Russian News

Dagestan-born State Duma deputy Abdulhakim Gadzhiev, a member of the Security and Anti-Corruption Commissions, said without evidence that he had “no doubt” that the attacks were connected with the special services of Ukraine and NATO countries.

He was quickly criticized by Dmitry Rogozin, the ex-head of Roscosmos and current senator of Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia region, who wrote that the unfounded shifting of blame will “lead us to big problems.”

What We Know About the Church and Synagogue Attacks in Dagestan

At least 15 police officers and five civilians including a priest have been killed in coordinated attacks on two Orthodox churches and two synagogues in Russia’s North Caucasus republic of Dagestan on Sunday evening.

Russian law enforcement has deemed the attacks, which saw both police and National Guard officers deployed, as "acts of terror."

The attacks are the latest incident involving the majority Muslim republic following an anti-Israeli mob at the republic’s main airport in October 2023 and the Moscow concert hall massacre of March 2024, which was partly carried out by Dagestani nationals and claimed by the Islamic State group.





IMHO, it remains a possibility that Putin / Russia has been the nation selected to lead the world into a full-fledged globalism. Whilst the wars appear to be naturally occurring events that unfold during wartime, and that may well be the case, where it is leading is unknown.

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Russian UN Ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, delivers statement on the Sevastopol attack. Direct US involvement in this attack is “beyond any doubt”.

Full Press Conference:


The Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia speaking to reporters. Vasily Nebenzya said, “The strike targeting civilians in Sebastopol will not go unnoticed.” Addressing the press (24 June 2024), Nebenzya said, “Yesterday on June 23rd during the Great Orthodox Feast of Pentecost the Saint Trinity, Kyiv regime supported by the USA carried out heinous attack against civilians in the Russian city of Sebastopol, in Crimea.” He continued, “There will be measures in response. The Russian Federation will continue to protect its people and its national security until no threat is posed by the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv that was breaded, raised and financed by the West.” Answering a question, he said, “The further the country goes, the worse conditions that we offer will be for the Ukrainians. They have to realize that. Them and the West, their sponsors.”

Russia announced the guilt of the USA to the UN: It will bomb the Polish railway connecting Ukraine with NATO for transfers of forces and weapons!

They joined the railway network of Ukraine with the infrastructure of NATO!

Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN, Nebenzya, announced the guilt of the USA for Kiev's attack targeting civilians in Sevastopol, Crimea, announcing retaliation against the Americans.

"The US involvement in the Sevastopol attack is undeniable. The US is directly involved in the ATACMS terrorist attack in Sevastopol.

Washington and its allies support the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev and encourage their puppets to commit terrorist acts against civilians.

The terrorist attack carried out by the Ukrainian army in Sevastopol with the help of the United States will be discussed at a meeting of the UN Security Council in July " , said the Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN

Nebenzya accused the UN of having "no meaningful response" to the attack while applying double standards . He added that the strike in Sevastopol will not go unanswered.

The Russians are targeting the Polish-Ukraine railway network

Among the retaliatory proposals is to bomb the section of the Polish railway leading to Lviv. It's surprising why this hasn't happened before.

Recently, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) prepared a contract aimed at companies wishing to reconstruct the railways in Ukraine.

In Washington, they plan to rebuild a 75-kilometer section of Ukrainian infrastructure between the Polish cargo terminal Mostiska II and the military airport near Lviv.

The project also includes the reconstruction of intermediate stations on the section from Mostyska II to Sknilov.

In this section, the railway lines will be replaced with rails built according to European standards. The 1520 mm wide road. should be converted to a single track of 1435 mm width.

Currently, Russian/Soviet lines in Ukraine prevent rail transport from the EU to Ukraine without an intensive and time-consuming process of changing trains.

Near the Sknilov station, where the new lines are planned to be extended, there is a large military airfield. Previously, it housed the 14th Air Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which included six airborne regiments and two wings. Presumably, the US is preparing for a large-scale transfer of aviation equipment to Ukraine, including F-16 fighters. The airport itself can also be rebuilt.

Last fall, Ukrainian media reported that a team of experts from the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) visited the capital of Western Ukraine. The Americans checked the condition of the terminal and airport infrastructure, as well as the level of security at the airport in case of emergencies.

A few months later, in December, a memorandum was signed between USAID and Ukrzaldoroga for the reconstruction of the section connecting Lviv to the EU transport network. The cost of the work was estimated at 225 million dollars, and the American side undertook the financing.

The route map

What is the US goal?

It was initially said that this construction would significantly expand the possibilities of exporting agricultural products from Ukraine.

According to Russian special correspondent Alexander Sladkov "Experience shows that nothing good should be expected from such a project."

He is considering several options.

Perhaps the West is hoping for a freeze and, in order not to waste time, as soon as the ceasefire begins, it intends to start moving weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.

The best road is this one as it leads directly to an airport capable of receiving large aircraft. Then, they will be transported throughout Ukraine.

There is also a possibility, in his opinion, that this railway could be used to transport parts and weapons for the F-16s.

"Most likely they will be somewhere in the Lviv region. Where the 14th Air Army of the USSR Air Force was based. I served in this army. I have been to all the military airfields in the Lviv area. Our long arm will reach every goal," Sladkov stressed.

Political scientist Andrey Sidorchik, for his part, does not believe the grain export version.

“You know, the military airfields near Lviv are not needed for shipping agricultural products. Accordingly, the replacement of railway lines is necessary for the delivery of military cargo from Europe. To deliver as much as possible and as quickly as possible.

Moreover, this can be used both in the context of the current conflict and in NATO's plans, which, as is known, are aimed at full military deployment on Ukrainian soil.

That is, we are talking about real integration of the logistics routes of "independent" Ukraine with the infrastructure of the North Atlantic Alliance.

This means that we will have a path of further escalation. And nothing more," he concludes.

Wait until Israel invades Lebanon, and the USA gets involved to help Israel against Hezbollah, which is why Israel will invade in the first place....that's where the big confrontation will take place IMHO.

Isaiah 17:1

“The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.”

King James Version (KJV)

"Israel" the country ( Synagogue of Satan ) will nuke it. Russia will assist the Iranians and Syrians...won't be long now

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More relevant than ever:


In Ezekiel 38 we are told that God will put "hooks into their jaws" (hunger) and bring them against the mountains (govts.) of the 12 tribes of Israel who have insufficient defences because of dis-armament.

Then, returning to the Apocalypse/Revelation chapter 6 again, in verse 12 onwards we are told that there was a great "earth-quake " (upheaval of the downtrodden masses) and the SUN (British Throne of David) became black (loses all of its power), and the MOON (British Commonwealth) became as blood and the STARS of heaven (U.S.A.) fell unto the EARTH (downtrodden people), even as a FIG tree (the Jews) casteth her untimely figs , when she is shaken of a mighty wind (in Ezekiel 13 v 11 we are told that "with a stormy wind will I rend/break down the wall of untempered mortar").

To refer back to Rev. 11 again for a moment we are told that the Two Witnesses will be overcome and KILLED . This refers to the very same battle - "The Battle of Armageddon " in the "VALLEY of JEZREEL " in Israel near Endor .


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"...To solve the problem with international transfers under sanctions, Russia must develop any, even unpopular, payment methods, otherwise the export-oriented economy may face “destruction,” said First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Vladimir Chistyukhin at a session of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

“A smaller, but at the moment important, is international settlements. You have to do everything to keep the wheels turning. What seemed to us yesterday, unpopular - there, I don’t know, swaps (including central banks), some clearing systems, the use of crypto - everything needs to be tested, everything needs to be tried as quickly as possible. Because [if] there are no normal payments for products related to foreign economic activity, for our export- and import-dependent country, that’s simply all, it’s death,” he said...."

(Thread, x account needed to access it, I believe)




North Korea's adversaries are hell-bent on a destructive agenda against Pyongyang. The official representative of Russia in the United Nations Security Council Vasily Nebenzya spoke about the situation related to North Korea.

Knowing what we know about North Korea I believe these might be some of the "thickest" sentences in the statement

"The DPRK defends its right to independent development according to its own political, social and civilizational models, rather than according to the patterns imposed by the West. Thus, it has become a 'bone in the throat' for the United States, which should be removed at any cost."

Attempts to "strangle" the DPRK are not confined solely to military campaigns.
"Illegal Western unilateral sanctions have been in force against the DPRK for many years, preventing the supply of food, medicine and other essentials to the country, and thus worsening the situation of ordinary people. All this is justified by hypocritical claims of concern for the rights of the North Korean people."