Dr. Vernon Coleman - How Hospitals Have Become Death Camps; MDs And Nurses Are Murderers


Hello, it’s January 2023 and this is my 320th video since I started recording them early in 2020, and in this video I’m going to explain how hospitals have become death camps and how many doctors and nurses have abandoned their healing roles and have become murderers. No apologies for what sounds like hyperbole because I’ll show you that it isn’t. This video is all about how and why so many hospitals have become modern killing fields: 21st century death camps.

I’m going to start by telling you about a woman in her early 70s whose story is significant, to say the least. She had been in good health when suddenly, unexpectedly, she collapsed and, after the now customary eight hour wait for an ambulance, eventually found herself in hospital. She was unconscious, and a junior doctor eventually diagnosed that she’d had a stroke. It wasn’t a difficult diagnosis. It was what her husband, her son and the paramedics had diagnosed.

Eventually, they found a bed for her and the doctors confessed that there wasn’t much they could do.

‘How long will it be before we know anything?’ asked the woman’s husband.

‘She could be like this for days, for weeks or for months,’ replied the doctor – the one who had made the diagnosis.

‘We don’t want a Do Not Resuscitate notice putting on her notes,’ said the son, who’d read about such things, and whose wife was a nurse in another hospital.

‘Of course not,’ said the doctor. He then went away and the husband and the son saw him talking to two nurses. By now it was late in the evening.

The doctor disappeared but one of the nurses arrived at the bedside. She was carrying a syringe. ‘She could be like this for months,’ said the nurse. ‘She could be suffering a great deal.’

‘But she’s unconscious,’ pointed out the son. His mother, who was breathing normally, seemed to be quite peaceful.

‘We’ve decided to give her something to help her,’ said the nurse.

‘What is it?’ asked the husband.

`It’s two medicines,’ said the nurse. ‘It’s a mixture of midazolam and morphine. It’ll help her rest. We don’t want her suffering. She could be like this for months.’

After giving the injection the nurse suggested that the husband and the son went home. When they returned to the hospital the following morning their wife and mother was dead.

`We were just about to call you,’ said another nurse, who seemed very sympathetic. The doctor came. He too was sympathetic.

It was only afterwards, when they were at home, that the man and his son realised that their wife and mother had been killed – deliberately, cold-bloodedly killed. There had been absolutely no reason to give her the now infamous and widely used kill-shot of midazolam and morphine.

‘People who’ve had strokes can make a full recovery,’ said the woman’s daughter-in-law, as they talked when they were back home.

‘I remember that film star Patricia Neal,’ said the husband. ‘Her husband was Roald Dahl. She made films again – despite having had a stroke.’

The three of them were numb. It didn’t occur to them that they’d just witnessed a murder. But that’s what it was.

It wasn’t euthanasia. It wasn’t mercy killing. It certainly wasn’t treatment.

The hospital staff killed that woman because stroke victims can take months to recover. They didn’t want a woman over 70 using a bed on one of their wards. Beds have been in short supply in British hospitals for years. There are fewer beds than bureaucrats.

And it wasn’t manslaughter either. By any definition, it was pre-meditated, cold-blooded murder. Murder, remember, is the unlawful, premeditated killing of one human being by another. What else would you call it when a patient in hospital is killed without their consent, without the consent of relatives and without the consent of a court of law?

Nor was this incident rare.

Pretty much the same thing is happening every day in hospitals all around the world. Staff put patients to sleep in the same way that a vet might put a dog or cat to sleep. They kill patients whom they think might need a good deal of nursing or medical care.

What is happening is exactly what I predicted almost three years ago – at the beginning of 2020 when I warned that one of the reasons for the covid fraud was to find an excuse to kill the elderly and to save billions on pension payments. The Government has boasted about the money saved.

In my book Coming Apocalypse – published in April 2020, right at the start of this fraud, I said: that life would never again be as good as it was in January 2020 and I stand by that, I’m afraid. Those who sneered might like to think again. I’ve been lied about and banned but everything I’ve said, written and predicted has been accurate. I wish it hadn’t been.

In many hospitals all around the world, the term ‘Palliative care ward’ is now a synonym for ‘death camp’ as the killing of the elderly, which started in 2020, gathers pace.

First there was the Liverpool Care Pathway – whereby elderly patients were deliberately starved to death or deprived of fluid until they died. Then the United Nations effectively allowed doctors around the world to kill people over the age of 70 without anyone caring.

And care home staff were allowed to dose the elderly with tranquillisers and sleeping tablets without telling the patients or their relatives what was happening. It was, and is, all perfectly legal. Now, of course, there aren’t as many care home staff as there were – thousands of them left their jobs when they were told they had to have a dangerous, ineffective covid jab; a so-called vaccine which they knew from observation was a killer.

And there is the kill shot. The mixture of midazolam and morphine which takes medical care one step further than the Do Not Resuscitate notice casually scrawled on the medical notes of anyone who looks too sick to bother with. I described it as murder in the early summer of 2020.

At the moment, of course, it’s usually anyone over 70 or anyone disabled or chronically sick – whether physically or mentally ill – who gets murdered, though in some hospitals anyone over 65 is vulnerable. Soon it will be anyone over 60. And then it’ll be anyone over 50. And then the slippery slope gets ever steeper.

Doctors and nurses – who have the power of death over life – are murdering people every day in our hospitals. And no one gives a damn. I suspect that the doctors and nurses don’t even realise that what they are doing isn’t just ethically wrong it is also legally wrong.

It’s the reason anyone over 60, or anyone ill, should do everything they can to keep out of hospitals. And, if they have to go in to do everything they can to get out. Britain is the worst country in the developed world for health care.

Of course, the midazolam and morphine kill shot isn’t new. What’s new is the way that it has become part of hospital culture. It came in the slipstream of covid-19 – the fake pandemic of 2020 – and now it’s commonplace.

And the kill shot, a single jab of death, isn’t the only way doctors and nurses are guilty of mass murder.

Right from the start, ministers, journalists and doctors have lied, lied and lied again as they’ve fought against the facts to sell us a fake pandemic and a dangerous drug that never did what it was said to do.

In 2020, the medical profession became obsessed with covid-19, even though it was provably nothing more than the rebranded flu. It was the most over-promoted scare in history; a deliberately created fake pandemic. Doctors and nurses were either too stupid or too greedy to see the truth. And they became part of the biggest crime in history. They became professional killers – assassins working for the conspirators.

They created a fake pandemic out of the ordinary annual flu by claiming that everyone who tested positive for covid – and subsequently died was a covid victim. They used a test, the PCR test, which everyone knew didn’t work, and hospitals in many countries received a cash bonus for every covid diagnosis they made. They were bribed to lie. In America, hospitals were given $13,000 for every patient they diagnosed with covid-19. If a patient needed to be put on a ventilator the hospital received a bonus of $39.000. What a surprise that so many patients needed to be put on ventilators – which killed many. The bonus system was used all around the world – another coincidence – and in some countries the staff got part of the cash bonus – kickbacks I think they usually call them.

Anyone who believes there was a pandemic in 2020 is a fool or a liar. Or both. Anyone who says the covid jab was necessary, effective and safe is a fool or a liar. Or both. Any national TV host who thinks they can prove me wrong can fix up a live TV debate. They won’t, of course, because they’d lose. And the Government wouldn’t let them anyway. I’m banned from all TV and radio. And I’m banned from most of the internet too, simply for telling the truth. The last time an internet radio station interviewed me – months ago – nearly a quarter of the interview mysteriously disappeared. The time before that the station lost its ability to raise money because they’d interviewed me. I’m banned because they know damned well I’m right and it’s important to protect the lies in order to keep the conspiracy alive. There was a time, long ago, when information was powerful. Today, the truth is the world’s most dangerous commodity. There is no freedom of speech. The authorities even banned David Icke from travelling to mainland Europe – presumably worried that he might wake up some sleeping souls.

The patients who tested positive with the PCR test, a dangerous, useless test everyone knew didn’t work and might kill people (and it has killed people – as I have shown in earlier videos, such as the one titled `This needs to be stopped now’) were dumped on a covid ward and treated as though all that was wrong with them was that they’d got the rebranded flu – even if they didn’t have any flu symptoms at all. Some were given dangerous drugs that didn’t work. But thousands didn’t receive the treatment they DID need because they had been wrongly diagnosed as covid patients.

Patients who needed specialist surgery, dialysis or other treatment didn’t receive it because they’d been falsely branded as suffering from covid – the rebranded flu. They couldn’t be transferred to specialist units so they died and were put down as covid deaths. They died because they were mis-diagnosed and denied treatment. It was, and is, genocide. It was official health care policy. GPs had disappeared – they had abandoned their patients in case they got the annual flu – and hospitals became killing grounds. And while all this was happening, hospital departments shut. Cancer related surgery dropped by 26% in the UK in 2020. In contrast, there was a 0.6% fall in Denmark. Doctors and nurses betrayed their patients, their professions and themselves.

The medical establishment, collective victims of the world’s most egregious confidence trick, had decided that global warming was THE health care threat. And so they decided there should be less testing and treating of patients. I’ve dealt with this extraordinary nonsense many times.

What has been happening is all part of the killing. The genocide. The plan to reduce the global population and the plan to appease the few idiotic pseudoscientists and children who claim, quite wrongly, and without evidence, that man has made his planet unbearably hot. Or is it unbearably cold. They change their minds a lot. They’ve been wound up and misdirected by conspirators who have, since the 1940s, been concerned about the disappearing oil and convinced that the population needs culling.

And the killing is working well.

In 2020 – the year of the fake pandemic – the total number of deaths was normal. I proved that. But in 2021 and 2022 – when covid virtually disappeared and was replaced by the returning ordinary flu – the death totals suddenly soared and they’re still way above normal. That was no mystery. It was all predicted. In the USA, over 100,000 young people died or were seriously ill after being given the experimental jab that didn’t work and wasn’t safe. Today, previously healthy people all over the world are dropping like flies. Journalists and doctors struggle to find bizarre new explanations for what they call Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. But it was all predictable. I predicted it would happen in 2020. Check out my old videos on www.vernoncoleman.org.

Today, those who had the covid jab have altered immune systems and their hearts are in danger. The predictions I made throughout 2020, 2021 and 2022 are already true or all coming true. Those who have been jabbed need to avoid strenuous exercise and stress, eat carefully and boost their immune systems.

The ignorant, the susceptible and the half-awake think that covid is a dangerous bioweapon. The mainstream media want us to believe it’s a bioweapon so that the ignorant believe that covid (the rebranded flu) is a deadly disease. And they use it to cover up vaccine injuries. They blame the rebranded flu for all the deaths caused by the covid-jab – the most dangerous drug in history. The covid jab’s creators and promoters were praised to the skies but they produced something that, in my view, wasn’t tested properly, doesn’t do what they promised it would do and isn’t safe.

And because I’ve told you the truth about the genocide, about covid and about the dangerous covid jabs, I’m considered dangerous and must be silenced.

Please don’t forget to watch my friend Dr Colin Barron – who is back making wonderful videos. And please visit my websites – www.vernoncoleman.com and www.vernoncoleman.org where there are new articles most weekdays. Please remember that I am banned from all social media and I do not have accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram or any other sites. I am banned from accessing YouTube – let alone putting videos there. Anything that appears in my name on social media is fake and should be labelled as such. The only sites I control are my own two websites. Finally, although it may feel like it at times, please remember that you’re not alone in being aware that the conspiracy is real and deadly.

Distrust the Government, avoid mass media and fight the lies. These are the most dangerous times in history. We must remain vigilant.

Please share this and my other videos on the internet – on social media and on other platforms. I can’t because I’m imprisoned here on my websites and banned worldwide for the modern sin of telling the truth.

Please remember, God is on our side, and thank you, again, for watching an old man in a chair.

Kristen took a COVID JAB Bioweapon and soon after had severe convulsions, facial numbness, inability to control her head. She goes to hospital and doctors ask her to leave because there’s nothing they can do

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1 Timothy 5:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

February 14, 2022 Dr. James D. Veltmeyer, MD, Author, Special to Lassen News

As a physician who spent many years working in one of California’s finest hospitals, this is a difficult article to write. It pains me to observe what has happened to our hospital system, to the general and accepted standards of patient care, and, yes, even to the judgment and integrity of medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, I have to say that I am happy that I no longer work in this environment which is forcing physicians, nurses and others to compromise their personal and professional ethics in order to comply with the authoritarian and dangerous edicts and “protocols” imposed by the federal government during this crisis.\

As I have written at other times, the so-called “protocols” imposed on physicians are a major reason why so many doctors are fleeing their profession. When government diktat forces a medical professional to provide a standard of care which is diametrically opposed to what he or she knows is best for the patients, we are in deep trouble. When maximizing profits for the hospital are deemed superior to the needs and desires of the patient and his family, we are in deep trouble. When government bribes medical providers to provide certain treatments that result in death or serious injury, we are in even deeper trouble.

It is not an understatement to say that many Americans now distrust the medical profession more than at any other time in history and many of those who distrust it are medical professionals themselves, frontline doctors and nurses who are quitting in record numbers. Many people now fear entering a hospital at all after hearing and reading of horror stories in which COVID patients are held as virtual medical prisoners in ICU wards, being forced to receive ineffective and dangerous treatments with no family members allowed to visit and advocate for them.

Unfortunately, the reports of hospitals turning into virtual “death camps” are becoming more and more widespread. Patients admitted for COVID symptoms (or even individuals admitted for something else but testing “positive” for COVID through the woefully inaccurate PCR test ) are being denied life-saving therapeutics requested by their families or private physicians, therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, vitamin D and zinc because the federal government has not “approved” of them in their worthless “protocols.” Since almost all hospitals receive federal funding through Medicare and Medicaid, the staffs argue that their “hands are tied.” Instead, patients with breathing difficulties are forced on to ventilators where mortality rates are as high as 84 percent for older patients. CMS data showed that in Texas hospitals, 84.9 percent of all patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator. The hospitals, of course, receive a bonus of as much as $39,000 for putting a patient on a ventilator.

Since ventilators rarely work as promised, some patients are subsequently forced to receive a tracheotomy to breathe. Of course, that surgery will be added and padded to the patient’s final bill if he or she is lucky enough to ever leave the facility.

Patients are also given Dr. Fauci’s infamous and fabulously-expensive drug remdesivir which studies show leads to adverse side effects – such as kidney and liver damage and general organ failure – in 71 percent to 75 percent of cases. In the 2018 remdesivir trials in West Africa, the drug was discontinued due to a death rate that exceeded 50 percent. Yet, this is the only therapeutic currently approved for use by the CDC. They are often also given midazolam which depresses a patient’s ability to breathe. Does this make any sense when the patient has been admitted for shortness of breath?? This is insane and borders on the criminal.

Of course, the hospitals are getting rich off these COVID protocols which are killing innocents every day:

  • The federal government pays the hospital for the “free” fake PCR test given upon admission.
    *** There is an additional “bonus” payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis**
    *** Another “bonus” for a COVID admission to the hospital**
    *** A 20 percent “boost” payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for using remdesivir instead of inexpensive therapeutics like HCQ or ivermectin.**
    *** $39,000 for every patient placed on a mechanical ventilator**
    *** More money for every death of a patient with COVID, regardless of whether COVID was the actual cause of death**

The federal government is shamelessly incentivizing hospitals to run up the COVID tallies and run up the death numbers. This is a brutal conclusion to make, but this is what the facts show. And, patients are being held as virtual prisoners in ICU, denied access to their family members, personal physicians, attorneys or anyone else who can act as their advocate. They are not free to simply leave the hospital unless they can be transferred to a location where they can receive an “identical form of care.” Comforting, isn’t it? Whatever happened to freedom of movement and bodily autonomy in this nation founded on the principles of liberty and justice for all? COVID patients are being denied basic liberty and certainly any sound measure of justice.

Why would any medical provider participate in a deadly scam like this? As authors Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD and Ali Shultz write: “Our formerly-trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become ‘bounty hunters’ for your life.”

I know from personal experience that physicians and nurses feel intimidated and threatened. They are afraid of being harassed, vilified, and blacklisted if they do the right thing. They are afraid of losing income and even their medical licenses. So, tragically, many just turn a blind eye and go along with what’s happening. However, many are not. Many medical professionals have had enough of the lies and disinformation from the Fauci fraudsters. Nurses and other health care workers are increasingly speaking out and many are walking away. Their consciences won’t allow them to continue. One 31-year old South Carolina nurse named Albert Spence actually said he felt like he was “the guy who was pushing the buttons, like the gas chambers at Auschwitz.”

The solution? Stay out of the hospital, if you possibly can. Connect with networks of good physicians who will prescribe HCQ and ivermectin. Consume supplements, improve your nutrition and exercise regimen, get plenty of sleep and sunlight. Until the “killing fields” of COVID-19 ( and, yes, that includes the experimental mRNA vaccines which are killing and maiming tens of thousands ) become completely exposed and the perpetrators like Fauci eventually prosecuted and punished for their crimes, we must establish “parallel” associations of private physicians, nurses, hospitals, and pharmacies not dependent on government bribes and so-called “protocols” but empowered to do what they are supposed to do: heal the sick and save lives with every tool at their disposal, even if those tools do not inflate the stock portfolios of Anthony Fauci.

About Dr. James Veltmeyer
Dr. James Veltmeyer is a prominent La Jolla physician and author of “Physician on a Mission: Dr. Veltmeyer’s RX to Save America.” Dr. Veltmeyer can be reached at [email protected] and by visiting his website at drveltmeyer.com.

The ‘death camps’ of COVID-19

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EXCLUSIVE: 'It's a horror movie.' Nurse working on coronavirus frontline in New York claims the city is 'murdering' COVID-19 patients by putting them on ventilators and causing trauma to the lungs

  • A frontline nurse working in New York on coronavirus patients claims the city is killing sufferers by putting them on ventilators, advocating against them
  • The nurse persuaded a friend, a nurse practitioner who is not working on coronavirus patients, to make the video to get the word out
  • 'It's a horror movie. Not because of the disease, but the way it is being handled,' the frontline nurse said through the friend, who only was identified as Sara NP
  • Sara said COVID-19 patients are placed on ventilators rather than less invasive CPAP or BiPAP machines due to fears about the virus spreading
  • She explained: 'The ventilators have high pressure, which then causes barotrauma, it causes trauma to the lungs'
  • Others helping in the New York crisis say the claims are simply not true
  • More than 12,000 people have died from the virus in NYC, with another 4,300 dying in other parts of the Empire State
  • New York emergency room doctor Cameron Kyle-Sidell stepped down this month because he didn't want to follow the hospital's ventilator protocol
  • Republican Minnesota Senator Scott Jensen told Fox News' Laura Ingraham that Medicare pays hospitals three times as much if patients are placed on ventilators
  • Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19

By Martin Gould For Dailymail.com

Published: 17:22 EST, 27 April 2020
A frontline nurse working in New York on coronavirus patients claims the city is killing sufferers by putting them on ventilators.

'It's a horror movie,' she said through a friend. 'Not because of the disease, but the way it is being handled.'

And she said relatives of the sick need to make it clear as soon as a person is taken to the hospital that they do not want them hooked up to the breathing machines.
YouTube has now taken down the video as ‘violating its community standards,’ which has been hotly rebutted by others working in New York during the crisis.

The nurse, who has relocated to New York temporarily to help with the city's COVID-19 crisis, persuaded a friend — a nurse practitioner who is not working on coronavirus patients — to make the video for her in order to tell the world what she says is happening inside hospitals.

'I am her voice here. I'm going to tell you what she has told me,' said the nurse practitioner, who was identified only as Sara NP. 'She wants this to get out.'

'She has never seen so much neglect. No one cares. They are cold and they don't care anymore. It's the blind leading the blind.'

Please see the revealing video@ https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2020/04/27/6328584897887843201/640x360_MP4_6328584897887843201.mp4

A frontline nurse working in New York on coronavirus patients claims the city is killing sufferers by putting them on ventilators, advocating against them The nurse persuaded a friend, nurse practitioner Sara NP who is not working on coronavirus patients, to make the video to get the word out.
Ventilator tubes are attached to a patient suffering from COVID-19 on the Medical Intensive Care Unit floor in New York City
'People are sick, but they don't have to stay sick. They are killing them, they are not helping them,' added the friend in the video posted on YouTube.

'She used the word murder, that coming from a nurse who went to New York City expecting to help.

'Patients are left to rot and die — her words. People are being murdered and no one cares.'

Sara would not reveal which hospital the nurse is working in 'for the safety of those involved.'

More than 12,000 people have died from the virus in New York City, with another 4,300 dying in other parts of the Empire State, which is a far larger number than any other state in the country.

Republican Minnesota state Senator Scott Jensen told Fox News' Laura Ingraham that Medicare pays hospitals three times as much if patients are placed on ventilators.

'How can anyone not believe that increasing the number of COVID-19 deaths may create an avenue for states to receive a larger portion of federal dollars,' Jensen later posted on his Facebook page.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has said that around 80 percent of people who go on the machines die, although he's referencing patients who were already in dire conditions before being put on the machines.
imageRepublican Minnesota state Senator Scott Jensen (pictured) told Fox News' Laura Ingraham that Medicare pays hospitals three times as much if patients are placed on ventilators
This is not the first time the use of ventilators have been questioned for its efficacy.

In a YouTube video posted earlier this month New York emergency room doctor Cameron Kyle-Sidell said: 'I've talked to doctors all around the country and it is becoming increasingly clear that the pressure we're providing may be hurting their lungs.

'It is highly likely that the high pressures we're using are damaging the lungs of the patients we are putting the breathing tubes in.

'It's not our fault. We didn't know,' added Kyle-Sidell, saying that is the way other acute respiratory syndromes have been treated.

'We are running the ventilators the wrong way,' he said, calling for the protocols to be changed.

'COVID positive patients need oxygen, they do not need pressure. They will need ventilators, but they must be programmed differently.'

Kyle-Siddell did not return calls from DailyMail.com. He told Medscape on April 6 he stepped down from working in the intensive care unit at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn because he didn't want to follow the hospital's ventilator protocol.

'I could not morally, in a patient-doctor relationship, continue the current protocols which, again, are the protocols of the top hospitals in the country.

'I could not continue those,' he said. 'You can't have one doctor just doing their own protocol.'

Maimonides also did not answer a request for comment.

But Christian Castaneda a pulmonary and critical-care fellow at New York-Presbyterian Queens hospital posted his own video. ‘What this lady is saying is absolutely not true,’ he said.

And an emergency nurse practitioner called Rebecca said in a video: ‘I don’t know what happened in one particular hospital, but I can assure you that that is not happening where I work and it’s also not happening in the facilities of many, many of my friends and colleagues at other hospitals."

Sara said COVID-19 patients are placed on ventilators rather than less invasive CPAP or BiPAP machines due to fears about the virus spreading.

EXCLUSIVE: 'It's a horror movie.' Nurse working on coronavirus frontline in New York claims the city is 'murdering' COVID-19 patients by putting them on ventilators and causing trauma to the lungs

Promoters and Supporters of Covid Jabs Should Be in Prison

[Amen to that, whilst waiting for the gallows to be built.]

I reported recently that drug companies are now making all sorts of mRNA products.

Having proved that the mRNA covid-19 jabs don’t do what they’re supposed to do, and aren’t safe to use, the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment are rolling out a zillion more mRNA products.

It’s like a car company making a car that turns out to be lethal and then excitedly producing a huge range of similar models – all having the same deadly flaw.

How often do we have to say it: ‘mRNA products don’t work and aren’t safe’.

And yet people who outwardly appear to have brains still claim that the covid ‘vaccines’ worked.

When Sunak (a twice fined recidivist) sacked Zahawi over his tax affairs, the prime Minister claimed that the former Chancellor’s role in pushing the now discredited jabs ‘saved many lives’. I’d like to see his evidence for that.

And in his reply the now discredited Zahawi (and former Vaccines Minister) repeated the nonsense, and built upon it, claiming that the discredited covid jabs ‘saved huge numbers of lives’. I’d like to see Zahawi’s evidence for that, too. I’d trust him to do my accounts before I’d trust his opinion on the covid jabs.

Neither of them seems aware that the evidence shows that the covid jabs have done a massive amount of harm and no good at all. The damned covid jabs are, in my view, too dangerous to use as landfill.

Amazingly, the Financial Times ran an article by Kate Bingham, in which she claimed that creating mRNA vaccines is ‘potentially game changing’.

Bingham says these new products promise to ‘protect patients against cancer in the same way as mRNA vaccines protect against severe covid-19’.

I found this so extraordinary that I had to read it three times.

But that’s what she said.

Is she really not aware that the vaccine in which she seems to have such faith doesn’t do what they said it would do? Does she really not know that millions of people around the world have died or been injured by these deadly drugs? Or are we living in the Age of the Amazing Coincidence?

Bingham was chairman of the UK Government’s Vaccine Taskforce, is managing partner at something called SV Health Investors and is a venture capitalist. She went to school with Boris Johnson’s kid sister. Bingham is reported to have charged taxpayers £670,000 for eight ‘consultants’ from a PR Agency and was given a Damehood for her work in procuring, manufacturing and distributing covid-19 vaccines. I can’t help thinking it is a pity she didn’t hire some honest doctors to tell her the truth about the crap she was pushing.

I made videos in the autumn of 2020 – before the ‘vaccines’ were introduced – explaining exactly what dangerous side effects the vaccines were going to cause – and how people were going to die. I wonder if she was ever aware of the FDA’s draft working list of possible covid vaccine side effects which was published in October 2020. The list can be viewed here.

If I ruled the world (not very likely I admit) she, and everyone else who worked on, promoted or pushed the covid jabs would be in prison – that includes Whitty, Zahawi, Hancock, Fauci, all medical advisors and all those sitting on advisory committees.

And why, by the way, did they make Bingham a Dame? Are they now giving Damehoods out for genocide? It would make as much sense to give that cryptorchid pipsqueak known as Matt Hancock a knighthood. Smarmy Hancock would be out of his depth if he were employed as a lavatory cleaner, a union official or an NHS bureaucrat. Actually, that’s not fair to lavatory cleaners – they do essential difficult work compared to union officials or NHS bureaucrats. Hancock would be over-rewarded if they gave him a Tesco club card.

This sort of nonsense is pervasive as far as covid is concerned. One of the BBC’s go-to ‘experts’ on medical issues and vaccines was and possibly still is a woman called Devi Sridhar who, like Bingham, has probably never removed an appendix or attempted to comfort the parents of a vaccine damaged child. I’ve no doubt that she’s in line for a Damehood too – everyone else has got one.

Meanwhile, doctors who know enough to question the value of vaccines are censored, suppressed, demonised and banned from all mainstream media - the BBC in particular.

No one in public life seems aware that according to a paper in the British Medical Journal, results of a study raised ‘concerns that mRNA vaccines are associated with more harm than initially estimated at the time of emergency authorisation’.

New horror stories about covid appear daily.

Doctors in the US admit they put patients who had positive PCR tests on ventilators even when they didn’t need them. That was as bizarre a way of controlling the rebranded flu as I’ve come across, and it counts as murder since many patients routinely die when put on ventilators. The usual figure is that 30-40% of patients die on ventilators but during the fake pandemic the. death rate rose to 50%. Up to 70% of covid-19 deaths were due to ventilators.

It’s important to remember that US hospitals received huge fees ($48,000) for ‘diagnosing’ patients as having covid-19 (even if they didn’t). The biggest fees were handed out when hospital staff put patients on ventilators – whether they needed them or not. This was (and is) just another way of killing people.

All the doctors who did this seem to have forgotten that the traditional, basic principle of medical care is that you treat your patients the way you would like your family to be treated.

Right at the beginning of the covid fraud (three years ago) I suggested that when vaccines were introduced, the authorities should do a proper clinical trial by giving the new jab to 20,000 healthy individuals and then comparing the health of those vaccinated individuals with 20,000 similar individuals who hadn’t been vaccinated. That’s how you do a proper, simple clinical trial. I repeatedly suggested this. And the proposal was repeatedly ignored. (Just as the authorities have steadfastly refused to debate with me – for three years – because they knew they’d lose the debate and look stupid. Decades ago I used to debate vaccination regularly on TV and radio – and never lost a debate.)

I now believe that the fake pandemic and the covid-19 jabbing phenomenon were (like global warming and recycling) introduced to make people compliant, frightened and subservient – ready for World War III and the Great Reset.

And the vaccines had an extra purpose. Those who have been jabbed will have buggered up immune systems and won’t last a minute if/when there is a nuclear war and they become contaminated.

I seriously suspect that despite all the censorship and threats, there are now more medical doctors in the world who think the mRNA vaccines should be withdrawn than think they are still suitable for use.

In the UK, the National Health Service officially says that serious side effects are very rare but that is clearly not true.

And yet there has still not been any proper analysis or recognition of the overwhelming statistical and anecdotal evidence which shows that these vaccines should have never been introduced.

Governments and mainstream media all have their heads firmly in the sand and struggle constantly to explain the epidemic of death now clearly correlated with the ‘vaccine’ roll out.

Here’s another piece of serious, anecdotal evidence to add to the growing mass of evidence available.

I went to our local copy shop to get some work done. They said there would be a delay because they were very busy. Out of curiosity I asked what was keeping them so busy.

‘Funeral notices,’ said the woman at the counter. ‘We’re printing far more funeral notices than usual.’


Excerpt from The Way home or face The Fire

3:185 Because of this lack of REAL faith, in God and life-after-death, with people consequently
clinging, desperately, to the present human-life that they have, no-matter what the cost, we now have
a world FULL of sick people, and overflowing hospitals, and some very rich doctors and
pharmaceutical companies: all of which is a terrific drain on society. Doctors are unknowingly
assisting Satan, by helping people to continue to go the wrong way (do evil), because they are
keeping people’s bodies healthy (?), by artificial means. They too have under-estimated Satan, been
conned, and many sincerely believe that they are helping mankind, when, in fact, they have been
deceived, and are actually working for Satan, and mankind’s destruction.
The road to Hell-Fire is paved with good intentions!!!
3:186 If doctors and surgeons are doing what is right, i.e. God’s Will; why do they suffer so much,
from stress, that many of them are heavy smokers and drinkers, at best, and alcoholics at worst;
abuse tranquilizing-drugs and have nervous-breakdowns?
3:187 Stress is caused by a lack of faith; by fear and by going against God’s Will; NOT by
overwork. Overworking causes physical tiredness, NOT stress.
3:188 If they are so clever and know all the answers; as you seem to think they do, because you go to
them for your answers; why don’t they heal themselves (“physician heal thyself”)? They can not and
they are not clever, and yet YOU go to THEM for help, instead of going to GOD, as you
SHOULD do (Deut. 32:39).
3:190 Human-death is a perfectly natural, necessary and good thing, and is unimportant, because
YOU ARE NOT HUMAN. It should be a natural part of every-day-life, and NOT something to
hide away from view, and consequently to be feared.
3:191 It is WHY your body dies that is important, the death itself does not matter, except if it is
murdered, or you commit suicide.
3:192 God takes the attitude, that if you want to prolong your own suffering, because you have no
faith in Him, and also extend your own sentence and punishment, by not moving-on, to learn the new
things, that you should be learning, then He will let you continue to punish yourselves. You are also,
by doing this, wasting what precious, little time you have left, to earn your pardon.
“The Fire” is getting closer, by the minute!!!
3:193 The answer, to EVERY question in life, is with God. Don’t look to humans for answers, or
cures, look to your Maker. God is not just a body-mechanic, like a doctor; He is the designer-builder
and master-engineer.

"Making a Killing" - Patty Myers reveals how hospital PROTOCOLS are RECIPES FOR MURDER

"Making a Killing" - Patty Myers reveals how hospital PROTOCOLS are RECIPES...

How Today’s Doctors Are Killing Their Patients


The following essay is taken from Vernon Coleman’s new book `Truth Teller: The Price’.

Here are some of the ways in which modern doctors have turned themselves into ruthless killing machines.

The Liverpool Care Pathway - It is an officially approved programme which encourages doctors to kill their patients by denying them food and water.

The global programme of medically approved lockdowns (whereby people were locked in their homes and the elderly were kept confined in care homes, without being allowed any visitors) made it very easy for doctors to kill the elderly.

Continued at link.

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Elon Musk: The Ventilators, Not COVID, Destroyed Lungs

By Patricia Harrity on November 2, 2023
“80% of the people they put on ventilators died,” Joe Rogan told billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk on the Joe Rogan Experience on Tuesday. Elon Musk’s statements about the ventilators are corroborated by Dr. Joseph Mercola. “Yeah. So, in fact, I actually posted about that,” responded Musk, “because I called doctors in Wuhan and said, ‘What are the biggest mistakes that you made on the first wave?’ This is early on. And they said, ‘We put far too many people on intubated ventilators.’

So then I actually posted on Twitter at the time and said, ‘Hey, I’m what I’m hearing from Wuhan is that they made a big mistake in putting people on intubated ventilators for an extended period. And that this is actually what is damaging the lungs, not COVID. It’s the treatment. The cure is worse than the disease.’ And they, people, yelled at me and said, I’m not a doctor. I’m like, Yeah, but I do make spaceships with life support systems.”

Originally published by The Vigilant Fox

Ventilators Were a Death Sentence COVID Patients and They Kept Going Anyway

Ventilators Were a Death Sentence COVID Patients and They Kept Going Anyway

Elon Musk’s statements about the ventilators are corroborated by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

By The Vigilant Fox

On June 7, 2023, Mercola wrote about “The COVID hospital death trap” on X. Here’s what he stated on the subject.

Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence.

76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2%.

The recommendation to place COVID patients on mechanical ventilation as a first-line response came from the World Health Organization, which allegedly based its guidance on experiences and recommendations from doctors in China. But venting COVID patients wasn’t recommended because it increased survival. It was to protect health care workers by isolating the virus inside the vent machine.

Data suggest around 10,000 patients died with COVID in NYC hospitals after being put on ventilators in spring 2020. Other metropolitan areas also saw massive spikes in deaths among younger individuals who were at low risk of dying from COVID. It’s possible many of these deaths were the result of being placed on mechanical ventilation (see graph below).

Continued at link...

Wicked, Wicked Doctors put “climate change” above patients’ interests

By Rhoda Wilson on [November 12, 2023]

Ahead of COP26 held in Glasgow in 2021, BMJ published an editorial which urged doctors to think less about the health of their patients and more about the health of the planet.

The editorial claimed that medical treatment contributes significantly to “greenhouse gas emissions” and that this carbon footprint can be reduced if only “health professionals” can learn to reduce “overdiagnosis” and “overtreatment.”

In a separate piece, the author argues that one of the bigger problems is all those pesky suspected cancer patients who tiresomely insist on getting as early a diagnosis as possible, Breitbart wrote.

Below, Dr. Vernon Coleman gives us his thoughts on the madness that has gripped the medical profession.
By Dr. Vernon Coleman

Doctors writing in the British Medical Journal have called for the medical profession to do less screening of patients and to cut back on prescribing treatment – “to help combat climate change.” Doctors called for global warming concerns to be put above patients’ interests.

Let’s get this straight: the medical establishment wants to cut back on diagnosing cancer early in order to save Big Ben from disappearing under 100-foot waves a week on Wednesday.

This is terrifyingly wicked.

“The climate emergency is the true health crisis of our time,” is the message from the medical establishment. Doctors’ leaders appear to have had their brains removed and replaced with those of 12-year-olds. The members of the medical establishment who believe this should all be certified insane and put into a coma to protect the public from their deranged utterings.

The nonsense from the British Medical Association (“BMA”) is pouring out these days.

For example, the BMA now says that Britain needs another 60,000 doctors.

Britain doesn’t need any more doctors. Dare I suggest that the NHS needs the GPs on the payroll to do what they’re paid for – which is to see patients? The Department of Health in the UK has reported that the average GP is now working a three-day week and earning over £100,000.

Doctors protest that they are overworked and that they are struggling to deal with a continuing crisis. But GPs are working three-day weeks! It’s no wonder patients are more likely to win the lottery than get an appointment with their doctor. When I last practised medicine, GPs visited their patients at weekends and nights and if a patient couldn’t make their way to the surgery, then the doctor visited them at home. Today, a large number of GPs won’t ever see patients in the flesh and certainly won’t lower themselves to take blood samples, syringe ears or remove stitches. The unfortunate patient in need of one of these services has to make another appointment to see a nurse, health care assistant or, quite possibly, the practice cleaner. It may sound strange but I think GPs lost their way when they stopped syringing wax out of blocked ears.

Continued at link...

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NURSE Nicole Sirotek to Senator Ron Johnson - This isn't a hospital it is a CONCENTRATION CAMP

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