Covid Commission Planning Group (Covid CPG) – Perpetual Commie Coercion & Corruption

Together, the bankers have formed a Covid Commission Planning Group (Covid CPG) to prepare the way for a National Covid Commission that can seize this once-in-a-century opportunity to help America – and the world – begin to heal. – Covid – Pretext for Perpetual Commie Coercion & Corruption – Henry Makow


by JWO Watcher

What’s a “Covid Commission” and whats the need for it? Well let the good people who created the Commission explain it themselves

Now, as the availability of protective vaccines rapidly expands, daily death tolls in the U.S. decline, and devastated economies start to rebound, there’s a growing risk that hard-won lessons from the last year will be lost amid the natural urge to put the crisis behind us and return to our pre-pandemic lives.

More than two dozen of the nation’s most accomplished virologists, public health experts, clinicians, and former officials, joined by four of America’s leading charitable foundations from across the political spectrum, are laying the groundwork to discover and preserve the lessons of the COVID-19 crisis.

Together, they have formed a Covid Commission Planning Group (Covid CPG) to prepare the way for a National Covid Commission that can seize this once-in-a-century opportunity to help America–and the world–begin to heal. It has debriefed more than 200 experts from a range of disciplines, outlined plans for nine essential task forces, and mapped out dozens of distinct lines of inquiry to ensure that the work of a future Covid Commission will be comprehensive.

So who is funding this shindig?

The Banksters of course.

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