NASA Finally Reveals the Truth About Fake Moon Landings

No plane at Shanksville either:

No plane wreckage seen at pentagon.

Clearer footage

Gonzalo could have illustrated his point with Flat Earth and Reptilians much better, without poisoning the well himself as he has done.

Gonzalo has done some excellent analysis on the Ukraine situation from the beginning of the conflict. Have to make that point, I have watched most of his reports. However on Moon landings and "No planes" I can't agree with his opinion.

Doesn't believe a plane hit the Pentagon.

Just a quick reply on a few details. I've not been able to find a source to the following paragraph:-

"The Gulf War hologram story might be dismissed were it not the case that washingtonpostDOTcom has learned that a super secret program was established in 1994 to pursue the very technology for PSYOPS application. The ‘Holographic Projector’ is described in a classified Air Force document as a system to ‘project information power from space ... for special operations deception missions.’"

I've looked into it from time to time and have seen no indications that bluebeam worthy holographic technoilogy exists. That paragraph exists in this article on my website that I posted in 2005.

Also, the footage of the holographic leaping whale in the basketball court is not real:-

Also, the aluminium ings vs skyscraper steel argument is missing the fact that the wings were filled with tons of fuel.

Compare throwing an empty soda can at something compared to an empty soda can filled with soda.

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Who is number 1?

Some details of a lunar lander which is often claimed to be poorly built with cardboard, tinfoil and scotch tape...(Link to a Flickr gallery below)

China and Russia Move To Build Lunar Base Before Nasa’s Project Artemis – Chinese Vow To Put a Man on the Moon Before the End of the Decade

Joe Biden’s disastrous administration from hell has pushed China and Russia into a tight relationship that hurts US interests all around the world – and in outer space, too.

Two years ago, China’s National Space Administration teamed up with Russian space agency Roscosmos to develop research facilities on the surface of the moon by 2035, collaborating in the planning, design, development and operation of the research station.

But latest developments suggest the two nations have accelerated their deadlines, trying to be faster than NASA’s Project Artemis.

Brevard County Commissioners Meeting, Cape Canaveral, FL - Public Hearings

Brevard County Commissioners Meeting Cape Canaveral FL Public Hearings

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Examples of this include astronauts fading in and out of the screen,

These are seen in edited videos, not in live streams. The editor, the person putting together the video has used a cross fade effect between the clips.

(Origin of the clip at 26 seconds is taken from the highlights reel titled "Life in Orbit" with astronaut Jeffrey Williams.)

green screen glitches,

0:29 Anyone familiar with video technology will know that this is not a green screen glitch but a glitch in the video compression. (Missing data and probably a so called keyframe missing which is causing this).

The reason why the background can remain static but the persons appear glitchy is because of the way video compression works in order to save bandwidth. The persons were moving but the background stationary. When a so called keyframe went missing because of missing data the video, and specifically the persons, became jumbled.

grabbing objects that aren't really there, pulling on invisible wires, getting tangled in their harnesses

Hard to tell from these clips what was going on... Worth noting that in Hollywood productions it takes a long time to edit out any wires and doing it live has not been possible...

and even astronauts appearing out of thin air.

Another obvious video cross fade effect that the editor added to a video. Not a live stream. And if it was greenscreen then the background would not be affected by the crossfade like it is now.

0:40 Inserted here is a piece of a VFX breakdown of the Hollywood movie Life (2017). Not NASA footage at all but presetned as if it was supposed to be real footage with a green screen mistakenly left in it?

0:43 Outside the International Space Station during space walks air bubbles have been recorded on numerous occasions.
How is it possible for air bubbles to be present in the vacuum of space?

What is so strange about leaks/debris in space? Air, ice, coolant, debris escaping the ISS or for instance the Soyuz?

1:15 In 2013 astronaut Luca Parmitano nearly drowned during a spacewalk, when his helmet filled with water.
This happened again just last year: air bubbles, helmets filling with water and drowning. Are they in space or are they underwater?

The water originated from the cooling system of the suit. NASA astronaut explains cause of helmet leak that aborted spacewalk -

1:26 Faked footage of greenscreen fakery inserted.

1:45 Video clip probably produced for kids. Video editing/fade along with a little "magical" effect in to make it more interesting to have an object "appear". The video is not from a live stream and is also not proof of VR/AR being used, as has been claimed.

1:47 Video compression error.

Cybe, you are most welcome to believe MSM counter-propaganda. The Guardian is an asset of Mi6

I could change the link from a Guardian link to a Reuters one but rumor is that the Rotschild's bought it in the 1800s.

Space . com ? NASA propaganda site? Wikipedia? CNN, Fox News?

If the original video of the Souyz leaking originated from NASA then it can't be trusted. Then all the mainstream articles about it are just MSM counterpropaganda then what source of information should I trust? A random poorly put together clip by a flat earther?

Here's another clip of the leak from the Souyz capsule where you can clearly see the particles streaming in multiple directions and not just one, which would be the case if it was filmed under water. Besides, why would fakers fake the capsule by filming it under water since they could just use CGI?

Soyuz spacecraft at space station leaking 'particles' into space - YouTube.

If the ISS was fake then what is it that is shaped like it and is orbiting the earth at a precise and predictable orbit?

See these links, or these for examples.

You can also find a date/time and location for it to transit the moon or earth and photograph it against it, as has been done many times by many people.

See these or these.

You can even see other capsules docked to it. See here or here. Or here, the Souyz capsule and ISS

Are these people and photos all just a part of an elaborate ruse?

Pretty much all those links are controlled in satan's world, not sure about but would assume so. Which is why you know anything they publish is a lie. I stopped reading and watching the MSM some 12 years ago. You should try it sometime...