Trump Assassination Attempt Details and Analysis

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Well done Prisoner, your channel is doing well on Brighteon.

Is it? I guess so. It's a small pond but I like it over there.

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Re (from The Prisoner): Trump is such a hardcore Zionist he is the one the Globalists want in power when it all kicks into high gear in the Middle East and the US gets directly involved in Israel IMHO. I just don't see why they would want to take him out at this stage, though I am aware of the Zionism v Communism factions of the NWO. Also with the western economies in free fall it would make sense to have a "right-winger" in charge at the time of collapse so the NWO can introduce world wide communism, and blame the failure on capitalism.

Agreed. Trump was also the figure-head credited with the moving of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which means any attack on Jerusalem would green-light a U.S. military response.


The impact energy that a bullet delivers to the body is much greater than most are aware of, particularly after watching decades of dramatic movies, where people are routinely shot and still manage to carry on as if nothing happened.

Years ago, a mule deer buck was shot with a .30 caliber (7.62mm) rifle at several hundreds yards by another hunter. The deer dropped immediately, although there was no visible gsw. It was only after skinning the deer that a small groove, roughly 1/8" (~3mm) deep by about 1 1/2" long (~40mm) was found at the top of the skull.

This grazing shot delivered enough impact energy to easily kill a 200+ lb. animal.

It's understood that the media keeps telling us the shot which produced the alleged ear wound on Trump was from "an AR-15 style rifle", which is a 0.223 caliber (5.56mm) round. But even a smaller round, which travels at higher velocity, can deliver the same amount of impact energy as a larger round. The velocity component of the kinetic energy of the bullet is squared, whereas the mass is not.

The reason for sharing this is to illustrate that even a grazing shot to the head would be expected to produce some level of disorientation. But in this case, it not only didn't dizzy Trump, but he was able to turn it into an iconic photo-op which will likely catapult his ratings, particularly against dementia Joe.

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Trump gunman: An ‘outcast’ who wasn’t let on school rifle team because he was ‘a bad shooter’

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Don't discount Trump and the Israel connection, he is a hardore zionist, and surrounds himself with Jews. He will probably make initial peace in Ukraine, only to focus more on the Middle East. That's what I think anyway. I went off Trump when he fell for the false flag gas attack in Syria, don't forget he also had General Soleimani assasinated too, who benefitted from this - Israel.

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i believe that ANTIFA, the Demoncrats, Deep State, the RINOs, the Evangelical Satanic Christian Zionists, and Israhell are all in bed together for the depopulation of billions. Israhell has allowed America to exist to fund their every evil, and American taxpayers don't DO anything to change the system. They just keep funding their own destruction. It is believed that their ultimate goal is the Satanic sodomite Communist (counterfeit) Jew World Order that undermines ANYTHING that gives ANY credence to God our Father who art in Heaven. These Satanists believe that they are God, which is the highest form of blasphemy.

When one understands that the USA is a captured state (since the assassination of JFK) of the Zionist state of Israhell, one will clearly see that both sides of the isle, (Demoncrat and Republican) are both wings of the same bird. They just use different people to push different agendas moving the ball forward for the Satanists using deception and lies to fool the sleeple (vote for the lesser of 2 evils). People have departed VERY far from the Truth found in the Bible, and The Lord's Teachings, which is why people are so easily befuddled.

Biden has served his purpose. The Demoncrats don't need him anymore and are ready to move to the next agenda. It is believed that Trump, being purely Zionist, will move Israhells agenda forward as a "war-time" president, much like Hitler did for the Zionists during WWII.

You continued:
"...I just don't see why they would want to take him out at this stage, though I am aware of the Zionism v Communism factions of the NWO..."

GTMH: While i am not on their privy mailing list, connecting the dots is apparent when one studies the enemy and what they value (their goals). Zionism is an arm of Communism. There is no "verses" here. They work together for one goal. Global domination which can be best en-FORCED through brutal tyrannical power. Murder is their favorite weapon.
Zionist Bankers Funded the Nazis

The Satanist (Rothschilds Banksters) literally created a state for these days - Zionist Israhell.

The Prisoner: "...Also with the western economies in free fall it would make sense to have a "right-winger" in charge at the time of collapse so the NWO can introduce world wide communism, and blame the failure on capitalism..."

The debt bubble that THEY created (fractional bankster system of theft) has to burst someday. They control everything regarding money and war. It is believed that they NEED total capitulation of Americans. in order to take down America.

Biden was an internal cancer that literally is gutting America with the Ukraine War, and the influx of illegals (who are mostly Catholics, which is Satanism by a different name). By giving people (Christians) hope in a representative (Trump) that at least says the name of God, they feel empowered. They are putting their faith in a false god and are facilitating their own demise, BY CONSENT (which is very important to Father).

Trump proved with operation Warp Speed, and leaving the people that facilitated this crime against God and man in power, that he's bought and paid for by the Satanists. The people he surrounded himself with (Satanic Neocons) the last time around, who ultimately carried the Satanic JWO agenda forward, is another example of who he's loyal to. Sheldon Adelson's (now deceased) wife is willing to give Trump millions for the next election IF he supports Israhell's genocide in Gaza. Will Trump cash her checks?

Yes, the US govt is completely rotten to the core at ALL levels. There are a couple rays of light, but they either get chewed up and spit out of their political seats or get suicided.

Could this whole thing have been staged and is a hoax? Very possibly. The Satanists win whether the sniper was successful or not.

Why didn't the SS take out the sniper before the shots were fired and this whole incident took place.
Why was the SS in plane sight and on camera with a gun on target and didn't pull the trigger when he could have?
Are there traitors in the SS?
Were they waiting for the crime to be committed first?
Many questions will never get answered truthfully, or will be lost in the haystack of speculation.

Trump obviously made a pitch to the audience, after the ear incident, when he raise his fist in the air and told the people to FIGHT 3 times. Yes, we each individually need to fight the evil within, and listen to Father there after. The reality is that Trump is the one who needs to change the system, with the Help of Father. JFK got assassinated for opposing the Zionists. Is Trump about to do the same (turn on Israhell)? We all have until the last day.
Time will tell.

The bottom line is that Christ The Lord is here now, and nobody wants to believe that it is true. He asked 2000 years ago if, when He returned, will He find faith (trust in Him) left on the Earth?
It doesn't look good.
The Fire is so close...


I don't disagree with what you say.



Interesting splatter of blood on his face. Look at the similarities in these images:



IT DOESN'T ADD UP | Trump Assassination Attempt Analysis

Maybe Donald thought it was wise to show people he was ok in case he could have been got at in the car.

[Sharing a little laughter should be in accordance with the forum guidelines, so I hope.]

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Looking for a reason to trust Trump. His latest pick for VP is not helping the search:

Globalist Peter Thiel's business partner J. D. Vance is Trump's running mate. What a few days for Trump: The shooting, financial and promotional support from Elon Musk and other billionaires, the dropping of criminal charges over classified documents today, and the Republican nomination convention, two days after the shooting, at which he has made J. D. Vance his potential vice-president.
Vance is the business associate of billionaire Peter Thiel who serves on the Steering Committee of the globalist Bilderberg Group and is the founder of Palantir which provides surveillance and other tech for the Pentagon and intelligence networks. Thiel and Vance also invest in Rumble and fund the Roman Catholic Hallow 'prayer app' promoted by people like Russell Brand. Thiel was on Trump's Transition team after he won the election in 2016.

Trump picks Ohio Sen. JD Vance for vice president

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