I liked this comment from @persistent

Hope it helps all of us

Questioning everything is The Way.
Also choosing to look for the good in everyone and everything.

Everyone seems to have expectations of perfection in others, instead of striving for perfection in themselves and recognizing that we all are learning.

Hope this helps.

Where is @ThePrisoner? In his absence, I'll post the latest Borzzikman video:

Information About PUTIN's Order To Detain Zelensky & Eliminate All His Entourage Has Been Confirmed

Yesterday's interview of Vladimir Putin with one of the Russian news agencies is being actively debated in the West. During that interview, the President of the Russian Federation reiterated that Moscow would not sign any deal with the head of the Kiev regime, Volodymyr Zelensky. According to Putin, the current head of the Kiev regime is the illegitimate president of Ukraine, therefore any deals signed by him will have no legal force. - Borzzikman.



Hope it helps all of us
Agreed. Understanding comes before Love.


Words of Life from Christ Jesus, our Spiritual Guide, Lover of our soul, no Greater Love known.

More Love. - January 30

I come, a truly willing guest. Love always draws. Remember that. Love is the magnetic Power of the Universe. God is LOVE, the Power that draws all men by various ways unto Himself.

Remember that your Love too, being of God, has the same magnetic Power. Love, and you will draw to you those whom you desire to help.

When you fail to do so, search your life. Love is deficient. More love is necessary.

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Lots of Love to Everyone


Though there are talks to end it, there is no end in sight for this war. At least not yet.

MAJOR Escalation: Poland Took a Gamble By Challenging Russia! The Boundaries of Europe are Changing!

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Russians know how to win wars, we have proven this more than once! Lavrov

Lavrov: The US is oriented not only against Russia, but also against China, Iran, North Korea!
Speech by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the General Meeting of the Russian International Affairs Council.


Hotel 'BRISTOL' Along With Officers from European Intelligence Agencies Was Blown To BITS in ODESSA

On the night of February 1, the Russian Aerospace Forces, together with the missile forces, launched a massive missile strike on military installations in Ukraine. It is noteworthy that this Russian missile attack is still ongoing. While you're watching this video, Russian ballistic and cruise missiles continue to rain down on the military installations of the Ukrainian Army and NATO forces. It is reliably known that seven units of Tu-95MS and five units of Tu-22M3 strategic bombers are participating in this attack. Moreover, the Russian military also deployed three units of Stealth Su-57M fighter jets with the latest 5th-generation 'AL-51F1' aircraft engines, which have a flat nozzle and a reinforced thrust vector. - Borzzikman.

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SHOCKING Dogfight Over UKRAINE: F-16, Mig-29, and Su-27 Did Not Survive Their...

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(let your browsers inbuilt translate feature translate it if needed)

Germany-wide series of sabotage apparently controlled by Russia

"But the media and the public were clearly deliberately misled: According to SPIEGEL information, the trail of the saboteurs does not lead to militant climate activists - but to Moscow. According to the findings of the security authorities, the series of sabotage was actually carried out by Russian contractors. More than 270 vehicles were damaged across Germany, in Berlin, Brandenburg, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. The outrage over the supposedly green criminals was apparently intentional. Security circles speak of a targeted campaign with the intention of stirring up hatred of the Greens and their candidate for chancellor, Habeck, in the federal election campaign and dividing society."

ON CAM: A Large Group of U.S., German, and Canadian Soldiers Was Torn To PIECES near 'IVOLZHANSKOYE'

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"Overall, The Russian Military Department and numerous monitoring resources confirmed the destruction of 80 Ukrainian and 40 NATO soldiers. It is reported that they were US, Canadian and German citizens."

Does this sound credible? Why aren't these numerous (great in number; many) sources mentioned?

The Building of The IZYUM City Administration with Minelayers From Sweden & Norway Was Blown To BITS

USAID paid actor Ben Stiller $4 million for Photo-Op with Zelensky

Western propaganda at it's finest...

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Could there be a possibility that this claim too is propaganda?

The video appears to have been fabricated to appear as if it came from ENews but there is no evidence ENews ever reported this. []

( the original source of the claim comes from a russian propaganda channel: []

( Ben Stiller has also denied this allegation, stating his trip was entirely self-funded.

I do not see an end to any of these wars (including the Middle East) on Planet Earth.

NATO is trying to block Russia in the Baltic, Patrushev said

Patrushev: NATO is trying to paralyze the work of Russian ports in the Baltic Sea

NATO is trying to block Russia in the Baltic Sea and paralyze the operation of ports in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions, said Nikolai Patrushev, assistant to the president, chairman of the Maritime College.

"Anglo-coordinated actions of the North Atlantic Alliance in the Baltic, in Gulf of Finland, are attempts to block Russia, including with the aim of paralyzing the operation of our ports in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions, he said at a meeting on the safety of sea and river shipping in Nizhny Novgorod.

According to him, politics NATO negatively affects the safety of freight and passenger transportation, destroys the global system of maritime trade shipping.

"In their quest to weaken Russia, the Westerners also use terrorist methods. An example of this is the attack of a Russian ship in Mediterranean Sea, as well as, in fact, the pirate capture of the Eagle S ship in the Baltic, said Patrushev.

The Ursa Mayor cargo ship, sailing from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok, crashed on December 23 in the Mediterranean Sea. It sank 67 miles from the Spanish coast and 45 — from the Algerian, 14 crew members saved, two are reported missing. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the cargo ship sank after an explosion in the engine room. As noted in Defense, the cause of the crash was a terrorist attack.

Estlink 2 power line between Finland and Estonia disconnected on December 25. Finnish police claimed that the electric cable and communication cables cut the Eagle S tanker under the flag of the Cook Islands with anchor. Local customs unsubstantiatedly claimed that the ship was allegedly involved in the transport of Russian oil.

Nine crew members of the tanker were banned from leaving Finland. In total, there were 20 people on board, all of them — citizens Georgia and India.

At the same time, The Washington Post wrote with reference to intelligence sources that the Western intelligence services did not find evidence of involvement Russia to damage submarine cables.

Statements about Moscow’s involvement in this are aimed at hindering the export of Russian oil, the official representative of the Foreign Ministry emphasized Maria Zakharova. According to her, NATO took advantage of the situation to increase its military presence in the Baltic Sea.

Baltics Militarization

In mid-January, following the summit of NATO countries of the Baltic region in Helsinki the block announced the Baltic Watch mission to "increase situational awareness" in the region amid recent cable damage.

NATO did not specify how many ships and air assets are used, but emphasized that the mission is unlimited. According to Yle, the alliance will send up to ten ships to monitor infrastructure in the Baltic.

As part of the announced mission in Baltic Sea the mine minesweeper of the Navy of Germany "Datteln", the hydrographic vessel "Luymes" of the fleet of the Netherlands and the corvette of the type "Visby" of the Navy of Sweden have already arrived.

Russian Ambassador to Belgium Alexander Tokovinin warned that Moscow would take retaliatory measures against the NATO Baltic submarine patrol operation.

I read this before I posted the video. He would say that wouldn't he....I am no fan of Elon Musk but he would probably have a handle on what was going on with USAID being as he is investigating the organization, and he apparently re-tweeted the Ben Stiller video (tell me if that's correct or not as I don't do twitter).Ben Stiller Denies Musk Retweet That He Took USAID Money For Ukraine Trip "It was later amplified by Donald Trump Jr., on whose page it got hundreds of thousands more views."
"Neither Musk nor Trump have taken the video down as of this writing"
" Former Donald Trump lawyer Sydney Powell, who pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor counts of conspiring to intentionally interfere with the performance of election duties in Georgia in 2023, also reposted the video and wrote, “USAID has apparently been one big slush fund for anything the Left wanted.”

Stiller replied to Powell as well, writing, “Totally false. Untrue.”

Powell has also not removed the video, despite Stiller’s denial, the denial from E! News or the Community Notes."
I would assume an Attorney would be confident not to be sued by Stiller, so must know he is on stable legal ground stating this...

Checked out that latter Russian site you gave, and did not find that clip there either. [quote="Cybe, post:1345, topic:4366"]

If true, these are the sort of sums that would make a third world dictator blush, no wonder these corrupt politicians were so keen to send money to Ukraine....

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It depends on how solid evidence there is against him. If it's solid I believe he would probably fess up.

Do we know at what extent, what role so that we can say that for sure?

Yes, I believe he also tweeted this.

Might be wise not to throw out probabilities of Musks handling of things that we really know nothing about.

Elon is one of the biggest bullshitters of this century. It's well documented.

I've seen his posts on X daily for quite some time and see a pattern of him/his aid posting misinformation constantly. And basically "shit-posting" tons. They clearly don't have the time/interest and most importantly motivation to verify much and are in a hurry to get it out/viral ASAP. They rarely take down false stuff/post corrections/apologies etc.

Right now there's a "let's post anything about USAID" yolo thing going on there.

It is a good time to look for controversial posts like this on X and see who posts them and how. It helps one learn to discern bots and such.

A blue-checkmarked X account, SidneyPowell1 (formerly, blue checkmarks verified identity, but Musk changed it so anyone can buy one (bizarre)), also reposted the video.

It doesn't seem to be the real Sidney Powell, as she doesn't link to it from her website.. She does link to her Telegram channel which looks wildly different from the X account. No mention of Stiller there.

Assume... Must? Please assume carefully. It's the mother of all.. something or other.

If if were the real Powell and she (not he) doesn't recognize an obviously poorly faked E-news video, I believe it is an important tell-tale sign of her poor reasoning abilities.

This fake E-News video is of very poor quality:-

  • E-news short videos don't look like this.
  • E-news short videos don't have subjects/angles like this.
  • They aren't narrated by AI like this one is.
  • They don't have clumsy, awkward senteces like "This was done to increase Zenensky's popularity among foreign audiences, particularly the United States" which sound very familiar for someone looking into these kinds of videos.

This brings up the question about videos that are spread containing promotional links to / Gibraltar-Messenger.

Is there a risk of bad, incorrect, untruthful material, like for instance this video, "tainting them" and the whole baby out with the bathwater scenario? Would a disclaimer be a good idea?

Is an analysis like this a waste of time? I don’t think so—especially if it clearly demonstrates the huge difference careful fact-checking makes in determining what is most likely true or not.

Such an exercise can also serve as a demonstration—an exercise of the mind in carefully and calmly logically distilling truth from muddy waters.

Another positive thing is that if we add a lot of well-written material here the amount of visitors might grow.

I was not able to find the source of the video. and their Telegram channel is blocked in Finland. I might see if I can bypass that with a VPN. It might be interesting to see what else is published there.

This analysis was not very hard. Let's see if this one is.