They Plan to Blame Children and Unvaccinated for a Resurgence
as per described in their government document disclosed by the Daily Expose:

The document states that “The resurgence is a result of some people (mostly children) being ineligible for vaccination; others choosing not to receive the vaccine; and others being vaccinated but not perfectly protected.”

The unvaccinated are already targets like described in GibMessenger's reply abovethose Refuseniks.

Now to add the children into the Indian-Variant Hype Mix:

Government Claim Young Are Susceptible to INDIAN VARIANT as SAGE Implements Plan to Stop Unlock

The Whitehall source exposing SAGE plans was already posted here - The Never-Ending Lockdown and the World Under Seige

So the story goes the B.1.617.2 strain now accounts for almost three-quarters of cases in the town and is spreading fastest among people aged 11 to 22, according to the latest Bedford Borough snapshot.

The Mail on Sunday featured the headline Youths aged 11 to 22 are at centre of Indian Covid variant surge in Bedford as locals fear another lockdown, but then gave no evidence that a) they were being especially focused on and b) that the Indian variant was any different to any other version of Covid for young people.

They've got to create a reason to jab young people; and they want a vaccine programme, most likely compulsory, in place by this Autumn.

They've got to create a reason to make those Refuseniks take the jab

This summer will be filled with fear-mongering news to the lead up to the next Lockdown – especially for the unvaccinated.

The Dystopia Nightmare continues – Emergency Alert System Will Issue Lockdown Instructions by Text Message Broadcast – It will be impossible to opt-out of the system, the command will override all settings on your phone. Alarmingly, the system is likely to be operated by local authorities who are said to want control of the device to enable local lockdowns.

Things are always the opposite.

The Refuseniks need to beware the Branch Covidians and their Satanic cult, as well as Beware of the Covid 1984 PCR test.