Globalists making final push for depopulated one-world order: How do we resist?

[The only solution is to enforce God's Law against these monsters.]


Are you still trying to make sense of all the insanity in the world, or maybe trying to help a friend or family member make sense of it?

  • Drag queens in schools, libraries, even churches and other settings targeting children and families.
  • The seemingly unhinged attacks on everything that is good and necessary for a healthy society and the celebration of everything that is evil.
  • Food prices rising out of control, with whispers of famine on the horizon (See here, **here **and here).
  • The suicidal war on so-called “fossil fuels” like coal, oil and natural gas, when it’s becoming obvious (look at Europe) that no nation can survive without them.
  • The fact that the U.S.-led NATO and Russia-China are on a collision course toward World War III, with both sides threatening nuclear strikes.

For answers, consider reading and sharing my post from back on May 26, “Globalists have entered the kill phase of the Great Reset.”

A relatively small entourage of self-appointed globalist elites are using engineered famine, engineered pandemics, vaccines, and World War III to accomplish their long-stated goal of depopulation.

That’s why we call them global predators. These globalists are in the final phase, the kill phase, of destroying the post-World War II liberal world order, which must be accomplished before they can implement a new world order based on a cashless digital economy tied to a digital ID that tracks every person and assigns them a social credit score.

Before you can “build back better,” you must eliminate every trace of the old world order. Burn it all down. Destroy families. Destroy economies. Destroy currencies. Make people suffer.

And the most critical component of their deconstruction plan is depopulation.

Everything you see going on in geo-politics today is meant to drive depopulation. From LGBTQ mania (they don’t reproduce) and food shortages to endless genetically engineered viruses and the fanatical religious fervor for ever-expanding abortion rights, and the introduction of deadly “vaccines” — it all points toward one thing – more death.

And now we have found yet another smoking gun comment from a key globalist figure, Dennis Meadows.

Meadows authored the 1972 book Limits to Growth, which was endorsed by the Club of Rome and is still sold on its website today. The Club of Rome was the originator of the goals contained in United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, and chief among those goals was the need for fewer human beings on planet Earth. Meadows argued in his book for a drastic depopulation program.

Two years later, in 1974, Henry Kissinger authored the Kissinger Report, which followed up on the same theme put forth by Meadows, advocating a systematic reduction of the population of Third World countries through the introduction of birth control (including abortion), fomenting civil wars and orchestrated famine. Now those same strategic weapons are being turned inward on the United States and the West, with the addition of poisonous medical treatments disguised as “vaccines.”

Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and all of the global predators of today are committed to this same agenda.

That’s why Schwab told us last year that “nobody is safe unless everyone is vaccinated.” On its face, such a statement makes no sense. Why would no one be safe unless everyone is vaccinated? If it’s a true vaccine, each individual who receives it should be inoculated, right? Until you understand that these vaccines were never intended to save lives but to destroy them, you can’t make sense of what these psychopaths are saying. It’s not about your health, it’s about killing some and making others sterile. That’s why they say you MUST get them. To refuse them makes you no better than a criminal. No other vaccine has ever been marketed with that kind of all-or-nothing bravado.

Bill Gates, in his 2010 TED Talk, also revealed his overriding agenda when he said the key to achieving “net zero” carbon emissions, was depopulation.

Gates said:

“So you’ve got a thing on the left, CO2, that you want to get to zero, and that’s going to be based on the number of people, the services each person is using on average, the energy, on average, for each service, and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy. So let’s look at each one of these, and see how we can get this down to zero. Probably, one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.

“First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”

So it’s not like we needed another confession, another confirmation, from yet another globalist insider. We already had Kissinger, Gates, Schwab, King Charles and many others. But in case you did need another, here is Dennis Meadows spilling his guts and shedding crocodile tears while saying how badly he wants the vast majority of us dead

It’s truly amazing how these monsters speak in such warm and friendly tones as they’re telling their fellow human beings they need to die.

Meadows says the world’s population needs to be reduced from 7.5 billion down to 1 billion, but he “hopes” that we will all just agree to somehow be eliminated without becoming violent!

He knows damn well there’s no way to achieve that level of depopulation, we’re talking 87 percent, without spilling a lot of blood, on top of the blood that’s already being spilled on a daily basis through abortion and Big Pharma poisons.

As horrific as the abortion and Big Pharma industries have become, they can’t, on their own, get the global population down to 1 billion. They must trigger the next Great War. The preliminary phase of that war was kicked off when they released the deadly mRNA “vaccines” and pressured everyone to get them. It’s very telling that China isn’t giving its people the mRNA shots.

No, they are keeping their population strong while watching the Western nations weaken themselves. When we are sufficiently weakened by repeated jabs, look for China to make its move. Russia will draw us into war first, in Ukraine, and when enough of our military is deployed over there, that’s when China will make its move against Taiwan and possibly more.

They know the U.S., even before the shots were introduced and mandated on our military, was not prepared to fight on two fronts.

The runup to World War III will be gradual, collapsing our already weakened economy in the process. But civil war could break out sooner than world war, as it seems the U.S. deep state is already laying a narrative to accuse somebody, either the Russians or the Republicans, of somehow stealing the November 8 midterm elections.

So while many are predicting nuclear holocaust and World War III, I’m of the belief that civil war and economic collapse could come first.

Regardless of the order, most Americans today, unlike in the Great Depression, lack the resourcefulness and the skills to survive during an extended period of extreme economic hardship.

A friend who is an Iraq War veteran once told me that the one thing he learned in a war zone was that folks you thought were friends could turn on you overnight if it meant taking something you have in order to feed their starving children.

In the meantime, remember that we are the resistance to the Great Reset (aka global slave state). No politician, police force, no military unit is going to ride to our rescue. We defeat them through prayer, networking together and dedicated civil disobedience.

Continued at the link.


Charles The Pretender seems to playing his part in the Globalist Evil Plan.

Charles “The Great Reset” King and Global Britain using the Commonwealth, Five Eyes and City of London to exert influence

By Rhoda Wilson on [May 9, 2023]

This week, Charles was crowned King of the United Kingdom and the other 14 Commonwealth realms. But that is not all. He has also become head of the British Commonwealth, head of the Anglican Church, and spokesman for a program dubbed “Global Britain.”

Since 1833, Global Britain has been managed by a pseudo-private system of Crown Agents today named ‘Crown Agents for Overseas Government and Administration’. This vast body exists as a semi-official status and describes itself as “an emanation of the crown.” The agency is partnered with the World Bank, United Nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It acts as a giant holding company with one shareholder called the Crown Agents Foundation based in Southwark London.

The idea of Global Britain has always had at its heart the concept of an integrated British Commonwealth with the Five Eyes at the head of intelligence, City of London at the head of finance and the hereditary structures of power centred around the Crown through which all branches of the international deep state derive their powers. The fact is that the British Empire continues to exert a vast top-down influence over world affairs.

Having been set up in the 1930s as the new face of the British Empire, today’s British Commonwealth occupies 12.2 million square miles of territory, holds 2.4 billion people and represents 21% of the world’s land area. Britain continues to exert vast control over the mining concessions of Africa, for example, with over $1 trillion of direct mining interests controlled by British and/or British Commonwealth-based corporations.

Britain is the creator and central command structure of the Five Eyes intelligence apparatus and has also been dubbed “Londonistan” for having provided safe havens for international terrorist groups who have found sanctuary under the ideology of tolerant Britain.

The City of London – dubbed the “Square Mile” and a separate legal entity from the UK as enshrined in the Magna Carta of 1214 – is the nerve centre of world finance, with the Bank of England and Commonwealth offshore tax havens directing trillions of dollars of drug money laundering, terrorist financing and other corrupt practices globally.

Global Britain – being an institution organised entirely around hereditary institutions, the centrepiece for the continuity of this reform – is hinged upon a ruling family occupying the position of official Prima inter pares (first among equals) around which the entire structure of controls can exert its influence. This role has now fallen onto Charles “The Great Reset” King.

Related: The Black Nobility, a New World Order and Charles “The Great Reset” King

During Charles coronation, pledges of allegiance to the monarch were read by elected officials across every other Commonwealth Five Eyes member state. And, for the first time, British and Commonwealth citizens around the globe were also invited to recite a pledge of allegiance to the new monarch and his “heirs and successors” but this didn’t go down well with the public. In an online poll for ITV’s Good Morning Britain, 86.5% of more than 164,000 respondents said they would not recite the pledge...

(Charles “The Great Reset” King and Global Britain using the Commonwealth, Five Eyes and City of London to exert influence – The Expose)

The ONLY solution to ALL of Gibraltar's issues is to remember and return to our Creator's Perfect Law

Gibraltar Makes Merry for Fake coronation of Charles The Pretender

‘Their Terrifying Plan’: Unmasking the Globalists

By Rhoda Wilson on August 1, 2023 “For over a year I’ve known I had to write a book exploring and explaining how the conspirators planned their takeover of the world, how they conceived the idea of using fake scares (such as covid-19 and climate change) and how American banks (using the IMF, the World Bank and the BIS) have taken over one country after another. My new book explains everything. It’s very, very scary and packed with facts.” – Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman’s latest book Their Terrifying Plan explains how insane, billionaire globalists are plotting to take over the world and details precisely how they have created a terrifying future designed to change life for everyone alive and for every generation to come.

It sounds like a plot for a 1960s movie. But if you’re reading this the chances are that you’ll know it’s all very real.

In the first part of the book Dr. Coleman discusses the way things are changing. He traces the conspiracy back to the 18th century and shoots holes in the arguments of Thomas Malthus. He describes the creation in 1930 of the Bank for International Settlements and looks at the way Alger Hiss, a communist and member of the Council for Foreign Relations, worked with John McCloy, a Nazi-loving banker, to help create the United Nations. He looks at the formation of NATO in 1949. “America is the big rock star and the other countries in NATO are session musicians providing backing music.”

Dr. Coleman provides a detailed account of the way unelected pressure groups, alliances and lobbyists such as the Council for Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, NATO and the WEF have taken control of everything we do. He shows how the United Nations, governments, bankers and banking institutions – such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements – have, for the best part of a century overthrown governments, started wars, deliberately created crises and stolen land, oil and other natural resources. He explains how US officials have led the World Bank to promote the growing of farm products which don’t compete with America. He describes how small farmers are deliberately put out of business. He looks at the Iron Mountain Report, the Club of Rome and the Club of Madrid and the Transpacific Partnership. And much more!

In Their Terrifying Plan, you can read about the horrifying way in which the United Nations and the United States – together with the IMF and the World Bank – stepped in to “help” Somalia. You’ll find how forcing farmers to vaccinate their animals helped destroy the country. And you can read how America created a new court that “has the power to review any nation’s laws and annul the actions of that country’s legislature, executive and judiciary.”

Dr. Coleman shows how the climate change myth and a fake pandemic were deliberately created in order to manipulate the weak and the easily led. Their Terrifying Plan is a comprehensive summary of the conspiracy now threatening our freedom and our humanity.

You have to read the whole 174-page book to see the Big Picture.

For example, I bet you thought you knew everything there is to know about the World Economic Forum.

But did you know that Herman J. Abs was invited to chair the Second WEF Meeting at Davos? Abs was the bank director who helped Hitler by forcibly buying Jewish banks and using the money to build the Nazi war machine. During the Second World War, Abs was a member of a secret group known as the Committee for Foreign Economic Affairs. He helped plan German’s future after the end of World War II.

After the war, Abs was asked to help rebuild German banking – even though he had been arrested as a war criminal and sentenced to death. A Bank of England official rescued and protected Abs, who became President of a major German bank and decided which German companies received the billions of dollars provided by Marshall Aid. Abs was one of the former Nazis who helped create the European Union.

The honorary sponsor of the Third WEF Meeting at Davis in 1973 was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands – another unrepentant former Nazi and the founder of the Bilderbergers.

And on it goes.

Today, the WEF has an income of 383 million Swiss francs and Klaus Schwab is paid over $1 million a year. Not bad for an organisation that started life as the European Management Forum with an endowment of 25,000 Swiss francs.

Their Terrifying Plan is packed with startling revelations and is available at the moment on Amazon as a paperback. The price in the UK is ÂŁ4.99 and in the US it is $5.99. Prices in other countries are similar. If you want a copy please purchase without delay.

Dr Coleman has kept the price of the book as low as possible in the hope that it will reach millions of readers worldwide. He believes that only by sharing the truth with as many people as possible will we be able to prevent the Great Reset and halt the race towards digitalisation, compulsory vaccination programmes and the rest of the horror they have planned. Dr Coleman receives just 30 pence per book as a royalty and has promised to spend every penny he earns from the sale of Their Terrifying Plan on purchasing more copies of the book to post off to journalists, politicians, pressure groups and opinion makers.

‘I’ve spent a small fortune researching Their Terrifying Plan,’ said Dr Coleman. ‘And I’m already buying and posting off as many copies of my book as I can. I believe the revelations in this book can stop the Great Reset dead in its tracks.’

Dr Vernon Coleman’s other books about the Great Reset include Coming Apocalypse, Endgame, Social Credit: Nightmare on Your Street, Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History and They want your Money and your Life.


4:1 Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the Statutes and unto the Judgments, which I teach you, for to DO [them], that ye may LIVE, and go in and possess the land which the "I AM" God of your fathers giveth you.

4:2 Ye shall not ADD unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the Commandments of the "I AM" your God which I COMMAND you.


12:8 Ye shall not do after all [the things] that we do here this day, every man whatsoever [is] right in his own eyes.

8:19 And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the "I AM" thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.

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WEF Member Calls for 86% Reduction in World’s Population

Despite his book being published over 50 years ago, his ideology is still very anti-human.

Meadows argues that most of the world’s population must be wiped out so that the survivors can “have freedom” and a “high standard of living.”

During a 2017 interview, Meadows claims that genocide of 86% of the world’s population is “inevitable.”

However, he insists that a “benevolent” dictatorship could accomplish the mass de-population “peacefully.”

It’s no coincidence that Meadows’ words echo the words in the 1995 report titled “United Nations Agenda 2030: Global Biodiversity Assessment.”

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Covid-19 and Vaccination Horrors

By Rhoda Wilson on December 15, 2023

Health services around the world are now devoted to vaccination programmes. Neither doctors nor nurses seem to give a damn about evidence or their ethical responsibilities to their patients.

he evidence proving that the covid-19 jab is useless and unsafe is overwhelming. Even governments now admit that the jab won’t prevent you from getting covid-19 or spreading it if you do get it. And the figures for the disease itself have been distorted and fiddled. I’ve proved conclusively that covid-19, the re-branded flu, has not killed more people than the ordinary flu. Not surprisingly, no one will debate the figures with me because the official statistics prove my point emphatically.

I know that establishment figures will never debate – because all the facts are on my side and they will lose – but we have to tell people, and keep telling people, that the authorities refuse to debate because their refusal proves that they are lying and deceiving and that they know they are lying and deceiving.

It has been proved beyond question that the short-term risks for those accepting the covid-19 jabs are horrific – worse than the risks associated with any traditional, mass-market vaccine that’s ever been made.

It was known in late 2020, two years ago, that the covid-19 jabs would cause heart trouble, strokes, neurological problems, myocarditis and pericarditis. My 300-plus videos have been removed from YouTube and were for months removed from BrandNewTube but most of them – the ones we could find – are now on And all the transcripts – even for the missing videos – are also on the site. So, you can check everything I’ve said since February 2020. Transcripts are also available in two books ‘Covid-19: The Greatest Fraud in History’ and ‘Covid-19: Exposing Lies’.

[Note: The site has been removed from the internet. You can find some of Dr. Coleman’s videos on Onevsp, formerly BrandNewTube. The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine holds archived resources that were on the website although not the videos themselves. However, it is possible to read the transcripts shown below each video image where one was uploaded.]

The jab-induced deaths we’re already seeing are going to get worse and include heart attacks, myocarditis, blood clots and, of course, massive immune system problems.

How many of those who were jabbed will die of colds, flu and so on?

Continued at link...


There is a lot of speculation that CERN (the video below is not specifically about CERN) is used to bring in evil entities from another dimension. Not so sure that such a monstrosity like CERN is needed to do that which is already being done with satanic practices. Satan and all his minions desperately want to escape Planet Earth and physical means has proven to be impossible, thus CERN may be an attempt to do it by altering the physical to escape by non-physical means. It is not going to happen for them, but that is how insane, dangerous and delusional these devils are.



The King unveils the Astra Carta seal at a Space Sustainability Reception at Buckingham Palace

Published 28 June 2023

His Majesty The King has welcomed astronauts, business leaders, environmentalists and scientists at a Space Sustainability Event at Buckingham Palace.

What about the correlation between trillions of cicadas to swarm in ‘once-per-221-years’ mating frenzy in late April and the screeching, piercing sound portrayed in the movie 'Leave the World Behind'. Trillions of bugs to swarm US in rare ‘once-per-221-years’ mating frenzy



The globalist sociopaths have not surrendered, they have merely switched sides

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for all of you.

Let’s continue to live free and refuse to comply with any of the myriad schemes to control our lives through deceptive, techno-invasive applications. I believe we are on the cusp of a technocratic takeover that will see more draconian measures in 2025 and eventually lead us straight into the global surveillance state.

Because of the election of Trump, many will let their guard down and believe that Trump is going to fix all of America’s and the world’s problems. Problems of war, crime, failing economies, energy availability, and the immigration nightmares.

That would be a mistake. Those who make up the brains behind the politicians have not surrendered to Donald Trump and the conservatives. They have simply changed sides. They have the same agenda. They will just go about implementing it a bit differently, using people on the “right” instead of those on the “left” to bring in the same agenda of greater human control.

The time to oppose these measures is now.

Anything that can be weaponized for the digital reset must be rejected hard and fast. This includes digital currencies and digital IDs that will likely sneak in the back door under the guise of “voter ID,” but it also includes electric cars, smart homes, smart appliances, smart cities, etc. It’s all one big data-gathering operation. Pay with cash when possible because they want to replace it with digital, programmable tokens that can be turned on and off based on a social credit score that measures your compliance with the anti-human globalist agenda.

If you like meat, eat real meat. Eat real eggs and real butter, not the ultra-processed imitations of these God-given whole foods. If you like milk, drink real milk. Thank God for all of the real food to which we still have access.

Do not comply with any of the demands being made by globalist elitist freaks seeking to change your behavior. Creeps like John Kerry. Unfortunately, we cannot dismiss the maniacal rants like the one by Kerry in the video below as just the insane musings of a madman. We cannot dismiss or ignore these freaks because they control so much of our economy, our culture, our education and healthcare systems, even our military. We saw how roughly 98 percent of the doctors jumped to obey these sociopathic killers during Covid, prescribing unproven medical measures and pushing them as if they were life-saving when in fact they were life-threatening and life-destroying.

The West is full of multi-millionaires and billionaires just like the corrupt John Kerry. NATO is the military arm of these globalist control freaks and there is nothing they’d like more right now than to get World War III off the ground in 2025.


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Victim of Censorship or dangerous Global Strategist?

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO of Meta, is currently portraying himself as a victim of the cruel censorship campaign during Covid-19. Can his innocent-looking face be lying? After all, with Meta, Zuckerberg is a strategic partner of the WEF, has earned billions from the coronavirus crisis and is working on a very dangerous future for us all. In this program, KlaTV looks behind the facade and reveals some of Zuckerberg’s significant entanglements. - KLATV.

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