Another good Gript Media article:
NIAMH UÍ BHRIAIN: Media’s reporting on anti-lockdown rally damages their own credibility 
The media’s reporting on the anti-lockdown rally was damaging to their own credibility in three ways:
1) People could see they were untruthful about the size of the crowd
The video from Jim Corr already has a million views. It was easy for people to see that the media weren’t being truthful...
2) The speakers at the Rally weren’t interviewed, but they were attacked and their jobs targeted.
Normally when a large public event occurs it’s the job of news reporters to report the news: what was the rally about, who spoke, what did they say – and, often but not always, to look for an opposite view to balance the report. That didn’t happen on Saturday. Instead we read that there were clashes at a rally…
The media mostly confined itself to calling people at the rally ‘far-right’… despite a notable lack of any evidence that this was, in fact, the case.
While many people might disagree with what speakers like Prof Dolores Cahill, Dr Marcus de Brún, and barrister Úna McGurk have to say, they are medically and legally qualified, and have a right to put forward a contrarian opinion.
3) Much of the reporting concentrated on ‘scuffles’ without saying the aggressors were those opposing the rally.
The reporting would lead to the casual reader assuming that there had been some sort of fistfight between those attending the rally and those protesting it, with the implication that both sides were equally to blame.
In fact, as the Gardai have now confirmed, it was the left-wing counter-protesters who had planned a “group attack” and who came “armed with sticks or batons” and wearing “black caps and scarves covering their faces, as well as PPE-type latex gloves”.
The media in Ireland, as in the rest of the world, is in serious trouble, and platforms like RTÉ are really only surviving because of massive funding from the taxpayer.
Another example of LIARS – the Socialist Party – telling the same lies. Know them by their fruit: