What Is Wrong With Some Women?


Agreed. The time for playing these roles, moms dads,... has past and now times are nearing the end when becoming your real self is paramount in order to survive, become your spirit-energy Being by following Christ Example of self crucifying the human daily.

Excerpt from "How To Attract A Real Man" A book written for women who want to become feminine again thereby being spiritually feminine means following God's Law. Being a woman gives great opportunity to learn humility, selflessness, obedience becoming teachable again thereby finding her greatest power, learning to be lead by a man of God who lives out Christ Examples daily.

This e-book is free for the asking.

Chapter Six

Sex and Love (sex is emotional and Love is spiritual)

As human bodies we are often confused by the difference between sex and

love. Sex is something material that our bodies experience whereas LOVE is

something spiritual which we experience through our spiritual senses. Both of

these feelings are intense and very often become mixed up. Human beings

are apt to experience and demonstrate love in sexual dimensions which is

okay providing the person that you are loving and having sexual relations with

is your partner. It might also be worth mentioning here that in God's Law

( Deuteronomy) the definition of a marriage is a man and woman who are

engaging in sexual relations followed by a stable relationship. However if

feelings of LOVE and sex become mixed up between people of inappropriate

( in God's Law) partnerships this causes a spiritual dilemma.

You are not Human

Petition to the Gibraltar Parliament Demanding the Return to God’s Law

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