The Lord's Prayer in Latin is: "PATER noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen."
Now that it is understood and confirmed it was Latin, Sabrina might be a witch (I do not know and I have not thought so), but if she is, she would think of herself as a "good witch" (not that there is such a thing); but, she is to some degree a new ager. I was initially drawn to what she was saying because she sought to explain how the human biofield (aka aura or etheric body) is being used to connect to the IOT; but, I have come to think differently and am closer to thinking that THEY seek not to use human biofields (electric portion of a physical body associated with frequency), but rather THEY seek to destroy it and replace it with something artificial i.e. biochip. I stopped listening to her videos because she can be hard to follow and understand.
The next level is listening, taking notes of the terms and concepts that she's using. Pausing the video then doing research on those and reading those official technical papers. Now those are quite a bit more hard to follow and understand. Then press play again and repeat for the whole video.
Yes, it appears she's worked in tech, as she's shown. But the documents she's shown indicate it's been a job in IT/telephony/networking and even though it's been quite complex tedious stuff, especially for a layman, it's not that advanced.
Then at some point she's had a mental breakdown/depression and started researching various conspiracy theories, research papers, upcoming technology etc (yes, there actually is a ton of terrible stuff being developed) and started combinding them with her IT knowledge from work in a faulty way.... They aren't true but might sound one to the untrained eye and also because of confirmation bias... Then when she got a following I'm sure some other psychological things came into the picture too...
As for my background. This body was born in 77. I've been using computers almost daily since the early 90s, trying out, experimenting with them quite a lot. Because of finding TWH and realizing what kind of world we live in I'm quite a dropout from schools and work so I've had time to be online more than an average person...