Professor Mattias Desmet talks about his work that connects past historical episodes of what is called “Mass Formation” (aka Mass Psychosis) and current events. The risks are as grave as they come. Unless a few brave and courageous people are willing to stand up and say “I don’t agree!” history suggests that we will end up with a fully totalitarian outcome.
Professor Mattias Desmet talks about what is called “Mass Psychosis" COVID:
DAILY EXPOSE – Governments Purposely Use Mass Formation Psychosis as Tool of Population Control – The Expose – Dr. Malone’s summary of how health authorities seized on the unifying threat of the Covid pandemic and exaggerated its thread to create mass hysteria is backed up by leaked details of how the UK government manipulated its population during the early days of the pandemic.
UK Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour (SPI-B): The government should drastically increase “the perceived level of personal threat” that the virus poses because “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened”. Ramping up the threat – Government psychologists admit waging psychological warfare on the nation.
Dr. Robert Malone’s assertions about “mass formation psychosis” in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are underscored by the fact that authorities in the UK admitted to using “totalitarian” methods of “mind control” to instill fear in the population. Governments Admit Using ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ As Tool of Population Control
Those paying attention to the current situation regarding the establishment’s control on the narrative around Covid-19, have watched as anyone — including esteemed experts in the field — are censored into oblivion for attempting to put forth information that challenges the status quo. Google Manipulates Search Results As “Mass Formation Psychosis’ Searches Explode Due To Collapsing COVID Narrative
A major contributor to the mass obedience of the British people is likely to have been the activities of government-employed psychologists working as part of the “Behavioural Insights Team” (BIT).** The BIT was conceived in 2010 as “the world’s first government institution dedicated to the application of behavioural science to policy”. In collaboration with governments and other stakeholders, the team aspire to use behavioural insights to “improve people’s lives and communities”. Several members of BIT, together with other psychologists, currently sit on the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B), a subgroup of SAGE, which offers advice to the government about how to maximise the impact of its Covid-19 communications.
The cellphone data was used by researchers at Oxford University, who were carrying out studies for the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours (SPI-B). The group advises the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) on psychological warfare. UK Government Secretly Tracked Phones of Vaccinated to See if they ‘Changed Behaviour’