LaQuinta Columna (Dr. Jose Luis Sevillano) – July 26, 2021
Points made in the video:
Millions around the world now have this phenomenon present whereby they are "magnetized".
Everything we are seeing right now is a fake operation. There is no virus here. From the moment we see magnetic arms after vaccination it is clear.
We must not talk about viruses and vaccines we must change the discourse.
It has been confirmed that the Moderna vaccine the Pfizer, AstraZeneca and the flu vaccine contain graphene oxide nano-particles. So 4 vaccines confirmed with the graphene oxide in them. (99.5%). Almost 100% of the contents of the vaccines.
At the same time there is an interaction in our bodies, with 5G antenna radiation.
This material becomes magnetic when inside the body, either because of the temperature or the body environment.
This material is capable of absorbing energy, from electromagnetic waves, this includes the 5G spectrum. Until now, there was no 5G technology already emitting some kind of energy by these antenna that could excite it. (When a molecule is not particularly toxic or aggressive becomes toxic and aggressive.) Thats why people who live near cell antennas or are in close contact with this field, develop thrombosis, miocarditis, and pericarditis without the need for 5G to be activated yet because they already have it in them. Graphene looks for the heart organ, brain, lungs, and you see this damage in children.
In the future you will see a great number of young people suffering from these illnesses.
The mental fog in the vaccinated is already from the electromagnetic frequencies around them.
The flu vaccine already contained this. So we now that the Covid could have been caused by a combination of graphene and 4G+, this could have induced the pulmonary Covid.
By the way, graphene is very easily eliminated, via the lungs that's why pulmonary Covid exists. Neurological Covid is 50% of the patients, Cardiologicl Covid, (myocarditis, pericarditis).
Right now we are about to cross the border into a new Covid pandemic, that's gonna be the one caused by the deployment of the 5g technology. The very large number of people that have been vaccinated all over the world, so what awaits us as the French Minister announced yesterday is a CRISIS. We are on the verge of a catastrophe with the "Delta strain".
In other words THEY KNOW WHAT 5G IS GOING TO CAUSE. When it is activated and more graphened people, who are not vaccinated will be exposed to these changes. Then you will see what they have already announced. And don't forget the brain Tsunami... As soon as the nano materials get excited at the neuron level, it will cause psychiatric problems. People will be walking around and they will suffer comas, vertigo, everything, everything!
They are going to have a MEGA HYPER PANDEMIC caused by the vaccine in all those vaccinated. Curiously this 5G deployment all over the planet is happening the same time as the vaccinations.
People need to be clear this disease is not caused by a virus, but the graphene in the vaccines. Graphene and 5G cause very serious health effects to ones body, including death. In fact a UK National Health Agency study announces vaccinated people are more likely to die, and at ten times the rate of unvaccinated.