Water restrictions in Campo de Gibraltar from 18 April if no rain arrives

Agricultural Subsidies What Is The Common Agricultural Policy

Another part of the failed EU's
Communist "sustainable goals" that have not only failed, but caused tremendous damage in other countries in Africa and elsewhere with their far reaching arms.

A layer now added to the control grid is Nestles partnership with Ericsson and the 5G grid - IOT of things.
Starting in Latin America, and expanding from there. Nestles octopus arms, not only in the theft of water globally, but also poisoning everybody with the 5G +++ grid.

Gibraltar Messenger has gone into detail of the corruption of Ericsson in the report on 5G

And their "smart water sloution" to spy on you, your home your town all meshed into one big "lockdown", when they are ready.

Smart water solutions – a new frontier for 5G, IoT and BSS


With large parts of the world facing water scarcity, how to effectively optimize water distribution is of crucial importance. 5G and the internet of things (IoT)-based solutions along with specialized BSS capabilities can enable a water utility to set up an efficient multi-partner solution to help monitor, manage and monetize water distribution effectively.

The water challenge and need for rapid digitization of water utilities

Water is the most precious resource for humankind

[Then they should stop utilizing it for massive Data collection!]

Nestlé is sucking water from an Ontario watershed during drought conditions


The Secret Cost of Google's Data Centers: Billions of Gallons of Water to Cool Servers

Google is guaranteed 1 million gallons a day to cool the data center, and up to 4 million gallons a day if it hits project milestones. If that was a pyramid of water jugs, it would tower thousands of feet into Arizona’s cloudless sky.

Alphabet’s Google is building more data centers and they think they have the right to steal your water.

They also tell of the heat waves and fires breaking out due to climate change, but most of these fires are part of their programs.

All part if the global agenda

And lets not leave out the weather manipulation they are capable of.

So its time to cut the head off the snake.

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