Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA inventor, stands with Viganò’s call for alliance against ‘fundamentally evil’ COVID tyranny



LifeSite News

Speaking on November 27 with LifeSiteNews, Dr. Robert Malone, the original inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology 40 years ago, praised the recent call by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to build an anti-globalist alliance. Speaking about this appeal, Dr. Malone said, “I think he nailed it right on the head. I think he called it correctly. And I think it showed great bravery and foresight.”

Archbishop Viganò had proposed on November 18 to “free humanity from a totalitarian regime that brings together in itself the horrors of the worst dictatorships of all time,” and he challenged “rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals and all people of good will, inviting them to unite in an alliance that launches an anti-globalist manifesto, refuting point by point the errors and deviations of the dystopia of the New World Order and proposing concrete alternatives for a political program inspired by the common good, the moral principles of Christianity, traditional values, the protection of life and the natural family, the protection of business and work, the promotion of education and research, and respect for creation.”

LifeSiteNews sat down with Dr. Malone for an interview at his home and horse farm in Virginia. The interview was conducted as a joint venture for LifeSiteNews and the Austrian Catholic newspaper Der Dreizehnte. In the interview, Dr. Malone showed himself a strong opponent to the currently debated and planned vaccine mandates, lockdown policies, and mask mandates, all of which are, according to his study and research, ineffective and potentially harmful to human health.

In light of the lockdown policies that are strongly impeding the human liberty of movement, of travel, and of social gatherings as a whole, LifeSiteNews asked Dr. Malone whether he could explain the recent statements he made on Steve Bannon’s War Room show about the danger of “global totalitarianism,” as it is being played out right now in countries such as Austria and Australia.

The vaccine expert compared the lockdowns with the “camel’s nose” metaphor: “Once the camel’s nose gets in the tent, pretty soon the whole camel is in the tent,” Dr. Malone said.

“We have this tendency in western democracies — frankly, I think Great Britain is particularly susceptible — to this idea that we’re doing it for the common good that we can do social engineering, we can have these interventions.”

While these democracies claim that these measures are “limited, just for one thing,” we see “this incrementalism” taking place, Dr. Malone continued. As an example of this phenomenon, he referred to Great Britain’s Trusted News Initiative. Originally aimed at “resisting incursion into our political system from offshore political interests,” it has now been “weaponized against vaccine dissent. Really, it’s what it comes down to: It’s dissent about interpretation of facts and information.”

Dr. Malone expounded on his thoughts:

“And now … we’re going to do the same thing with climate change. And who knows what the next social engineering objective is going to be? It just seems to be this chronic erosion of civil rights and liberties in the logic that countries and governments [use to argue] that it’s OK to do social engineering through these various interventions. And I think that that is really worrisome.”

It is in this context that LifeSite asked Dr. Malone to comment on the fact that he recently retweeted the video statement of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò calling for an “anti-globalist alliance.”

“I’ve become convinced, as he [Archbishop Viganò] has, that there’s something here that goes beyond just vaccines and public health,” Dr. Malone responded. “It is impossible to make sense out of what is transpiring in the world right now just as an explanation of public health and in vaccine policy or antiviral policy, and I have become convinced that we’re in a situation in which we’re all having our rights eroded and that there is a larger force beyond this.”

“I have colleagues who speak at length about evil,” the medical expert and researcher went on to say. “There is a growing sense by many people that there’s something fundamentally evil going on here (…) I’ve become convinced that we do have a situation that is essentially the growth and expansion of global tyranny that is harmonized, that is managed, that is aligned across nation states, and it appears to be aligned with the economic interests of a small cluster of investment funds that represents the bulk of global western capital.”

It is here, too, that Dr. Malone sees parallels between his own thoughts and those of Archbishop Viganò: “What I’m particularly alarmed about — I and many others, and apparently also the archbishop — is that this pool of capital is so large now that it has more power than individual nation states do.”

The Italian prelate had described the current situation as follows, and it is quite similar to what Dr. Malone says:

“For two years now we have been witnessing a global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians, and religious leaders. All of these, without distinction, have become enslaved to these new masters who ensure power, money, and social affirmation to their accomplices. Fundamental rights, which up until yesterday were presented as inviolable, have been trampled underfoot in the name of an emergency: today a health emergency, tomorrow an ecological emergency, and after that an internet emergency.”

In speaking with LifeSiteNews, Dr. Malone also bemoaned the “rise of transnationalism in the New World Order back two decades ago. We now seem to be seeing it play out.” He is convinced that “one of the fundamental problems that’s resulted in this disassociation within our society, this fragmentation of our society, the sense that things don’t make sense, that we are no longer connected, is that we have elected to use the language of economics to describe the human condition.”

Language matters, Dr. Malone added, for “by our very language, we have reduced the human condition down to economic units, and that makes us all basically economic pawns in a process of growing wealth.”

“We’ve substituted the language of good and bad and evil and good works in this kind of thinking for the language of profit,” the medical doctor added. There is now a “large block of capital, which is decoupled from nation states.” This capital “will move wherever it wants to, and it moves in response to one primary driver, which is return on investment. It has no moral compass. It has no moral component. It only responds to the opportunity to seek additional return on investment.”

The problem with this sort of capital is, according to Dr. Malone, that it is now “so large that it can dictate policy, economic policy and national policy in different nation states. And that capital has acquired all of the main media, all of the Big Tech, and all of the major vaccine and pharmaceutical companies. And … this is why it’s acting globally in an integrated fashion.” This “fusion of corporate and state interests” is “global,” and that is why he calls it “global totalitarianism.”

What makes this development so evil is that, in Malone’s eyes, this capital “has no intrinsic morality.”

He told LifeSiteNews: “This is why I originally went to try, with your assistance, to reach out to the Vatican.” Dr. Malone explained that he has no contacts with the Muslim community, “but at least I have some grounding in Christianity. That’s my core culture and in my view, in the western world, if there is a remaining moral authority in the world, it is the Catholic Church as the dominant moral authority.”

Dr. Malone had hoped, when trying to reach out to the Vatican, that the Church would speak up against this global totalitarianism. “And I was hoping that the Catholic Church would take a principled stand here and take a position that this is wrong, that this is fundamentally contrary to humanity,” he said.

“This is why I supported the Archbishop [Viganò] because the Archbishop took this, seems to also believe in these core concepts, and used extraordinarily strong language. I was very struck by the bravery of the Archbishop [in speaking] so freely about these things. And also, I felt it a little bit validating that here’s somebody coming independently from a different discipline in a different frame of reference, a different tradition, and yet had come to the same conclusions that I was coming to.”

Speaking about the insights of Mattias Desmet, a professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in the Netherlands, Dr. Malone mentioned the professor’s “mass formation psychosis argument.” Desmet argues “that they [the people] are truly hypnotized and that a large fraction of the population has become hypnotized.” Dr. Malone then compared our current situation with what “happened to the German people during the 1930s and 1920s, and it has similar psychological roots.”

This theory, Dr. Malone explained, seems “to explain a lot of behaviors that are otherwise inexplicable, like this extreme level of aggression and venom that is vented against anyone who’s expressing anything such as you do at LifeSiteNews. Anything that is contrary to the dominant narrative. They attack this in the most personal terms. It is their venomous aggressive attacks that are not based in any data or information.”

Further summing up the thoughts of Professor Desmet, Dr. Malone said that this thinker expects that “this period of global totalitarianism will sweep over us.” In this context, it is important to promote the “idea of building local community.”

So Dr. Malone stresses, as a remedy for whatever is coming down on us, the importance to “build connections within your local community.” Building such communities, he expounded, means “building contact lists, particularly for the elderly, within your community. Whether your community is a church or a town hall, whatever your political and social structure is, try to build community, try to build contact lists, call lists, stay in touch with each other and, in particular, try to stay in touch with the high risk groups, the elders, etc.” He also recommended printing out documents with early treatment protocols, such as the ones proposed by the FLCCC (Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance).

“That is the way we break free of the mass psychosis, and this is Mattias’ point: We can get people to realize that global totalitarianism is a bigger threat than the virus. (…) It’s the cure. It is the real cure. It’s the cure of the disease that Mattias Desmet has diagnosed for us, which is this mass formation psychosis, the madness of crowds,” Malone concluded.

In this context of the need of building communities, LifeSiteNews pointed out that “we would, in a literal sense and philosophically, form an anti-globalist alliance, as Archbishop Vigano proposed it.”

Inventor Of mRNA Technology Warned FDA That Shots Could Be Dangerous

Viganò: Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order - LifeSite


mRNA Inventor Blows Whistle on Plans for ‘Infectious Vaccines’ to Vaccinate Public ‘Whether You Want It or Not’

Frank Bergman January 2, 2025

Dr. Robert Malone, the world-renowned biochemist who is credited as the inventor of mRNA technology, has blown the whistle on chilling plans to vaccinate members of the public without their consent.

In a bombshell new interview with Infowars, Malone revealed that the pharmaceutical industry has been working on plans to develop vaccines that can bypass consent.

Malone revealed that vaccine makers had been working on methods to vaccinate the general public through the food supply.

However, he noted that scientists have been unable to develop material that can survive the human digestive system.

To combat this, Malone revealed that pharmaceutical companies have developed “infectious vaccines.”

Malone explains that these can be “transmitted” from one person to another like a virus.

This transmission allows governments and pharmaceutical companies to bypass the need for consent from individuals who choose not to be vaccinated.

mRNA Inventor Blows Whistle on Plans for 'Infectious Vaccines'

