Their plan was always to create an "Us vs Them" Nazi-style scenario and blame the unvaccinated. Yet, it is the vaccinated who account for the majority of cases. And by the way, the jabs do not stop the spread or transmission by their own admissions.
This was never about health, it was about systemically (by age and vulnerability) inject these bioweapons into the world population. Then to introduce controls for those who don't comply.
We'll see how it plays out in Spain, given these events:
The initiative is one the first of its kind implemented in Spain.
"A few weeks ago, it was decided with the agreement of union representatives, to set up areas within the company canteens to protect unvaccinated workers," SEAT said in a statement. "The areas for those who are unvaccinated have the strictest COVID measures to protect their health."
There is a silver-lining, because if one doesn't want to get what the vaccinated are shedding, maybe a little separation couldn't hurt... just saying. (Stay Away from Vaxxed People – They are Shedding)
Spain: the Basque Court revolts and suspends the Health Pass for violation of rights
The Superior Court of Justice of the Basque Country (TSJPB) suspended, on 22 November, the use of the Health Pass imposed by the autonomous government. The court refers to a threat to the freedom of citizens. According to the court, imposing the Health Pass in a discriminatory way cannot be justified.
If there are any courts in the Western world that have shown the courage to stand up to their state during this Coronavirus pandemic, it is the Spanish regional courts, which have consistently rejected en masse health measures dictated by the autonomous governments with the blessing of the central government in Madrid.
Spain’s ‘Covid passport’ requirements – region by region
The Covid passport is not currently required in Andalusia, although the regional health authorities met on Friday to discuss whether it should be introduced for visiting hospitals and nursing homes, as well as nightlife venues and sports clubs. If measures are introduced, they would be in accordance with a court’s approval.
Poltiicians still are using "mission-creep" tactics and work arounds to get it on the books - authorities look to introduce it in hospitials, etc.
Thank Goodness Andalusia has made progress against the tyranny -