World War 3 - News and Reports

Israel preparing for large-scale attack from Iran as US orders warships to accelerate deployment

The US has ordered a strike group of fighter jets and navy warships to accelerate its deployment to the Middle East, as the region braces for possible attacks by Iran and its allies after the killing of senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah.

The US secretary of defence, Lloyd Austin, ordered the Abraham Lincoln strike group to accelerate its deployment to the region, while at the same time announcing the deployment of a guided missile submarine, after speaking with his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant.

A rocket attack at an Iraqi military base injures US personnel, officials tell AP

Several U.S. personnel were injured in a suspected rocket attack at a military base in Iraq, U.S. defense officials said Monday, in what has been a recent uptick in strikes on American forces by Iranian-backed militias.

Hezbollah launches fresh drone attack on northern Israel amid fears of all-out Middle East war

August 5th.

Hezbollah has hit northern Israel with a drone attack in response to what it calls “attacks and assassinations” carried out by Israel in southern Lebanon, as fears grow of the potential for all-out war in the Middle East.

Beatings, overcrowding, hunger: Released Palestinians describe worsening abuses in Israeli prisons

Frequent beatings, overcrowding, withholding of basic rations. Released Palestinians have described to The Associated Press worsening abuses in Israeli prisons crammed with thousands detained since the war in Gaza began 10 months ago.

Israeli officials have acknowledged that they have made conditions harsher for Palestinians in prisons, with hard-line National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir boasting that prisons will no longer be “summer camps” under his watch.

Sir Keir Starmers has phone call with Iranian president

Sir Keir Starmer spoke to Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian on Monday evening, urging him to “refrain from attacking Israel”, Downing Street has said.

A Number 10 spokeswoman said: “The Prime Minister said that he was deeply concerned by the situation in the region and called on all parties to de-escalate and avoid further regional confrontation.

“There was a serious risk of miscalculation and now was the time for calm and careful consideration, the Prime Minister said. He called on Iran to refrain from attacking Israel, adding that war was not in anyone’s interests.

“The Prime Minister underlined his commitment to an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages and increasing humanitarian aid to Gaza. He added the focus should be on diplomatic negotiations, to achieve those outcomes.

“The Prime Minister also raised the cases of foreign detainees in Iran, adding that it was vital that they received the necessary medical care.

“The leaders agreed that a constructive dialogue between the UK and Iran was in both countries’ interests. The Prime Minister added that could only be furthered if Iran ceased its destabilising actions including threats against individuals in the UK and did not further aid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

At its 75th anniversary, the world's best-known rulebook on the protection of civilians, detainees and wounded soldiers in war has been widely ignored — from Gaza to Syria to Ukraine to Myanmar and beyond — and its defenders are calling for a new commitment to international humanitarian law.

the Guardian – 12 Aug 24

US to resume sales of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia

Arms supply had been halted over role in Yemen war, but move is sign of hope kingdom can help resolve Gaza conflict

US to resume sales of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia

Arms supply had been halted over role in Yemen war, but move is sign of hope kingdom can help resolve Gaza conflict

Russian Navy Trained On Nuclear Strikes Deep In Europe - Which 32 NATO Targets Will Be Hit First

Russia has trained its Fleets for nuclear strikes deep into Europe in a possible conflict with NATO, according to classified files seen by the Financial Times. The FT report fully corroborates the War News 24/7 information.

Maps of targets as far away as the west coast of France and Barrow-in-Furness in the UK were detailed in a briefing for officers ahead of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The FT has already reported from the same cache of 29 secret Russian military files that Moscow had promoted the use of tactical nuclear weapons in the early stages of a conflict with a major world power.

32 targets

The latest revelations show how Russia envisioned a conflict with the West that would reach far beyond NATO's immediate borders, planning a series of crushing strikes across western Europe. The documents were presented to the FT by Western sources.

The files, compiled between 2008 and 2014, include a list of targets with missiles that can carry either conventional warheads or tactical nuclear weapons. Russian officers emphasize the advantages of using nuclear warheads at an early stage.

The presentation also shows that Russia has retained the ability to carry nuclear weapons on surface ships, a capability that experts say carries significant additional risks of escalation or accidents.

The maps, which were created for presentation purposes rather than operational use, depict 32 NATO targets in Europe for Russia's Fleets.

The targets of the Russian Baltic Fleet are largely located in Norway and Germany – including the naval base in Bergen, as well as radar installations and special forces facilities.

Russia's Northern Fleet could strike defense industry targets such as the submarine shipyard at Barrow-in-Furness in northwest England.

The presentation also shows how his doctrine could be applied to potential wars in the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea ... and the Pacific. The scenarios include wars with current allies such as China, Iran, Azerbaijan and North Korea.


The document notes that the navy's "high flexibility" allows it to conduct "sudden and preemptive strikes" and "massive missile strikes ... from various directions." He adds that nuclear weapons are "as a rule" intended to be used "in conjunction with other means of destruction" to achieve Russia's goals.

Analysts who reviewed the documents said they were consistent with how NATO assesses the threat of long-range missile strikes by the Russian navy and the speed with which Russia is likely to resort to using nuclear weapons.

Skill and risk

But William Alberque, a former NATO official who now works at the Stimson Center, said the sample is a small part of "hundreds, if not thousands, of targets that have been mapped across Europe ... including military and critical infrastructure targets."

Russia's ability to strike across Europe means targets across the continent will be at risk once its military engages NATO forces in frontline countries such as the Baltic states and Poland, analysts and former officials said.

"Their concept of war is total war ," said Jeffrey Lewis, a professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey who studies arms control.

"They see these things [tactical nuclear warheads] as potential weapons that can win the war," he added.

"They're going to want to use them, and they're going to want to use them very quickly."

The comparison with Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Tactical nuclear weapons, which can be delivered by land- or sea-launched missiles or aircraft, have a shorter range and are less destructive than the larger “strategic” weapons designed to target the US.

However, they can still release significantly more energy than what fell on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly turned to threats against Ukraine's European allies to deter Western military support for Kiev. "They have to remember that they are small, densely populated states," he said in May.

The presentation also mentions the option of a so-called demonstration strike - firing a nuclear weapon in a remote area "at a time of immediate threat of attack" before an actual conflict to scare Western countries. Russia has never acknowledged that such strikes are part of its doctrine.

Such a strike, the files say, would indicate " the availability and readiness to use non-strategic precision nuclear weapons" and the "intent to use nuclear weapons."

Alberque, former director of NATO's Center for Arms Control, Disarmament and the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Warfare, said: "They want the fear of using Russian nuclear weapons to be the magic key that unlocks Western consent."

The folders

The files said Russia's top priority in a conflict with NATO was "weakening the enemy's military and economic potential." Analysts said this meant Russia would hit civilian installations and critical infrastructure, as it did in Ukraine.

Fabian Hoffmann, a doctoral researcher at the University of Oslo who studies nuclear policy, said the combination of nuclear and conventional strikes described in the presentation is "a package that basically shows the adversary that right now things are really escalating. And you would be wise to start talking with us about how we can sort it out."

According to NATO calculations, the alliance countries have less than 5% of the air defense capabilities needed to protect the alliance's eastern flank from a full-scale attack by Russia.

Putin said in June that Europe would be "more or less defenseless" against Russian missile strikes.

Conflict with NATO

Dara Massicot, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said Russian generals viewed nuclear weapons as central in the early stages of any conflict with NATO in part because of their military's inferior conventional resources. "They just don't have enough missiles," he said.

The leaked documents also show that Russia has retained the ability to routinely carry nuclear weapons on surface ships despite a 1991 agreement between the Soviet Union and the US to remove them.

Among the carriers of Russia's tactical nuclear weapons are listed "anti-submarine missiles with nuclear warheads mounted on surface ships and submarines" and " ship- and land-based anti-aircraft guided missiles with nuclear warheads for the defeat of enemy air defense groups."

That admission was impressive given the inherent dangers of transporting nuclear weapons at sea even in peacetime, Alberque said.

Recent exercises

Unlike a strategic ballistic missile submarine designed to launch nuclear warheads from the depths of the ocean, a surface fleet vessel with nuclear warheads on board would be at much greater risk of damage from a storm or enemy strike.

Recent drills ordered by Putin to preempt the use of tactical nuclear weapons show that the leaked documents are still consistent with current Russian military doctrine.

In June, Russia's armed forces practiced loading Soviet-era P-270 anti-ship cruise missiles onto a Tarantul-class corvette in Kaliningrad, where NATO officials say it stores an undeclared stockpile of tactical nuclear warheads.

Footage from the exercises showed troops from Russia's 12th GUMO, custodians of nuclear warheads within the Russian military, practicing moving the missile into the container they would use to move a fully nuclear-equipped missile, accompanied by the appropriate guard force and the procedures for handling a nuclear warhead.


Col. Karen Kwiatkowski: The FBI Is the Deep State | Judging Freedom

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Col. Douglas Macgregor : Did the US Invade Russia?


Scott Ritter: "Ukraine will CEASE to exist, Putin is not bluffing" | Redacted News

Putin has announced he's FINISHED negotiating with Ukraine and multiple sources say Russia is preparing preemptive strikes on NATO targets in Europe.

General Apti Alaudinov records a stern address to Ukrainians and Westerners

'Either the SMO ends this year, or it escalates to WW3. Go out to the streets and stop your fascist governments before it's too late!"


Euphrates River Drying Up - Prophecy Unfolding - Revelation 16:12

The Ukrainians are pounding Kursk with NATO weapons: HIMARS, GMLRS and ATACMS attack - Close partner B.Putin: "The West wants a world war"

The Ukrainians are pounding Kursk with the best they have. So after the British, German and American tanks that were seen on Russian soil, they also used American missiles.

More specifically, with HIMARS, GMLRS and ATACMS missiles, the Ukrainians hit the Russian army's floating passages and bridges in Kursk.

It is noted that Kiev is waiting for the US "green light" for the use of Storm Shadows missiles against Russian positions in Kursk.

Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Rostec Group and a close associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin, stressed that the United States and its Western allies risk provoking a world war if Washington continues to "provoke" the conflict in Ukraine and allow the Kiev to attack Russian territory.

His exclusive remarks to Reuters provide a rare insight into the inner circle's thoughts on Putin following the surprise Ukrainian invasion of Russia's Kursk region, to which the president has promised a "worthy" response.

"In a situation where the West, led by the United States, provokes war, we must be ready," Chemezov said in written responses to an interview request.

“The further it goes, the greater the risk that the world will be dragged into a global conflict. It seems strange, but Western countries don't seem to understand how dangerous this is for them."

The comments by Chemezov, a former KGB general who served with Putin in East Germany before the collapse of the Soviet Union, were sent to Reuters after the start of the Ukrainian invasion of Kursk.

Moscow confirmed that Ukraine hit a third river bridge in Russia's Kursk region

A Russian investigator confirmed that Ukraine struck and damaged a third bridge over the Shem River in Russia's Kursk region, where Moscow's forces have been fighting Kiev's forces for nearly two weeks.

"On August 18, as a result of targeted shelling using rockets and artillery ammunition against residential buildings and civilian infrastructure in the village of Kariz (…) a third bridge over the Shem River was damaged," said a representative of Russia's Investigative Committee.

The video with this statement of the representative was posted on the channel on the Telegram messaging application of Russian state TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov.

Russia's Foreign Ministry said on Friday that Ukraine used Western missiles, possibly US-made HIMARS, to destroy a bridge over the Shem River in the Glushkovo region.

In another video statement posted on Solovyov's Telegram channel, a representative of the Russian Investigative Committee said that a second bridge over the Shem River near the village of Zhvanoe in Kursk Oblast that was used to evacuate civilians was "damaged" by US-made HIMARS.

Ukraine's air force chief said his country's air force destroyed the second bridge, limiting the logistical capabilities of a Russian group resisting the advance of Ukrainian forces.

Military analysts say there are three bridges in the area of ​​the Ukrainian military offensive through which Russia supplies its forces.

Kursk: The Ukrainians destroyed with GMLRS and ATACMS floating bridge on the river Shem

Ukrainian forces are continuing their operations to consolidate their positions in Kursk, following the August 6 invasion, the first on Russian soil since World War II.

On August 19, it became known that Ukrainian forces bombed the three Sheim River bridges, cutting off an area of ​​about 700 square kilometers.

On 21.8.2024 the General Staff of the Ukrainian forces released a video of the destruction of a floating bridge that the Russians were trying to build.

Although it was not announced how the floating bridge was hit, it is assumed that it came from a HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) multiple rocket launcher and the missiles used were high precision (GMLRS and ATACMS) carrying cluster bombs.

In the same video of the General Staff of the Ukrainian forces from operations in Kursk, the strike of Russian army trucks with FPV drones is also shown.

What are the three bridges that were destroyed on the river Shem

As reported by Russian war correspondents of Russian media, a third – and final – bridge over the Shem River, in the Kursk region, was targeted by Ukrainian forces.

This third bridge is located in the Korenevsky district.

It is recalled that the largest bridge in this part of the front - in the village of Gluskovo - was destroyed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the afternoon of August 16.

A day later, another bridge in the Kursk region, in the Zvanoye district was blown up by the Ukrainians.

“One less bridge. The Air Force continues to hit the enemy's logistics capabilities with precision airstrikes ," Air Force Chief Mykola Oleschuk said in a Telegram video of the attack.

Russia: The Ukrainian attack on Kursk with western weapons

The Russian Foreign Ministry said Ukraine used Western missiles, possibly US-made HIMARS, to destroy a bridge over the Shem River in the Kursk region, killing volunteers trying to evacuate civilians.

"For the first time, the Kursk region was hit by Western-made rocket launchers, possibly American HIMARS," said Maria Zakharova, the representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Friday, August 16, 2024, in the evening via Telegram.

"As a result of the attack on the bridge over the Shem River in the Glushkovo district, the bridge was completely destroyed and volunteers helping the fleeing population were killed."

For its part, the Ukrainian Air Force (UAF) released a video that allegedly captures the moment when a missile from an aircraft hits the bridge in Kursk.


Doomsday clock | Rense Videos

Lukashenko complained that the West is trying to persuade him to fight with NATO against Russia.

Lukashenko complained that the West is trying to persuade him to fight with...



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