Trump Gut-Punched Kyiv

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Russian Marines Engaged in BATTLE with Elite French and Ukrainian Special Forces Units in KURILOVKA

There's No Third OPTION┃You Either Accept Russia's Terms on Ukraine or Everyone Would Be ANNIHILATED

We'll Have To Make Concessions: Zelensky Acknowledged Russia's Victory and Blamed It On The WEST

NATO Military Train with Polish Soldiers and ATACMS Missiles on Board Was BLOWN To BITS In RIVNE

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Dear @NancyDrewberry
In sincerity about TWh comment, what's being offered has been suggested from others on higher levels.

Will you elaborate on positive emojis and how possible you're offending TWO? others? Agreed, offending others would be bad.

Verbatim, it doesn't. Generally speaking, does it not point everyone to question their thoughts, words, deeds?
For example, see excerpt from TWh: 13:116 When this happens, every time that it happens, and you are confused, DO nothing. Sit down and shut-off your human-senses, and tell God that you are confused, and that you don’t understand, and ask Him to tell you clearly, and exactly, what He wants you to do. Listen for His answer, and be SURE that it is His voice, and NOT Satan’s.
13:117 When you are SURE, that you have heard, and understood God’s Message, the confusion
and anxiety will float away, and you will feel relieved, and as though a great weight has just been
lifted off your chest, or shoulders. Then, and not before, go forward and follow God’s guidance, to
victory, and, EVENTUALLY, home, to Heaven, which is not a silly abstract, superstitious dream,
but a REAL place. It is a place where no-one steals; or kills; or tells lies; and everyone loves
(spiritually) everyone.

Love and Laugh

For the sake of clarity, the comment referred to was this:

"others on higher levels"? What others / who are you referring to, please?

Yes, of course. Your reply that included that comment received a thumbs-up and a 'like' :blue_heart: indicating two approvals. Others not indicating (with emojis) approval were in agreement as is stated in your comment about "higher level" others. Questioning the comment was cause for my concern about offending you or those in agreement.

Until "higher level others" is made clear, I dare not say more in order to not offend.


Other human+Beings in JAH's/Christ's Prison Reform-School

TWh 2:20 There would also be higher and lower spiritual levels, like in human schools, which go from
nursery to university (Mark 12:32-34), with A-Z classes, and all grades in between. What humans
call intelligence and levels of intelligence, or awareness, are really spiritual levels.
2:21 The upper levels were to help to teach the lower ones, by example and not words, whilst ALL
levels are being taught by God (Head-teacher). All the students should be helping one another, and
becoming less selfish (love your neighbour as much as yourself - Matt. 19:19), thereby earning more
points and responsibilities, climbing higher up the spiritual ladder, until they become enough like
God (like Jesus demonstrated), graduate and go home (John 8:32 / King of kings’ Bible, John 8:23).

Hope this helps.

That was explicitly understood from the getgo/start.

I have no questions or issues with the excerpts from TWHOFTF that were shared.

No, it does not. In fact, it has left me concerned and with other untoward feelings and being certain in wishing to speak no more about it. Please respect these wishes.

Absolutely, gladly agree, no more questions.

No Chance For SALVATION: Russians Surrounded Hundreds of NATO and Ukrainian Soldiers in CHASIV YAR

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Andrei Martyanov: NATO Is Collapsing Right Before Our Eyes

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The U.S. Acknowledged That The Russian Army Is The Most Combat-Ready and Experienced In The WORLD

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From The Way home or face The Fire, on the subject of asking questions, and to Whom questions should be addressed, in the right way, with patience and the correct attitude:

2:18 God, being the answer to every question, and the cure for every ill, is the ONLY thing that every SOUL needs, because with God, a soul has EVERYTHING it NEEDS (God being the source and supply of “Light” and everything good - Matt. 6:33 & Luke 12:31). God is the best friend that any soul can ever have (for ever), and He is with you 24 hours a day, wherever you go.

3:38 God will only answer your questions, if they are the right kind of questions, and if you ask Him in the right way, with the correct attitude, and then only if the answer will help you spiritually not materially (unless it will help you, in some way, to complete the task He has set you or is a genuine need, not a want). He will answer you, when you are ready for the answer, which may not be when YOU think you are ready for it.

3:39 You may get an answer immediately; or in an hour; or a week; a month; a year; or even ten or more, but you will get the answer EXACTLY when you ARE ready for it, and you will be reminded, as you are given the answer, of exactly when it was that you asked the question. Then you should realise, yourself, that when you asked the question, you weren’t ready for the answer, and first had to be taught to understand the answer, and were only ready for the answer, when you were given it. That’s when you really ought to say: “Thank You”.

3:40 He will help you with everything you do, if you ask Him to, but He will not help you to do anything that is wrong for you, or anyone else.

3:41 So, if you don’t get an answer, you are asking the wrong things, and/or in the wrong way, or you are not yet ready for the answer.

3:63 God, the source of spiritual love (God is love), is the answer to EVERY question, problem, or illness in your life. Once you have found God, and acknowledge Him, as your Father, you automatically have the solution to every problem and illness, so long as you have “DIRECT” contact, and do what He tells you to do (His Will).

3:192 God takes the attitude, that if you want to prolong your own suffering, because you have no faith in Him, and also extend your own sentence and punishment, by not moving-on, to learn the new things, that you should be learning, then He will let you continue to punish yourselves. You are also, by doing this, wasting what precious, little time you have left, to earn your pardon.

The Fire” is getting closer, by the minute!!!

3:193 The answer, to EVERY question in life, is with God. Don’t look to humans for answers, or cures, look to your Maker. God is not just a body-mechanic, like a doctor; He is the designer-builder and master-engineer.

13:81 God is the ONLY cure and answer, to EVERY problem in the world. Don’t look to people for the answer, they are just as lost as you are, but they would never admit it. Their egos wouldn’t let them.

13:82 God holds the answer to every question, and the cure for every ill, and He is patiently waiting for you to ask Him, and He has been, for thousands of years.

Talk to Him!

13:83 Get rid of your arrogance and your “self-esteemed” wisdom (?), which is actually stupidity, and become like children again, “children of God”. Give all your problems to God, and let Him help you to sort them out, “one day at a time” (Matt. 6:34). Use God’s REAL Wisdom and not your own foolishness (Prov. 3:5)(Luke 18:17). Forget tomorrow; just do the task that God has given you to do today, to the best of your ability: tomorrow is another day. “One day at a time”, guided by God. It’s much more fun than being a grown-up, and serious, weighed-down by all your problems. Give them to God and be a child, playing the game of LIFE, all your life.


The statement:

is not in TWHOFTF. Yes, of course one is to question as needed; use discernment and take the time to wait for an answer and let it "sink in" as necessary. That is not the issue expressed. That statement is not true. If I questioned everything, I would not be where I am today spiritually speaking. Most learning of significance (in my case) has come through not questioning, but rather leaps of faith; trust where an answer( specifically) is not sought; where there is NO QUESTIONING whatsoever. Perhaps, best understood as a surrender. Based on an email sent to me and now your reply, I am afraid there has been a misunderstanding of the original question (ironically). That statement (Questioning everything is The Way) is just not correct.

To elaborate further with an actual example: to help someone who had difficulty with some subjects in TWHOFTF, answers to questions were provided, but the questions continued and continued with no end. Finally, it was suggested to stop questioning. In doing so, insight and understanding was found that went beyond any questions!

Shouldn't any assumptions about what TWHOFTF is teaching be framed as a question, rather than presented as a statement of fact?

Shouldn't everything in this world FILLED with lies be questioned (e.g. the worldly institutions, principles, doctrines and worldly traditions, etc.)?

With all things there is a balance, is there not?

It's understood that someone can allow Satan to fill their mind with endless and unnecessary questions, thereby preventing them from hearing the answers and letting those answers soak-in. However, is it not standard operating procedure here on Earth for people to assume they know what's best, and try to teach others to believe and do the same, instead of asking Father what HE knows is best for all concerned in any and every situation?

Isn't that exactly what TWHOFTF is teaching us, i.e. to bring every question to Father and then patiently, with the correct attitude, await the answer?

And if there is a question as to whether we are hearing an answer from Father correctly, do we not graciously have The Master/Teacher with us, to sort that out?


Yes, considering the way our statements are framed changes it's impact on others. correcting: "Questioning the ways of this world is The Way, isn't it?"

Yes, thankfully our Dear Sweet Lord is with us, full of Love willing to graciously sort matters out, hoping all of us learn how to Love one another, per His compassionate Example, considering everyone here is learning. Mistakes made are designed to help one recognize the right way of thinking and be willing to correct themselves. But ultimately, it's up to each of us to face and embrace the work we have ahead of ourselves, to rid ourselves of all of the self centered tendencies we have adopted, some of which we've yet to discover.

The statement made above is correct according to our Teacher, giving His UNEQUIVOCALLY correct Counsel, except you don't question the Scriptures or Commandments. It doesn't imply to doubt good, but one is taught to unlearn and relearn everything by bringing every question to Father while maintaining a proper sense of right and wrong

Live in Love and Peace


This conversation regarding the statement discussed left me quite confused (one of Satan's favorite states of mind), and so, it was necessary for me to delve deeper to find the cause for what appears to be a disagreement. I found there was actually not a disagreement, but a different view point. The statement referred to the "ways of the world". With that understanding it is true, of course. Sadly, the conversation went sour and in an email I was accused of "nit-picking", being found difficult to "love" amongst other things. And all because of a misunderstanding or better stated as viewed from a different viewpoint. I ASK Father frequently for help, aid, support understanding, etc., but not in the form of questions. Let these statements (verbatim) suffice:

TWHOFTF 8:93 Faith is the key to the “magic” door - the door to miracles, and a God-guided life, walking always in the Healing Light, and the entrance to the Kingdom of God, and the return of your IMMORTALITY; real memory; identity and super-human powers.
8:94 Samson used “The Force” to pull down the heathen temple; David’s stone was guided by “The Force” to kill Goliath; “The Force” parted the Red Sea; etc.; etc.; etc.
8:95 Jesus was transfigured on the mountain, and his face shone like the Sun, because his soul (Being of Light, Ch. 1) was shining through his face (like Moses), and his clothes were white and shining, “as white as the light, and whiter than anything on Earth could make them” (Matt. 17:2 & Mark 9:3 & Luke 9:29). This was caused by a force-field, put around him to protect the body, that he was using, from the heat and effects of the spaceship. Then, after God had finished speaking to Jesus, a “bright” cloud came over the disciples, and the smoke of the cloud engulfed them (Luke 9:34), and God said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: hear him” (Matt. 17:5). How then, can Christ (the spirit within the man) not be the Son of God, when God Himself said so? God NEVER lies; lies are Lucifer the Devil’s invention (John 8:44 / King of kings’ Bible, John 8:35).
8:96 Jesus said that you must NOT be priests (Matt. 23:8), and that you must NOT LISTEN TO PRIESTS (Matt. 15:14 & 16:12 & 23:9, 13, 24), but to go into your closets (in private) to speak to God, and DO His Will. He said that you MUST DO and LIVE the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9-15), not just repeat it like a silly parrot, that does not UNDERSTAND what it is saying, and that includes the singing of hymns and the communal, or individual, saying of written-prayers. - End of excerpt.

After being so berated in an email, I do wonder if I belong here. What transpired is of concern and goes back to the original hesitation to present the question in the first place which has proven to be an insightful hesitation indeed!! The need to be "right" and / or to teach under the guise of helpfulness overrode apparently the simple act of asking what I meant and to consider what was being said that appeared contrary.