[The 'Christs-Letters' tag refers to the 1st reply to this post - see below.]
"Chief Minister Picardo admits now to ‘waste and abuse’, showing that his GSLP-Liberal Government do not govern us well. A huge failing to which he has now admitted, in his May Day message. The hypocrisy of the GSLP-Liberal Government, by them constantly pointing at what they think that the past Gibraltar Social Democrats (GSD) Government did or got wrong, is a smokescreen and propaganda to hide their own, now admitted, failure.
Mr Picardo has confessed that “… the COVID pandemic has devasted our economy …”. Yes, nothing less than ‘devasted’!
Yet he says, “Now, we must ensure that the costs of these payments and all other COVID expenses are repaid.” He goes on to promise to repay these “… without bringing about any austerity into our economy”, as that “always hurts the weakest …”.
Then comes the gigantic admission, in denial of much of what he has said in the past about the spending of our money, public expenditure, he admits that there has been ‘waste and abuse’.
He does so in the following terms, “… I can guarantee that we will ensure that we will stop all waste and all abuse we detect in government spending”. He goes on to make unsupported propagandist promises of growing the economy and revenues to sustain the public sector, based on a vague plea for “solidarity”.
No one is to blame for the devastation of COVID, but any failures to perform now, in the way Mr Picardo says he will perform to avoid austerity (and there are already clear signs of public spending cuts), cannot, in future, be distracted from by or blamed on what past governments did or did not do. If the GSLP-Liberals do not deliver on Mr Picardo’s promise, or if there is any austerity, it, and no one else, will have failed and will be to blame.
Voters should look at what the GSLP-Liberals are doing or failing to do now, and will do over the next two years, on all fronts and judge them on that. When we go to the polls in two years’ time, all of us should each vote based on the today that exists then, not on yesterday, or what the GSLP-Liberals say the GSD failed to do.
However, there is a huge hole that needs to be filled in politics today. There is a need for a viable and good alternative to be offered to voters at a general election.
The GSD does not offer that at present, nor does Together Gibraltar. In the meantime, Gibraltar faces a political and governmental nothingness, in that, without a viable alternative, it will only get, from the GSLP-Liberals, more of what it has."
Continues at link