Mark Steele is interviewed by 2 BBC hosts and puts them in their place with facts.
They lure him into the usual "conspiracy theorist" trap and he gracefully turns it back on them.
A beautiful interview exposing the fake news propagandists for what they do. Feed and propagate ignorance and misinformation with bought and sold people who have been given "authority".
It has been reported that he has been removed from multiple platforms including Twitter.
He has a new channel on a platform called Telegram Messenger (never heard of it before).
Yes, he’s using telegram instead now. Falcon’s cafe on Bitchute follows him and has been mirroring his work and several other whistleblowers in this area.
13:32 But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, only the Father.
I don't find @MarkSteele's claims in his video titled "5G LED WEAPON SYSTEM DEPLOYED ON THE STREETS OF THE UK " very reliable. And if he is wrong about this (and in the manner, sureness of what he believes etc, behavior he is exhibiting), then what else is he wrong about?
What could Duke Energy possibly want to hide?
Who are the Stakeholders?
What Government agencies share the same address as the telecom industries?
What weapons manufacturers share the same address as the telecom industries?
Is Duke industries tied to all the above?
Why not put diffusers in the lights?
The clip below is a Steven King movie and not something I would suggest to view in full; however, the movie trailer for the 2016 movie portrays an apocalypse that is triggered by people's cell phones.
Is there a correlation between the covid gene jabs and 5G EMF?
Will vaccinated bodies be able to download info, connect via WiFi?
Feb 1, 2025
They are turning humans into 5G-6G-7G antennas and servers/routers with each jab. The Agenda 2030 ultimate goal is to be able to track & trace down to the cellular level and transmit data through our DNA in real time.
PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
I have a bit of computer/internet knowledge and have spent a considerable time to go through Sabrinas material.
Even though she APPEARS to speak as though she has great authority, knowledge and insights into these things and uses real and/or real sounding terms and concepts and even has a considerable following I am quite sure that she is not speaking the truth. Without going into the hows and whys of the human mind...
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This case; Sabrina Wallace - is she speaking the truth or not could work as an example and focusing point when striving to answer some of the questions and elephants in the room of this truth forum.
The beginnings of an article about this has been forming in my mind for quite some time and collaboration in writing it would be appreciated.
Questions like: what really is a truth forum? fact checking, definition of discuss/argue/debate, what is waste of time, confirmation bias, division, cognitive dissonance, cherry picking, what does X have to do with Defending Gibraltar, etc.
Perhaps the main question is how much the details matter when striving to get people to know The Truth.
Perhaps the "keep it simple stupid" approach is best: as a comparison: mining for metals, oil, and inventing machines of various kinds is not what Father had in mind when he put us here so similarly to how these computers we are now using are a neccessary evil that we have to use in order to spread The Truth...Can this be used as a comparison to using/spreading various claims that we are unable to know for sure are true?
Understood. I could hear some of the words quite clearly and recognize it as Latin and then I just googled some of it and quickly found The Lords Prayer in Latin and confirmed that it was what she was "praying"...
What did you use?
Google Translate recognized it and translated it.
Praying in Latin - one more concerning data-point for Sabrina Wallace...