It's almost Halloween 2022 - And Yep - It's still evil and satanic.
If you look up the origins of Halloween, most pin it on druids (incorrectly). While Halloween is popular in The Isles, it was pagans and their leaders who practiced it, not the true druids.
Surprisely, in this video, a so-called priest discloses a Catholic Connection:
And unsurprisingly, this so-called priest says children dressing up in customs is innocent.
Another blind leader and false prophet leading Christians astray.
Halloween is not an innocent celebration. It is Satan's recognized holiday of Halloween.
The pope follows and encourages others to follow the "TRADITIONS of men" that Christ himself CONDEMNS and it is written in Mark 7 v 9 and Matt. 15 v 1-9. "By your TRADITIONS you make the COMMANDments of God of NO effect ." DARTH VADER by JAH
Christ warned us about following traditions of men.
And parents who still teach their children Halloween rituals saying, it's just a tradition and the children like it, convince themselves they are doing anything wrong because it's been passed down. They convince themselves it's innocent.
How could anyone think dressing up like witches, warlocks, devils, whores and the like think this is portraying goodness. Father says witches will not make it into heaven. Seems like the best action would be to avoid having the appearance as one. Please father, not your elders and false beliefs.
There's even the thing that to dress up in evil customs, dispells evil - that's what is was originally for - to scare evil. THAT'S INSANITY. Evil is having a party. And superstitions are also evil
TWHOFTF 6:3 God told Abraham to leave his people, so he did; and he renounced his nationality, and his people’s religion, idolatry and superstitions, and he became an adopted “child of God”, and a true believer. He separated himself COMPLETELY from them, to live apart with God, doing God’s Will and learning to be good.
Satan and his followers hold in their possession all men, but freedom from bondage comes to all who follow in the footsteps of Christ, the first-fruit of resurrection from the grave of superstition and the death of ignorance (of the Truth). Book of Luke K of K.
Solomon 14:16. Thus in process of time an unGodly custom, grown strong, was kept as a law, and graven images were worshipped by the commandments of kings.
14:17. Whom men could not honour in presence, because they dwelt far off, so, imagining his likeness from afar, they made a visible image of a king whom they honoured, to the end that by this their forwardness they might flatter him that was absent, as if he were present.
14:18. Also the ambition of the artist did help to urge forward the ignorant to more superstition (Ex. 20:4-5, Deut. 5:8-9).
Costumes are not as innocent as they make them out to seem. They teach idol worship; identify with satanic symbols; and even encourages cross-dressing, which is against The Law.
The official website for the Church of Satan states on their FAQ page that Halloween is a time when the masses “reach down inside and touch the ‘darkness’ which for [us] Satanists is a daily mode of existence,” as they may freely “indulge their fantasies by donning costumes that allow for intense role-playing and the release of their demonic core.”
Halloween just reminds us that is a chocie between Good and Evil; and how one wants to be seen - and seen by the guardian angels recording our every thought, word and action,