The Brave Fighting Irish

Irish Patriots Defeat Antifa and Find Feds


Exclusive: Freedom Train International. Doug Hagmann, Jim Ferguson, Randy Taylor

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Irish Villagers Attacked and Pepper Sprayed by Police. Conflict Over Hundreds of ā€˜Unvetted Migrantā€™ Centres Being Planted Throughout Ireland and the UK

by tts-admin | May 4, 2024 | 40 comments

Mark Keenan ā€“ Global Research May 1, 2024

The Irish government is now at war with its own people as clashes grow between police and Irish citizens who are protesting against over thousands of unchecked/unvetted migrants literally being ā€˜forcedā€™ into their small communities. Government statistics show that 87% of the migrants are intentionally destroying their passports upon entry to avail of ā€˜asylum seekerā€™ status, therefore nobody know who these people are and whether, or not, they have a criminal record. Furthermore, most of the migrants seeking ā€˜asylum statusā€™ are from countries that have no war. The migrants are eligible for free accommodation, free social welfare, free medical care, food, clothes, and various other perks. Whilst at the same time that the Irish government is facilitating mass immigration there are 14,000 Irish homeless people on the streets, and the Irish face a very serious accommodation crisis as the cost of renting has sky-rocketed. Make no mistake about it this could turn very nasty.

The following shocking video of Irish villagers being attacked and pepper-sprayed by government police is an example of what is happening throughout Ireland (and the UK) as the Irish government, which for years has been little more than a puppet of the EU, turns, yet again, on the Irish people. Irish people, renowned for their friendly nature of ā€˜100,000 welcomesā€™ have in general been very welcoming to migrants. However, now after years of blatant ā€˜unvettedā€™ migration, increased crime, and a serious accommodation crisis for Irish people, it appears many Irish have simply had enough.

Ireland is being planted - villagers clash with police over new centre of 200 unvetted migrants

Ireland is

Ireland is being planted - villagers clash with police over new centre of 200...


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Shocking news has emerged that Illegal migrants are being recruited into the Irish Police and being allowed to stand as political candidates in a truly alarming expose of a globalist underhanded move to supplant and subjugate the Irish people. Ireland is the new battleground. What we are witnessing in Ireland is going to be replicated across every country and nation that is being targeted by globalist infiltrators in our respective governments.

I found out that I could have applied for Irish citizenship if my Dad had registered on the foreign births register during 1956-86 but he didn't. :unamused: My Great Grandparents were Irish from the O'Leary clan of Cork. I was just watching Muad'dib's interview with Richard D Hall on the Hill of Tara

I wrote a little article about DG on my site: Memories of My Teenage Trip To Gibraltar in 1998 - Dissident7 Video and Art Archive but I didn't know where to share it


Thank you for your post about Ireland and Muad Dib

On your site you are promoting pharmacy -
Which is forbidden - whether from a large chain pharmacy or a small Mom and Pop one.

This website has an abundance of information about "Pharmacy" (witchcraft)
And I'll just link a few posts about it.
Also it's probably not a good idea to post a link to your site where a pharmaceutical is being promoted and sold.

Here are some good threads to read:

So please ask yourself what would The Lord do

Thank you

Thank you @Dissident7 ! Nice article. :wave:

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I have now removed the Pharmacy pages from my was referring to Ivermectin which seems to have a thread allowed here: The Truth About Ivermectin - #2 by Determination ?

Thank-you as well Dissident7 for sharing. Really nice blog/article.

You're probably already familiar with this, but the connection between Ireland and Gibraltar is certainly an interesting one, with an Irishtown located in Gibraltar and a Gibstown in Ireland (near Teltown).

May The Force of Love (God) be with you too, always.

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Thank you
I was referring to the pharmacy page where the woman was promoting a smaller pharmacy
(And cash) as opposed to larger change pharmacies

Thanks for removing it as it doesn't matter if it's a large pharmacy or a small one, either way they provide toxic poisons

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Thanks I wasn't aware of Gibstown, theres a bit on Wikipedia about it, would be nice to learn more

You're welcome. It's a small town, a little more than half-way between Slane and Kells, in Co. Meath.

Teltown, where Eochaidh MacDuach (the Ard Ri/high king of Ireland) and Teia Tephi (queen of Gibraltar and Ireland) had their royal residence, is only a couple of miles away.

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