Defending Gibraltar Truther-Videos Channel - on Bitchute

Thank-you for adding @DG-Truther-Videos to your youtube-containing posts.

EDIT 17 October 2022
Twitter is now also censoring heavily, so please follow the same procedure as below with posts that contain links to twitter posts with video clips, and also news-outlet articles that contain twitter and other video clips (e.g. Daily Mail UK). Thank-you.
End of Edit

A BitChute channel has been opened for Defending Gibraltar Forum users called Defending-Gibraltar Truther Forum.

The purpose of the channel is to host videos that are posted on this forum that have been or might be censored by Youtube, and important videos from other sources.

If a video in one of your posts has been censored, you may find it at the channel and can replace it with the new one, and you can also inform the channel administrator of broken video-links where you see them (please don't delete the links).

Please subscribe to the Bitchute channel and be notified of each new upload; also in case you miss it on the quite active forum. (You’ll have to open a Bitchute account to subscribe, and can be notified via email etc.).

This forum will obviously have videos from several sources, but priority will be given to those which are censored and/ or are most likely to be censored because of the urgency factor.

Note: Uploads will be at the channel administrator’s discretion.

What to do:

If you see an important video on YT or another platform (see list below) that you would like to share, please make your post or post-reply with the video linked and active in it - sooner rather than later, and include @DG-Truther-Videos in the post and they'll get the message and know what to do with the video.

Or send a personal-message (see 1 below) to @DG-Truther-Videos with the specific post or post-reply link where you posted the video (see 2 below), requesting that the video in it be taken to the Bitchute channel.

1 Sending a Personal Message - e.g.

2 Finding the Post/ Post-Reply Link

The new video link, when established on the channel, will be substituted in your post or post-reply for you.

If you don’t want to make a post or post-reply, but feel its worth sharing, then send the video link - also to @DG-Truther-Videos - together with your reasons as to why you think it's important.

Please also send to @DG-Truther-Videos post-reply links that contain YT videos that have broken links (grey blank screen) - even if the video titles can't be seen. @DG-Truther-Videos will locate those videos and do the necessary replacements and uploads behind the scenes.




While we can't recommend one above the other, alternatives to Youtube so far are:

Brighteon; Bitchute; Rumble; Odysee; Daily Motion; Brand New Tube; OurTube; Youmaker, afreecaTV



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You're welcome.

[See latest edits.]

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Woah thanks so much I am going to go and watch some videos rate now! :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much for this info, it was a great help!
Newbie, (or rather late arriver lol) I'm afraid :blush:who has been wandering around your forum most of the day, wondering how do I start? Not too tech savvy, but I get there in the end :sweat_smile:



How have you been enjoying wandering around, please?

Hi cybe, thank you for asking.. :smiley:

I have greatly enjoyed my wanderings, and there is so much to see. It has lifted me on my sabbath, and I probably am trying to run before I can walk....but I feel greatly moved by the spirit
to contribute.
I have to ask all users to be patient with me please lol, I am not too tech savvy if I send you something by accident, please be physical eyes don't work like they used to.. :flushed: :pray:


Glad to hear it.

Hmm, it would be interesting to hear about your finds, for instance.

I believe we should also have a law study thread here, I'm not sure we even have one...

Understood, it's a nice piece of software and not really that hard to use.

I'm sittiing here squinting myself too. Should go out and flex the eye muscles, they like that (looking far away too and not just the screen).

Unfortunately my eye was left damaged due to an infection in 2016, along with the dimming older age brings anyway, and I must admit that events and circumstances that escalated after that year led me to burn the midnight oil in my seeking nightly... In hindsight though, it could be no other way for I felt I was moved and compelled by the holy spirit to seek...what I began to find, as well as the cold harsh reality of this material world, was a closeness to Christ, like never before, I found my treasure!! :rose:


There’s quite a collection of Scripture citations to cite in reply to the events described in your message.

I don’t even know quite where to start.

Anyone @everyone ?

Here’s a good start.

All One. - June 29

Every man is your brother, every woman your sister, every child your child. You are to know no difference of race, colour or creed. One is your Father, and all ye are brethren.

This is the Unity I came to teach - Man united with God and His great family. Not man alone, seeking a oneness with God alone. See God the Father with His great world family, and, as you seek union with Him, it must mean for you attachment to His family, His other children.

He acknowledges all as His children, not all acknowledge Him as their Father.

Ponder this.


I especially enjoyed reading a reply I received about Wisdom in response to an image I uploaded. I literally got lost in the beauty of it for a good while...I like to keep my sabbath day holy :purple_heart:

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Adding @adam to the conversation as we were wondering about brotherhood today and the answer seems to have been give to us already!

I hope it’s ok?

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I am here @Cybe thanks for the inclusion. Need to catch up and read it all to understand better but im sure there will be good reason

I wasn't able to find it from your posts?

Which one can see here:-

@Cybe, @Susannah extending a warm welome (glad you found your way here)

God's Love, unlike the world's counterfeit satanically inspired emotions, is so Amazing when concentrated on deeply in thought changing us in those magical moments for the better and hopefully everyone sees the need for that.

Amazing YoDa, words of LIFE when lived out daily.

While considering these words of LIFE and seeing them from a certain point of view; no one will deliberately hurt another, then Love One Another abounds while gladly seeing the need to put others first and themselves last Thomas 1:10 For many who are first shall become last and they shall become a single one no matter the skin color. Please see Christ explanations The Gospel of Thomas Explained | Time To Think

The force of Love. God, Who is pure love and the source and controller of His “Force”; love, the
greatest force in creation will grow, go round, without bias or compromise,among us making brotherly Love as KINGChrist Teaches.

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Thank you cybe, but I hope you have not misunderstood my testimony, I believe we all start alone in our seeking, infact for a period Iv'e felt set apart...and have greatly needed that time to see things anew ... This does not mean I have no regard for the unity for all God's children, quite the contrary, I see all mankind as HIS children just like me, the love he has put in me does not judge whether men are rich or poor, what colour skin they may be wrapped in, his education, good or gone astray, it never has. We are all deserving of respect and love forgiveness and prayers, whether friend or foe, and to bring his message where we can, how else could we follow HIM?
I have joined this forum in the hope of fellowship as we each do our part, and for the quiet joys of brotherhood and sisterhood. :pray: :purple_heart:

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Thank you for your warm welcome Persistent :sunny: help :smiley:

oops...mis typed
Correction: Thank you for your warm welcome Persistent :sunny: :grinning:

Hi cybe,
I can't tell you how and where I managed to post an image, it was a couple of days ago when I joined, and I didn't have a clue how to navigate... I have reposted here; :smiley:

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