen. Land plants get the carbon they need from the CO2 in the air. Other essential nutrients — water, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc. — come from the soil. Just as plants grow better in fertilized, well-watered soils, they grow better in air with several times higher CO2 concentrations than present values. As far as green plants are concerned, CO2 is part of their daily bread—like water, sunlight, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other essential elements.

Without CO2, there would be no photosynthesis, no food and no human or other life.

Challenging “Net Zero” with Science, Richard Lindzen and William Happer, CO2 Coalition, 23 February 2023, pg. 30

Net Zero is Scientifically Invalid

Net Zero regulations and actions are scientifically invalid, the paper highlighted, because Net Zero proponents:

  • fabricate data or omit data that contradict their conclusions;
  • rely on computer models that do not work;
  • rely on findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) that are government opinions, not science;
  • omit the extraordinary social benefits of CO2 and fossil fuels;
  • omit the disastrous consequences of reducing fossil fuels and CO2 emissions to Net Zero; and,
  • reject the science that demonstrates there is no risk of catastrophic global warming caused by fossil fuels and CO2.

Finally, the researchers urge regulators and policymakers to reinstate true science:

We urge all government agencies involved in “Net Zero” regulation, policy or other action, including USGCRP in its final version of the 5th National Climate Assessment, to apply the scientific method and

  1. Delete any reliance on and citation to IPCC government-controlled findings.
  2. Delete any reliance on and citation to CMIP models and any other models unless they have been proven to work.
  3. Delete any reliance on methods other than the scientific method, such as peer review and consensus.
  4. Include and analyse the enormous social benefits of CO2.
  5. Include and analyse the enormous social benefits of fossil fuels.
  6. Immediately stop all efforts to eliminate fossil fuels to avoid massive human starvation in the future.

Challenging “Net Zero” with Science, Richard Lindzen and William Happer, CO2 Coalition, 23 February 2023, pg. 43

Sources for this article include:

Did You Know That U.S. Crops Are Being Absolutely Devastated By Nightmarish Disasters From Coast To Coast?

by tts-admin | Apr 6, 2023

Michael – The Most Important News April 4, 2023

I honestly did not know that things were this bad. Severe drought is crippling winter wheat production in the middle of the country, agricultural production in many areas of California is being hit extremely hard by unprecedented flooding, and orange production in Florida is down more than 60 percent from last season due to a combination of factors. Of course this comes at a time when the entire world is dealing with a major food crisis. As I discussed in a previous article, even CNN is admitting that we are currently in the midst of “the worst food crisis in modern history”. So this is a year when we need U.S. food production to be very strong, and that simply is not happening.

No state produces more winter wheat than Kansas does, and right now less than 20 percent of the winter wheat in the state “is in good to excellent condition”

Less than 20 percent of Kansas winter wheat is in good to excellent condition. The U.S. Drought Monitor says only 15 percent of Kansas’ acres are not experiencing any level of drought stress. More than 36 percent of the state reported D4 exceptional drought compared to just a little over one percent last year. D3 extreme drought conditions are hurting 16 percent of the state, with D2 severe drought hitting 13 percent of Kansas.

Unfortunately, the winter wheat in other crucial states is also greatly suffering due to seemingly endless drought conditions…

Colorado winter wheat was rated 27% good to excellent and 33% very poor to poor. Oklahoma’s and Texas’ crops were rated at 26% and 18% good to excellent, and 40% and 47% very poor to poor, respectively, he said.

This is really bad news.

Wheat prices just continue to escalate, and that is especially true for hard-red winter wheat

The spread between hard-red winter wheat and soft-red winter wheat has blown out to a record high as drought threatens crop yields across the Midwest and other major farming regions.

Hard-red winter wheat’s premium over soft-red winter wheat is $1.72 a bushel in Chicago on Tuesday morning, surpassing the 2011 record.

Meanwhile, the outlook for spring wheat is not particularly promising, because U.S. farmers have planted the smallest amount of spring wheat since 1972.

Out on the west coast, too much water is the problem.

In fact, 78 trillion gallons of water has fallen on the state of California in recent months…

More than a dozen powerful storms later, 78 trillion gallons of water has been dumped on California, reversing a multi-year drought in a matter of months. Now the agricultural powerhouse state, producing about a third of the country’s vegetables and three-quarters of its fruits and nuts, faces planting delays due to washed-out fields.

When it comes to fruit and vegetable production, no other state even comes close to California, and so we should be greatly alarmed that farms all over the state look like swamps at this moment.

This small farm area in #California just a bit flooded. #CaliforniaFlooding

— Sports Plus (@PrepSportsPlus) March 21, 2023

And this is just the beginning.

The mountains in California are absolutely teeming with unprecedented amounts of snow right now, and when it all starts melting all of that water is going to have to go somewhere…

California’s snowpack levels varied by region, with the Southern Sierra snowpack reaching 300% of its April 1 average and the Central Sierra reaching 237% of its April 1 average, officials said. And the critical Northern Sierra, home to the state’s largest surface water reservoirs, is at 192% of its April 1 average.

On the east coast, the big news is what has happened to Florida orange production.

At this point, it is down a whopping 60.7 percent from last year…

Orange production in Florida is down 60.7 percent from last season, one of the lowest figures since the 1930s, according to US Department of Agriculture estimates.

This drop in production has been caused by citrus greening disease and a very tough hurricane season.

Sadly, there are some farmers that have lost almost all of their oranges

Vernon Hollingsworth grew up in Florida among his family’s orange trees, recently ravaged by a double whammy of disease and a hurricane that have sent juice prices spiraling and left farmers blinking in disbelief.

On a recent March morning, the fifth-generation farmer drove a pickup truck through the rows in his grove, pointing out the damage from Hurricane Ian last fall such as uprooted trees.

“I lost 95 to 97 percent of my crop,” the 62-year-old told AFP, adding “we’re going to have to rebuild, and we need help to do that.”

On top of everything else, the number of beef cows in the United States has dropped to the lowest level since 1962 because ranchers in the middle of the nation have had to cull their herds due to the historic drought.

U.S. food production has been hit by disasters in the past, but we have never had so many strike in such a short period of time.

And the weather just keeps getting crazier and crazier. In fact, as I write this approximately 70 million Americans are being warned that yet another “multi-state tornado outbreak” is on the way…

Nearly 70 million Americans are bracing for yet another round of powerful storms as a severe system makes its way across the US Tuesday, threatening states from Texas to Michigan.

Set to strike this afternoon, the severe weather will bring damaging winds and potentially tornadoes to states in the already storm-stricken South and Midwest, days after a deadly multi-state tornado outbreak crippled the regions.

Of course all of this is happening in a broader context.

Global food supplies just keep getting tighter and tighter, and the head of the UN World Food Program is warning that “we literally could have hell on earth if we’re not very careful”

Beasley said WFP was just forced to cut rations by 50% to 4 million people in Afghanistan, and “these are people who are knocking on famine’s door now.”

“We don’t have enough money just to reach the most vulnerable people now,” he said. “So we are in a crisis over the cliff stage right now, where we literally could have hell on earth if we’re not very careful.”

Hopefully food supplies will be funneled to those that desperately need it in the months ahead.

But global hunger has been rising at a very rapid rate in recent years, and it is going to continue to rise.

As I detail in several chapters in my latest book, worldwide famine is inevitable no matter what decisions global leaders make now.

All over the world, topsoil is being depleted at a frightening rate, supplies of raw materials that we use for making fertilizer are becoming extremely tight, and farmland all over the planet is being systematically poisoned by microplastics.

The era of abundant food is ending, and our leaders know this.

But most people in the general population are totally clueless about all of this, and so they have no idea what is coming.


Did You Know That U.S. Crops Are Being Absolutely Devastated By Nightmarish Disasters From Coast To Coast?

Texas Dairy Farm Explosion Kills 18,000 Cattle: Cause Still Undetermined

An estimated 18,000 milking cows were killed, and one person was left critically injured, after an explosion ripped through a Texas dairy farm on Monday. Authorities have yet to determine the cause of the blast.

The Castro County Sheriff’s Office confirmed with Fox News Digital the cows were in a holding area before being brought in for milking when the fiery blast engulfed the Southfork Dairy Farm in Dimmitt.

The explosion rocked nearby houses and a pall of smoke could be seen 30 miles away.

Very few cows in the holding area survived, officials told local outlet KFDA.

The Animal Welfare Institute estimated the incident is the deadliest barn fire in Texas and deadliest involving cattle since the organization started tracking the fires in 2013, KFDA reported.

A giant plume of intense, dark smoke could be seen from the farm, according to images and video posted on social media in the aftermath of the event.

"Your count probably is close to that. There’s some that survived, there’s some that are probably injured to the point where they’ll have to be destroyed,” Castro County Sherif Sal Rivera told KFDA when asked to confirm the loss of some 18,000 head of cattle.

Farmer’s Weekly reports the blaze spread so rapidly farmworkers were trapped inside the milking parlour by smoke and flames or were beaten back by the heat, preventing them from freeing cattle.

On arrival, firefighters devoted their efforts to rescuing the trapped workers. One woman took longer to free and was taken to hospital in a critical condition.

Castro County police sheriff Sal Rivera confirmed early speculation pointed to a machine overheating and a subsequent explosion. Rivera also said the farm’s 60 employees had all been accounted for, but would not speculate on the precise number of cattle deaths.

“There’s some cattle that survived, there’s some that are probably injured to the point where they’ll have to be destroyed,” he said.

The Texas Fire Marshall has launched an investigation into the cause of the deadly blaze.

This is not the first time a major food producer in the U.S. has suffered catastrophic damage to production capability.

In January this year a massive fire swept through a Connecticut egg farm and likely killed tens of thousands of chickens, as Breitbart News reported.

Local media reports citing the Salvation Army estimated that around 100,000 chickens were killed in that explosion and fire.

Hillandale Farms, where the fire took place, bills itself as one of the country’s top egg producers, raising over 20 million chickens for eggs.

States Push Back against Big Pharma Plan to Taint Food Supply with Vaccines

by tts-admin | Apr 29, 2023

Frank Bergman – April 28, 2023

Several states are pushing back against plans to taint the U.S. food supply with mRNA vaccines.

As Slay News has been reporting, large pharmaceutical companies are lobbying to have their mRNA jabs used on animals intended for meat to be consumed by the American public.

However, the plans for Big Pharma shots to taint the food supply have caused such a backlash that several states are now scrambling to introduce legislation to stop it.

At least five states are proposing legislation to ban it or at least require mandatory labeling so consumers know what they are purchasing and eating.

Missouri was the first to respond with the introduction of House Bill 1169.

Similar bills were subsequently filed in North Dakota, Tennessee, Arizona, and Idaho.

In Idaho, House Bill 154 would make it a misdemeanor offense for anyone to provide or administer a vaccine containing mRNA technology “for use in an individual or any other mammal in this state.”

In other words, if House Bill 154 is passed and signed into law, mRNA-tainted meat would become illegal in Idaho.

Meanwhile, Arizona’s House Bill 2762 would require conspicuous labeling of all aquatic, livestock, or poultry products derived from animals given mRNA shots.

HB 2762 would also prohibit any mRNA-tainted food product from being labeled as “organic.”

Tennessee’s House Bill 0099 seeks to amend an existing law to prohibit the manufacture or sale of livestock or meat that contains mRNA “vaccine or vaccine materials” without a prominent label that consumers can clearly and easily read.

Legislators in North Dakota have also proposed Senate Bill 2384.

Like Idaho’s House Bill 154, North Dakota’s legislation would make it illegal to use an mRNA vaccine in meat intended for humans.

It would also introduce a penalty for anyone who violates the law in this regard.

In Missouri, Republican state Rep. Holly Jones introduced HB 1169.


John Kerry says farmers need to stop growing food in order to achieve “net zero” climate goals

by tts-admin | May 27, 2023
image Ethan Huff – Natural News May25, 2023

Failed presidential candidate and political fossil John Kerry, a Democrat, is back in the news for ominous comments he recently made about how the only way for leftists to achieve their “net zero” climate goals is for farmers all around the world to stop growing food.

The illegitimate Joe Biden regime’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Kerry told an audience at the Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) AIM for Climate Summit the other day that “we can’t get to net zero, we won’t get this job done, unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution.”

According to Kerry, he and other world leaders’ “lives depend” on farmers ceasing their operations. This will lower agriculture “emissions,” Kerry added, noting that he does not even call it climate change anymore – “it’s not change; it’s a crisis.”

“Mitigating methane is the fastest way to reduce warming in the short term,” Kerry declared to the audience, referring to the flatulence produced by cattle as they munch on grasses – or in the case of chemical agriculture, the gas these animals pass after eating genetically modified (GMO) corn and other industrial feed.

“Food and agriculture can contribute to a low-methane future by improving farmer productivity and resilience,” he further stated. “We welcome agriculture ministers participating in the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge.”

(Related: John Kerry should have been arrested and charged years ago for crimes against humanity, but he is still a free man due to leftist privilege.)

Unless a LOT more people stop eating, the planet will warm another half-degree by 2050, Kerry contends

The only people who should be allowed to eat meat are rich elitists like himself, was the overall message delivered by Kerry. Everyone else needs to stop eating, in essence, for the climate change plan to work.

“Food systems themselves contribute a significant amount of emissions just in the way in which we do the things we’ve been doing,” Kerry proclaimed.

“With a growing population on the planet – we just crossed the threshold of eight billion fellow citizens around the world – emissions from the food system alone are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century.”

Kerry called on world leaders from all around the world to massively scale back their citizens’ farming operations in order to keep the planet cooler and less warm as we move into the future.

“This sector needs innovation now more than ever,” Kerry said. “We’re facing record malnutrition at a time when agriculture, more than any other sector, is suffering from the impacts of the climate crisis.”

“We need economic, social and policy innovation in order to scale adaptation of these technical solutions and get them into the hands of folks in the fields of small farmers on a worldwide basis. This is the promise of AIM for Climate Summit.”

Fake president Biden recently pledged that the U.S. will, in fact, reach net zero emissions by the year 2050. How this happens depends entirely upon how many farms the globalist overlords can force out of business, resulting in much less food and far fewer mouths to feed.

Co-led by both the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), AIM for Climate is devoted to slashing farming emissions through investments in “innovation,” which more than likely means corporate bug-producing factories to replace meat for the general public.

“Food and agriculture can contribute to a low-methane future by improving farmer productivity and resilience,” Kerry said. “We welcome agriculture ministers participating in the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge.”

The fight against “climate change” is left-wing code for a global genocide against the “useless eaters.” To learn more, visit

Globalists revving up plans to engineer global famine and starvation: 13 nations agree to convert over to less-productive ‘green’ farming methods

by tts-admin | Jun 2, 2023

Above: Deagel population trends forecast

Leo Hohmann – May 31, 2023

The global climate cult is getting ready to kick its war on food into overdrive with 13 nations – many of them major cattle and food-producing states led by the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Spain – signing onto a commitment to place farmers under new restrictions intended to reduce emissions of methane gas.

The Global Methane Hub announced in a May 17 press release that agriculture and environmental ministers and ambassadors from 13 countries, including the United States, have signed a commitment that pledges to reduce methane emissions in agriculture. The U.S. was represented by Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry.

What does this mean and why should you care? We’ll break it down.

According to the press release issued by these nations and posted at Global Methane Hub:

“Last month (in April 2023), the Global Methane Hub collaborated with the Ministries of Agriculture of Chile and Spain to convene the first-ever global ministerial on agricultural practices to reduce methane emissions. The ministerial brought together high-ranking government members to share global perspectives on methane reduction and low-emission food systems. The gathering led to a statement in which the nations committed to support efforts to improve the quality and quantity of, and access to, finance for climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the agriculture and food sectors and to collaborate on efforts aimed at lowering methane emissions in agriculture and food systems.”

Conference participants included the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Climate & Clean Air Coalition, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the Inter-American Development Bank.

The World Bank, another creation of the post-World War II, U.S.-led liberal rules-based order, has been talking a lot lately, along with the U.N., about a coming famine. The World Bank issued a white paper just last week, on May 22, titled Food Security Update: World Bank Response to Rising Food Insecurity.

The director of the United Nations World Food Program has also been putting out, starting in September of last year, dire warnings about a coming global famine.

So it’s curious to me that, at the very time the globalists are warning about food shortages and famine, their mouthpieces at the World Bank, the U.N., and within the administrations of the U.S. and its allies (notice China and Russia are nowhere to be found in these preposterous anti-food policies), are talking about converting over to a new and unproven form of “sustainable” farming that’s focused more on reducing methane than it is on producing the highest yields of food.

Modern food production is bad, they tell us, because it produces methane which supposedly harms the environment.

“Food systems are responsible for 60% of methane emissions,” said Marcelo Mena, CEO of Global Methane Hub. “We congratulate countries willing to take the lead in food systems methane mitigation and confirm our commitment to support this type of initiative with programs that explore promising methane mitigation technologies and the underpinning research of methane mitigation mechanisms to create new technologies.”

John Kerry is also very excited about taking valuable, productive farmland offline, reducing the size of cattle herds, and turning our food-production systems over to technocrats and globalists offering vague promises of “new technologies.”

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. is busy trying to mitigate methane emissions not just in America but worldwide, stating on its website: “The United States provides key leadership, funding and technical expertise for international methane emission reduction efforts, resulting in more than 1,140 methane mitigation projects through GMI as of 2021.” See map of EPA methane mitigation activity below:

In just one example, the Biden administration plans to spend $1.5 million in taxpayer funds on a program aimed at “empowering” female climate change activists in the “patriarchal” society of northern Kenya, documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show.

John Kerry said in a statement, “Mitigating methane is the fastest way to reduce warming in the short term. Food and agriculture can contribute to a low-methane future by improving farmer productivity and resilience. We welcome agriculture ministers participating in the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge.”

The May 17 press release further states that, “The focus of the conference was the deployment of science-based practices, innovation, and technologies in line with sustainable food production…”

The nations signing onto this pledge to transform their farm policies are the United States, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Panama, Peru and Spain.

The government of Spain will organize a second conference in 2024 to monitor and advance implementation efforts related to the statement and encourage more countries to join, according to the May 14 press release.

In order to save the planet from emissions that come from cow farts, they claim it’s necessary to force farmers to change the way they farm, converting their land and livestock to more “innovative” methods and “science-based practices.” These methods will need to be implemented not just on farms but throughout the “food systems.”

They never come out and say what these “innovative” changes are, only that they will be based on “new technologies” and “science-based.”

We can presume from this language that among the practices being considered are replacing a major portion of the beef and dairy cattle, pork and chicken stocks that populations rely on for protein with insect larvae, meal worms, crickets, etc. The U.N., World Economic Forum and other NGOs have been promoting meatless diets and the consumption of insect protein for years, and billionaires have invested in massive insect factories being built in the state of Illinois, in Canada and in the Netherlands, where meal worms, crickets and other bugs will be processed as additives to be inserted into the food supply, often without clear labels that will inform people of exactly what they are eating. Bill Gates is also partnering with other billionaires to invest in the production of lab-grown meat, a process that involves using cancer cells from cows, chickens and pigs to quickly grow artificial meat.

Farmers will be increasingly forced off their land, as is already happening in the Netherlands, which is the world’s second leading net exporter of food after the United States.

All this will add up to a coming famine the likes of which has never been witnessed by the current generation of people on earth. It’s all by design. Globalists like Dennis Meadows, the author of the 1972 Club of Rome-endorsed book The Limits to Growth, informed us of the globalists’ plans to drastically depopulate the earth. His comments in the video below were made I believe in 2017.

“We can have 1 Billion people with freedom, or 9 Billion slaves. We’re at over 7 Billion right now, so we need to bring that down to 1 Billion.
I hope that culling can be peaceful and slow and equal between rich and poor.” -Dennis Meadows (author of Limits to Growth) Club of Rome

— Global Freedom Movement (@GlobalFreedomM) April 18, 2022

I’ve also reported extensively on the Deagel forecast, which forecasted a nearly 70 percent reduction in the population of America by 2025, with similarly drastic population declines for the U.K., Germany, Canada, Australia and other NATO-aligned countries.

There is no more efficient way to depopulate than through war, famine and plagues. Isn’t it interesting that all three of these time-tested methods of murder are in play right now?

The war on food is very similar to what’s going on in the energy sector, where governments are colluding with big business to transform all transportation from gas-powered to electric-powered, meaning far fewer people will be able to afford electric cars, and even if they can afford them, the use of those cars will be much more tightly monitored and controlled due to the need for charging stations that rely on an already overtaxed power grid. If you can’t charge your car up when you want to, only when you are allowed to, you have now turned over your freedom of movement to the regulators of those charging stations.

In the food industry, Big Agriculture will also collude with the governments of the world to produce much less beef, chicken and pork, replacing that protein with insects and lab-grown fake meat, the health effects of which are largely unknown.

These changes have already been on full display in the Netherlands, where the government has generated intense controversy by launching a plan to reduce livestock herds by up to 50 percent, and reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers by 30 percent. No matter how much they talk about “innovation” and “new technologies,” you can’t reduce your herds and reduce your use of fertilizer and then claim that your farms will be “more productive.” That’s a lie. All of their “innovations” will translate directly into less food on tables throughout the world.

Prepare now for famine. Stocking your pantry up is a short-term easy fix. We also need to be thinking long-term. If you’ve never grown a garden or raised chickens, that’s something you might want to think about in terms of increasing your skills. Maybe you’ve grown a garden for several years and have some experience, and you can share that with a neighbor who has raised chickens but has little or no gardening experience. Networking and cooperating with the people around us will be the key to survival once this global famine intensifies.

It may be that the actual famine never arrives in the wealthiest countries like America. Food may continue to be on the shelves, but I can guarantee that prices will continue to go up, substantially, on staple items like flour, bread, eggs, meat and dairy.

Pray for the best while preparing for the worst. Because we know that the globalists’ plan is to reduce the world population from 7.5 billion down to 1 or 2 billion. Dennis Meadows let the cat out of the bag and he’s a globalist insider at the Club of Rome whose engagement on this topic goes back to the early 1970s.

Stay strong. Stay peaceful. Never comply. Never submit to any unconstitutional or unbiblical law. Tyrants only have power over those who agree to be governed by them.

Drug And Food Shortages Are Here, And They Will Get A Lot Worse…

June 14, 2023 by Michael

A lot of the experts didn’t think that this would happen. Once the pandemic subsided, global supply chains were supposed to return to normal. But now “hundreds of drugs” are in short supply in the United States, and even CNN is admitting that we are in the midst of “the worst food crisis in modern history”. As I did research for this article, I was stunned by what I discovered. Things are worse than I realized. I knew that a lot of drugs were in short supply, but it turns out that there have been shortages of many of our most basic antibiotics since last October, and now Pfizer is telling us that several types of penicillin will completely run out later this year…

Pfizer will run out of several doses of penicillin, which treat syphilis, strep throat, and other infections, later this year as shortages ripple across the US supply chain.

The company anticipates running out of the children’s dose of the syphilis drug Bicillin L-A by the end of June, according to a letter Pfizer posted Tuesday on the Food and Drug Administration’s website. The company says it’s prioritizing production of larger doses of Bicillin L-A, which is recommended for pregnant people with syphilis because it is the only drug that can pass through the placenta and also treat the fetus.

A different Pfizer penicillin, Bicillin C-R that treats other bacterial infections but not syphilis, is expected to run out in the third quarter, which ends Sept. 30. Pfizer’s penicillin has been in shortage since April.

Of course there are growing shortages of many other commonly used drugs.

For example, one recent survey discovered that most cancer centers in the U.S. “are reporting shortages of commonly used chemotherapy drugs”

A recent survey found that a majority of cancer centers are reporting shortages of commonly used chemotherapy drugs used to treat a wide variety of cancers.

Much of the current shortage stems from the temporary closure of a drug manufacturing facility in India that happened after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found issues in the plant’s quality control.

After I first read that, I immediately had one burning question come to mind.

Why in the world are we having our chemotherapy drugs manufactured in India?

Once the war between the U.S. and China starts, it is going to be exceedingly difficult to get things shipped across the Pacific.

So what are we going to do then?

Already, certain chemotherapy drugs are in such short supply that some doctors are being forced to ration care

Cancer drugs, including widely used cisplatin and carboplatin, are in such short supply that doctors are rationing care, asking patients to drive long distances for treatment, or turning to alternative treatments with riskier side effects.

This wasn’t supposed to happen.

But it is happening.

In fact, the New York Times is telling us that there are shortages of “hundreds of drugs” in the United States right now…

Hundreds of drugs are on the list of medications in short supply in the United States, as officials grapple with an opaque and sometimes interrupted supply chain, quality and financial issues that are leading to manufacturing shutdowns.

The shortages are so acute that they are commanding the attention of the White House and Congress, which are examining the underlying causes of the faltering generic drug market, which accounts for about 90 percent of domestic prescriptions.

Meanwhile, global supplies of food just continue to get even tighter, and this is going to greatly affect consumers here in this country.

According to Zero Hedge, global cocoa supplies are becoming extremely tight and this could push chocolate prices to dizzying heights…

Cocoa prices have soared 44% over the last nine months to seven-year highs as the global cocoa bean deficit worsens for the second consecutive year.

“The cocoa market has experienced a remarkable surge in prices … This season marks the second consecutive deficit, with cocoa ending stocks expected to dwindle to unusually low levels,” S&P Global Commodity Insights’ Principal Research Analyst Sergey Chetvertakov told CNBC via email.

If you love chocolate, I would stock up now while you still can.

In addition, Zero Hedge is also reporting that there are very serious concerns about global supply levels of sugar and coffee…

With cocoa consumption at record highs in some Western countries, a worsening global bean deficit will only support higher prices.

Meanwhile, sugar prices hit decade highs on global shortage fears in April. And robusta coffee prices hit a record high days ago on supply fears.

There are just some grocery store aisles where inflation looks exceptionally sticky.

Most of us could live without chocolate, sugar and coffee.

But what about the basics?

One food bank in southern Georgia is warning that they are facing a severe shortage of food and they are desperate for help…

“We’re just, we’re experiencing the biggest food shortage we have in the 40 years of food banking,” CEO of Feeding the Valley Food Bank Frank Sheppard said. “And it’s pandemic related. It’s really a number of causes our federal government and state governments provided a plentiful amount of food during the pandemic to help so many more people in need. And those supply lines are just a little slow to replenish. Then you have the whole supply chain issue. Things are just taking 3, 4, 5, 10 times as long to get to us as they used to and rapid inflation is affecting a lot of people, a lot of our donors as well. So it’s really just a perfect storm, unfortunately of circumstances that has got our inventories at record low levels.”

Hopefully some people will step up and help them out.

But the truth is that supplies of food are only going to get tighter and tighter in the months ahead.

In a previous article, I discussed the following facts…

-The winter wheat harvest in Kansas this year is going to be the smallest since 1957.

-U.S. corn prices are expected to soar because the Corn Belt is being hit by the worst drought in 30 years.

-The size of the U.S. beef cow herd has fallen to the lowest level since 1962.

-The orange harvest in Florida in 2023 will be approximately 56 percent smaller than it was in 2022.

-Thanks to absolutely crazy weather patterns, approximately 90 percent of Georgia’s peach crop for this year has been wiped out.

On top of everything else, now millions of Mormon crickets have invaded Nevada, and they are eating everything in sight

According to the University of Nevada in Reno, Mormon crickets eat native, herbaceous perennials (forbs), grasses, shrubs, and cultivated forage crops, reducing feed for grazing wildlife and livestock. In large numbers, their feeding can contribute to soil erosion, poor water quality, nutrient-depleted soils, and potentially cause damage to range and cropland ecosystems.

Drought encourages Mormon cricket outbreaks, which may last several years (historically 5 to 21 years) and cause substantial economic losses to rangeland, cropland, and home gardens. This is particularly true as adults and nymphs of Mormon crickets migrate in a band, eating plants along their path.

And of course all of this is happening in the context of a horrific global food crisis.

According to one recent report, the number of people around the globe that are facing “acute food insecurity” increased by a whopping 34 percent last year…

The report concluded that the number of people facing acute food insecurity in 58 countries and territories in 2022 was 258 million, and this was the highest in the seven-year history of the report, signifying a deteriorating trend in global acute food insecurity. In 2021, 193 million people in 53 countries and territories faced acute hunger, so the figure for 2022 reflected a 34 percent jump within just one year.

A global famine has begun.

And it will eventually get a whole lot worse.

If you have not been preparing for such a scenario, I would strongly encourage you to get started.

End Of The American Dream

Brighteon Broadcast News, June 23, 2023 - ENGINEERED FAMINE: Weather weapons causing CROP FAILURES across Midwest

BrighteonBrighteon Broadcast News, June 23, 2023 - ENGINEERED FAMINE: Weather weapons causing CROP FAILURES across Midwest

Weather Warfare

1900 Food Processing Plants have been destroyed in the past year.
Comments by Jim: "I'm sure all these food processing plants being destroyed are just a coincidence. I am not sure if that is a world wide number, I believe it is. Even if that is an exaggerated number, it is still disturbing.

They are killing us on many levels."

1900 Food Processing Plants have been destroyed in the past year.

by Mike Maharrey
Tenth Amendment Center

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (July 2, 2023) – Yesterday, a Wyoming law went into effect that will further increase food freedom in the state, and potentially alleviate some of the recent price inflation on eggs and dairy.

Sen. Tim Salazar and 10 fellow cosponsors introduced Senate Bill 102 (SF102) on Jan. 12. The new law expands the Wyoming Food Freedom Act to allow a “designated agent” to “facilitate sales transactions” in the marketing, transport, storage, or delivery of food and beverage products. Under previous law, producers could only sell directly to consumers.

The new law will also add eggs and dairy products to the foods that can be sold at farmer’s markets, farms, ranches, producer’s homes or offices, and the retail location of the third-party sellers.

The House passed SF102 by a 62-0 vote. The Senate approved the measure by a 30-1 vote. With Gov. Mark Gordon’s signature, the law went into effect on July 1.

Expanding the market for eggs and dairy could provide some relief for Wyoming residents struggling to deal with price inflation. The price of both eggs and milk has increased precipitously over the last year. Opening up the market to more producers and sellers could help the people of Wyoming to get some relief from the money-printing frenzy of recent years.


Wyoming was the first state to enact a comprehensive Food Freedom Act back in 2015. The law allows the sale of many foods and food products direct from the producer to the consumer without adhering to onerous state regulatory and licensing requirements.

The expansive law even allows poultry farmers with fewer than 1,000 birds to sell chicken and turkey, along with products made from their birds outside of the regulatory system.

It also authorizes the sale of raw milk, rabbit meat and most farm-raised fish.

In 2020, the state expanded food freedom to allow consumers to buy individual cuts of meat through herd-share agreements. The law is modeled on laws that allow the sale of raw milk in some states. Consumers pay the rancher a fee for a “share” in either an individual animal or a herd. In return, the consumer gets cuts of meat.

A second expansion allows for the sale of “non-potentially hazardous” homemade foods to be sold in retail stores and restaurants.

“Potentially-non hazardous foods are defined as ” food that does not require time or temperature control for safety and includes jams, uncut fruits and vegetables, pickled vegetables, hard candies, fudge, nut mixes, granola, dry soup mixes excluding meat-based soup mixes, coffee beans, popcorn and baked goods that do not include dairy or meat frosting or filling or other potentially hazardous frosting or filling.

Following Wyoming’s lead, North Dakota and Utah passed similar laws. In 2017, Maine enacted a law that gives local governments the authority to enact ordinances regulating local food distribution without state interference.

Food freedom laws not only open markets, expand consumer choice, and create opportunities for farmers and entrepreneurs; they take a step toward restoring the United States’ original political structure. Instead of top-down, centralized regulatory schemes, these laws encourage local control, and they can effectively nullify federal regulatory schemes in effect by hindering the enforcement of federal regulations.

Food freedom has flourished in these states with hundreds of local businesses sprouting up in recent years without a single report of foodborne illness.


While state law does not bind the FDA, the passage of food freedom laws creates an environment hostile to federal food regulation in those states. And because the state does not interfere with local food producers, that means it will not enforce FDA mandates either. Should the feds want to enforce food laws in states with food freedom laws, they have to do so by themselves.

As we’ve seen with marijuana and industrial hemp, a federal regulation becomes ineffective when states ignore it and pass laws encouraging the prohibited activity anyway. The federal government lacks the enforcement power necessary to maintain its ban, and people will willingly take on the small risk of federal sanctions if they know the state will not interfere. This increases when the state actively encourages “the market.”

Less restrictive food laws almost certainly have a similar impact on FDA regulation. They make it that much more difficult for the feds to enforce their will within the state.

While FDA apologists claim the agency only wants to protect consumers, in truth, federal regulations tend to benefit big companies and squeeze out family farms. In the name of safety, FDA regulations limit your ability to access local, fresh food.

For example, the Wholesome Meat Act of 1967 mandates meat must be slaughtered and processed at a federally inspected slaughterhouse, or one inspected in a state with meat inspection laws at least as strict as federal requirements. Small slaughterhouses cannot meet the requirements.

As a result, the meat processing industry went through massive consolidation. Since the passage of the act, the number of slaughterhouses dropped from more than 10,000 to less than 3,000. Today, instead of hundreds of companies processing meat, three corporations control virtually the entire industry.

This does not promote food safety. In fact, by concentrating meat processing in a few facilities, the likelihood of widespread contamination increases. A single sick cow can infect thousands of pounds of beef in one of these corporate slaughterhouses. In a more diversified, decentralized system, outbreaks generally remain limited to small regions. You never saw these nationwide recalls in the era of diversified meat processing.

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) “directs FDA to build an integrated national food safety system in partnership with state and local authorities explicitly recognizing that all food safety agencies need to work in integrated ways to achieve public health goals.”

Essentially, this means dictating state food laws.

Constitutionally, food safety falls within the powers reserved to the states and the people. The feds have no authority to enforce food safety laws within the borders of a state.

Food freedom laws undermine these federal regulatory schemes. Widespread adoption of food freedom, along with state and local refusal to enforce federal mandates, could make FDA regulations virtually impossible to enforce and nullify them in effect and practice.

Read the full article at Tenth Amendment Center.


Wyoming Makes it Legal to Buy Food Directly from your Neighbors and Local Farm

California Farmers: "We've Lost EVERYTHING" - $BILLIONS of Food Lost in Floods

People are in shock. Sounds like they have lost everything.

Almost half of America's agriculture is produced in the State of California, producing over 50 $BILLION annually in revenues.

Now, with recent historical and unprecedented flooding, many farmers in California are reporting that they have "lost everything."

And its not over yet, as the rains continue, and record amounts of snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains still need to melt, which will flow into farmlands that are already devastated in California's Central Valley.

The emphasis today is still on saving people's lives as the flooding continues, and nobody knows yet what the final damages will be to America's richest farmlands and how that will impact food security in the United States, and the nation's already fragile economy.

Weather Warfare

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Passing Observations 195

By Rhoda Wilson on [August 2, 2023] (Passing Observations 195 – The Expose)

  1. Here are some facts for your consideration. First, Russia has a huge grain surplus. And too much fertiliser. Second, they can’t sell the stuff to the West because of stupid sanctions introduced by politicians with a yen for self-harming policies. Third, Africa is short of grain and fertiliser. Fourth, African countries received 3% of the Ukraine grain which Russia agreed to allow through in its now infamous deal with the West. (As I revealed some months ago, most of the Ukrainian grain intended for Africa was retained within the EU, with some fed to pigs in Spain, etc.) Fifth, the Ukraine war has created mass starvation in Africa and no one in the West gives a damn. Sixth, Russia is giving some of its excess grain to African countries. Seventh, African countries are very grateful and have fallen in love with Russia. Eighth, African countries are rich in many essential natural resources. Ninth, the US and the West are now stuffed.

  2. Local councils are now emptying householders’ rubbish bins to see what is being thrown away. I am reminded of a pal who was heavily involved with animal rights (and not just shaking a collecting tin on Saturdays). The police used to pick up his weekly rubbish bags and go through them looking for evidence. (Rubbish was collected every week in those distant days.) My pal wanted to make life more interesting for the police so he used to shred all his paperwork and then add old coffee grounds, excess gravy and old soup to the bags. He also had two large dogs and he used to add their used food products to the mix. He would give the mixture a stir before collection day. When the police finally gave up he was negotiating for a supply of used nappies to add to the mix.

  3. Delighted to see that the boss of NatWest bank fell on her sword eventually – though she took her time about it. Hopefully, by now the rest of the board will have gone too. But I haven’t heard that the BBC person who was responsible for the incorrect story has been fired or resigned. Still, I suppose that if the BBC got rid of every reporter who got a story wrong, they’d have to sack them all, wouldn’t they? Incidentally, it is my experience that bank confidentiality does not exist. Someone at a bank branch I visited recently gossiped about a transaction I made and it came back to me via the guy who unblocked our drains. Bank staff, like medical staff, seem to have forgotten what confidentiality means.

  4. The BBC is apparently now claiming that the cold weather Britain had in July was a result of global warming. You have to give the climate change nutters full marks for sticking to their bizarre narrative, don’t you? Incidentally, the corporate media keep announcing things like “63,476.5 people have died of the heat.” How do they know if someone dies of the heat? Maybe they had a bad heart? Or maybe they were given the covid-19 vaccine by a crazed doctor. Incidentally, I expect TV licence fee payers will be pleased to know that the BBC flew someone out to Spain so that he could tell viewers in England what it was like for people having to put up with nice weather. As I write, it is bucketing down. The Met Office website tells me that the weather is fine at the moment and that there is very little risk of rain so I don’t know what the wet stuff is or where it is coming from. Maybe heavenly plumbing has sprung a leak. These, of course, are the same experts who can tell me what the weather will be like in 50 years’ time.

  5. I have warned Antoinette that if I become demented my personality may change. I may become kindly and understanding when talking to traffic wardens and climate change mythologists and understanding and gentle with pro-vaccine enthusiasts.

  6. Doctors in Australia are reported to have refused to perform lung transplant surgery on a patient who hadn’t had four covid-19 vaccinations. I could weep. I really could weep. Don’t these damned doctors know how to read? For the millionth time, the covid jabs are toxic; they don’t do what they are supposed to and they kill people. Anyone still jabbing people with the covid-19 poison should be hung for murder.

  7. A Nobel Prize Winner who wanted to speak about the “corruption” of climate science found himself cancelled by the IMF. He and many other scientists have criticised climate change predictions because the predictions are based on mathematical predictions – and we all know how good they are. Useless mathematical predictions were used to create the fake covid pandemic scare. And now this pseudoscientific garbage is the basis for the fake climate change scare. The thousands of journalists, businessmen, politicians, civil servants and environmentalists who have jumped on the global warming bandwagon have three things in common: they are illiterate, they are innumerate and they are scaremongers. Most of them are paid to lie and deceive and they are (like the AIDS promoters) part of an immensely profitable industry. Meanwhile, the climate change nutters are claiming that July was the hottest month since last July and that the earth is now at boiling point. These people are wicked and insane and they need medical attention. We’ve had our central heating on for much of July. And I can’t remember that ever happening before. Even more frightening than these scaremongers, however, are the brainless, arrogant buffoons who believe they have a right to change the weather. Their utterly insane schemes will destroy the planet and everything on it and in the end, they will be able to say: “See, there you are, man-made climate change has destroyed us all.” But it will have been the powders they’ve sprayed in the sky and not the car exhausts and the farting cows which will have done the damage.

  8. BBC staff should watch RT (which is supposedly banned but can be seen on Bitchute) to learn how a balanced broadcaster operates.

  9. The UK stopped a Ukrainian priest from giving evidence about war crimes to the UN security council. The UK has become a bad, bad country. Britain is now the sort of country all good people used to despise.

  10. We need 5% of the people to reject digitalisation, compulsory vaccination, etc. If one in twenty people stays true to themselves and defy the globalists, then we will succeed in retaining our humanity and our independence.

  11. Electric cars which are just two years old are having to be fitted with completely new batteries because the original ones have worn out. The cost is phenomenal. And the cost to the environment of getting rid of all those useless batteries will be vast. Once again, the evidence shows that electric cars are a pointless fad and that the people who buy them are insane. My good friend Dr. Colin Barron visited the Imperial War Museum the other day and discovered that after the end of World War II the nose section of Blenheim Mark 1 was converted into an electric car. The car, which looked like the nose section of a Blenheim Mark 1 converted to an electric car (which means it looked much more fun than the vehicles currently being turned out), was driven around Bristol until 1954. Colin has just written a book about electric cars which you MUST buy if you are even dreaming of contemplating buying one, or if you want to explain to someone who has bought one why they should have bought a proper car. The book is called ‘Why I’ll never buy an electric car. There’s a Kindle version available now and a paperback will be available shortly. Colin was kind enough to send me a proof copy of his new book and I can tell you it is absolutely excellent and essential reading.

  12. In autumn 2022, the UK Government said that all patients would be able to see their GP within two weeks. It was, of course, another failure. (So far, every single promise the UK government has made has been broken or abandoned.) Over 38 million patients have now waited longer than two weeks to see their GP. It’s time to close the NHS and abandon the experiment. If you’re at all interested in health care in general or the NHS in particular, please read my book `NHS: What’s wrong and how to put it right’.

  13. I have been warning for years that rental properties would become scarce and very expensive. Well, it has happened and rental properties are now almost as rare as mare’s nests. It was predictable because the loony left deliberately made life impossible for landlords. Lefties and neo-liberals cheered wildly as new taxes and regulations made life increasingly expensive and pointless for anyone with a property to rent.

  14. I was astonished to hear that the authorities are thinking of banning children from taking mobile phones to school. I was astonished because it never occurred to me that children would be allowed to take phones with them. Teachers are even more insane than I feared. No one under the age of 21 should be allowed to own a mobile phone or, indeed, any other device likely to be connected to the internet.

  15. The conspirators’ plan is to chop down all the trees and make all buildings out of timber. This will make homes much more vulnerable to fire so that those people who are inside will burn and die. And since buildings will be crammed together in 15-minute cities, the flames will spread and kill millions. All this can then be blamed on global warming.

  16. AI companies are promising all sorts of terrible things will happen. They’re talking rubbish. Computer companies always get things wrong. Most of the talk about AI is just science fiction. The real threat is far more mundane. AI will take millions of jobs if we let it. The science fiction garbage is just out there to frighten us and distract us. Don’t be frightened of AI. Just remember the Daleks couldn’t climb stairs.

  17. The most missed, serious diagnosis today is probably Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus. It is often mistaken for dementia. For details please look at my book ‘When Dementia Can be Cured: 1 in 10 Dementia Patients have NPH and Could be Cured in Days’.

  18. Capital expenditure on fossil fuel production is down 30% since 2020. This is entirely due to the insane climate change nutters who want us all to freeze or starve. The result is that fuel prices are going to keep going up.

  19. There is much excitement at the idea of countries paying all their citizens a universal basic income (“UBI”). But if the UK were to introduce a UBI for all citizens, paying every adult £1,600 a month, the total cost would be £1 trillion a year. After the cost of administering this service, there would be nothing left for schools, hospitals, roads, police, the military, Ukraine or spending on civil servants. Everyone would have to pay for health care, policing, education, etc., etc., out of their £1,600 a month.

  20. If you’ve been following the events in World War III, you might wonder why Murmansk has been the scene of so much fighting recently. Here’s a clue that the BBC and The Guardian may have forgotten to tell you about. Murmansk is the site of a massive LNG plant which is almost certain to be one of the world’s major sources of LNG – big enough to rival the United States (itself a massive source of the world’s LNG). The Americans don’t want competition for their LNG industry. So, NATO is using Ukraine as a weapon in its commercial war. (You will remember that America blew up the Nord Stream pipeline to stop Russia moving fuel to Europe – thereby forcing Europe to buy expensive American fuel and impoverishing Europeans.)

  21. I understand that classic cars are exempt from the stupid, mindless new road pricing legislation introduced by Khan in London (and mimicked in other cities). So, we will able to drive our 66-year-old new car in London without having to pay the insane ULEZ charge. Soon, the only traffic in London will consist of very old vehicles, and the city will look like an old black and white Pathe newsreel. Wonderful.

In his latest passing observations, Dr. Vernon Coleman discusses grain surpluses in Russia, the fall of NatWest’s boss, the weather according to the BBC, what BBC could learn by watching RT and how to stop Local Councils inspecting your bins to see what you’re throwing away.