The Force of Love

Thomas 13:8 Jesus said: I am the Light that is above them all, I am the All, the All came forth from Me and the All attained to Me (John 1:1-5). Cleave a piece of wood, I am there; lift up the stone and you will find Me there (“The Force” of God’s Love can be felt everywhere, “You must feel The Force around you, within you, between you, me, the rock, the tree, everywhere! Even between the land and the ship.” – please read the “Starwars – fact not fiction” booklet).

The Gospel of Thomas Explained

Excerpt from TWh: 1:6 Prince Michael, God’s eldest son; known by many names here on Earth, one of which is
Jesus/Saviour, Commander-in-Chief of the JEDI Knights, who have been the guardians of the
heavens for zillions of years; fought with his knights, using the “Light” and “The Force”, which is
the force of love. God, Who is pure love and the source and controller of His “Force”; love, the
greatest force in creation; defeated Lucifer and his followers, some of whom were misled, by lies,
into fighting against God.

3:14 You can ALWAYS win against injustice, with enough faith, as long as you talk to God, follow
His orders and have 100% faith, because He will be with you, every step of the way. That does NOT
mean that it will be easy, but then no-one said that life in prison would be easy. You will have to
fight, every step of the way, but, with 100% faith, you can use “The Force”, to overcome ALL
obstacles. When you are doing God’s Will for you, the ENTIRE world can not stop you from

3:17 Don’t fight for selfish-reasons, and stay calm, because your human emotions (fear; anger;
aggression, etc.) will cloud your judgement, and block God’s messages and “The Force”, and you
will lose (“The Force” can only be used for knowledge and defence, not for aggressive physical
attack). You will lose, because Satan will use your anger and aggression against you, by causing you
to say things, that you do not really mean, to people who may have helped you, if you had not
insulted and alienated them, with your anger and aggression.

3:19 If you fight with human emotions, you will block-out “The Force”, and then Satan can side-
track you, lead you off in another direction, and keep you bogged-down, arguing with someone who
could probably have helped, and speeded you on your way.

3:27 It may be simple, but it is not easy. You have to PROVE yourself, and fight for your right to go
home, against all odds; but with 100% faith, “The Force” will be with you, always, to protect you
every step of the way, provided that you do not LOSE your faith, in His protection.

3:90 Ask Him privately, with thoughts, not words, and listen for His reply in your mind. Also ask
Him to revitalize your Holy-Spirit, and reinforce it. Ask Him to come inside you, and give you the
strength, to be able to do His Will and overcome Satan, by teaching you how to use “The Force”.

3:152 NEVER under-estimate the POWER of “The FORCE” of spiritual (Divine) love. It is the
greatest and most powerful force, in the whole of creation.
3:153 It is also important, to understand the use of “The Force” of love, in respect of health.

6:34 The ability to destroy a planet (nuclear-weapons) is insignificant, compared to the power of “The

8:82 Jesus also taught about the laws of Karma, with what he said to all the blind, crippled or sick
people that he healed, using “The Force”. He said that because of their faith, right then, at that moment
in time, their sins were forgiven them, and to GO AND SIN NO MORE. This was NOT referring to
the sins of the present-lifetime that they were living. They had been very sinful; evil; arrogant and
selfish, in their previous-lifetime, and so they had been locked-inside bodies that were born crippled,
or blind, etc., to punish them for the evil, and harm, that they had done to others, in their previous-
lifetime (John 9:2). Being blind, or crippled, etc., would not only punish them, but also teach them
HUMILITY, being now dependent upon the charity of other people; perhaps even the same people
they had hurt - ironic? - Divine Justice.

8:90 Jesus used “The Force” to work the miracles in the New Covenant. When you have “blind faith”;
which does not really mean blind, it means 100% (total) faith in God, with your eyes (human and
spiritual) WIDE-open, to all the angles from which Satan can use people to attack you; you can then
become a channel for “The Force”. If you do not have blind faith, you block the channel, and “The
Force” can neither flow through you, nor into you, to heal you.
8:91 “The Force” came from God and flowed through Jesus, and he directed it, into the people who
had unblocked-channels (blind faith), and “The Force” cured them. God, through Jesus, ONLY cured
the people who had total faith that Jesus was His Son incarnated, and that he could cure them.
8:92 Your (100%) faith (in God’s power and in me) has made you whole, and your sins (from your
previous-lifetime, which caused you to be blind; crippled or sick, as a punishment in this lifetime) are
forgiven you. Go and sin no more (John 9:2).
Are YOUR channels unblocked yet?

8:94 Samson used “The Force” to pull down the heathen temple; David’s stone was guided by “The
Force” to kill Goliath; “The Force” parted the Red Sea; etc.; etc.; etc
8:91 “The Force” came from God and flowed through Jesus, and he directed it, into the people who
had unblocked-channels (blind faith), and “The Force” cured them. God, through Jesus, ONLY cured
the people who had total faith that Jesus was His Son incarnated, and that he could cure them.

10:22 On the Last-Day, everyone shall be known by his mark (Sura 7:46), just as in John’s
Revelation 14:9-11, and shall be judged according to his mark. Those who wear the mark of God, in
their foreheads, i.e. communicating telepathically with Him, keeping the COMMANDMENTS, and
also DOING His Will - blind faith and using the eyes of their soul (3rd. eye), and “The Force” –
shall survive, and those who wear the mark of Satan, in their hands, i.e. money and worldly
treasures, shall die in “The Fire”.

12:9 Christ would have to do everything the hard way, just to prove to people, that, with ENOUGH
FAITH, it CAN be done, by following God’s orders, using “The Force”, in Satan’s territory, and
show that, one man can move a MOUNTAIN of evil, anywhere in the world, WITHOUT being
able to walk on water.

Films “Starwars” - George Lucas - How to learn to become a Jedi Knight, and
learn CONTROL over the human “Self”, so that you can use “The Force”,
to overcome evil.

12:97 Unfortunately, most of the best policemen eventually resign from the police-force (human
government-POLICy-Enforcers), because they do not agree with police attitudes, and methods,
having joined the force to HELP people, NOT persecute them. The even sadder result of this, is,
that, by leaving; instead of fighting to change their colleagues’ attitudes; they are helping to make the
situation worse.

13:22 Become one of my gentle, but DETERMINED, soldiers (Jedi Knights); learn The Ways of
“The Force”, and help me to put the world right.

13:29 The ENTIRE world can not stand against you, when you are DOING GOD’s Will for you,
wearing His Armour and using “The Force”.

13:36 Arthur pulled the Sword from the Stone, to become king of England, when he was just a weak,
humble boy, after all the bravest, and strongest knights in the land, had failed. He didn’t use his own
boyish strength, to pull the Sword from the Stone, God gave him “The Force”, because he had the
right qualities, to teach the others. So He gave him the “magic” Sword, and the friendship of Merlin,
the wise old magician. King Arthur taught humility; honour and equality, and built a round table,
so that everyone was equal, and there was no head of the table. There being no head to the table,
meant that there was no position of special merit, and that the knights were all equal. He united all
the warring knights, into one brotherhood, and brought peace to England, as God had planned.

13:55 If you open your spiritual-eyes, and see things as they REALLY are, through “The Force”,
you will see many things - the past; the present; the future; old friends (God’s Prophets), long gone.
13:56 At first, you will start to make sense of things that happened in the PAST, and, as you
progress, if you progress, you will eventually come more and more up-to-date, until you will
eventually start to make sense of your life, as things are happening (the PRESENT).
13:57 Once you have achieved that state of awareness, you will start to see the FUTURE, and you
will see old friends, that you mistakenly thought were long gone. You will realize that they are not
dead, and that they are still alive, but in a different form, and you will feel no separation from them,
through “The Force”.

Learning 'The Way home or face The Fire'