The Prejudice of Dr. Reiner Füllmich, An Analysis of The Case Against Him.
By Patricia Harrity on February 2, 2024
Even before the main proceedings against Dr. Reiner Füllmich, the courts indicate what they intend to do – a short trial and a quick verdict against the critical lawyer and human rights activist: They imposed a muzzle with a penalty clause on a Füllmich lawyer, ignored requests from the defense, disregarded legal deadlines and constructed a case that it doesn’t even exist. Did the verdict come down before the first day of the trial even began? Wolfgang Jeschke.
The above has been taken from an analysis of the case against Reiner Fuellmich from Wolfgang Jeschke from Laufpass. As many readers who have expressed concern for Dr. Reiners situation and have asked to be updated I thought that they may find the analysis informative, providing a better understanding of the case against him, therefore I have republished the automatically translated article here at the Expose.
The Prejudice of Dr. Füllmich
by Wolfgang Jeschke published 30th January.
The judges of the courts responsible for the various aspects of the Füllmich case are assured of a place in history. Like so many terrible lawyers from Germany’s past, they will also receive appropriate recognition. The suspicion is obvious that the judges have to deliver a verdict to the system and to do so they disregard the rights of the person being persecuted.
Illegal Kidnapping and Deprivation of Liberty
After the illegal kidnapping of Füllmich from Mexico (due to the lack of an international arrest warrant, the lawyer was only arrested at Frankfurt Airport. The kidnapping was coordinated with the Mexican authorities, who accompanied Füllmich to the Federal Republic of Germany and then handed him over to the Federal Republic of Germany police), the second act now follows the unlawful persecution of the indomitable critic.
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Dr. Füllmich Statement From Prison – ‘Their House of Cards is Collapsing’
By Patricia Harrity on March 27, 2024
Dr. Reiner Füllmich has continued to analyse evidence of the crimes against humanity from prison. that he and the Corona Committee had been working to expose since 2020. The corruption is being increasingly seen worldwide and “Their house of cards is collapsing” according to Reiner, “and we as international attorneys will do our best to speed up that process and make sure that Justice is done.” He adds ‘The windows of truth that are opening worldwide and the light that shines through these windows is in the process of identifying all of those who are responsible, no one will escape Justice.‘
Reiner Füllmich made this statement in a a break from the his trial due to the Easter holidays which has followed eight days in court. He has now been able to summarise the criminal proceedings against him and concludes that Hoffman and Antonia Fischer were only interested in ‘getting their hands on the Corona Committees donation. He claims that ‘through ‘fraud and extortion’, they had gotten their hands on roughly 1.5 million euros of his and his client’s money.’
Viviane Fischer, however, has confirmed in court that they both took loans in order to secure the Corona Committee’s donations which were at risk from “government attack, but they were both able to pay the monies back.
What this means is accusations that Reiner had embezzled committee funds are unfounded. In fact, there seems to be no reason for the man to have been kept in jail at all, and he believes, as many others do, that the criminal proceedings are an effort to shut him up and put him in jail and can see that the ‘DA’s case, is dead in the water.’
Reiner therefore, seems to be more positive for the future, which can be heard in his statement which you can listen to in full in the video of the audio below. However, I have also transcribed the audio recording verbatim and have added it underneath the video for those unable to play videos.
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# Statement Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - 22 03 2024 English
Statement Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - 22 03 2024 English
Breaking News: Füllmich's arrest apparently planned by the state
On April 2, 2024, the criminal trial at Göttingen Regional Court continued with sensational news from Dr. Reiner Füllmich's legal team when lawyer Dr. Christof Miseré presented the court with a dossier on the person of Reiner Füllmich that had been passed on to him.
The author of the dossier with the abbreviation B** appears to be either the German domestic intelligence service BND or the German Federal Criminal Police Office BKA.
The dossier obviously suggests that the arrest of Dr. Reiner Füllmich had been planned by the state since August 2021
Some excerpts from this explosive paper, translated via deepL into English by
Report and recommendations for action regarding Reiner Fuellmich
Date: August 24, 2021 Author: B**
Subject: Comprehensive analysis and recommendations for dealing with Reiner Fuellmich
The B** has conducted a thorough investigation into the activities of Reiner Fuellmich, a person who is increasingly perceived as a potential threat to public security and the democratic order of the Federal Republic of Germany. Due to his public statements, political ambitions and the mobilization of a significant following, a detailed assessment of his actions and the resulting influence on the social climate is required.
Facts of the case:
Through his role, Reiner Fuellmich has created a platform that could enable him to exert far-reaching influence on the political and social mood. His messages, which often have anti-democratic tendencies and could incite unrest, require an adequate and tough response from the security authorities.
Advanced analysis:
There are serious concerns that Reiner Fuellmich's efforts to influence political processes or gain prominent political office could undermine the foundations of our democratic society. His activities are not only to be classified as potentially illegal, but also pose a threat to internal security. The awarding of or the possibility of obtaining politically exposed offices must be prevented by all means within the rule of law.
1. intensification of monitoring:
The recruitment and involvement of trusted persons from Reiner Fuellmich's closest circle is recommended. This should serve to gain a deeper insight into planned activities, structures of supporters and potential threat scenarios.
2. political incompatibility and legal action:
Declaration of incompatibility: An analysis should be carried out to assess the possibility of a declaration of incompatibility prohibiting Reiner Fuellmich from holding political office due to proven anti-democratic tendencies.
3. criminal procedural measures:
The initiation of criminal proceedings on the basis of the evidence collected against Reiner Fuellmich must be prepared. This includes cooperation with public prosecutors and the preparation of charges in the event of demonstrable violations of the law. Any necessary constructions must be weighed up and suitable third parties recruited.
4. public communication and prevention:
Educational work: Developing a strategy to educate the public about the risks and negative effects of Reiner Fuellmich's actions is essential. The aim is to raise awareness and counteract disinformation.
Preventive measures:
The promotion of extremism prevention programmes aimed at Reiner Fuellmich's followers and cooperation with civil society organizations are important steps to limit his influence.
Reiner Fuellmich's activities represent a complex challenge for the security authorities that requires a coordinated and multi-layered response. The implementation of the recommended measures should help to prevent his political viability and protect the security and democratic values of the Federal Republic of Germany.
You can find the whole dossier translated into English on telegram,