Child and Human Sex Trafficking is Against God's Law

Past illegal arms trade past drug trade..if you do nothing someday it's going to reach the likes of you.

Elite Human Trafficking [Vol. 1] - Ghislaine Maxwell's TERRAMAR PROJECT
(About controlling and owning the oceans)

Adrenochrome The Darkest Drug of Them All !

Adrenochrome - The Darkest Drug of Them All!

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Judge Robert Steel stood against child trafficking.

# Uncensored: No Amnesty! Naming and Shaming the People That Support Killing Children

November 11, 2022


There is NO LIMIT to how low Satan will snoop and get you to snoop, he is the MOST EVIL being in the entire Universe, those who obey him in this world are TOTTALLY INSANE, like their Father THE DEVIL.

ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY is SANE, and can lead you HOME, NOT HERE, out of this prison planet, and the only way to obey him is by turning back to his laws the Torah, first five books of the bible.

For more explanation please read The Way Home or face the FIRE by JAH.


@DylanHall ,

How long must we suffer O Lord? – Until you return to keeping and enforcing The Law



7:50. The Companions of The Fire will call to the Companions of The Garden: "Pour down to us water or anything that "I AM" doth provide for your sustenance." They will say: "Both these things hath "I AM" forbidden to those who rejected Him. (Luke 16:26)

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Sura 5:5:11. Those who reject Faith and deny Our Signs will be Companions of Hell-fire.


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Yeonmi Park escaped from North Korea into China when she was only 13 years old. She didn't do it for freedom. North Koreans don't know what freedom is. Yeonmi did it for a bowl of rice. While she was fed in China, human traffickers sold her for $200. She lived a life of physical abuse. So she escaped again, this time into Mongolia and then South Korea. Yeonmi travelled across the frozen Gobi desert in the middle of the night, a trek that kills almost everyone who attempts it. And this time, it was for freedom.

Yeonmi Park defied the odds and made it to South Korea. Soon, she came to America. In her words, America is the best country in human existence. Yet, Yeonmi has a dire warning for this country. Growing up under a dictator gives her a unique perspective of how a population can be manipulated. She says it's happening right now in America. Woke culture is the way Americans are being manipulated, and controlled, into losing the freedom that makes this nation great.

Check out our channel for Yeonmi Park's full speech.

North Korean Escapees Dire Warning for America

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Stories of Us Yeonmi Park My Terrifying Escape from North Korea

Born in North Korea, Yeonmi Park shares her harrowing journey to escape the hunger, thought control, and violence she experienced living under authoritarian regimes. Grateful to have found acceptance and justice in the United States, she cautions Americans to see the early warning signs—here in America—of the communist nightmares she fled in North Korea and China.

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It’s Time To Defund The British Royal Family

Satanic Abuse Survivor Tells All On The Royal Family, Prime Ministers & Jimmy Savile

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Gab link deleted.

Teresa's escape from brutal 'satanic cult' and bizarre rituals (1989)

Taken from video: Ray wire, expert on satanic cults believes Teresa's story.

Teresa's escape from brutal 'satanic cult' and bizarre rituals (1989) - 60...

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Canadas Human Trafficking Shame True Crime Documentary Real Stories

December 3, 2022

Florida Group Homes in Foster Care are Pimping and Sexually Trafficking Children

The Family First Prevention Services Act is a bill that was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump in 2018. It was a bill championed by many on the Right and the Q Anons as a way to stop the tide of child sex trafficking through the nation's Foster Care child welfare system. America's tax-funded Foster Care system has been documented over the years as being the #1 pipeline to child sex trafficking. The bill was originally drafted in 2016, but met with opposition, primarily from the nation's lucrative group home industry, where private investors start group homes for troubled teens and then collect massive government funding through the child welfare Foster Care system to run them. When the bill finally passed in 2018 as a rider tacked onto a budget bill that averted a government shutdown at the time, a provision was made that Richard Wexler called a "presents for pimps” loophole for the group home industry. Now more than 4 years later, "the Florida Department of Children and Families took the 'presents for pimps' loophole, and drove a truck through it." The South Florida Sun Sentinel has just recently published an investigative report titled "Innocence Sold: Florida’s foster system provides dangerous sex traffickers with easy access to vulnerable children."

Read More

November 30, 2022

HHS Whistleblower Reveals How American Taxpayers are Funding Child Sex Trafficking at the Borders

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Whistleblower Reveals ‘Tax Dollars’ Spent to ‘Put Children in the Hands of Criminals’; Says Gov’t Complicit Because ‘We Don’t Get Sued by Traffickers’ … Migrant Child: My Female Sponsor ‘Would Pimp Me to Men’

by Project Veritas

Project Veritas released a new video featuring a whistleblower working within a federal government agency called the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency [CIGIE].

The whistleblower, Tara Lee Rodas, volunteered to assist the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] with the processing of unaccompanied migrant children and was deployed to the Emergency Intake Site in Pomona, California.

Rodas sat down with Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe, and described how precarious she believes the current child sponsorship program is for these minors.

“The tax dollars of people who are listening are paying to put children in the hands of criminals,” Rodas told O’Keefe.

“Our sponsors typically are not citizens. They’re not permanent residents. They don’t have a legal presence,” she said.

“The sponsor can hold up an ‘Order of Deportation’ to a [migrant] child and say, ‘This is your Order of Deportation. If you do not do what I say, when I say, I’m going to call ICE on you myself.’ We are paying to put children in the hands of criminals.”

The whistleblower affirmed that she has questioned federal government bureaucrats about the potential wrongdoing happening within their institutions, and the response has usually been dismissive of her concerns. She believes she has suffered retaliation at work for raising these issues.

“I said [to the command center executives], ‘We’re getting ready to send another child [to Austin, Texas],’ and they said, ‘Tara, I think you need to understand that we only get sued if we keep kids in care too long. We don’t get sued by traffickers. Are you clear? We don’t get sued by traffickers.’ So, that was the answer of the United States federal government. HHS did not want this information to get out,” Rodas said.

“They knew I had made protected disclosures and they retaliated against me as a whistleblower and had me kicked off the site so I could no longer research the cases,” she said.

As a result of Rodas’ stepping forward, Project Veritas journalists visited several physical addresses provided by the whistleblower in order to interview individuals and investigate whether trafficking was taking place.

A Veritas journalist spoke to a migrant female minor on one of these occasions, who revealed that she had been put through sexual abuse by her sponsor.

“An aunt [sponsored me], but she kicked me out of her house. She was pimping me and I didn’t like that. She would pimp me to men,” the child said.

“I just escaped one night. I told her [aunt], ‘I’m going to the laundromat.’ She [aunt] went to the laundromat and didn’t find me there. Later on, she called Immigration.”

Watch the full interview:

Published November 29, 2022

HHS Whistleblower Says Government Complicit in Trafficking; Child Admits Being ‘Pimped’ by Sponsor

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Whistleblower Reveals ‘Tax Dollars’ Spent to ‘Put Children in the Hands of Criminals’; Says Gov’t Complicit Because ‘We Don’t Get Sued by Traffickers’ … Migrant Child: My Female Sponsor ‘Would Pimp Me to Men’

• Tara Lee Rodas, Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency: “The tax dollars of people who are listening [to my testimony to Project Veritas] are paying to put children in the hands of criminals.”
• Rodas: “Our sponsors typically are not citizens. They’re not permanent residents. They don’t have a legal presence.”
• Rodas: “The sponsor can hold up an ‘Order of Deportation’ to a [migrant] child and say, ‘This is your Order of Deportation. If you do not do what I say, when I say, I’m going to call ICE on you myself.’ We are paying to put children in the hands of criminals.”
• Rodas: “I said [to the command center executives], ‘We’re getting ready to send another child [to Austin, Texas],’ and they said, ‘Tara, I think you need to understand that we only get sued if we keep kids in care too long. We don’t get sued by traffickers. Are you clear? We don’t get sued by traffickers.’ So, that was the answer of the United States federal government... HHS did not want this information to get out.”
• Rodas: “They knew I had made protected disclosures and they retaliated against me as a whistleblower and had me kicked off the site so I could no longer research the cases.”
• Migrant Female Child: “An aunt [sponsored me], but she kicked me out of her house. She was pimping me and I didn’t like that. She would pimp me to men.”
• Migrant Female Child: “I just escaped one night. I told her [aunt], ‘I’m going to the laundromat.’ She [aunt] went to the laundromat and didn’t find me there. Later on, she called Immigration.”

[WASHINGTON, D.C. – Nov. 29, 2022] Project Veritas released a new video today featuring a whistleblower working within a federal government agency called the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency [CIGIE].

The whistleblower, Tara Lee Rodas, volunteered to assist the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] with the processing of unaccompanied migrant children and was deployed to the Emergency Intake Site in Pomona, California.

Rodas sat down with Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe, and described how precarious she believes the current child sponsorship program is for these minors.

“The tax dollars of people who are listening are paying to put children in the hands of criminals,” Rodas told O’Keefe.

“Our sponsors typically are not citizens. They’re not permanent residents. They don’t have a legal presence,” she said.

“The sponsor can hold up an ‘Order of Deportation’ to a [migrant] child and say, ‘This is your Order of Deportation. If you do not do what I say, when I say, I’m going to call ICE on you myself.’ We are paying to put children in the hands of criminals.”

The whistleblower affirmed that she has questioned federal government bureaucrats about the potential wrongdoing happening within their institutions, and the response has usually been dismissive of her concerns. She believes she has suffered retaliation at work for raising these issues.

“I said [to the command center executives], ‘We’re getting ready to send another child [to Austin, Texas],’ and they said, ‘Tara, I think you need to understand that we only get sued if we keep kids in care too long. We don’t get sued by traffickers. Are you clear? We don’t get sued by traffickers.’ So, that was the answer of the United States federal government. HHS did not want this information to get out,” Rodas said.

“They knew I had made protected disclosures and they retaliated against me as a whistleblower and had me kicked off the site so I could no longer research the cases,” she said.

As a result of Rodas’ stepping forward, Project Veritas journalists visited several physical addresses provided by the whistleblower in order to interview individuals and investigate whether trafficking was taking place.

A Veritas journalist spoke to a migrant female minor on one of these occasions, who revealed that she had been put through sexual abuse by her sponsor.

“An aunt [sponsored me], but she kicked me out of her house. She was pimping me and I didn’t like that. She would pimp me to men,” the child said.

“I just escaped one night. I told her [aunt], ‘I’m going to the laundromat.’ She [aunt] went to the laundromat and didn’t find me there. Later on, she called Immigration.”

Project Veritas will be releasing more information on this issue this week as the story continues to develop. Whistleblowers who are aware of similar situations are invited to contact [email protected] with information the public deserves to know about.

It is clear sex exploitation is out of control fulled by a drive for more sex in US making it the biggest money making business in American. What a disgrace, how did it get to this point? Sex sells and most flaunt bare skin known as Lasciviousness which attracts unrestrained sexual behavior, and it seems most have an habitual inclination to such behavior showing lustfulness in their body language which reveals 90 % of ones communication. Sex addiction can be a highly dangerous and destructive condition. Like drug or alcohol dependence, sex addiction affects a person's mental health, personal relationships, quality of life, and safety.
Human+energy Beings seem not to understand sex is NOT Love but is being used to fuel satan's evil destruction instead, he is a Destroyer ( Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, [which is] the angel of the Bottomless Pit, whose name in Hebrew [is] Abaddon (Destroyer), but in Greek [his] name is Apollyon (Destroyer - Satan).).

No one says it better than The Lord: Excerpt from: The Way home or face The Fire

13:80 Sex can also be a very powerful drug, which makes people do all kinds of things, that they would not normally do, and nymphomania is sex-addiction. Through sex; money; fear and drugs; Satan can rule the world.
13:81 God is the ONLY cure and answer, to EVERY problem in the world. Don’t look to people for the answer, they are just as lost as you are, but they would never admit it. Their egos wouldn’t let them.
13:82 God holds the answer to every question, and the cure for every ill, and He is patiently waiting for you to ask Him, and He has been, for thousands of years.
Talk to Him!
13:83 Get rid of your arrogance and your “self-esteemed” wisdom (?), which is actually stupidity, and become like children again, “children of God”. Give all your problems to God, and let Him help you to sort them out, “one day at a time” (Matt. 6:34). Use God’s REAL Wisdom and not your own foolishness (Prov. 3:5)(Luke 18:17). Forget tomorrow; just do the task that God has given you to do today, to the best of your ability: tomorrow is another day. “One day at a time”, guided by God. It’s much more fun than being a grown-up, and serious, weighed-down by all your problems. Give them to God and be a child, playing the game of LIFE, all your life.

BOOM! Twitter Owner Elon Musk Suggests Blame for Child Exploitation on the Platform May Rest with Yoel Roth

By Jim Hoft
Published December 10, 2022 of our morals and society in general.

Yoel Roth is the former head of Twitter site integrity and top censor for the social media giant.

Roth held the position until he left the company in early November.

Since then it has become apparent that Yoel Roth was behind much of the censorship on conservatives on the platform.

On Friday night the latest Twitter Files report was released on Twitter by Matt Tiabbi. The latest drop included information on Roth and federal officials plotting against conservatives and blacklisting conservatives including President Trump. The federal government and social media interfered in the 2020 election to censor conservatives and promote liberal voices.

This appears to be likely election interference and criminal conduct.

On Friday night Elon Musk was confronted on the fact that for several years Twitter employees refused to take action on child exploitation. They were too busy silencing conservatives.

On Saturday Elon Musk suggested the blame may be with Yoel Roth.

Yoel Roth wrote his PhD thesis arguing in favor of children being able to access adult Internet services.

Yoel Roth also argued in favor of children having sex with their high school teachers. And Roth posted that on Twitter.

That might explain a lot.

BOOM! Twitter Owner Elon Musk Suggests Blame for Child Exploitation on the Platform May Rest with Yoel Roth