The demonstration was deemed a success by participants; and the crowd large enough to draw the attention of locals and politicians. Photos and footage included below.
Although organized by Open Your Eyes, Gibraltarians from all walks of life showed up to voice their grievances.
Of course, shill-types like Alan Roberts on Speak Freely Gibraltar criticized locals with the courage to get out and stand their ground against issues that are important to them. He kept parroting the “parking” issue; not acknowledging there were plenty of other grievances, of which he has been repeatedly told. He is not as clever as he thinks, but tends to egg-on sarcasm within the Facebook group, against their fellow brothers and sisters trying to be heard – that Facebook group must be controlled opposition – which often ridicules, which is a tactic used when all else fails. Shills ridicule ideas and try to derail movements. The FB group should more appropriately be called “Speak at Your Own Risk” or “You are free to speak, as long as we agree with what you say”.
And there are plenty of people ready to speak up, as demonstrated by the rally.
GBC still misreported the event, and the GBC Ministry of Propaganda strikes again, wanting you to believe its version:
Click on this hyperlinked-title:
Substantial crowds attend demonstration seeking to highlight list of grievances against Government
GBC reported that only 150 people gathered; however, several different sources who were there have reported 300-350 or more people attended. Perhaps, GBC offered a photo at the time when people were first arriving; knew the actual footage and photographs would tell the truth, so they had to also use the word “substantial”.
GBC reported that the governor was not there to receive OYE’s 14 point document, but footage exists of them giving the governor the document, as well as others calling GBC out. The governor was very friendly to the person handing him the document, the governor held out his hand to shake hands and moved his head and ear very close to his, to be able to hear him above the crowd-noise, and he patted him twice on the arm, showing there was no need for any anti-social distancing as Sieg Heil Bhatti falsely claims. Most people obviously also know this, because extremely few people were wearing masks, just an odd one dotted here and there, and the people were not observing the totally unnecessary anti-social distancing.
If GBC employed real journalists, then they would report the facts. How hard is it to just report what happened? Who, what, when, where, how and why are usually the questions a news article answers. Instead, time and time again, the reporting is spun, by the GBC Ministry of Propaganda, using public-relations specialists, not journalists.
On the other hand, Leo Olivero, writing for Panorama, reported on people’s grievances and about their upcoming demonstration. He was listening and giving the other side a voice. This article also gives details on what was planned at the event.
OPEN YOUR EYES article by Leo Olivero:
Please see the following photos and video footage below.
This post will be updated as more information, news, reactions are learned.
If you have insight into the event or other information concerning it, please reply.
There is also one thing that Truthers know – it is a long, hard battle to get people to wake-up and Open Their Eyes.
Gibraltarians must use the event as a foundation, and keep going. If you let this momentum subside and fall by the wayside, and think you did something lasting, remember the opposition will have countermoves.
Plus, we’ve been trained to have a real-short attention span with immediate-technology/gratification. Stay vigilant: keep your concerns on the frontlines.
This is far from over.
If you have a copy of the 14-point document handed in to Fabian Picardo and the Governor, please copy and paste it as a reply.
Although small images of it can be found as shown below, it should be available to read properly for ALL those interested.
NOTE: Leo Olivero did highlight the 14 points in his article featured today, June 30 in Panorama:
Open Your Eyes 14 Point Protest – Petition handed to the Governor and Chief Minister
The demonstration captured by those who were there:
See David P.'s YT channel. He will be adding and editing footage.
Enough is Enough No More Lies Gibraltar 29-06-2020 Public Demonstration
Footage of the Governor getting the document, available on Victoria Bula's twitter:
Footage of Picardo getting the document, in front of a jeering crowd. For someone who is used to praise, this may have been an eye-opener, as someone said his face turned red at the jeering crowd and he ran away. Also available on Victoria Bula's twitter:
Calling out the GBC Lie. The Governor did receive the document:
We also know that Bart Van Thienen filmed the event. Perhaps, when he has edited it, he will feature it on his channel:
The video was deleted by YouTube. The text that was below the video:
The Open Your Eyes group declared in a statement that “the Government's relentless strategy which is hitting the people hard” is based on “inadequate decisions made in a stealthy way” with no respect for the man in the street. The group's aim is “to expose the Government's wrongdoings”.
The group feels that the Covid-19 crisis has been abused by the Government “to force through ill thought out and draconian measures causing residents stress, anxiety and economic difficulties”. The group presented a long list of examples of things which have already gone wrong and are affecting people's quality of life or are causing financial hardship.
We also encourage you to join Defending-Gibraltar and tell others to join as well, and let us know why you were there, and the issues that are important to you.
Also read this related post by clicking on the title – Who Does Gibraltar Belong to? The Reality Will Probably Surprise You - #7