World War 3 - News and Reports



Footage shows Chinese coast guard boats surrounding and boarding a Philippine navy vessel in the South China Sea on 17June2024. A Filipino sailor lost a thumb in the confrontation.

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US Deploys NATO Forces Around China in Unprecedented Mobilization and Joining Forces with AUKUS – Skirmish Rehearsal with PLA

For the first time, a comprehensive rehearsal of the conflict with China

The US is moving NATO air forces out of China in an unprecedented move that prepares France, Germany, Britain and Spain for involvement in the Asia-Pacific region.

The massive mobilization lasting two months, with many individual elements and interconnection of all the countries of the region, shows that the US has worked out and has ready a scenario for NATO involvement in Asia and the Pacific. It is a combination of NATO and AUKUS forces against China.

It is obvious that China is now officially viewed as an "enemy of the West".

It is no coincidence that the US ambassador to Beijing, Nicholas Burns, for the first time explicitly stated that China has effectively sided with Russia in the conflict in Ukraine.

According to the American diplomat, China has taken Russia's side in the Ukrainian conflict. Burns noted that it makes no sense to talk about China's neutrality while adding that China transfers to Russia technologies and materials used in the Russian defense industry.

"We believe it is a big mistake to allow Chinese companies to send thousands of such components, technological components, microprocessors and nitrocellulose to Russia to strengthen the defense industrial base of the Russian Federation," said the US ambassador to China.

China responded to the US accusations through Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian.

As the representative of the Chinese military department noted, the West accuses China of getting involved in the Ukrainian conflict without thinking about its own role. The United States and other Western countries, according to him, are trying to shift their own responsibility to Beijing.

"China stands on the side of peace, on the right side of history, resolutely opposes the baseless accusations that ignore the facts, and will continue to play a constructive role in the political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis," the Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman said in response to Western accusations.

The Americans have identified four (!) spy bases in Cuba: The Eurasian Axis is preparing a "Mega-attack"

Not one, not two, but four spy bases were detected by the US Army in Cuba.

The Americans speculate that the bases belong to China, but the most likely scenario is that they are Russian-Chinese bases. The pace of their construction and their quantity, combined with other information, show that the Eurasian Axis is methodically preparing for confrontation with the US.

The bases definitely do not belong to Cuba as they are connected to satellites that Cuba does not have. Perhaps the recent visit of the Russian Stoliskos to the island has something to do with these bases.

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) identified four spy bases: Bejucal, El Salao, Wajay and Calabazar.

Extensive espionage activities, even a breath away from Guantanamo

Images taken from space show the growth of electronic eavesdropping stations in Cuba believed to be linked to China, including a previously unreported new construction about 70 miles from the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay, according to a new report.

The study by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington-based think tank, follows a Wall Street Journal report last year that China and Cuba were negotiating closer defense and intelligence ties, including the creation of a new joint training military installation on the island and an interception facility.

At the time, the paper reported that Cuba and China already jointly operated wiretapping stations on the island, according to US officials.


SHOCKING New Intelligence Information l Andrew Bridgen

Aired 2 July 2024.

USS Wasp, Marines enter Mediterranean amid Israel-Hezbollah tensions

The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp entered the eastern Mediterranean Sea this week as the U.S. positions warships to try to keep fighting between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon from escalating into a wider war in the Middle East.

While the Wasp has the capability to assist in the evacuation of civilians if full-scale war breaks out between Israel and the Iranian-backed militant group along the Lebanon border, that’s not the primary reason it was rotated in, a U.S. official said.

“It’s about deterrence,” the official said.

U.S. European Command, which is responsible for ships operating in the Mediterranean, announced the move this week, saying the Wasp and the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit aboard would sail with the dock landing ship USS Oak Hill, which is used to transport Marines, landing craft, vehicles and cargo. The Oak Hill is already in the Mediterranean.

Read article.

See also WORLD WAR 3 News on Gibraltar-Messenger.



Iran, Israel, Netanyahu, News | Redacted News

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Evangelical Zionists

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Emergency Civil Defense Plans in Israel: Iran to Strike IDF Communications Systems and Targets Across the Country – Iranian Forces in Lebanon

Dramatic message from USA - Britain: Leave Lebanon now by any means you can!

Britain and the US again called on their countries' citizens to leave Lebanon on Saturday (3/8/2024), amid growing fears of an outbreak of war between Israel and the Lebanese Hezbollah group.

The US embassy in Beirut urged American citizens to leave "on any plane ticket available" .

Suffocating pressures inside Israel for a pre-emptive strike on Iran and a generalized war - Russian arms airlift to Tehran

Russian arms airlift to Iran – Tehran confirmed

Israeli media confirm the transfer of Russian weapons systems to Iran.

The Israelis are talking about emergency flights of Russian transports to Iran with military advisers from critical sectors and sensitive equipment:

According to the Israeli media Channel 14, Russia urgently transported Iskander ballistic systems and Murmansk-BN electronic warfare systems to Iran on Il-76 transport aircraft.

Last week Russian Il-76 transports landed at some airports in Iran carrying ammunition and various military equipment.

Two Iranian officials recently confirmed that Tehran has requested modern radars and anti-aircraft systems from Russia as it prepares for war with Israel.

However, it is unlikely that Russia has transferred Iskander-M ballistic missiles to Iran as their range is only 500 km while Tehran has missiles with a longer range.

What it may have carried – and probably did – are anti-ship missiles, electronic warfare systems and anti-aircraft systems.

U.S. deploys submarine to Middle East; Israel anticipates direct attack from Iran