BRIGHT GREEN LIES – Green now means sustaining a destructive way of life

You can’t save the earth by destroying it.


Stop falling for the double-speak of politicians and organizations who try to sell you on the illusion their version of "green" is good – it's just another way corporations are making profits whilst destroying the earth. They need this additional energy to power the energy-hungry technological 5G-IOT world, which is why technology corporations are investing in them.

Additional Resources About the Dark Side of Green Energy:

This is only a short list, but should be evident that there are dirty secrets corporations would rather we not think about. Government officials and NGOs are not doing their due diligence when it comes to "green energy". They are taking orders from "foreign powers" like the United Nations, European Commission, World Economic Forum, and the International Monetary Fund.

Solar Farms – Think Habitat Destruction and Pollution

Solar Farm near Seville, Spain.

Solar farms may be a huge problem for migratory birds – They BURST INTO FLAMES due to the intensified heat of flying over massive solar farms.

Green energy solutions are releasing tons of LEAD into the environment, posing a lasting human health threat – 78 million metric tons of solar panels will reach the end of their life span by 2050. Only ten percent of decommissioned solar panels are actually being recycled. Most of the panels are dropped off in landfills or exported overseas.

Wilderness Wipeout: Giant Wind & Solar Farms Destroying Pristine Wildlife Habitats – The scale of the environmental destruction wreaked by giant wind and solar farms is out of all proportion to the economic benefits they provide. Across Germany, millions of acres of forest have been clear-felled and great swathes cut through others, to allow some 30,000 of these things to be speared across Deutschland.

Wind Farms – Think Habitat Destruction & Wildlife Collapse


Wind turbines make bat lungs explode

Path to Extinction: Giant Wind & Solar Farms Destroying Habitat & Threatening Endangered Species

Six New Papers Reveal A Hushed-Up ‘Green’ Reality: Wind Turbines Destroy Habitats

Liquid Natural Gas – Think Deep Sea Drilling/Fracking

Mozambique LNG Destroys Villages and the Environment

Drilling for gas in Mediterranean Sea will threaten valuable marine life, says WWF – Why do you think the East Med Sea is a hot spot in the geopolitical scheme of things? Even though the WEF recognizes the dangers - that still hasn't meant the destruction will be stopped.

Natural Gas and Methane Leakage – Whilst the environmental damage arising from carbon dioxide emissions may be lesser from natural gas than other fossil fuels, the relatively high methane output could render it either equally as harmful or more harmful than the use of coal or oil.

LNG bunkers are military targets

Biomass – Think Deforestation


European Union biofuels goals seen behind deforested area as big as the Netherlands – Lumber from South America and SE United States

Our Forests Aren't Fuel – U.S. Forests are being turned into millions of tons of wood pellets to be exported and burned as fuel in European power plants.

UK Drax Power Plant Burning Wood Pellets from US Trees

Lithium Mining – Think Electric Car Batteries

Car manufacturers need about ten kilos of lithium to produce a single electric car battery.

Lithium mining faces huge resistance in Portugal and SPAIN – The EU wants to become more independent when it comes to lithium supplies. Lithium mines are now planned in Spain and Portugal, home to the bloc's largest reserves. But local resistance is growing. Spain already has a water problem.

Lithium’s water problem – Lithium mining has become a boom industry as more and more of the metal is needed in electric car batteries. Yet despite being lauded as key material for a renewables revolution, it too has a dark side.

The Environmental Impact of Lithium Batteries – Planning to transition the transportation sector to electric vehicles that are powered by lithium batteries and require other critical metals where China dominates the market. In May 2016, dead fish were found in the waters of the Liqi River, where a toxic chemical leaked from the Ganzizhou Rongda Lithium mine. Cow and yak carcasses were also found floating downstream, dead from drinking contaminated water.


If you haven't watched Bright Green Lies, you can now here –

Note – This reply is Part 2. Please look for upcoming installments including Gibraltar's role in the Bright Green Lies; and how Spain, particularly The Campo of Gibraltar, is on the chopping block in terms of environment destruction. These installments set a foundation to introduce the last installment – THE REAL SOLUTION.