Why African birds are seeking refuge from climate change in Spain

Birds from Africa such as the common bulbul, the little swift and Rüppell’s vulture are colonizing southern Spain while storks and swallows are migrating less to Africa; meanwhile, the bean goose is remaining further north and no longer heading south to Andalusia, while mountain species such as the rock ptarmigan are abandoning lower lying areas. In short, millions of birds are modifying their habits, unwittingly becoming sentinels of climate change as they adapt to the warming weather.

These new living conditions triggered by global warming bring advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, Juan Carlos del Moral, social science coordinator for the Spanish Ornithological Society, also known as SEO/Birdlife, points out that in the Euro-African migratory system, which passes through the Iberian peninsula, “birds are beginning to spend winter further north, which prevents them from having to cross the formidable barrier that is the Sahara.”

Read more at link.

Birds Changing Their Migration Patterns are Sign of The End Times

2 Edras 5:8 There shall be a confusion also in many places, and the FIRE shall be oft sent out again, and the wild beasts shall CHANGE THEIR PLACES (and migration patterns), and child-bearing women shall bring forth monsters (in God's Opinion, speaking metaphorically):


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An additional explanation may be that the magnetic pole has shifted.


There is also a lot of cutting down trees for charcoal burning, clearing of forests for farming, etc. While growing up, we used to go to forests to collect firewood and eat fruits together with the birds but is no longer the case. I no longer see certain type of birds like quail birds which we used to meet within the bush and other types of delicious birds meant for food which were really tasty back then. These birds used to surround my granny's place and it was really beautiful listening to their sounds but they are no more seen when the place is visited.


@Nam ,
Yes, same here, very, very, few quail left. :cry:

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