NASA Finally Reveals the Truth About Fake Moon Landings

Addition about the Apollo Guidance Computer

No I meant the so-called moon conspiracy theorist videos generally have small numbers of views. Say compared to this:

Apollo 11’s ‘third astronaut’ reveals secrets from dark side of the moon | 60...

or this:

Was the Moon Landing Faked? | This Morning

MSM millions of views. I don't endorse these 2 links obviously

Pray tell a purpose of this topic of this lengthy thread on the Defending Gibraltar forum, please? Perhaps, to bring awareness of how easily a person can be fooled by images made to deceive?

Original, unaltered images can be altered to look like something else. CGI images can be made to look real and unaltered. What a crazy place Planet Earth is (for the crimnally insane lunatics).

I wished to bring attention to the inaccuracies and dishonest methods used in the video NASA Finally Reveals the Truth About Fake Moon Landings in my first post.

Yes? Perhaps... Are there any particular ones you are referring to?


And very soon AI generated images and videos will be indistinguishable from real photographs...

I agree.

and we on this forum could be compromised by AI soon

What kind of a scenario can you foresee?

We all could start seeing different things to each other

Some interesting bits in this one!&&p=40d649d38d02bf46JmltdHM9MTY4MDkxMjAwMCZpZ3VpZD0yNTJjODZiZC01Yzg2LTZiYzUtMTUwNy05NzI1NWRmODZhZWYmaW5zaWQ9NTIyMA&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=252c86bd-5c86-6bc5-1507-97255df86aef&psq=NASA+admits+moon+landing+was+fake&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWJ0aW1lcy5zZy9mYWN0LWNoZWNrLW5hc2EtYWRtaXRzLW1vb24tbGFuZGluZy13YXMtZmFrZS1hbWVyaWNhbnMtZGlkbnQtZ28tbW9vbi0xOTY5LTY1ODc4&ntb=1

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IMHO the “moon landing – man on the moon” was a fantastic (as in fantasy or lie) cover-story to hide what NASA really is and does. The bigger the lie, the bigger the diversion. Arguing over whether we did go to the moon or not feeds into their diversion rather than a proper investigation of what NASA is.

NASA appears to be a massive undercover mind-control program responsible for the human abductions that are blamed on extraterrestrials. The “aircraft”used are terrestrial (albeit with advanced technology).

The human body does not even handle a flight on Planet Earth very well. There are numerous surgical procedures that prevent a human from flying for a period of time because doing so can cause physical harm. If a human were to attempt a flight to the moon, besides the radiation exposure, might their head explode? It seems fantastical to think any human body could withstand a flight into outer space at all, but it is a great lie that has persisted for decades. The deception continues. What really does NASA do?

In part, along the lines of mind-control, creating illusions with false/faked images is part of the agenda. NASA is a dark, secretive psyop program likely associated with the Illuminati as part of an evil NWO.

Article below is undated:

Astronaut Reveals NASA Mind Control Program Involving Children

Astronaut Gordon Cooper, one of the original seven Mercury astronauts, has confirmed the existence of a mind control program administered by NASA in the 1950's and 1960's involving gifted American schoolchildren.

The astronaut's revelation was made during a July 19th interview by host Mike Siegel on the popular, late-night radio program, Coast to Coast.

During a discussion that primarily focused on Cooper's beliefs that extraterrestrial beings are visiting planet Earth and that some UFO's are alien spacecraft, Siegel asked Cooper: "Who were the space kids?"

Cooper answered that "the space kids were children with exceptional mental abilities run through a kind of MK program, like the things that are coming out now."

He went on to describe how NASA's mind control program emphasized cultivation of the children's psychic abilities and that it involved telepathy, remote viewing, and out-of-body-experiences (OBE's).

Cooper's remarks generally support the claims of a growing cadre of Americans, now in their thirties, forties, and fifties, who are recovering memories of unusual classes that they were enrolled in as young children during the advent of the Space Age.

These "study groups" included speed reading lessons that enabled students to comprehend entire passages at a single glance, the use of learning machines to teach them vast amounts of information, card games and other situational exercises involving clairvoyance, and seminars in the guided imagination that forms the basis of remote viewing.

It is believed that NASA's mind control program was directed at preparing children who would later be able to communicate with the non-human intelligent species that humanity might encounter in space.

This thesis is supported by the fact that one experiencer remembers being tutored in a hieroglyphic alphabet that author Fritz Springmeier has identified as a set of "intergalactic symbols" developed by NASA for the purpose of communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations.

The accounts of some individuals suggest that in some cases, the children involved were given drugs to enhance memory and learning and were physically spun on table top-like devices to induce the altered state of consciousness associated with OBE's.

Cooper's book, Leap of Faith, will be released to the public in August.

How would one do that ?

Appears? Is there any evidence of this?

Roughly 100.000 flights take of every day. People seem to handle it just fine.

These surgical procedures also prevent a human from quite a few number of things. NASA astronauts have not been just operated on and are carefully and meticulously selected and tested and only the ones with the best physique are selected.

Might their head explode? Why would that happen?

Why does it seem fantastical?

Which images are you referring to?

You also posted this for some reason. It is the same video that I posted in the very first message of this thread and addressed thoroughly.

TWH 2:22 To be able to operate the almost-instantaneous reward and punishment system; to enclose the prison and run it efficiently; God surrounded the Earth with an invisible protection, against escape
(Gravity), and with spirit and therefore invisible (to the human-eye) guards/jailers (guardian angels),
to ensure that no-one could ever escape (and no-one ever has). This force-field contains the Astral
Plain (Paradise), which is full of light, “Beings of Light” and Justice.

as PS from Miles Mathis for what it may be worth and for your interest on this topic... his opinion is it was another #follow-the-money conjob - i.e. getting the tax payer (you/us) to fund the galactic scale budgets THEY 'needed'... per protocol I'll add a few words from the intro to assist you decide on whether you should you wish to read the full 14 page article :

"In 2017, Italian director Massimo Mazzucco released the film American Moon, proving once again the
Apollo missions were faked. This film is basically a large expansion of the previous 2001 FoxNews
film Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? Both use Bill Kaysing's book We Never Went to
the Moon as a starting point, but American Moon takes it even further than Kaysing did, adding much
new research to the argument.
Although I agree that we never went to the Moon, I have always found it curious that a Rocketdyne
employee would blow the cover of the project, and that FoxNews would later give his argument legs.
After watching American Moon twice, I think I have finally solved that problem. What I think we have
here is a rather advanced example of controlling the opposition. All these people know that the
American public already knows the Moon landings were faked. So they can only hope to control the

Many of the issues brought forth in "American Moon" have already been addressed above.

I've not yet seen the whole documentary but will do so when I have the time.

Interesting PDF file. I wonder what kinds of truths specificially the author means that James Randi has hidden when he writes:

"...Randi has been a con-artist all his life, and admits it. He is a founding member of CSICOP, which is uncomfortably but not accidentally close to PSYOP. It claims to debunk pseudo-science, but actually does the opposite, debunking the truth in order to protect the web of lies that currently poses as science."

Here's someones debunking of "American Moon":-

Debunking "American Moon"
Part 1
Part 2

A quick review on IMDB

I was appalled at the intentional lies and deception in this documentary.

Every bit of it can be debunked.
More egregious bits include not revealing 380kg of moon rocks were brought back, and that rocks from Antarctica are impossible to pass off as coming from the moon.

Proposed that a laser bounced off the lunar soil gives the same results as bouncing off a man-made reflector.

Implies wires can be used for videos when movies must remove these using CGI which was not available at the time.

Proposes rear projection was used by selecting only the images that suggest this, ignoring the hundreds of others where this would have been impossible.

Asserts lunar probes in the 60s had enough detail to be used to fake the fine details during close ups in the Apollo films.

Provides outdated information about the Van Allen Belt, including not showing a letter from Van Allen stating the radiation did not pose a danger.

Ridiculed the lunar module construction when probes today use similar materials.

Fails to show the 2014 Chinese lander pictures which showed no blast crater, backlighting effects like the Buzz Aldrin photo and wet looking soil, essentially destroying these arguments.

Implied because sometimes exhaust flames are visible in space, that they are always visible, that one picture of non-parallel shadows is evidence despite dozens of others showing parallel shadows, and to top it off, he showed poor quality photos which had their contrast deliberately altered to imply spotlights were used.

Incorrectly argued that flag moving scenes were from wind without doing any experiments, and dismissing other more likely possibilities.

False arguments and experiments on the effects of radiation on film and implying astronauts stage fright weeks after coming back from enduring quarantine is evidence of deception. He left out crucial bits of information and evidence in order to support his theories, and down right deceives in other cases. This is just a taste of the flaws which you can read as comments on the YouTube page showing of this film. DO NOT waste money on deception.

Gonzalo wrong about 911 planes too.

A real plane crash into a skyscraper

Was no plane at Pentagon either, it was a missile :