NASA Finally Reveals the Truth About Fake Moon Landings

Total disinfo? Do you mean everything that I've posted are lies and disinfo, and that for instance the Siebrel documentary is 100% true? Is there not even one argument that you believe is correct?

Do you wish to expand the conversation to anti-gravity technology?

Was not one of your arguments the impossibility because of the Van Allen belts? Or that the materials would melt in the thermosphere?

WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON fake moon landing totally exposed

02:25 Since when is anything Bill Clinton said worthwhile?
07:30 Van Allen belts - They did not go through the most dangerous parts.

Additional links

  • see my previous posts

16:25 Temperatures. "Alan Beans explanation of using batteries is not convincing" Is the narrators expertise in this matter convincing? He offers no proof. I believe the material available on how the Lunar Module was cooled is convincing.

17:15 "Blasted off, went up 69 miles, somehow docked with the command module travelling at a speed of over 4000mph and then they all flew back to earth...."

The narrator is implying this is impossible when there is plenty of evidence that such speeds (in the vacuum of space), precise orbits and maneuvers are possible (satellites, ISS, ISS dockings, for instance)...

...the whole video is a jumbled mess and does not get to it's points quickly but meanders here and there..... I might return to looking at the rest of it later....

00:38 wavy flag, lack of any blast crater, absence of stars in space, all adressed in "A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to the Moon - Debunked"

5:10 Van Allen belt again, already covered.
5:51 Don Pettit Technology issue again, already covered.
7:10 Temperature in the thermosphere

What is the issue with this video? 4 men visible? I'm not seeing it. At what point?

Here's an explanation I've found that I believe is accurate. Also, the "A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to the Moon - Debunked" documentary has a good section analyzing similar footage.

you don't even need middle school physics to debunk this one. just reason it with your experience of living in this universe. man jumps up, as he is lifting off the ground, he kicks up some sand. he is still traveling upwards from the initial force from push-off. the sand has a much smaller mass, and a smaller upward acceleration component dependent on the trajectory and force with which the foot kicked it. both the kicked sand and the mid-jump man have the same downward force applied from the moon's gravity. since the sand has less mass and upwards acceleration component than the jumping man, it reaches its trajectory apex sooner, begins to fall sooner, and therefore reaches the ground sooner. if you did this on earth, the same thing would happen, just at a faster rate for both the jumping man and the sand. and that's what we see in the exercise videos that are conveniently slowed down to compare with the moon video.

the "everything must hit the ground at the same time" only applies if they are dropped from the same height at the same time. you start introducing variables when you apply varying magnitude forces with varying trajectories at different times.

The 4th man holding the camera, it's a 3 man crew, most likely James Lovell.

Please give me the timestamp when this occurs.

In the last cut, btw, he's obviously holding the camera himself and turning it towards himself.

Thought you would say that, he must be contortionist. James Lovell was on this mission supposedly but is not in shot.

Re - Anti-gravity, thats why I said possibly it would depend on how this could move through radiation and high heat, bit of an unknown.

Contortionist? For turning a camera in his hand?

Didn't notice the description on the video with the issues explained. Looks like quite a mess to untangle.

If I start with two easy ones:

"also ROUND porthole window at 0:22 and 0:40 showing blue skies, green trees, and white buildings."

Not seeing that at all. Also if the window looks a bit blue then one thing to consider is the white balance of the video which is off and showing whites as blueish.

The person in blue overall at 0:34, is the KC-135 pilot.
What is the proof for this?

Well, I'm not sure I'm going to see if I can recognize everyone in those shots....

Some more, better quality material:

No, it's not a mystery. I've provided plenty of links to explanations.

Obviously technology changed a lot in a decade or so.....

I am sure NASA will have their usual rationalization for this, and why none of this was needed 10: years later

Wellsince the Saturn V didn't use anti-gravity its irrelevant to whether man went to the moon in the 60'S and 70'S

There is lots of proof of multiple light source being used. Shadows not parallel at angles to each other.

Are you ignorin my posts since you're again posting these shadows that I've already provided explanations for?

Here are the explanations again. It's perspective and changes in topography among other things. Furthermore, multiple light sources cause multiple shadows.

See the following:-


Apollo Moon Hoax? Spotlights, Fall-off, Camera Angles

Even the guy in charge of the Hassleblad project for the NASA CAMERA thinks they used a spotlight.

Even Jan Lundberg the Hasselblad Camera project guy working with NASA thinks they used a spotlight.

NVIDIA did a simulation of it a while back with their brand new raytracing engine

Mythbusters also simulated it by hand:

There's plenty to read about these details:-

More examples of photo fakery

The good news is lots of people are waking up to this huge scam, and the fact we haven't been back for 50 years just adds to it.

It's easy to understand what kind of an effect on people it has being spoon-fed manipulative innuendo and dishonesties in videos such as "NASA Finally Reveals the Truth About Fake Moon Landings" or "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon". Combined with all other crazyness and idiocracy going on.

Most of the videos you mention have small numbers of views. The majority still believe we went to the moon I am sure. I think its crazy to believe we went. I mean when we first crossed the Atlantic the first few times by plane we didn't stop for the next 50 years. The original footage was so crap also, deliberately so, so it couldn't be scrutinized. People say they believe it because they saw it, they didn't they saw staged footage on TV. People can't let go of one of man's supposed greatest achievements, another reason why they would never have destroyed the records had it been true, it was destroyed as a coverup. It's science fiction.

Yes, I've noticed. The one debunking Siebrel only has under 10k.

There's quite alot of people (astronomers, amateur astronomers) who saw it and listened to radio transmissions from the moon as explained here

Do you have proof it was deliberately so it couldn't be scrutinized?

They had a very small dish on the lunar lander and limited bandwidth so they filmed it in black and white, then they saved even more by lowering the resolution and framerate. Down to to 5% bandwidth.

Also other reasons: communication - Why was the Apollo 11 in-flight video better than the moon landing video? - Space Exploration Stack Exchange

Here's more analysis of the light fall off

Here's an excellent debunking of a handfull of ISS issues

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