Deadly Remdesivir

Thank-You for the Good news. Hopefully this is the beginning of the tide turning with many more Judges following these two Judges right decesion to deny immunity for such heinous crimes against humanity.

They knew they were giving this man glass particles in the Remdesivir?

Taken from article above: St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea Hospital and Gilead claimed they could not be sued because they had immunity under the PREP Act. Both the pharmaceutical company and the hospital attempted to get the case dismissed.

Apparently, Gilead thought that when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved its drug, it also approved the glass particles that mysteriously ended up in as many as 55,000 doses of their product.Johnson said he knew it would be an uphill battle, but he is proud of both judges [in state and federal court’] who reviewed the case and saw through the charade—that Gilead Sciences Inc. got approval for the drug but not the glass particles that contaminated its vaccine.

Now because of this crime against humanity Mr.Johnson, whom once healthy requires 24/7 care by his family due an extremely horrific, unthinkable act, knowingly done to him, the glass particles were there in the Remdesivir, by St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea Hospital and Gilead.

Drug manufacturer, hospital immunity denied

# Drug manufacturer, hospital immunity denied

Hospitals are Prisons


Dr. Vernon Coleman - How Hospitals Have Become Death Camps; MDs And Nurses Are Murderers