PAY ATTENTION to how world applications are being implemented LOCALLY. NHS and BigTECH announce a SMART Tracking App. The app will log the distance between your phone and other phones. Digital contact tracing: protecting the NHS and saving lives - NHS Transformation Directorate

The UK GOV is developing an app that will trace back and warn people who have been in contact with someone who is showing symptoms of the coronavirus COVID-19 virus.


Dr. Bhatti spoke about … PLANS for CONTACT TRACING and the USE OF TECHNOLOGY to assist with that. He said the government would step up contact tracing of infected people in the community in order to contain the spread of the virus, including through the use of a NEW APP that will soon become available. Read: Director of Public Health on virus risk in Gibraltar: 'Lump in my throat. Worried.'

GHA is part of NHS:

Krish Rawal revealed GHA will be essentially be PART of the NHS, when he spoke about securing VACCINES. “If a vaccine becomes available, I’m sure everyone would want it…” Watch:
Medical Director says GHA stands a very good chance of getting a stock of vaccines when available

PS. Belgium rejects the APP:


Like traffic cameras are used to issue fines, how long will it take before T.H.E.Y. issue fines based on what the APPS capture? Not everyone is buying the invasion of privacy as GOOD. State of Israel halts tracking app:


BHATTI TWEETED: “We are soon to launch an app on your smartphone which will help us accurately contact trace. When we launch it, download it. NHS is helping us develop this. Coming soon.” (@PHcritique) 23/4/2020. Did you REPLY to his tweet?


Simon McIntosh said SMART phones are dumb and DUMB phones are smart. You need to get rid of your SMART phones.


Belgium rejected the APP:


This is the first step to having the phone app to track your every move, which is why you NEED to get rid of your smart phones.
20-04-28 bhatti contact tracing tweet


How TECH applies to the Plannedemic: Increased SURVEILLANCE that people will “accept” instead of an overwhelmed health system or economic shutdown. Tony Blair Institute for GLOBAL Change says it could offer an “escape route” from the crisis. This is meant to condition you.


Britain pursuing a CENTRALISED-GOV approach to tracking CV patients, coming in 2-3 weeks; plans to store info on gov-servers. A group of tech/security experts WARN of possible privacy concerns and that “location and contact tracking tech could be used as a means of SOCIAL CONTROL”.


Picardo contacted APPLE developers for the iOS system to enable a decentralised system of Track and Tracing. Picardo supports the NWO Agenda.


A decentralized approach to contract tracing was highlighted on Russia Today. Look for contact tracing to be renamed “exposure notification”


The decentralized contact tracing Picardo is supporting isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Flaws are highlighted in this article. AND there is still no proof once installed that the Gov won’t find additional ways to use it.

“[D]ecentralized systems are all very nice in theory but are a complete pain in practice, as they’re too hard to update,” he said. “Relying on cryptography tends to make things even more complex, fragile, and hard to change. In the pandemic, the public health folks may have to tweak all sorts of parameters weekly, or even daily. You can’t do that with apps on 169 different types of phone and with peer-to-peer communications,” Prof. Ross Anderson.

Anderson has a number of reservations about contact tracing apps, including the National Health Service’s (NHS) poor record with data protection.

Read this informative article:


Promises; Promises. Israeli Health Ministry promises movements won’t be otherwise traced. A new Israeli app can instantly tell users if they have crossed paths with someone known to have been infected with the coronavirus.


Countries have been quick to use the one tool almost all of us carry with us: our smartphones. Governments are also receiving support from private tech companies. Samuel Woodhams, Top10VPN's Digital Rights Lead who compiled the index, warned that the world could slide into permanently increased surveillance.


Why is it when a new technology is introduced, evil people ALWAYS and THROUGHOUT HISTORY have asked, “How can we use this to control and kill people?” A mini-drone now becomes a slaughterbot, essentially a bullet to the head after facial recognition. MANKIND has not changed; so knowing this, how long before contact tracing is used to eliminate people? A slaughterbot is a miniature drone that fits in the palm of your hand.

Everything T.H.E.Y. design gets hacked. So hackers can hack into this system and steal all your personal information.


The Government of Gibraltar says it needs at least 60% of population to download contact tracing app for it to work effectively. It’s incremental surveillance and GOV overreach, but you can choose to opt out. How long will it take GOG to morph it into more surveillance?

Please read:

“The Challenge of Proximity Apps For COVID-19 Contact Tracing”


We should not trust any application, no matter how well-designed, to solve this crisis.

We should not excessively rely on the promise of an unproven app to make critical decisions.

Apps also don’t take into account whether their users are wearing protective equipment.

We cannot solve a pandemic by coding the perfect app. Hard societal problems are not solved by magical technology.

Apps, and their collection of sensitive health and associational information, presents new risks for more users.

We do not sacrifice fundamental rights in an emergency.

Governments must not require the use of any proximity application. Nor should there be informal pressure to use the app in exchange for access to government services.

History has shown that exceptions to civil liberties protections made in a time of crisis often persist much longer than the crisis itself.

Please refer to this entire thread for more information about Contact Tracing.

Also before thinking TEMPERATURE SCANS are a great use of TECHNOLOGY, please read:


Apple iOS 13.5 Upgrade Includes Contact Tracing API

To upgrade or not to upgrade, that is the question. Fears of the worst sort are already cropping up as Apple has not made completely clear what software developers will be able to access and use the new core features that allow for Contact Tracing.

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Additional information about Apple App:

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We can add COVI-PASS to their digital arsenal to track everyone:

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Contact Surveillance

Apple’s latest iOS 13.5 update contains contact tracing malware to enslave you

Also in the article is "Big Pharma Plot to use Corona-Virus to Enslave Humanity" -

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