What are they spraying over Gibraltar? Geoengineering: Climate Change, Military Applications, Chemtrails

Climate Change Whingers aren’t just Idiots – They’re Psychos and Murderers

5th May 2023

Today, in Africa, around 140 million people are starving to death. One person dies of hunger every 30 seconds.

This is no accidental humanitarian crisis.

It is not a result of climate change or global warming or any other manufactured bollocks.

It is a result of deliberate, inhumane policies deliberately designed to slaughter millions and reduce the world’s population.

I have been repeatedly warning that this would happen since June 13th 2020 – that’s nearly three years ago. Check out my website articles and videos.

My book Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History contains the transcripts of my first few months’ videos (all banned by the evil YouTube). The word ‘starvation’ appears 15 times in that book.

It was always going to happen.

The entirely purposeless and deadly lockdowns, the breakdown of global supply chains, the disruption of transport, the absurd attacks on the use of fossil fuels and the deliberately engineered war between NATO and Russia have all contributed to the problem.

World famous war criminals such as Biden, Sunak, Trudeau et al must all take the blame. They are responsible for the 140 million who are starving to death.

And the climate change psychopaths (I’m upgrading them all from mere ‘nutters’) who campaign so vociferously for the Great Reset are also responsible.

Everyone supporting Ukraine, everyone attacking the use of fossil fuels, everyone whinging about non-existent climate change, everyone campaigning for the Great Reset and the New World Order is a mass murderer. All those preening, self-righteous Greens with their plastic sandals and cotton T-shirts emblazoned with stupid slogans are murderers.

It has been painfully obvious for years that this would happen.

Bringing in sanctions against Russia was deliberately designed to push up energy prices. Biden, Sunak, Trudeau, etc., must have known that doing so would result in mass starvation in Africa – where food and fuel became prohibitively expensive. I predicted it would happen so they must have known.

And now the people responsible for this manufactured crisis will pretend to care. They will weep crocodile tears, put a quid in a charity envelope and consider that they’ve done their bit.

May the malignant politicians and the climate change psychos and the preening Greens and the lunatics supporting the Ukraine war all rot in hell.

And where are the Black Lives Matters campaigners and supporters? I have repeatedly said that they should worry about manufactured genocide in Africa. But all they seem to care about is tearing down statues and kneeling on football pitches.

It is their deliberate, cold-blooded policies and campaigning which are responsible for all those deaths.

In the time it’s taken you to read this, three more people have died of starvation.

It wasn’t accidental or bad luck.

It was murder.


There's a common belief that "normal" contrails cannot persist. But WHY do people think this?

If you look back at any book on clouds in the last 70 years they will tell you that contrails sometimes fade away, and sometimes persist and spread out over the sky.

So if someone tells you that contrails can't persist, ask yourself what is more likely:

A) They are mistaken
B) All the books on clouds for the past 70 years are mistaken.

I know it only shows books going back 57 years and I say "70 years" in the video. My 1940s books were on order, and can be seen at the link below.

Persisting is one thing, persisting and spreading out like a blanket is another, as well as the ones that look like powder dropping out of the trails and then spreading. Personally they were never seen before starting to see them in the early 2000's

Now they are openly talking about using SRM to block out some of the energy from the Sun. Don't have it any more, but in the early 2000's we saw a diagram that already then talked about various ways of introducing SRM and planes were really the only feasible way to do it.

The other thing that has been observed for years, is thin spider-web like fibers dropping out of the sky and getting hung on cables and structures some time after seeing persisting trails. Don't know what they are but it certainly does not appear natural. These thin white dropping fibers (can be over 1m in length) have been witnessed not only personally on many occasions, but also along with other people who also saw it. Sometimes there are lots and lots of them. They are very thin, but when the sunlight hits them the right way, you can see lots of it after it has happened.

Yet still they are described in the old books featured in the video.

Selected References:

1991: National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Weather

1988: Exploring the Sky By Day, Page 49

1981: Peterson Field Guide to the Atmosphere, page 137

1972: Clouds of the World, page 130

1969: Clouds and Weather. Page 28

1957: Cloud Study: A pictorial Guide, page 79

1943 -Clouds, C. J. P. Cave, page 10

1943 - Cloud Reading For Pilots, page 73

The above are simply the books I personally own. There are many other books that can be found in scanned form on the internet:

1983: Encyclopedia Britannica:
http://books.google.com/books?id=SBM8AAAAMAAJ&q=contrails "last for several hours"

1975 International Cloud Atlas:

1946, Brewer, Condensation Trails: Weather, June 1946

What makes you certain they do not appear natural?

How are you linking them to airplanes?

How do they differ from gossamer threads?

Thank-you. The mention in old books of persisting trails is new info to me and was previously unknown, as well as the info about ballooning spiders. Will look into it.

Another interesting thing to look into is how much contrails/chemtrails weigh and do some calculations based on that to determine what kind of tanks the airplanes need to have...

One less thing with the potential to cause people to worry unnecessarily, would actually be nice. What do you think about gaps in aircraft trails though, please? Could it just be due to differences in air temperature or perhaps due to turbulence? Don't know if you've seen contrails occurring with gaps, but many people have.

I've been under the impression that some things have been admitted to though, such as cloud-seeding (experiments conducted by the US military) and supposedly even open admissions made by China to precipitate rain clouds. And if that is in fact true, then weather modification using this method could still be a reality. It would still be nice though, to learn that this is not an everyday occurrence when seeing aircraft making trails.

People have also reported getting their rainwater tested and finding high levels of aluminium and other metals such as barium. Have never done that myself so cannot say either way. Pollution? Strontium has also allegedly been reported, but that could be due to it being spread everywhere in trace amounts as a fallout from past atmospheric nuclear testing (and Chernobyl). I once heard (EDIT- it seems to be reasonably backed up by research done during the late 60's in the UK) that apparently, all humans living today are expected to have some strontium-90 in their teeth.

The fibers that were seen could very well have been from spiders, that's good to know.

Presumably (guessing) that most of the weight would be water vapour gathered from the atmosphere.

Looks like cloud seeding is real:

But would think that would probably be done with dedicated planes, rather than using commercial airliners.

I believe that in this matter a the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the phenomena through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained is needed.

I agree.

Yes, I've seen gaps and even multiple planes that "pause" at the same location. I've studied the phenomena on and off since 2001 and have come to the conclusion that weather (mainly humidity) in the atmosphere determines if trails show up, how severely and can explain gaps too.

I believe the reason is explained in this thread at Metabunk. Yes, it's a "fact"-checker site probably filled with ateists and people who don't believe in any conspiracy-theories at all, however I cannot find fault in their analysis of this phenomena.

Yes, there appears to be tons of various programs, experiments, patents related to this but that does not prove automatically that those are linked to every day planes making trails.

We cannot automatically link what is falling from the sky and collected on the ground to airplanes.

I agree.

To clarify my previous message. It's been measured how much cloud and how much contrails weigh (tens, hundreds of km long) and it's quite a lot. Amounts like that do not nearly fit into airplanes in either dedicated tanks nor as a fuel additive.

I cannot find the exact number now but I remember it being so that only 1/16000 of a contrails weight is what has come out of the plane, the rest is due to condensation.

Various detailed calculations concerning this exist and are not hard to locate.

And even smaller than usual spiders/insect with even finer threads than we're used to seeing. I thought that "Angel hair" article was quite interesting.

Who runs the operation?

Which companies are involved?

Aircraft types?

Where’s it all based?

Are the crew complicit?

Who maintains the systems?

How is it carried / deployed?

How much weight of chems would be required to lay a hundred miles of trail?

Where would the aircraft carry it?

1 litre of water equals 1 kilo…how do account for the take-off performance IF these aircraft are carrying this stuff?

How do you fit all of that on when you have 150 pax and baggage, fuel for the trip plus alternate?

Why do we regularly see persistent contrails over the ocean? What’s the point of that?

Finally…how do you keep the ENTIRE aviation community quiet about it?

Totally Insane

Some scientists have a new idea that could help fix climate change: Dry out the sky


It may sound like the plot of an old James Bond movie, but an idea to "dehydrate the stratosphere" to slow climate change is real.

In a study released Wednesday in Science Advances, researchers propose a controversial geoengineering strategy to reduce global warming, one that involves dehydrating the stratosphere by removing water vapor – the most abundant greenhouse gas.

Indeed, although greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are the most important drivers of human-caused climate change, water vapor remains the most common greenhouse gas. Removing it from the atmosphere would help mitigate climate change, study authors say.


How would dehydrating the stratosphere work?

In the study by researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, scientists suggest trying what they call "intentional stratospheric dehydration."

According to study lead author Joshua Schwarz, a research physicist at NOAA’s Chemical Sciences Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, the concept would involve seeding small particles known as ice nuclei into the stratosphere using high-altitude aircraft.

If those seeds can be introduced into the stratosphere, he said, some of the water vapor would condense into ice and fall, thereby removing excess water vapor and dehydrating (at least partially) the stratosphere.

The study suggests this strategy could plausibly work after overcoming several technical barriers. Schwarz says that right now, "we don't have a plan or the technology to do this."

Will it counteract the effects of carbon dioxide (CO2)?

"No," said Schwarz, adding that it would only cool the atmosphere one-seventieth as much as CO2 is warming it. It would only be "a very small shift in the other direction." :roll_eyes:

He said that CO2 remains a huge problem in Earth's atmosphere and that this method would only have a small impact compared with that of CO2

Some scientists are skeptical

"I have to be very skeptical," said Kevin Trenberth, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. "Focusing on dehumidifying the stratosphere by itself makes no sense to me."

Michael Mann, a meteorologist at the University of Pennsylvania, said that "in this case, the authors concede a large number of caveats, one of the most critical being the potentially limited lifetime of the effect. Like many of the proposed inventions, it would have to be done regularly to keep up the offsetting cooling effect, and meanwhile the CO2 that is accumulating in the atmosphere is there for the long term."

Weather extremes, as well as drought, wildfire, flooding and diminished air quality, will increase in frequency and intensity in North America as global warming accelerates, according to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Kemerkoy Thermal Power Plant with a blaze from a wildfire approaching in the background, in Milas, Mugla, Turkey, Aug. 3, 2021. A panel of scientists convened by the UN has published a report on the impacts of climate change on the planet, including on the natural world and human civilization.



:airplane: WE ARE AT WAR WITH THE 4th REICH :skull_and_crossbones: ZIONAZI KABALLAH AGAIN :+1: 337 PM 2.12.22

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Clean up Sky 1 aisle 2 please

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