Artificial Intelligence (AI) - The Matrix

I think the whole surveillance state plus A.I. is just Satan's counterfeit of the Holy Spirit...


The Way home or face The Fire:

3:29 Human+beings, as you know them, are a combination of four things, and they are:-

  1. A human-animal (the body that you are temporarily using) with its own separate life —
    human and MORTAL (John 3:6).

  2. A soul (the REAL you) which is spirit/energy — Venusian and IMMORTAL (John 3:6).

  3. The Holy-Spirit 4. The Devil
    i.e. the two telepathic voices that every
    normal human+being has in his head.

3:30 When a human baby is born, it has no soul, but it is alive and breathing, with its own HUMAN animal-life (Sura 15:30), before the soul enters the body. Some never have a soul, because they are so substandard that they are of no use, being unable to be used to teach a soul anything, not even humility. At the other end of the scale, a totally senile person is a living human-animal, left-alive, after the soul has left it.
3:31 The human body is nothing more than a very sophisticated (by human-standards), organic living computer, that self-reproduces and self-repairs (if it is not TOO badly damaged). It is a combination of smaller computers, e.g. brain; kidneys; liver; etc., collectively making up the whole, pre-programmed to have selfish animal-instincts, that your soul has to learn to overcome. The physical human brain operates the body and its emotions, but your mind and its feelings belong to your soul. That is why Jesus said that the flesh is worthless, and that it is only the spirit (soul - the REAL you) that has value (John 3:6 & 6:63).

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Yes, well said.

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I have a job where they are trying to make me wear a Bluetooth head set. Is there info you guys can point me too that can help me get out of it please?

If you are astonished it is perhaps because you've jumped to conclusions about me and assumed that I am, for instance completely "pro AI" because I've demonstrated some recent AI developments.

As I've explained before I'm one those who believe that a large amount of developmentsm, ideas and inventions after things went wrong in The Garden of Eden are of satanic.

Does anyone remember a quote on JAH's site or somewhere about why the Internet was inspired by Father and created, please? I can't seem to find that quote...

EDIT: Found it:-

TWH 12:12 After the first coming, the way had to be prepared for the second, so that when Christ came again, people would be able to believe the Truth (Dan. 12:4).
12:13 Since then, the world has gradually been prepared, and sent technology, little by little, so that now, mankind knows there are other planets, and people have built their own crude spaceships, which are ONLY children’s toys, just like nuclear-missiles, compared to the technology of home. The technology on this planet is prehistoric, compared to the technology of Venus. You have been sent just enough, to prepare you for the truth, and no more.


12:16 The world has been sent communications-technology, in all its many varied forms, to make the publishing of God’s Truth, to all the nations of the world, quick and easy.
12:17 Satan has inflated people’s egos, into claiming the glory, and saying that THEY had INVENTED these things (Sura 96:4-8), and he has obviously given all the evil-ideas, by telepathy.
12:18 The glory belongs, as it always has; to God. God’s is the power; the Kingdom; and the GLORY; for ever.

The radiation is probably negligible.

I use bluetooth headphones frn̩̼̖̪̙̄̿̍̐̃ ̜͙͉̣̱͇͌ͧ͛̒ͤ̚m time tȏ͔̲̦̜͇̎̅̉͆ to time to and I feel perfectly fine p͓̲ͨ̅e͍͍̲̲ͤ̿ͮ̚rf͎͐e̫̭͚̠̙̱̣č̞t͛ͧ͛̀l̘̠̪̾̀͊ỵ͇̓̑ ̹̟͓͍̤ͅf̞̖in̠͖̤ě̻̫̱̝̗̝̗͛̏̄ͮͮ̚,ͧ̎̋ͭ̂ i mean yeah soma̟͉̭̜̜̖̲c͖̙̹̗̲̋̌̓ͤ̎r̖͚̩ͮ̃̿t̼͍̅͗ ̖̯̻̙͖̣̲y̻̱͙̏̽͒e̜s̺͈͇̰̦̥ͯͤ͒ͪͧ̎ ịͬ ̟̲̞̖͙̩̙͂͐͌ͧͬ̓͒e slight headaches and aagh the pain nosebleem͍͔̾̇orêͧ̊̽ ̟̦̤͔̞͖͗̈́ͫ̊ͩ͌t̲̥̠͍h̤͖̯̥͈̰͓ͧ̿̀̏́̂̊à͍̘̩̲̭̓͑̾̌n ̓͂̽f͈͊ sorry, I'm just silly and pulling your leg


No, I think it was the first time we agreed :smile:


I mean that you've jumped to conclusions.

Or is it jumped to wrong conclusions?

Apologies, that's what I meant, which you probably understood if you read my whole message which explained my point of view.

No I assumed your interest is due to you being a tech guy...

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Striving not to be.. I don't like computers. Currently packing my sail kayak and heading out to sea to meet my boating mentor who's rounded the Åland island in his sailing row-boat

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Cool, I white water kayak once in a while...

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Some commentary. A bit sarcastic.

My work colleagues all took the vaccine. There must be something addictive in there because they took loads of it. One bloke was making money to keep taking it.

What happens if I speak out about this Bluetooth headzine?

I spoke out about the vaccine and masks and they are all ok.

If anyone has any info at hand about the technology it would be appreciated.

Speak out? What do you mean?

What do you believe is wrong with the headset?

I have a sneaking feeling that the wifi signals are bad news next to your brain like that

Speak out and say no im not wearing one because it is unhealthy.

They all might say, "Unhealthy? but you said the same thing about the vaccines"

The headset isn’t using WiFi but Bluetooth which uses significantly less power. Also significantly less power than cellphones.

You could ask if it would be possible to use a wired headset and also look into the cost or they don’t have one available.

So they are safe?

Wired not an option

I used bluetooth earpieces for a while and kept getting an iching feeling in the inner ears which obviously couldn't be reached to scratch them.

Then I twigged that it must have been the earpieces' radio signials, so stopped using them, and the itching is no more!

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