Airport, airlines start legal action against Britain over travel rules


During the Third Reich everyone had to show their papers to be able to travel, even locally. The infamous phrase is: “Your papers, please.”

If T.H.E.Y. are successful the Covid-19 passports will be the fulfilment of the Nazis’ plan to control everyone during their Fourth Reich. The new saying will probably be, “Your Covid-19 passport please.”

They have been working on their Fourth Reich since 1941, when Germany already knew it was going to lose WW2, and started planning the EU as their Fourth Reich, to be implemented by Hitler’s daughter Angela Merkel.

The German people lost WW2, but the Nazis won it. During Operation Paperclip, thousands of Nazis, including Werner Von Braun were imported into the USA and joined with the OSS to form the Nazi CIA and gradually take over the USA.

John F. Kennedy found out about their plans and threatened to disband the CIA, for which they assassinated him on November 22nd 1963 in Dealy Plaza, where George Herbert Walker Bush (real name Scherff) a German Nazi spy was in charge of the murder.

Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president

John F Kennedy jr. told everyone who murdered his dad, with his magazine “George”.

You ALL need to wake up and stop all their fraudulent legislation that T.H.E.Y. are using to enslave and murder you all.

The ONLY way to do that is to abolish ALL legislation and reinstate God’s Perfect Law of Liberty.

Petition to the Gibraltar Parliament Demanding the Return to God’s Law