Russian News

Breaking! 97 Countries Coming To Attend BRICS 2024 In Russia!


This guy? Sounds Legit

Others are reporting it as well. Maybe the legit (?) BorZZikkman will cover it.

And Putin’s new years speech did have some strange artifacts around the neck.

Looks like they need a few more gas powered vehicles to warm the place up :wink:

I changed my mind after posting this but forgot to delete it. That city is so far north that the mean temperature is 8 celcius so weather like that in June isn't out of the ordinary...

But interesting to see that attitude equating weather with climate that we see climate-change deniers demonstrate all too often....

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climate definition

"the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years."

Scholz is ‘rotten liverwurst’ – Medvedev

The German chancellor should “repent before the Ukrainians” for “dooming them to the slaughter,” the former ex-Russian president has insisted.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz must ask for forgiveness from Ukrainians for playing a role in plunging their country into misery and helping to revive Nazi ideology, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said.

The former president claimed that Ukraine has become “a kind of dominion directly controlled by the United States and NATO countries,” adding that Kiev is fully on the Western payroll and “is receiving all kinds of the most lethal weapons, despite the protests of its own people.”

Germany and other NATO members have claimed that the bloc faces the threat of a Russian invasion if Moscow prevails in its conflict with Ukraine. Speaking at a briefing with foreign media outlets on Wednesday in St. Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Western governments are stoking absurd fears to help maintain their global hegemony. “Someone has imagined that Russia wants to attack NATO,” he added. “Have you gone completely insane? Are you as thick as a plank? Who came up with this nonsense, this bulls**t?”

Germany approves plan for war

Berlin has developed new contingencies, including the imposition of a draft and government control of food distribution.



:exclamation:The stepson of the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Syrsky, Ivan, announced his readiness to join the Russian army after receiving Russian citizenship. RG writes about this , citing the @AussieCossack Telegram channel .

Ivan Syrsky, who currently lives in Australia, spent his entire childhood in the military town of Bashkirovka in the Kharkov region. He said that he would like to see the liberation of Kharkov, since he knows about the advancement of the Russian Armed Forces in this direction.

Ivan noted that he is ready to enter into a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense after receiving Russian citizenship.


Russian UN Ambassador: West Responsible for Bloodshed if Putin’s Peace Proposal Is Rejected

by tts-admin | Jun 16, 2024 |

Sededin Dedovic – Financial World June 15, 2024

The West and the Kyiv authorities will bear political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed if they reject Russia’s proposal to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, said Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya.

“If the West and Kyiv reject this peace proposal, the moral and political responsibility for the continuation of the bloodshed will be on them,” he said at a UN Security Council session on Ukraine convened at Russia’s request, following decisions by some Western states to allow Kyiv to target Russian territory with foreign weapons.

He added that if Kyiv rejects the current proposal, the conditions for starting negotiations in the future will be different. Recall that Russian President Vladimir Putin presented a new proposal to Kyiv and the West yesterday for ending the conflict in Ukraine, which was rejected by Volodymyr Zelensky.

Nebenzya pointed out that Kyiv and its sponsors are demonstratively ignoring peace efforts to resolve the conflict and refuse to consider them. He said that Russia urges countries, whose leadership has a commonsense approach, not to trust the deceptive calls for a meeting on Ukraine in Switzerland.

Addressing the Security Council members, Nebenzya stated that Russia would respond to all the crimes committed by Kyiv, in which the West is also involved. “Western soldiers are practically manually operating the deployment of high-precision weapons in Ukraine, whether it’s British ‘Storm Shadow’ missiles, American ‘ATACMS’, or French ones, because Ukrainians cannot do it on their own,” Nebenzya added

Putin Demands Recognition of Occupied Territories and Assurance Ukraine Won’t Join NATO

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated yesterday that Ukraine must withdraw its troops from the entire territory of the new Russian regions for peace negotiations to begin.




The crisis related to Ukraine is not a conflict between two States. Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at the Russian Foreign Ministry about the crisis around Ukraine and about the creation of a new world order.