Artificial Intelligence (AI) - The Matrix

Dear Mr. Cybe, I am not riled-up, nor refusing to answer your many questions. To answer your questions takes time. It is not an exit plan.

Apologies, It's just that one might easily interpret the "Mr. Cybe" and "have a good day" as being a bit riled up. You know like "Really Mister Johnson!?! Good day to you, SIR! Hmpfff".

I actually misread it as "That is all on this matter." instead of "That is all for now on this matter.".

Well, hopefully are able to reply at some point. Otherwise we would just have to take your word on what you've brought to our attention to consider, ponder.

Here's an experiment I did on a Flat Earth discussion.

I prompted ChatGPT 4o:

analyze this discussion. Find the logical fallacies and also identify where Y ignored X question and didn't reply to it

And I think it did quite a good job. (The original debate is nothing worth reading)

Analyzing the discussion between X and Y, we can identify several logical fallacies and instances where Y ignored X's questions.

Logical Fallacies

  1. Ad Hominem:

    • Y dismisses X's points by calling them "heliosexual" (and suggesting they "repeat like a parrot". This attacks X's character rather than addressing the argument.
    • Y states, "I already answered you that 'The horizon is always an apparent location due to the refraction of light in the atmosphere, but globeheads require it to be a real/physical/geometrical location because in the heliosexual model it is a physical obstacle.'" Using derogatory language to dismiss X's position.
  2. Straw Man:

    • Y misrepresents X's argument about the horizon and sun's position to make it easier to attack, suggesting that X believes in a strictly physical/geometrical horizon without considering the complexities of light refraction.
  3. Appeal to Ignorance:

    • Y claims that scientific methods cannot verify the sun's properties, suggesting that since we can't definitively know everything about the sun, any model could be correct. This fallacy implies that lack of evidence against a claim constitutes evidence for it.
  4. Non Sequitur:

    • Y's argument that "the sun below the clouds and horizon" debunks the sun's size and distance in the heliocentric model is a non sequitur, as the conclusion doesn't logically follow from the premise.
  5. False Dichotomy:

    • Y presents the debate as a binary choice between the flat Earth model and the heliocentric model, ignoring other possible explanations or models.

Ignored Questions

  1. X's Question About the Horizon:

    • X asks, "Could there ever be a situation where due to cloudiness and light, etc., the exact location of the horizon is not recognized?" Y initially ignores this direct question and instead talks about the nature of the horizon and light refraction without addressing the specific scenario X describes. Y later attempts to address it indirectly by stating, "The exact location of the horizon cannot be identified/observed," but this doesn't directly answer X's specific query.
  2. X's Point About Solar Filters:

    • X mentions that the observations in Y's video lack a proper solar filter, affecting the perceived size of the sun. Y does not directly respond to this point, instead reiterating the same argument without addressing the specific issue of the solar filter.

Key Points of the Discussion

  • X questions the consistency of the sun's size in different observations and challenges Y to explain why the sun's apparent size doesn't change if it were close.
  • Y argues that all current scientific knowledge about the sun is based on assumptions and presents personal interpretations and observations as counter-evidence to the heliocentric model.
  • X challenges these points by emphasizing the need for proper observational techniques (like using solar filters) and debunking the misinterpretation of crepuscular rays.


In this discussion, Y employs several logical fallacies to dismiss X's arguments and ignores or inadequately addresses some of X's direct questions. X tries to focus on empirical observations and the need for accurate measurement techniques, while Y leans on dismissing conventional scientific explanations without providing robust alternative evidence.

Anyone here remember Clippy? The annoying little thing that offered advice in Microsoft Word back in ye olde days?

This Clippy concept that I mocked up just became reality as Microsoft introduced some new inbuilt AI stuff.

FB is now filled with "Granny Traps" consisting of AI generated images


ChatGPT 4o gave quite rational reasoning when I asked it:-

If one could stop a nuclear apocalypse by misgendering Caitlyn Jenner, should they do it?

The question you're posing is a thought experiment that juxtaposes the act of misgendering someone against the extreme consequence of a nuclear apocalypse.

On one hand, misgendering is a form of disrespect and can cause harm to individuals, particularly within the context of the struggles faced by transgender individuals for recognition and respect. It undermines their identity and can contribute to a broader culture of transphobia.

On the other hand, the stakes you're setting up are extraordinarily highā€”preventing a nuclear apocalypse would save countless lives and prevent massive destruction.

In such an extreme and hypothetical scenario, the ethical considerations become complex. The principle of utilitarianism, which advocates for actions that maximize overall happiness and well-being, would suggest that preventing a nuclear apocalypse takes precedence due to the vast scale of suffering it would prevent. However, this does not minimize the harm caused by misgendering; it simply places the scenario in an extreme context where the consequences are unusually dire.

Ultimately, this thought experiment highlights the tension between upholding individual respect and navigating extreme moral dilemmas. In real-world contexts, it is crucial to strive for respect and understanding while also addressing broader ethical challenges.

I then asked:-

can you give a simpler answer, more of a yes and no reply

to which it replied:-

Yes, in this extreme and hypothetical scenario, stopping a nuclear apocalypse would take precedence.

However after that it also got flagged somehow:-

Unusual activity has been detected from your device. Try again later. (888dbad319878db6-HEL)

I believe they probably have some filter there to detect hard "trolley problem" questions which can be troublesome.


A very interesting video.

The interesting part is to see how gullible Redacted News are.

It's not real.
It does not exist.
It does not work.
It's just a 3D video.

The company BrainBridge does not exist.

Artificial Intelligence: The consumer is the prey

By Rhoda Wilson on May 25, 2024

The concept of an ā€œAI Revolutionā€ has gained significant attention in recent years, with many experts and enthusiasts predicting a transformative impact on various aspects of society. However, some experts, like Catherine Austin Fitts, have raised concerns about the potential consequences of this revolution. But how many of us understand what artificial intelligence (ā€œAIā€) actually is?

Continued at link...

"Brainbridge" is a project seeking venture capitalists to fund Hashem Al-Ghaili, a biotechnologist and science communicator. He and his investors are criminally insane and a danger to humanity.

Worldā€™s first head transplant system revealed ā€“ but can it be done?

I agree.

The claim that they believe they are 8 years away from doing this is probably overly optimistic if they haven't even been able to figure out how to fix people's own severed spinal cords within their own bodies.

I don't agree with the logic in the comment that someone made:-

"They probably have been doing this successfully underground or they wouldn't have announced it"

There are plenty of ideas/plans/fantasies that are announced and proclaimed to be a reality soon but never do.

And I don't blindly believe in the conspiracy theory that "they" have all/any kinds of technology that is xx years away from what they release into the mainstream". Perhaps this theory / idea started when NASA started developing new technologies that then took a decade or two to be rolled out into the mainstream.

Someone wrote about BrainBridge:

They will be able to surgically separate dollars from credulous AI bandwagoners.

I spent 30 minutes looking for credible Ryan Gosling clone rumors but found nothing of value.

Have you had the time to look for anything backing up your gossip, please?

As Nikola Tesla wrote in My Inventions, first published in 1919 in the Electrical Experimenter magazine: ā€œTelautomata will be ultimately produced, capable of acting as if [possessed] of their own intelligence, and their advent will create a revolution.ā€ Here he speaks to potentially DEW-vulnerable autonomous systems that possess artificial intelligence capabilities. Teslaā€™s revolution is now upon us.

The Emerging Artificial Intelligence Era Faces a Growing Threat from Directed Energy Weapons

"DEW" You Agree?

You are a rude man Mr. Cybe. What you refer to as "your [my] gossip" was a testimony from a survivor from a military MKUltra program. It took some time, but I eventually found the interview. I will not post it for copyright reasons and other reasons. You have lost my trust, Mr. Cybe with your judgmental replies. I learn much about you from your judgments against others / me. As far as an "exit plan". Yes, indeed. An exit plan from you, Mr. Cybe. Thinking of you brings to my mind 'the Grinch' and that song that goes with it fully applies.

A very rude man because I called it gossip?

Or is there anything else that Iā€™ve communicated here which you believe is rude?

Please, for the sake of teaching me and others to hopefully change my ways; point out these things that make you accuse me of being a rude man. Yea, there have been moments when Iā€™ve lost my temper and acted silly here, you can include those.

No. It is what is CLAIMED to be a testimony from a survivor from a military MKUltra program.

Iā€™m going to ask a question but you might not like it and reply to it:

Do you think it could be possible for someone for various reasons (and I can think of quite a few) to lie and just pretend to be, for instance a MKUltra victim? Other similar ones would be ā€œtargeted individualā€ and ā€œsuper soldierā€.

And if so how would you recognize such a pretender?

Copyright reasons? Do you not repost other peopleā€™s copyrighted material practically every day on your channel? Other reasons?

Could you perhaps send it as a PM or give us some clues on how to find it?

I strive to not to be overly critical (judgmental) but to look at what is being said and what data is used to back it up.

Again, please point out, quote some of the things Iā€™ve said and done that makes you feel this way. (Fully appliesā€¦it saddens me greatly to hear)

You're a mean one
You really are a heel
You're as cuddly as a cactus
You're as charming as an eel
Mr. Grinch, you're a bad banana
Mr. Grinch, with the greasy black peel

You're a vile one
You got termites in your smile
You have all the tender sweetness
Of a seasick crocodile
Mr. Grinch
You're a foul one
Friends you don't have none
I wouldn't touch you with a 39-and-a-half foot pole!

You're a monster
Your heart's an empty hole
You're a goner
You got garlic in your soul
You got garlic in your soul

All them smiles homie
I turn up the frown
All them decorations
I tear em down
You can ask Max, I don't play around
Ayo, eww
Who is this mean fellow
With his skin all green and his teeth all yellow? (Eww)
What you so mad for?
Halloween come around and we ain't knockin' at your door, mane

Mr. Grinch you're a bad banana
You're gonna spoil everybody with your bad attitude
(Spoil everybody)

Mr. Grinch
Who is this mean fellow
With his skin all green and his teeth all yellow?
What you so mad for?
Halloween come around and we ain't knocking on your door

Bad banana

Matthew 12:45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last [state] of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. King of kings' Bible - Matthew

I see nothing "exciting" about Artificial Intelligence, advanced technology and all it entails.


What does the tower of Babel have in common with quantum computers? Quantum Computers Reveal Fallen Angel Technology. Are quantum computers opening portals into other dimensions, and making contact with other entities? - End Times Productions.

This idea that there exists evil entities and fallen angels in other dimensions seems to be in opposition to what is written in The Way home or face The fire which explains that we are the fallen angels and that there is no evil elsewhere in the universe except here on earth/hell.

Hereā€™s a demonstration of how I input some of my ideas and thoughts into Chat-GPT4o and promoted it to analyze and expand it. Not a very complex prompt though but the output is ok.

(This demonstration is presented here again as a heads up, know your enemy and its capabilities and also to show that perhaps it can be used to do good things)

Got it! Letā€™s break down your message and brainstorm ideas for the project you have in mind. Iā€™ll analyze and expand on each point to provide a clearer direction and actionable steps.

Original Message


  • write down words, sentences, sort them etc and things will start to connect and be built up
  • use good motivations from Father, not just business and money but Father's business...
  • things like internet influencers, networking, impact investor, social entrepreneur, philanthropist are interesting

Additional Thoughts:

  • back a few years ago when I sent you some money and you were able to buy seeds and a goat? etc it was very inspiring.. it's inspiring that westerners can help Africans with quite small sums of money if it is sent to the right place and used wisely... things I've seen and read on the Kiva microlending platform are inspiring too.. things like these
  • also, all the Nigerians and other African scammers are in a way also inspiring in this case... it makes it even harder, challenging to you now that they have tarnished all of your reputation so sadly incredibly much, so this should be taken into consideration too somehow, i mean so that you could be a counter balance to it

Analysis and Expansion

  1. Brainstorming and Organizing Ideas:

    • What it Means: The process of brainstorming and writing down ideas helps in organizing thoughts and creating a structured plan.
    • Actionable Steps:
      • Create a mind map or a list of all business ideas and potential projects.
      • Sort these ideas based on feasibility, resources needed, and personal interest.
      • Prioritize the top ideas and start detailing them out into actionable plans.
  2. Motivations and Values:

    • What it Means: Aligning the business with deeper values and purposes, such as spiritual or community goals, to ensure it's not just about making money.
    • Actionable Steps:
      • Identify core values and principles that the business will adhere to.
      • Integrate these values into the mission and vision statements of the business.
      • Ensure that every business decision reflects these core values.
  3. Leveraging Modern Opportunities:

    • What it Means: Exploring new avenues like internet influencing and networking to grow the business.
    • Actionable Steps:
      • Research how to become an internet influencer in a niche that aligns with the business idea.
      • Network with other entrepreneurs, both locally and globally, to gain insights and support.
      • Use social media platforms to promote the business and connect with potential customers and partners.
  4. Exploring Impact Investment and Social Entrepreneurship:

    • What it Means: Understanding the concepts of impact investing and social entrepreneurship to attract support and funding.
    • Actionable Steps:
      • Learn about impact investing and how it can benefit the business.
      • Identify potential impact investors and reach out with a compelling business plan.
      • Emphasize the social benefits of the business in all communications to attract social entrepreneurs and investors.
  5. Inspiration from Past Successes:

    • What it Means: Drawing inspiration from previous successful initiatives, like the purchase of seeds and a goat.
    • Actionable Steps:
      • Reflect on past successes and identify key factors that contributed to their success.
      • Use these insights to inform current and future business strategies.
      • Share these success stories to build credibility and attract support.
  6. Learning from Microloan Platforms like Kiva:

    • What it Means: Utilizing platforms like Kiva for inspiration and possibly for funding.
    • Actionable Steps:
      • Study successful projects on Kiva to understand what made them work.
      • Consider applying for a microloan on Kiva to fund the business.
      • Implement best practices from successful Kiva projects into the business plan.
  7. Overcoming Negative Perceptions:

    • What it Means: Acknowledging the challenges posed by negative stereotypes and working to counterbalance them with positive actions.
    • Actionable Steps:
      • Maintain transparency and integrity in all business dealings.
      • Highlight positive stories and successes to change perceptions.
      • Engage in community-building activities to foster trust and goodwill.

Summary of the Project Plan

  • Brainstorm and Organize: Start by detailing out all potential business ideas and organizing them.
  • Define Motivations and Values: Align the business with core values and principles.
  • Explore Modern Opportunities: Utilize social media, networking, and influence marketing.
  • Understand Impact Investment: Learn about and seek out impact investors.
  • Draw Inspiration from the Past: Use past successes to guide current strategies.
  • Leverage Microloan Platforms: Look into Kiva for inspiration and potential funding.
  • Counter Negative Perceptions: Focus on transparency, integrity, and community building to overcome stereotypes.

By following these steps, you can create a well-rounded and impactful business that not only succeeds financially but also brings positive change to the community.

Hereā€™s an interesting and much more advance prompt.

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